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Former Member


Jagdeo is now not afraid to tell anyone.....

he had no problem with Moses or Khemraj......

he wanted to include Moses in his Cabinet ......

but was pressured by Janet and Ramkarran to keep him out.


As far as Jagdeo is concerned every effort must be

 to correct the mistakes and bring the Party back to full strenght.



Jagdeo is making it clear....

he is against the secret Talks going on between the PPP and PNC......

he feels that is going down the wrong road.


Jagdeo is making the point .....

The PPP campaigned with Moses on the  Platform

and won every election......

and majority in parliament.....


The Poom Poom and Crooks who dont want want Moses...


Campaigned without Moses on the PPP Platform...

and Lost the majority.....comming up with 48%....

Lost Control of the Parliament......

De FAT CATS LOST...........



So go ahead and


Blame Jagdeo fuh Thiefing,


Giving eee friends Millions,

Employing PNC Thugs, Gangsters, Rapist & Killers,

Puting out eee wife,

Fake Wedding,

Unmanly back-balling






But dont Blame him fuh Loosing Power and Control....

or being reduced to a Minority Incompetent Govt.





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Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The Rev admires your style! Keep up the good work. Excellent lead post---very informative. Looks like stormy is jealous---all that blabbermouth can do is rant and rave.


Once again, excellent work jalil bai.




Rev this is not about style.....

this is the former President telling off the Central Committee that.....

"dont blame Bharat for the position the PPP  in Today"

Bharat sey......

"Aya seh Moses na Important....

eee cant deliver like aya.....

Look at all aya.....a bunch of loosers...

All aya would still be struggleing if wasn't fuh Jagdeo...

Jagdeo give aya....

Job, Good Pay, Perks,Benefits, House and overseas trips...

and aya thief too.....

and all aya now want blame Jagdeo.....

and aya want run de country

all aya got skeleton hiding....

Gail Sleeping with anyone including PNC,

Nandalall Wasting De Court Time,

De Duck forget I give eee Daughter and Son

Jobs with nuff pay that them never qualify for...

the only thing aya deliver....

is Defeat .....A 48% minority in Parliament....

and de writing on the wall"

Last edited by Former Member
Charging the government boat captain is better...
Moses V. Nagamootoo10:55am Jan 25

Charging the government boat captain is better than cover up, attempts of which we saw when AFC visited with the Pomeroon river tragedy.

The Chairman would face political sanction as he has become a PPP liability.

This tragedy is on the mind of all Essequibians and points to callousness Of uncaring officials.





Jagdeo tell the Central Committee.....

All alya is a pack of loosers, and Corrupt Crooks

Only Moses can get alya out of

this $hit-water yuh find yuhself in....



Jagdeo seh ...."Thank god fuh Burnham"

The PNC constitution can keep me out of Jail....

But all you'll loosers must get lockup....

Aya too Stupid.....


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