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Jagdeo increased his own salary approx 500% in 5 years

- leaves Opposition Leader naked before the nation

Ever since the Coalition Government was elected to office the Hon. Opposition Leader has been launching a relentless attack on Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, a man with whom he worked and whose advice he sought when he (Jagdeo) was Minister of Finance.
Minister Jordan has been treating him with kid's gloves and had been reluctant to respond in full measure, perhaps this was as a result of a genuine feeling of camaraderie for an old colleague.
Today, in his Budget 2017 debate presentation Mr. Jagdeo once again went after Minister Jordan.
In wrapping up the debate, Minister Jordan was lethal and ruthless in his rebuttal.
He laid the facts before the nation. Minister Jordan said that based on Mr. Jagdeo's record, he found it laughable that Mr. Jagdeo was setting himself up as a champion of poor people.
Minister Jordan made the explosive revelation that Mr. Jagdeo, while President of Guyana, in five years (between 2006 and 2011) increased his own salary by 500%. Mr. Jagdeo increased his own salary from $223,783 to $1,304,503.
Minister Jordan also recalled that during this five year period the minimum wage was increased by a paltry 37%.
Mr. Jagdeo is now shedding crocodile tears pretending to be a champion for the cause of poor people.
Mr. Jordan revealed much more which underscores the duplicity of the Hon. Opposition Leader. Stay tuned.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Granger increased it by 10.7%. Ramotar also increased it when he came to power. How do you justify 100% increases every year for 5 years?

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Granger increased it by 10.7%. Ramotar also increased it when he came to power. How do you justify 100% increases every year for 5 years?

That was not my question.  Let's say the PPP was over the top, wasteful lived too large on the tax payers' backs.  Now that your "pristine" PNC with their "godly" personalities took power, why don't they roll back and come in line with what they believe to be reasonable for Guyana?

You people are a bunch of hypocrites, you cuss the PPP while your hapless PNC doing worse or the same and they have done NOTHING positive for Guyana since May 2015!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo was President for 11 years in a growing economy.  Granger gave himself and his ministers a salary increase even before any of them got any work done.  And now they are producing a failing economy.

That's an alien concept to these hapless PNC clowns!  They will soon create wealth by printing paper just like Mugabe!

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Granger increased it by 10.7%. Ramotar also increased it when he came to power. How do you justify 100% increases every year for 5 years?

That was not my question.  Let's say the PPP was over the top, wasteful lived too large on the tax payers' backs.  Now that your "pristine" PNC with their "godly" personalities took power, why don't they roll back and come in line with what they believe to be reasonable for Guyana?

You people are a bunch of hypocrites, you cuss the PPP while your hapless PNC doing worse or the same and they have done NOTHING positive for Guyana since May 2015!

Look who talking about hypocrisy. Granger took 10.7% for himself and y'all cuss the man every day. Jagdeo shaft y'all with 100% raise for 5 years plus the raise in pension and y'all applaud him.

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jagdeo was President for 11 years in a growing economy.  Granger gave himself and his ministers a salary increase even before any of them got any work done.  And now they are producing a failing economy.

The economy is still growing despite all the lies you clowns come up with on a daily basis. Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.

Amral posted:

Do they release tax returns in Guyana for the public to see.  Cause as far as I can see there is too much bullshit being tossed around against both parties

If these politicians' taxes were made public, they would still insist that you shouldn't believe your lying eyes.

Take for instance, Harmon claimed that he showed the evidence of the missing USD5M to the cabinet, yet Moses who as Prime Minister is essentially head of the Cabinet was only recently stating that he will insist that Harmon show him the evidence. Politicians are by nature, crooked people. Only the low information group expect honesty from them. What people should expect from them is performance and right now, this government in Guyana has not produced and is moving backwards.

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

That was not my question.  Let's say the PPP was over the top, wasteful lived too large on the tax payers' backs.  Now that your "pristine" PNC with their "godly" personalities took power, why don't they roll back and come in line with what they believe to be reasonable for Guyana?

You people are a bunch of hypocrites, you cuss the PPP while your hapless PNC doing worse or the same and they have done NOTHING positive for Guyana since May 2015!

Look who talking about hypocrisy. Granger took 10.7% for himself and y'all cuss the man every day. Jagdeo shaft y'all with 100% raise for 5 years plus the raise in pension and y'all applaud him.

Banna, the hypocrisy is with you and your hapless PNC clowns.  In the end, Granger inherited a level of salary and chose to accept it and increase it an additional 10.7%, well above inflation or the GDP growth.  Therefore, Granger still believes the salary is below par or he would, at most, only accept a COLA adjustment!

Nehru posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

That was not my question.  Let's say the PPP was over the top, wasteful lived too large on the tax payers' backs.  Now that your "pristine" PNC with their "godly" personalities took power, why don't they roll back and come in line with what they believe to be reasonable for Guyana?

You people are a bunch of hypocrites, you cuss the PPP while your hapless PNC doing worse or the same and they have done NOTHING positive for Guyana since May 2015!

Look who talking about hypocrisy. Granger took 10.7% for himself and y'all cuss the man every day. Jagdeo shaft y'all with 100% raise for 5 years plus the raise in pension and y'all applaud him.

Banna, the hypocrisy is with you and your hapless PNC clowns.  In the end, Granger inherited a level of salary and chose to accept it and increase it an additional 10.7%, well above inflation or the GDP growth.  Therefore, Granger still believes the salary is below par or he would, at most, only accept a COLA adjustment!

Granger took a 10.7% raise for himself. Tell me which other president on this planet gave himself a 100% raise for 5 years straight. Don't you see something wrong with that?


So was GDP or inflation rising at more than 100% when Jagdeo gave himself raises. Where do you fools come up with this nonsense?

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.


Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

So we are  brothers cause Yuh Mama spawned me there!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Don't try to educate fools. The PNC even before doing any work on day one took 50% increase, they saw the thriving economic climate that the PPP left and a huge reserve, today the well is running dry.The bottom line Jagdeo made $1.3millions, today Grangar makes $1.8millions, Who is making more you fool.

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

So we are  brothers cause Yuh Mama spawned me there!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would commit suicide if I found out I was related to a piece of shit like you who was spawned at Gaumont.

kp posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And still that was not enough for old man Granger.  He further increased it to pay himself a whopping $40,000,000 annual salary.  

Don't you ever get tired of lying?

Granger's monthly salary was increased from $1,626,858 to $1,800,750, a mere 10.7% increase. It is nowhere near 40 million per year. Compare a 10.7% increase to Jagdeo giving himself a 100% increase every year for 5 years.


Question, if BJ took 500%, then why did Granger see it fit to further increase, regardless by what amount?  Why did he not freeze or cut back and expose the former prezzy as over the top?  No, he increased it for himself!

Don't try to educate fools. The PNC even before doing any work on day one took 50% increase, they saw the thriving economic climate that the PPP left and a huge reserve, today the well is running dry.The bottom line Jagdeo made $1.3millions, today Grangar makes $1.8millions, Who is making more you fool.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, the hypocrisy is with you and your hapless PNC clowns.  In the end, Granger inherited a level of salary and chose to accept it and increase it an additional 10.7%, well above inflation or the GDP growth.  Therefore, Granger still believes the salary is below par or he would, at most, only accept a COLA adjustment!

Granger took a 10.7% raise for himself. Tell me which other president on this planet gave himself a 100% raise for 5 years straight. Don't you see something wrong with that?

So was GDP or inflation rising at more than 100% when Jagdeo gave himself raises. Where do you fools come up with this nonsense?

You are missing the point, scratch what the PPP did.  Let's say you/PNC are correct and BJ/PPP overreached.  If this was the position, then why not correct, roll back or implement a hard freeze for a period?  Why does these hapless useless clowns chose to increase over and above the level inherited?

Banna, your PNC/AFC clowns are hypocritical and liars! 

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

So we are  brothers cause Yuh Mama spawned me there!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would commit suicide if I found out I was related to a piece of shit like you who was spawned at Gaumont.

Now that you prove the point, please don't commit suicide, somebody call911.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

So we are  brothers cause Yuh Mama spawned me there!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would commit suicide if I found out I was related to a piece of shit like you who was spawned at Gaumont.

A shameless HO like you would never do such a thing. A HO will always be one. You are nothing but a ass licking PIECE OF RAW SEWAGE and will always be one!!!

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.



Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Jagdeo did not remove the national debt. The countries we owed money to forgave the loans. What great economic initiatives did Jagdeo implement when he was president? Besides introducing cocaine trafficking as a new industry and bringing massive crime with it, I can't think of any. He left the sugar industry in tatters and the rest of the economy is right where it was 50 years ago.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

So we are  brothers cause Yuh Mama spawned me there!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would commit suicide if I found out I was related to a piece of shit like you who was spawned at Gaumont.

 A HO will always be one. 

Why you cussing your mamma for your stupidity this early morning? 

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

Dont ask FILTH HEADS DUMMIES such difficult questions. Come on Base, you want their heads to explode!

Says the resident lump of turd who was spawned at Gaumont.

So we are  brothers cause Yuh Mama spawned me there!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would commit suicide if I found out I was related to a piece of shit like you who was spawned at Gaumont.

 A HO will always be one. 

Why you cussing your mamma for your stupidity this early morning? 

Is my money grow you and support you. My hard earned money done at Gaumont and your Family became successful and now you are an ungrateful BASTARD!!!

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.



Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Jagdeo did not remove the national debt. The countries we owed money to forgave the loans. What great economic initiatives did Jagdeo implement when he was president? Besides introducing cocaine trafficking as a new industry and bringing massive crime with it, I can't think of any. He left the sugar industry in tatters and the rest of the economy is right where it was 50 years ago.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Who is "we owed"????   You mean the debt that the PNC racked up???  Jagdeo went from country to country and begged like a dawg to get them to forgive these PNc debts.  It took him 11 years to dig Guyana out of the hole!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:

Banna, the hypocrisy is with you and your hapless PNC clowns.  In the end, Granger inherited a level of salary and chose to accept it and increase it an additional 10.7%, well above inflation or the GDP growth.  Therefore, Granger still believes the salary is below par or he would, at most, only accept a COLA adjustment!

Granger took a 10.7% raise for himself. Tell me which other president on this planet gave himself a 100% raise for 5 years straight. Don't you see something wrong with that?

So was GDP or inflation rising at more than 100% when Jagdeo gave himself raises. Where do you fools come up with this nonsense?

You are missing the point, scratch what the PPP did.  Let's say you/PNC are correct and BJ/PPP overreached.  If this was the position, then why not correct, roll back or implement a hard freeze for a period?  Why does these hapless useless clowns chose to increase over and above the level inherited?

Banna, your PNC/AFC clowns are hypocritical and liars! 

For the same reason that the PPP did not return salary increases that they cried months about. They vowed to return every penny of the salary increase for MP's. They haven't given back a cent to this day.

BJ did overreach and by a lot. 500% increase in 5 years and a massive increase in pension. I would describe that as an overreach.

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.



Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Jagdeo did not remove the national debt. The countries we owed money to forgave the loans. What great economic initiatives did Jagdeo implement when he was president? Besides introducing cocaine trafficking as a new industry and bringing massive crime with it, I can't think of any. He left the sugar industry in tatters and the rest of the economy is right where it was 50 years ago.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Who is "we owed"????   You mean the debt that the PNC racked up???  Jagdeo went from country to country and begged like a dawg to get them to forgive these PNc debts.  It took him 11 years to dig Guyana out of the hole!

Yes, he did beg like a dawg. That's my point. He didn't do anything special to wipe away the debt.

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.



Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Jagdeo did not remove the national debt. The countries we owed money to forgave the loans. What great economic initiatives did Jagdeo implement when he was president? Besides introducing cocaine trafficking as a new industry and bringing massive crime with it, I can't think of any. He left the sugar industry in tatters and the rest of the economy is right where it was 50 years ago.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Result: National debt = 0. Jagdeo was very active in pursuing the removal of that debt which was accumulated during the 1st PNC era. Note that I purposefully used the word 'remove'.

The rest of your comment is baseless conjecture. I know many ordinary Guyanese who became wealthy during the 1992 - 2011 era and they did so trading in durable goods and consumables. That trend would have continued had the Coalition Opposition from 2011 not sabotaged all of Ramotar's initiatives.

Your 10.7% singing is only satisfying to you because it is actually 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary being 583% of his own 2006 salary. This is inspite of the Coalition government promising the Guyanese people that if they vote for them, they will correct the "misgivings" of the PPP government. To correct something means to place it at a level less than it currently is.


Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.



Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Jagdeo did not remove the national debt. The countries we owed money to forgave the loans. What great economic initiatives did Jagdeo implement when he was president? Besides introducing cocaine trafficking as a new industry and bringing massive crime with it, I can't think of any. He left the sugar industry in tatters and the rest of the economy is right where it was 50 years ago.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Who is "we owed"????   You mean the debt that the PNC racked up???  Jagdeo went from country to country and begged like a dawg to get them to forgive these PNc debts.  It took him 11 years to dig Guyana out of the hole!

Yes, he did beg like a dawg. That's my point. He didn't do anything special to wipe away the debt.

Hahaha.  Boi you desperado!  Y'all lucky he bowed his head to all those countries and dug Guyana out.  But watch out.  He will have to do that again in 2020.  PNC Part 2 is going to outdo PNC Part 1.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Granger gave himself a salary increase of 10.7%.

Which president on this planet gives himself a 100% salary increase every year for 5 years and y'all see nothing wrong with that.


Granger' 2016 salary is 727% what Jagdeo's was in 2006 compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary which was 583% what it was in 2006. This came over a period of 5 years where Jagdeo grew the economy, removed the national debt and saw a broad base improvement in Guyanese wealth and standard of living. On the other hand, Granger's 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary came in less than one year which saw the Guyanese economy contract as well as a drop in investment and producers confidence. Not much if any defense for Granger here. Too much time (one whole year) was spent on planning then poorly executing the 50 anniversary celebrations.

Jagdeo did not remove the national debt. The countries we owed money to forgave the loans. What great economic initiatives did Jagdeo implement when he was president? Besides introducing cocaine trafficking as a new industry and bringing massive crime with it, I can't think of any. He left the sugar industry in tatters and the rest of the economy is right where it was 50 years ago.

Granger took a 10.7% raise. Jagdeo raised his salary 100% for 5 years straight plus increased his pension astronomically. Which other president on this planet would do that?

Result: National debt = 0. Jagdeo was very active in pursuing the removal of that debt which was accumulated during the 1st PNC era. Note that I purposefully used the word 'remove'.

The rest of your comment is baseless conjecture. I know many ordinary Guyanese who became wealthy during the 1992 - 2011 era and they did so trading in durable goods and consumables. That trend would have continued had the Coalition Opposition from 2011 not sabotaged all of Ramotar's initiatives.

Your 10.7% singing is only satisfying to you because it is actually 727% of Jagdeo's 2006 salary compared to Jagdeo's 2011 salary being 583% of his own 2006 salary. This is inspite of the Coalition government promising the Guyanese people that if they vote for them, they will correct the "misgivings" of the PPP government. To correct something means to place it at a level less than it currently is.


All Jagdeo had to do was beg. There were initiatives by many rich nations to forgive the debt of poorer countries. It's not by some great economic initiative that the Guyana debt was removed.  

I know many Guyanese who became wealthy during Burnham's reign so what's your point. Guyanese politics is all about opposition non-cooperation with the government in power. It's not limited to any one party but you clowns are too blind to notice this.

Garnger is not the one who raised the president's salary to where it is today. Jagdeo gave himself a 500% increase over 5 years and also a massive raise in his pension. That is beyond greed. The PPP government promised to refuse every penny of the salary increase for MP's. How many pennies have they returned after crying for months about that issue?


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