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Dear Editor,

In ‘The PPP no longer represents the interests of its supporters’ (SN, Dec 28), Craig Sylvester unjustifiably slandered my name without offering any evidence to buttress his claims. I don’t know Mr Sylvester, and I never denigrated him.  I think he mistakes me for someone else.

Contrary to what he claimed, I am not now nor was ever a supporter of the PPP, much less “a boastful supporter”.

He charged I am involved in “misinformation, misrepresentations of the truth, and propaganda”, but he cited none, making the charge empty misleading words. And he simultaneously contradicts himself with “even if Bisram makes strong points … it is artfully done … ” Either my writings are misrepresentations or strong points on reforming the PPP. They can’t be both.

He also indicted me with being “a canvasser for the PPP and perpetuates the falsification of the glory of Jagdeo”. Here, as in the other charges, he offers no evidence on which to draw his absurd conclusion. I never canvassed for votes for the PPP and I never wrote any commentary praising Jagdeo’s leadership. On the contrary, I critiqued Mr Jagdeo’s comments and policies as well as the PPP’s neglect of constituents; hundreds of such commentaries appear in the mass media. It is not for me, an objective analyst, to praise or condemn or lobby PPP supporters on how to vote or whom to support.

I don’t know if Mr Sylvester visits the PPP belt or surveys their views. Contrary to what he believes, Mr Jagdeo is enormously popular, but that does not mean he would return as President or that the PPP would return to office. It is indisputable that Mr Jagdeo is the most popular political leader in Guyana, and the PPP is the most supported political entity in the country. In a free and fair election, Mr Jagdeo and/or the PPP would win a clear majority; the business community and even many PNC and AFC coalition supporters stated the PPP would win the next election because of the poor governance of the coalition.  However, as I penned repeatedly since June 2015, neither Mr Jagdeo nor the PPP is returning to office. The US, which giveth and taketh democracy in the Americas, will not allow it. There is ample evidence to substantiate this argument; just look at what happened in Honduras last month and a few years ago when the left-wing President upset US interests. The US is not comfortable with the current composition and policy positions of the PPP, and they would not allow the PPP to win an election in 2020 unless it is thoroughly reformed and/or led (even in an alliance) by someone the US finds acceptable, say in the form of a Ralph Ramkarran or Joe Singh or Ravi Dev or Ryhaan Shah or Chris Ram or Nigel Hughes or Nigel Hinds, or some other person of integrity.

I note that Mr Sylvester says he is offering himself as a representative of the interests of PPP supporters. That is a very kind gesture. Many have tried and failed in that endeavour. Breaking ethnic chains is more difficult than visiting the sun.  Mr Sylvester is reminded that Indians broke from the PPP in 2011 and 2015 and voted for the AFC and the coalition, but have been badly burnt. In light of that betrayal, it will be almost impossible to get them to trust another third party. But I wish him all the best, and I do believe Guyana needs a third party to act as a balance between the two behemoths.

Mr Sylvester also claims that coalition supporters are fed up with the PNC and AFC and willing to put aside race and vote for other parties. I don’t know how he came to that conclusion. That is not what I found. It is true that coalition supporters are disenchanted with their parties, but they are not switching to any other party. Mr Sylvester is reminded that in spite of its abuse of the nation between 1968 and 1992, the PNC retained its support. Nothing has changed since May 2015 to give credence to the belief that Africans will support another party.

Like Mr Sylvester, I too believe Guyana needs a credible alternative to break the racial logjam. But it will not come about by attacking me or condemning my suggestions to reform the PPP. Instead of attacking me, Mr Sylvester should canvass the ground to come up with practical ways to reform Guyana’s politics.

Yours faithfully,

Vishnu Bisram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The CRUX of the story!!


That is not what I found. It is true that coalition supporters are disenchanted with their parties, but they are not switching to any other party. Mr Sylvester is reminded that in spite of its abuse of the nation between 1968 and 1992, the PNC retained its support. Nothing has changed since May 2015 to give credence to the belief that Africans will support another party.


Unfortunately, he is correct. BJ and his anti-American clique played into the hands of the PNC when the took to busing down the ambassador and cozying up with America’s nemesis.  Look at how they were deposed, the USA will not just all the same clique in again, this time propped by oil revenue!

that Jagan doctrine still embedded in the heads of his followers, except now they are corrupt, he was not. 

The PPP has not learned one bit from history, and the people pay the price.  Jagdeo is popular in the beltway, but will not be enough.  Jagan was popular for decades to no avail!

Nehru posted:

The CRUX of the story!!


That is not what I found. It is true that coalition supporters are disenchanted with their parties, but they are not switching to any other party. Mr Sylvester is reminded that in spite of its abuse of the nation between 1968 and 1992, the PNC retained its support. Nothing has changed since May 2015 to give credence to the belief that Africans will support another party.

The crux of the matter is the Americans don’t want the current PPP cabal regardless what the people want.  The PPP needs a new leadership team with an unmistaken pro-US slant.  They don’t need to be in anyone’s pockets, but don’t be overtly anti-US.

 The US always kept the pro-PNC GDF as a hedge against PPP popularism.   Nothing has changed and the PNC knows that.  With big oil on play and an agitating Venezuela, the US will pick the PNC.  


The current government was not elected into government , but selected by ABC countries . 

PPP = Indians 

PNC = Blackman

PPP knew they have Indians on their side so why worry....millions were  spend developing Afro neighbourhood .. building dance hall among other things. 

Who remembers this location the GNCB bank around Stabroek mkt . In 2006 a proposal was given to PPP government to build a 25 floors multi shopping mall . Each floor is 25 thousand sq ft.

it requires relocating  all the pavements vendors and build a modernize bus park . The PPP could not move the Afro vendors cause it will be riot .

the same very Project is now getting attention from this current government . 

Politicians plays with the people . 



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Dave posted:

The current government was not elected into government , but selected by ABC countries . 

PPP = Indians 

PNC = Blackman

PPP knew they have Indians on their side so why worry....millions were  spend developing Afro neighbourhood .. building dance hall among other things. 

Who remembers this location the GNCB bank around Stabroek mkt . In 2006 a proposal was given to PPP government to build a 25 floors multi shopping mall . Each floor is 25 thousand sq ft.

it requires relocating  all the pavements vendors and build a modernize bus park . The PPP could not move the Afro vendors cause it will be riot .

the same very Project is now getting attention from this current government . 

Politicians plays with the people . 


It's refreshing to see this level of intelligence displayed on GNI.  What kind of a decent family and good values have you emerged from?  Few and far!

Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:

The current government was not elected into government , but selected by ABC countries . 

PPP = Indians 

PNC = Blackman

PPP knew they have Indians on their side so why worry....millions were  spend developing Afro neighbourhood .. building dance hall among other things. 

Who remembers this location the GNCB bank around Stabroek mkt . In 2006 a proposal was given to PPP government to build a 25 floors multi shopping mall . Each floor is 25 thousand sq ft.

it requires relocating  all the pavements vendors and build a modernize bus park . The PPP could not move the Afro vendors cause it will be riot .

the same very Project is now getting attention from this current government . 

Politicians plays with the people . 


Absolutely true. Amelia will also be back on the table.  The PPP was forced out by the US because they had become more anti American over the years.  History repeats itself. PPP repeats same mistakes!   Sad!

Nehru posted:

Anti American for speaking truth to Power?????????  Come on now, the FAT PIG was interfering in the affairs of a sovereign Guyana!!!

Bhai Nehru, mi know.  But tings don’t wuk like datt!!

Nehru posted:

I will forever stand on the side of righteousness!!!!!

Remember, there is more than one way to skin a cat 🐈!

first righteousness - preserve power.   Then we go from there!

Look where people are now!   

Nehru posted:

Well, I warned the FOOLS in the PPP. I even warned the Namakaram Crabdaag but he was, is and forever will be more interested in wealth and Power!!

That little cabal was just too arrogant.  Their heads were in the stratosphere interested in their own wealth and power, then they stepped in shit and got stuck. 

I always feared for the powerless.  They pay the price. I also pity the younger upcoming members of the PPP who are tainted my association.  They pay for the sins of the elitist class!


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