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Jagdeo is just posturing on the decriminalising of marijuana


Dear Editor,

As a Guyanese youth, I am both sickened and amused at the shameless duplicity of Bharrat Jagdeo and his hypocritical posturing of support for the decriminalising of marijuana. This is to date his cheapest shot at attempting to gain political mileage.

It is Alliance for Change’s member, Michael Carrington, who introduced the proposed Narcotics Drug and Psychotropic Substances (Control) (Amendment) Bill 2015, to the National Assembly, whose thunder Mr Jagdeo is attempting to steal.

It is commendable that Mr Jagdeo would see value in anything coming from the government side of the House. But it is instructive to note that from 1993, when he became a Member of Parliament and especially from 1999 to 2011 when he served as President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Mr Jagdeo was disinterested in the decriminalisation of marijuana. As recently as 2011, at the launch of Guyana’s activities to celebrate the United Nations-designated International Year of the People of African Descent, he told the gathering at the then International Conference Centre of mostly Rastafarians that the promise to legalise marijuana could not be assured.

Now, faced with declining support and battling the loss of trust of the PPP, Mr Jagdeo is reinventing himself as a supporter of the cause of the youth and also large portions of Guyanese of African descent, like, for instance, Rastafarians. Mr Jagdeo’s expression is nothing but an empty, noisy klaxon fishing for sympathy and votes.

Again on July 9th, 2011, Mr Jagdeo was quoted as saying that he thought the “marijuana business” would “outlive his presidency” and that there would be “no change in the law whilst I am here”. Truth be told, Jagdeo was never concerned about somebody who has a tiny bit of a marijuana cigarette, who gets sentenced to three years.

The youths of Guyana are not easily fooled by Mr Jagdeo’s attempt to steal the limelight from Mr Carrington and the AFC.

Yours faithfully,

Cynthia Rutherford

President Youths for Change

Alliance for Change

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Jagdeo has changed his position on marijuana


Dear Editor,

Now that Mr Jagdeo and his PPP comrades are in some kind of superficial support of legalizing marijuana, allow me to expose their hypocrisy on the issue.

In July, 2011 (not so long ago) Mr Jagdeo met with a group of Rastafarians, at the launch of the International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD), and boldly declared that this marijuana business would outlive his presidency; there would be no change in the law whilst he was there.

Interestingly, Mr Jagdeo at the very conference, declared, “I am a little concerned when the countries that lecture us on this issue … are busy legalizing marijuana on a ballot…”

Editor, for years, hundreds of Guyanese (mostly young people) have been jailed for small amounts of marijuana. And the numerous calls by a few of us activists, and members of the Guyana Rastafarian Council for the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana, fell on deaf ears during Mr Jagdeo’s reign.

Maybe he can explain his position now, other than scoring cheap political points.

Yours faithfully,

Mark A Benschop


Whilst they are legalising it in the US and Canada, Jagdeo is trying to prevent legal trade that can bring in good tax revenues. But of course Jagdeo is against ganja. His buddies are into cocaine, and they don't want competition.

Mr.T posted:

Whilst they are legalising it in the US and Canada, Jagdeo is trying to prevent legal trade that can bring in good tax revenues. But of course Jagdeo is against ganja. His buddies are into cocaine, and they don't want competition.

Hanna, you are a knucklehead.

Mars posted:

Jagdeo has changed his position on marijuana


Dear Editor,

Now that Mr Jagdeo and his PPP comrades are in some kind of superficial support of legalizing marijuana, allow me to expose their hypocrisy on the issue.

In July, 2011 (not so long ago) Mr Jagdeo met with a group of Rastafarians, at the launch of the International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD), and boldly declared that this marijuana business would outlive his presidency; there would be no change in the law whilst he was there.

Interestingly, Mr Jagdeo at the very conference, declared, “I am a little concerned when the countries that lecture us on this issue … are busy legalizing marijuana on a ballot…”

Editor, for years, hundreds of Guyanese (mostly young people) have been jailed for small amounts of marijuana. And the numerous calls by a few of us activists, and members of the Guyana Rastafarian Council for the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana, fell on deaf ears during Mr Jagdeo’s reign.

Maybe he can explain his position now, other than scoring cheap political points.

Yours faithfully,

Mark A Benschop

Mark needs to understand that this is what politicians do. Some people believe in the death penalty... that is... until they are educated to the fact that the death penalty is not a deterrence.

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

Jagdeo has changed his position on marijuana


Dear Editor,

Now that Mr Jagdeo and his PPP comrades are in some kind of superficial support of legalizing marijuana, allow me to expose their hypocrisy on the issue.

In July, 2011 (not so long ago) Mr Jagdeo met with a group of Rastafarians, at the launch of the International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD), and boldly declared that this marijuana business would outlive his presidency; there would be no change in the law whilst he was there.

Interestingly, Mr Jagdeo at the very conference, declared, “I am a little concerned when the countries that lecture us on this issue … are busy legalizing marijuana on a ballot…”

Editor, for years, hundreds of Guyanese (mostly young people) have been jailed for small amounts of marijuana. And the numerous calls by a few of us activists, and members of the Guyana Rastafarian Council for the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana, fell on deaf ears during Mr Jagdeo’s reign.

Maybe he can explain his position now, other than scoring cheap political points.

Yours faithfully,

Mark A Benschop

Mark needs to understand that this is what politicians do. Some people believe in the death penalty... that is... until they are educated to the fact that the death penalty is not a deterrence.

Notice it is ok when sleazy rass BJ said something then back peddle no one here screams but every fkin day the crybabies here bring up shit about what Moses..Granger and others said and back peddaled. This is as you said..what politicians do.

Mars posted:

Jagdeo is just posturing on the decriminalising of marijuana


Dear Editor,

As a Guyanese youth, I am both sickened and amused at the shameless duplicity of Bharrat Jagdeo and his hypocritical posturing of support for the decriminalising of marijuana. This is to date his cheapest shot at attempting to gain political mileage.

It is Alliance for Change’s member, Michael Carrington, who introduced the proposed Narcotics Drug and Psychotropic Substances (Control) (Amendment) Bill 2015, to the National Assembly, whose thunder Mr Jagdeo is attempting to steal.

It is commendable that Mr Jagdeo would see value in anything coming from the government side of the House. But it is instructive to note that from 1993, when he became a Member of Parliament and especially from 1999 to 2011 when he served as President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Mr Jagdeo was disinterested in the decriminalisation of marijuana. As recently as 2011, at the launch of Guyana’s activities to celebrate the United Nations-designated International Year of the People of African Descent, he told the gathering at the then International Conference Centre of mostly Rastafarians that the promise to legalise marijuana could not be assured.

Now, faced with declining support and battling the loss of trust of the PPP, Mr Jagdeo is reinventing himself as a supporter of the cause of the youth and also large portions of Guyanese of African descent, like, for instance, Rastafarians. Mr Jagdeo’s expression is nothing but an empty, noisy klaxon fishing for sympathy and votes.

Again on July 9th, 2011, Mr Jagdeo was quoted as saying that he thought the “marijuana business” would “outlive his presidency” and that there would be “no change in the law whilst I am here”. Truth be told, Jagdeo was never concerned about somebody who has a tiny bit of a marijuana cigarette, who gets sentenced to three years.

The youths of Guyana are not easily fooled by Mr Jagdeo’s attempt to steal the limelight from Mr Carrington and the AFC.

Yours faithfully,

Cynthia Rutherford

President Youths for Change

Alliance for Change


I hope you are not blind to see that your party, the AFC, is in a straight-jacket and its leaders have become mere rubber stamps in the government. Trying to sound like you know what you are talking about is very obvious to the seasoned observer of political events in Guyana.  The continuous bashing of Jagdeo will not stop the downward slide that this country is on. You should take note of the fact that the AFC has lost over 90% of its supporters and Moses and Khemraj can no longer visit areas where they campaigned and won significant number of votes.  

I am sorry to say your party is no longer a force of any sort. The promise of change is not materializing. Jobs are being lost and industries are collapsing. Record numbers of high paying jobs for the big wigs have been created. To pay these useless opportunistic pigs, including some on GNI, the people of Guyana are being forced to pay all sorts of taxes never seen in history.  Meanwhile, your beloved president Granger is traveling on chartered jets to attend meetings in neighboring countries and his ministers and advisers are living in rented homes that are paid by government. Many of these ministers and advisers are living in homes where the rents are a whopping 1 million Guyana dollars per month. 

As a student of president's college I urge you to think for yourself and don't become a blind follower of the AFC.  


Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:

r@ss Billy Ram Balgobin spew wan mouthful,calling some people GNI pigs,

i new all along you a wan PPPite.

As usual with his stupid lies. No one is being paid to post on GNI for the current government. This is not PPP days when Jagdeo had a whole team of paid government employees posting PPP bilge on GNI and other forms of social media. These fools divert away from the topic of the thread when they have no answer for Jagdeo's shortcomings.

Last edited by Mars
Django posted:

r@ss Billy Ram Balgobin spew wan mouthful,calling some people on GNI pigs,

i new all along you a wan PPPite.

GNI is a sty for many of our wild boars and sows who have been excommunicated or self-excommunicated from the party that fought and won the right for  all Guyanese to vote in elections. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
cain posted:

I heard somebody say AFC lost 90% of their supporters.As a fan of Zed can I ask for proof of this. Do you know where we could find the proof Billy?

That number is grossly understated.  You will find out in 2020.  The AFC did a fantastic job in convincing thousands of voters that the PPP was corrupt to the highest extent. Little did they know they were being duped.  There was corruption under the PPP but certainly not to the extent the AFC and APNU put it.  An AFC supporter put it this way ' PPP bin a thief, but this govament a thief three times more".

Billy Ram Balgobin

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