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Jagdeo likely to be Leader of the Opposition -sources

By Staff Writer On June 22, 2015 @ 5:27 am In Local News

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo is expected to be the Leader of the Opposition whenever the PPP/C takes up its 32 seats in the 11th Parliament, sources say.

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking at a rally.Former President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking at a rally.

Both Jagdeo and past President Donald Ramotar were under consideration at recent decision making forums of the party and Jagdeo is seen as the clear winner.

Were he to accept, as expected, it would see an even higher profile for him in national politics following the end of his two terms as President in 2011.

Jagdeo was credited with being largely responsible for the PPP/C gathering an extra 38,000 votes at the 2015 general elections. Critics have however noted that it was gained on the back of a divisive campaign of scaremongering and race-baiting.

Jagdeo taking up the post of Opposition Leader could spell the end of Ramotar’s political career, sources note.

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Jagdeo a no show at Whim court today; reportedly sick

[] – Former President Bharrat Jagdeo did not appear at the Whim Magistrates’ court on Monday, June 22 due to an illness which is unknown to the press.

A medical certificate was presented to Magistrate Charlyn Artiga stating Jagdeo’s illness and the matter is now scheduled β€Žfor July 13. The medical leave was reportedly given by one Dr. Kumara and is dated June 20.


If Bharrat Jagdeo returns to parliament, whether or not as opposition leader, he will have to give up his parliamentary salary.

The former presidents' benefits bill, expected to be passed soon, stipulates that "a former President shall cease to be entitled to the benefits and other facilities provided if the former President engages in business, trade or paid employment or is convicted of a criminal offence for which a term of imprisonment is imposed."

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

If Bharrat Jagdeo returns to parliament, whether or not as opposition leader, he will have to give up his parliamentary salary.

The former presidents' benefits bill, expected to be passed soon, stipulates that "a former President shall cease to be entitled to the benefits and other facilities provided if the former President engages in business, trade or paid employment or is convicted of a criminal offence for which a term of imprisonment is imposed."

if he continue to make ass of himself. the pnc government is going to put him in jail. then he get a criminal record. dey should lock him up suh he could reflect on his tiefingness.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Actual title of the article is ...


Jagdeo likely to be Leader of the Opposition -sources



Title of the published item ...

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 


Warrior ans Seignet,  you are two knuckleheads for calling for vile actions against Jagdeo. The elections are over and we need a strong opposition as a check to the government...thats what democracy is about. Calling for Jagdeo to be "shot" does not advance our democracy. If Jagdeo emerges as the leader of the PPP so be it. You should push for the PPP under Jagdeo to become more democratic. Stop being hatemongers.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Perhaps with extremely narrow tunnel vision.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 

Professah, stik to de tapic nah man? Nah worry wid Jag and dem bai. Dah nah you prablem. Dah dem prablem. You ah support de PNC.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Actual title of the article is ...


Jagdeo likely to be Leader of the Opposition -sources



Title of the published item ...

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo


Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 

Is group thinkI got not what happens generally in political parties?

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 

Is group thinking not what happens generall in political parties?

Please forgive the typo. 

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 

Is group thinkI got not what happens generally in political parties?

It's more severe in Guyana.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 

Is group thinkI got not what happens generally in political parties?

It's more severe in Guyana.

Depending on how you measure it. What are the indicators? Not that I disagree with you. You being a bright guy, I expect an elaboration of how you came to this conclusion.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Ramotar political career?

He is going to retire.

he is going to ******ing jail

Keep dreaming. 

my dream is to line them up and shoot them down like dogs 

The FBI and the International Police should take note of your threats.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Be careful what you wish for, someone will do that to you. 

part of life if you do the crime you must do the time

You should have told this to Granger when he let out 60 prisoners and to Donald Ramotar for letting out a child killer.

Points of interest.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo is the PPP and PPP is Jagdeo

David Granger is the PNC and the PNC is David Granger .. similar situation.

So childish .

Professah you cyan't handle you sarcasm? You nah talahrate difference of opinion?

Bai...speakin' about different opinion. Meh see yu bai Jaggy purged the PPP so he cyan control things. Group-think of de highest order. 

Is group thinkI got not what happens generally in political parties?

It's more severe in Guyana.

Depending on how you measure it. What are the indicators? Not that I disagree with you. You being a bright guy, I expect an elaboration of how you came to this conclusion.

I've already done so in many essays...don't intend to repeat.


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