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Jagdeo knocks gov’t secrecy over UK expert’s police reform plan.

March 10 2018


Bharrat Jagdeo


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday criticised government for its failure to make public the action plan for the reform of the security sector crafted by British expert Lt Col (rtd) Russell Combe.

“You can’t reform the police force in secrecy. You have to have buy-in from everyone, including the opposition. So this decision to regionalise the force, I heard them say that before the report, is it part of the report and why and how is it going to function? So, it’s like they have made a decision,” he told Stabroek News before questioning whether the recommendations in the report are being discussed at the level of the government.

Combe, who was on a one-year contract with the Guyana government, handed over the report to Granger on January 18th. Government has not indicated whether the contents of the report will be released to the public.

Jagdeo added that government had previously said that the report “would solve all crime problems in the future and what is effectively happening is a spike in crime in spite of what they are saying.”

When Stabroek News spoke with the Minister of State Joseph Harmon a month ago, he had said that the document was not yet with Cabinet and was still being reviewed by the president.

According to him, it is for the president to decide on a way forward.

Observers have stressed the need for the plan to be adopted so as to bring some order to the security sector, particularly in light of events occurring within the Guyana Police Force’s hierarchy, some of which was highlighted during the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the alleged assassination plot against the president.

Combe has publicly said that he did give some consideration to the revelations of a fractured hierarchy within the police force based on the evidence led during the inquiry.

Granger had previously said that the resuscitation of the plan was in keeping with government commitment to tackling the crime situation and taking corrective action.

“We passed through nearly 20 years of ‘woulda, coulda and shoulda,’ without any attempt to seriously deal with the security problem in this country and like a disease you can’t pretend to treat it, you can’t promise to treat it, you can’t talk about treating it, without actually getting down to the root cause…We are now trying to correct the errors of over two decades,” Granger had said at the handing over ceremony.

He had pointed out that the former PPP/C government failed miserably in its quest to deal with the then narcotics trafficking and security threats.

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British firm wins tender to reform Guyana Police Force

A British consultancy company has won the tender to provide the necessary services to carry out certain reforms within the Guyana Police Force, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee has said.

Rohee, responding to questions during a press conference last Friday, said the members of the consultancy company will soon be meeting with the leadership of the Guyana Police Force to discuss what is going to be done.

He said money provided under Inter American Development Bank (IDB)/Government of Guyana Citizens Security Programme will be used to fund this project.

Asked what sections will be given priority, Rohee said training and the modernization of the force “from different angles”.

The government in 2009 confirmed that a £4.9 million security sector reform project with the UK had collapsed following differences between the two countries.

At the time, the government was responding to a BBC report on the issue.

In a statement the Office of the President (OP) linked the collapse of the project to the denial of a UK request for a live firing exercise in the west of Guyana.

“This decision by the UK Government is believed to be linked to the administration’s refusal to permit training of British Special Forces in Guyana using live firing in a hinterland community on the western border with Brazil and Venezuela,” the OP statement said.

Observers noted, however, that the project had been in serious trouble earlier after Guyana objected to certain preconditions which were thought to include the stationing of overseas law enforcement professionals in the police force here.

The dispute had sparked sharp statements from Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, who had responsibility for the project, and the then British High Commissioner here, Fraser Wheeler. Luncheon went as far as offering his resignation to the President over the dispute.


Keeping corrupt police officers on the payroll will never improve GPF.

Non productive citizens doan want to work even if there were lots of jobs around. They prefer to rob. I doan see that trend changing any time soon, Granger loves his criminals.

Baseman posted:

I don’t believe the UK Gov’t will get themselves involved in any underhand business with the GOG.  Jagdeo should also raise the issue with the UK. 

what is there to raise the UK was begging him to accepted the same help and he refuse to implement it now people is being rob and he complaining what a fag 

warrior posted:
Baseman posted:

I don’t believe the UK Gov’t will get themselves involved in any underhand business with the GOG.  Jagdeo should also raise the issue with the UK. 

what is there to raise the UK was begging him to accepted the same help and he refuse to implement it now people is being rob and he complaining what a fag 

Meh hear yuh bai.  Maybe BJ should have accepted and have a few Brits heading up some key positions.  More Indians would have joined as (Caribj said) Indians would prefer to answer to a White man than a Black man!

Wah you tink?

Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo has zero credibility. He did not want to be part of any discussions whenever he was invited. So why is bawling now for being shut out?

Jagdeo has ALL the credibility. He openly rejected the British Offer to keep Guyana sovereign and Independent NOW he is exposing the selling out of Guyana to the Limey PIGS. Thank God for our real President Jagdeo!!!!

cain posted:

Jagdeo can cry the blues all he wants, he had the opportunity to get a grasp on crime but wanted nothing of it. Granger just gotta ignore his rass.

Yuh think the putagee mafia is in criminality?

Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo has zero credibility. He did not want to be part of any discussions whenever he was invited. So why is bawling now for being shut out?

Jagdeo has ALL the credibility. He openly rejected the British Offer to keep Guyana sovereign and Independent NOW he is exposing the selling out of Guyana to the Limey PIGS. Thank God for our real President Jagdeo!!!!

Nehru, you forgot recently how a photo depicting dem boys as three stooges waiting at the table for Jagdeo to arrive? He did not have the respect or deceny to acknowledge or decline the invitation. For 9 years, he fooled the woman that they were married; including the nation.

Last edited by Mitwah
seignet posted:
cain posted:

Jagdeo can cry the blues all he wants, he had the opportunity to get a grasp on crime but wanted nothing of it. Granger just gotta ignore his rass.

Yuh think the putagee mafia is in criminality?

If they are they should also be taken down.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Nehru posted:

Mith, you referring to the 3 GADAHAS sitting at a Table?/ Dat shit was FUNNY.

Referring to this photo, Nehru ...     

Source --

Quite correct Sir, Gadaha in the middle , on the right and on the left


The UK Police reform is no secret.  Each Guyana police have to give up their gun and ammunition then carry a big wooden stick and a whistle instead. If the criminal has a gun then the police will call 911 on his cellphone then blow his whistle.

Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo has zero credibility. He did not want to be part of any discussions whenever he was invited. So why is bawling now for being shut out?

Jagdeo has ALL the credibility. He openly rejected the British Offer to keep Guyana sovereign and Independent NOW he is exposing the selling out of Guyana to the Limey PIGS. Thank God for our real President Jagdeo!!!!

Nehru, you forgot recently how a photo depicting dem boys as three stooges waiting at the table for Jagdeo to arrive? He did not have the respect or deceny to acknowledge or decline the invitation. For 9 years, he fooled the woman that they were married; including the nation.

It is asinine and puerile to link Jagdeo's personal life with the issue of security in Guyana; your statement is clearly indicative of a puerile and woefully under-developed mind !

cain posted:

You better get used to those faces, they will be seated across from the opposition until 2024, after then it's a gamble.

With the PNC rigging machine in place, they could be there well after 2024 !

Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Oh rant so its to 2025 he gotta get used to dem guys.

If I were you, I would not get over confident. She wah happen with Hillary?

Dem Russians will also influence Guyana's election. PNC will become just like the democrats, clutching to straws after their defeat.

Jagdeo and Putin are friends, Granger better learn from history. 


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