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'Middle finger' case against lad dismissed


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Written by Denis Scott Chabrol

Wednesday, 18 January 2012 13:40

Kevin Simon

The case against the 18-year old man, who was accused of showing his middle finger at then President Bharrat Jagdeo’s convoy, was Wednesday thrown out for lack of prosecution.

Kevin Simon was charged with making an obscene gesture while travelling in a truck on the main East Coast Highway on August 8, 2011.

Sparendaam Magistrate, Alex Moore dismissed the case dismissed the case for want of prosecution because the police witnesses failed to turn up.

Moore lamented that the police seemed to have time to institute frivolous charges when there were serious offences pending for more than one year without any action on the part of the Guyana Police Force.

Simon was represented by Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes.

The lad was initially charged with provoking a breach of the peace, to wit, showing his middle finger to Jagdeo’s passing convoy but it was later substituted for doing so against an Inspector of the Presidential Guard.

At the time Simon was first charged, he was sent to jail and released on GUY$5,000 bail only after a High Court application was made.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Nehru:
Oh you Bet!!! Free as a bird.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Simon was represented by Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes.

Why am I not surprised. He represented THe BUXTON GANG ALSO. Would have represented HITLER if he had a chance.
freedom of expression guyana do have that i hope
I HOPE RAM DO THE RIGHT THING and he don get the finger
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Moore lamented that the police seemed to have time to institute frivolous charges when there were serious offences pending for more than one year without any action on the part of the Guyana Police Force.

For example?

take your head out of the PPP soup bowl for aminute so yopu can see clear
Originally posted by yuji22:
During the PNC days of Carib favourite party, a middle finger shown to Burnham would have meant hanging. Thanks to PPP, Guyana now have an independent judicial system. Least we forget.

A similar cae was thrown out in canada, because there is no law which states that a man cannot show his middle finger to another person..
Originally posted by yuji22:
Thanks to PPP, Guyana now have an independent judicial system. Least we forget.

Like you just landed on earth from planet Mars Big Grin.
Bai, stop telling lies with such racial conviction and venom. The judiciary in Guyana has never been free from corruption and political interference. In any genuine democracy even the president would be taken to court for harbouring assassins of minister. Poor Sawh won't get justice till Jagdeo is brought to trial for aiding and abetting the escape of Sawh's murderers. But due to lack of independence in our jurisdiction this murder won't get solved.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Thanks to PPP, Guyana now have an independent judicial system. Least we forget.

Like you just landed on earth from planet Mars Big Grin.
Bai, stop telling lies with such racial conviction and venom. The judiciary in Guyana has never been free from corruption and political interference. In any genuine democracy even the president would be taken to court for harbouring assassins of minister. Poor Sawh won't get justice till Jagdeo is brought to trial for aiding and abetting the escape of Sawh's murderers. But due to lack of independence in our jurisdiction this murder won't get solved.

Do you have proof that he aided and abetted the escape of sawh's murderers? The judiciary has independence. What ever give you the idea that they don't?

PS: Sawh's murderers are all dead.. Where do you live, mars?

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