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Jagdeo moves to High Court to lift travel restriction

May 29, 2015 4:43 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews' Photo]

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo has legally challenged the decision of Magistrate Charlilyn Artiga to place him on self-bail and restrict him from leaving the country.

Jagdeo was recently hauled before the Whim Magistrate’s Court where he was summarily charged for racial incitement as accused by political activist Christopher Ram.

As part of her decision, Artiga barred the former President from leaving the jurisdiction – a condition that has drawn the condemnation of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

A copy of the petition which was acquired by iNews states that the bail condition would cause “onerous duty and grave hardship on your petitioner [Jagdeo] since he resides 75 miles away from Whim Magistrate’s Court and he can only seek permission to leave the jurisdiction on days that the case would be called.”

The application also states that the Magistrate failed to consider that the Former President may have medical emergencies and obligations that will require that he be out of the country.

Jagdeo contends that the Magistrate acted “unreasonably and capriciously” with the delivery of her ruling.

The affidavit, presented by Attorney at Law Murseline Bacchus, was filed in the Georgetown High Court and will be heard before the Chief Justice Ian Chang.

PPP in a press statement had said that the ruling was a violation of Jagdeo’s constitutional right.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by VVP:

Well he will win this.  The magistrate went ova she head.

I agree she should not put a travel ban on him but she can. She is after all the magistrate and her ruling is per the way she sees flight risk not how others see it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Well he will win this.  The magistrate went ova she head.

I agree she should not put a travel ban on him but she can. She is after all the magistrate and her ruling is per the way she sees flight risk not how others see it.

Flight risk for something like this?  He might get a small fine over this whole issue, nothing more.


The evidence shows that Jagdeo is not possibly a flight risk.  He has the most expensive house in Guyana.


The marble tiles specially imported from ITALY in Jagdeo house alone cost some G$85 million more than the whole of Kwame House with his pool and all.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The evidence shows that Jagdeo is not possibly a flight risk.  He has the most expensive house in Guyana.


The marble tiles specially imported from ITALY in Jagdeo house alone cost some G$85 million more than the whole of Kwame House with his pool and all.





Bai, you can turn dough in to any form.


Knowing what I do about Chang, I somehow think that he'll side with Artiga on this one. Chang has been building a very big house with money unbecoming of his legal earnings. Nobody dared question his sources of revenue under the PPP. But things are different now.

The big house that Jagdeo got is insignificant in the grand scale of things when compared to the total amount of wealth he has hidden away abroad. It makes that of Burnham look like small change. Jagdeo wants to get to that money and have it better secured before the Guyanese government put out an international banking request to trace it. Lall has been singing in the US and is bound to have told the US government a lot more about Jagdeo than any of us knows about. Neither Lall nor Khan wants Jagdeo to get away at their expense.

Last edited by Mr.T
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Frivolous charges

Charges are real. The matter might be frivolous; Racial incitement is not.

Is not incitement a matter of the mind, and cannot really be proven if no action results from it. Appreciate an answer for my education. Not defending jag deo.


I think Jagdeo has a legal right to fight the travel ban, but yes, he is a flight risk. This case is only the first of many against him. He knows this and once he leaves the country, it will be costly to bring him back.


Mind you, without diplomatic protection, he could be seized by the US. Bouterse in Suriname has been relying on his position as president to travel out of the country and back again. But he knows that once he looses his seat at the head of government his travelling days will be over. Before he was president he was holed up in the country, in fear that the US might seize him. And he has good reasons to know all this. His son Dino made the mistake to leave the country, and he is now a prisoner in the US. Jagdeo is likely to suffer the same faith, unless he tries to make it to India or China, from where he wouldn't be extradited.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mind you, without diplomatic protection, he could be seized by the US. Bouterse in Suriname has been relying on his position as president to travel out of the country and back again. But he knows that once he looses his seat at the head of government his travelling days will be over. Before he was president he was holed up in the country, in fear that the US might seize him. And he has good reasons to know all this. His son Dino made the mistake to leave the country, and he is now a prisoner in the US. Jagdeo is likely to suffer the same faith, unless he tries to make it to India or China, from where he wouldn't be extradited.

What has he been indicted for in the US?  BJ traveled freely to the US ever since he demit office!


Granger should have a heart-to-heart with Jagdeo, do a deal on assets and income taxes in exchange for amnesty.  Do that, see how quickly all the cronies will come knocking.  Remember, "Jerico wall was big and tall, but when the trumpet blow, the whole wall fall"!


"Beating drum". and coolies must leave PPP is racial incitement?


Jagdeo has assets in Guyana, why prevent him from traveling, unless political vindictiveness.  Guyanese still have small petty minds.

Originally Posted by TI:

"Beating drum". and coolies must leave PPP is racial incitement?


Jagdeo has assets in Guyana, why prevent him from traveling, unless political vindictiveness.  Guyanese still have small petty minds.

A agree with that.  Even if he is abroad, a guy like him is not hard to locate.  It is  political vindictiveness.  That judge behaving like that Baltimore prosecutor, jumping the gun.

Originally Posted by VVP:

Well he will win this.  The magistrate went ova she head.

I agree.


The Magistrate was playing to the gallery.


This is a technical issue.  Not politics.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TI:

"Beating drum". and coolies must leave PPP is racial incitement?


Jagdeo has assets in Guyana, why prevent him from traveling, unless political vindictiveness.  Guyanese still have small petty minds.

A agree with that.  Even if he is abroad, a guy like him is not hard to locate.  It is  political vindictiveness.  That judge behaving like that Baltimore prosecutor, jumping the gun.

You might be able to locate him, but to extradite him is another matter. The British case of Azil Nadir comes to mind. See



Look how the Chief Justice mek young Agyle look STUPID.


The Chief justice was inclined to agree with Mr. Murseline Bacchus.


‘Champion of the earth’ Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo can leave Guyana to attend duties, but…


DR Bharrat Jagdeo, “Champion of the Earth” and former President of Guyana petitioned the High Court yesterday pointing out that because of his international obligations, he was obliged to travel overseas regularly, but was now confronted with a dilemma.That, he said, was brought about through a Whim Magistrate before whom he appeared on a private criminal indictable charge filed by Lawyer Christopher Ram.
On the 25th day of May, the magistrate placed him on his own recognisance and told the petitioner, “bail was granted on the condition that your petitioner is not to leave the jurisdiction without the permission of the court.”
Attorney-at-Law Mr. Murseline Bacchus who is representing the petitioner, gave him certain advice.
The condition would cause an onerous duty and grave hardship on your petitioner, since he resides over 75 miles from Whim Magistrates’ Court and he can only seek permission to leave the jurisdiction on the days that the case would be called .
Your petitioner is aware of his legal responsibility to appear in court on whatever dates the case may be fixed for and he has no intention of absconding.
Wherefore Your Petitioner humbly prays that this Honourable Court would be pleased to remove the condition that he seeks the magistrate’s permission before he leaves or can leave the jurisdiction.
Attorney-at-law Mr. Trenton Lake, who represented the plaintiff Mr. Christopher Ram when the matter was called before the Acting Chief Justice yesterday, offered no objection to
the suggestions put forward by the ‘Champion of the Earth,’ in his petition.
The Chief justice was inclined to agree with Mr. Murseline Bacchus.


I am not quite clear on this. From the court ruling it says that he can leave the jurisdiction. It does not however mention anything about him being allowed to leave Guyana. The case appears to be concentrating on the 75 miles distance that he lives from the court house, and that he would only be able to leave his place of residence on the days that he had to appear in court.

Can someone with a higher level of legal training than me correct me if I misread the ruling?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

There goes our constitutional rights:

Freedom of speech


Freedom to Travel.


Soon it will be freedom to assemble..


We don't know that yet. But I am waiting for someone better qualified than me to explain what the ruling actually implies. I am not quite clear about it.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am not quite clear on this. From the court ruling it says that he can leave the jurisdiction. It does not however mention anything about him being allowed to leave Guyana. The case appears to be concentrating on the 75 miles distance that he lives from the court house, and that he would only be able to leave his place of residence on the days that he had to appear in court.

Can someone with a higher level of legal training than me correct me if I misread the ruling?

You are correct

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The evidence shows that Jagdeo is not possibly a flight risk.  He has the most expensive house in Guyana.


The marble tiles specially imported from ITALY in Jagdeo house alone cost some G$85 million more than the whole of Kwame House with his pool and all.





The property which he has OUTSIDE of Guyana is vastly more than this.  He is a flight risk, only because he is power drunk and wants to show that he can do what he wants.


Didn't he boast about all the accomplishments of the PPP in health care.  Well any medical problem that he has can be dealt with in Guyana, over which the PPP had full domain up to three weeks ago.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
The persecution of The Honorable Mr Jagdeo has began. But it will be done by BeniDick Arnold indians

You will scream that Hammie Green is a thug when he did nothing that Jagdeo also didn't do.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The evidence shows that Jagdeo is not possibly a flight risk.  He has the most expensive house in Guyana.


The marble tiles specially imported from ITALY in Jagdeo house alone cost some G$85 million more than the whole of Kwame House with his pool and all.





The property which he has OUTSIDE of Guyana is vastly more than this.  He is a flight risk, only because he is power drunk and wants to show that he can do what he wants.


Didn't he boast about all the accomplishments of the PPP in health care.  Well any medical problem that he has can be dealt with in Guyana, over which the PPP had full domain up to three weeks ago.

If alyuh want "unity", then you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP.  PPP did not prosecute the PNC in 1992 although PNC had lots of criminals, some still around to this day.  Jagdeo cannot win an election but he has strong appeal at the base.

Originally Posted by baseman:

If alyuh want "unity", then you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP.  PPP did not prosecute the PNC in 1992 although PNC had lots of criminals, some still around to this day.  Jagdeo cannot win an election but he has strong appeal at the base.

I don't care for unity with the PPP so you are talking to the wrong man.  If Indos wish to tie their fate to a race based PPP, instead of forcing it to emerge as a broad based multi ethnic political force, then they are tying themselves to irrelevance.


Sadly it is the POOREST segment of the Indo population, which will be trapped.  The ones who enslaved themselves to the PPP.  Evidence is that much of the Indo cross over vote came from the Indo middle class in Region 4.

Originally Posted by alena06:

This is another event that is a waste of money and time...the coalition needs to focus on the real issues and stop the petty crap...

This is a matter between a citizen and Jagdeo. I agree that Magistrate should not have placed a travel ban on him. She has the power to issue a bench warrant for his arrest for missing  a court date that has been agreed to by both parties. This is all a power play. Watch how the drama will unfold with a happy ending.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Knowing what I do about Chang, I somehow think that he'll side with Artiga on this one. Chang has been building a very big house with money unbecoming of his legal earnings. Nobody dared question his sources of revenue under the PPP. But things are different now.

The big house that Jagdeo got is insignificant in the grand scale of things when compared to the total amount of wealth he has hidden away abroad. It makes that of Burnham look like small change. Jagdeo wants to get to that money and have it better secured before the Guyanese government put out an international banking request to trace it. Lall has been singing in the US and is bound to have told the US government a lot more about Jagdeo than any of us knows about. Neither Lall nor Khan wants Jagdeo to get away at their expense.s where the money is will already be keeping its e

Can you verify how much money he has abroad, where it is so that the govt. can get at it. i think that if he has amassed considerable wealth and he has it abroad, the respective government will be keeping track of movement of funds.

Originally Posted by baseman:
If alyuh want "unity", then you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP.  PPP did not prosecute the PNC in 1992 although PNC had lots of criminals, some still around to this day.  Jagdeo cannot win an election but he has strong appeal at the base.

what exactly are you saying?


i hope it is not that all gross tiefman who rape the country must get a pass (and be allowed to keep what they stole) in the name of "unity" when the people turf them out of government

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

If alyuh want "unity", then you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP.  PPP did not prosecute the PNC in 1992 although PNC had lots of criminals, some still around to this day.  Jagdeo cannot win an election but he has strong appeal at the base.

I don't care for unity with the PPP so you are talking to the wrong man.  If Indos wish to tie their fate to a race based PPP, instead of forcing it to emerge as a broad based multi ethnic political force, then they are tying themselves to irrelevance.


Sadly it is the POOREST segment of the Indo population, which will be trapped.  The ones who enslaved themselves to the PPP.  Evidence is that much of the Indo cross over vote came from the Indo middle class in Region 4.

You, and many of you do not care, but the choice is not up to you.  You don't want unity with the PPP, will they represent 49% of the nation and 95% of the Indian population.  So, you don't want unity, period.  Indians "enslave" themselves to the PPP, it's their choice, rightly or wrongly so.  However, the "enslavement" under your PNC quasi-apartheid regime (1964-1992) was not their/our choice.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
If alyuh want "unity", then you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP.  PPP did not prosecute the PNC in 1992 although PNC had lots of criminals, some still around to this day.  Jagdeo cannot win an election but he has strong appeal at the base.

what exactly are you saying?


i hope it is not that all gross tiefman who rape the country must get a pass (and be allowed to keep what they stole) in the name of "unity" when the people turf them out of government

The current issue with Jagdeo in not about assets or income.  You need to follow proper judicial process and if assets are to be returned or taxes to be paid, then deal with that.  Baseman said any ill-gotten wealth should be addressed.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Knowing what I do about Chang, I somehow think that he'll side with Artiga on this one. Chang has been building a very big house with money unbecoming of his legal earnings. Nobody dared question his sources of revenue under the PPP. But things are different now.

The big house that Jagdeo got is insignificant in the grand scale of things when compared to the total amount of wealth he has hidden away abroad. It makes that of Burnham look like small change. Jagdeo wants to get to that money and have it better secured before the Guyanese government put out an international banking request to trace it. Lall has been singing in the US and is bound to have told the US government a lot more about Jagdeo than any of us knows about. Neither Lall nor Khan wants Jagdeo to get away at their expense.s where the money is will already be keeping its e

Can you verify how much money he has abroad, where it is so that the govt. can get at it. i think that if he has amassed considerable wealth and he has it abroad, the respective government will be keeping track of movement of funds.

I hear lil more than the $800 mil LFSB has hidden in Switzerland!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
If alyuh want "unity", then you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP.  PPP did not prosecute the PNC in 1992 although PNC had lots of criminals, some still around to this day.  Jagdeo cannot win an election but he has strong appeal at the base.

what exactly are you saying?


i hope it is not that all gross tiefman who rape the country must get a pass (and be allowed to keep what they stole) in the name of "unity" when the people turf them out of government

The current issue with Jagdeo in not about assets or income.  You need to follow proper judicial process and if assets are to be returned or taxes to be paid, then deal with that.  Baseman said any ill-gotten wealth should be addressed.

Jagdeo is being properly charged under a PPP law . . .


what's with the "you need to watch how you treat politicians from the PPP" di*k sucking?


this is the pompous ass who, seized by the Dr 5 hubris, hauled Freddie Kissoon before the Courts for libel and has ever since been scrambling around for a dignified exit


i'll deal with your odious 'let de PPP tiefman keep de rape money" position another time

Last edited by Former Member

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