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TUC calls on Jagdeo to provide bill on medical expenses

Posted By Stabroek editor On March 11, 2014 @ 11:40 am In Local News | No Comments

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) today called on former President Bharrat Jagdeo to provide a complete bill for his recent medical expenses abroad considering that the public may have to foot the bill under the controversial Act that provides benefits to former presidents.

Jagdeo was flown to Florida on February 21st aboard a private jet after he reportedly contracted a virulent strain of dengue fever. He returned to Guyana several days ago but has not spoken publicly about his illness.

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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


It is "insensitive” for Juggy to ask the poor people of Guyana to pay for his butt plug.


Georgetown Hospital is equipped to treat strain of dengue fever, so I do not see the need to fly all over the world on the sweat of cane cutters and bauxite workers?



Mr Burnham died at public hospital. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


It is "insensitive” for Juggy to ask the poor people of Guyana to pay for his butt plug.


Georgetown Hospital is equipped to treat strain of dengue fever, so I do not see the need to fly all over the world on the sweat of cane cutters and bauxite workers?



Mr Burnham died at public hospital. 

And your point is??

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


It is "insensitive” for Juggy to ask the poor people of Guyana to pay for his butt plug.


Georgetown Hospital is equipped to treat strain of dengue fever, so I do not see the need to fly all over the world on the sweat of cane cutters and bauxite workers?



Brian, you meking much sense here?



GT Hospital is the best, so said Minista BERI BERI.



What a LIAR that MINISTA is?


Jagg-dehoe promised a $100M modern hospital at Diamond, where 27 Cuban medical personnel, including doctors and specialists would be based. The hospital would offer surgical and X-ray and boast an intensive care unit.


YES some of them run to FLORIDA to plug their BUTT???


What hypocracy???  Why not the MODERN HOSPITAL at DIAMOND???

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jagg-dehoe promised a $100M modern hospital at Diamond, where 27 Cuban medical personnel, including doctors and specialists would be based. The hospital would offer surgical and X-ray and boast an intensive care unit.


YES some of them run to FLORIDA to plug their BUTT???


What hypocracy???  Why not the MODERN HOSPITAL at DIAMOND???

Bai dey gat priorities wrong.


Nation must see Jagdeo’s medical expenses – GTUC


β€œIf Mr. Jagdeo has an itch or toothache he will jump on a jet and fly to another country at workers’ expense.”

β€œThere must be a limit for local care, with overseas care only available where such is not accessible in Guyana, and for which Mr. Jagdeo or any former presidents must pay some percentage out of pocket.”
β€œThis is more than the average citizen receives.  If this nation allows this continued abuse of the workers’ tax dollars, if Mr. Jagdeo has an itch or toothache he will jump on a jet and fly to another country at workers’ expense.”

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

β€œMr. Jagdeo is called upon to provide this nation with a complete bill of medical expenses associated with his jet-hopping.”
These and other scathing opinions were expressed by the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) in a harsh statement issued yesterday in relation to the use of a Lear jet last month by former President Bharrat Jagdeo to seek medical treatment in the United States
β€œNo sugar worker, public servant or tax payer must support this continued abuse of our money and all must call on their respective political representatives in parliament to effect this change which must remain hinged to the AML/CFT Bill.
β€œMr. Jagdeo is called upon to provide this nation with a complete bill of medical expenses associated with his jet-hopping. As with the health care benefit for the President of the most powerful country (USA) and one of the wealthiest countries in the world, there must be controls and caps.”
On February 26 last, around 22:00hrs, Jagdeo was reportedly taken to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport where a privately-owned Lear jet hired out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida had landed. His entourage comprised best friend, Dr. Ranjisinghi β€˜Bobby’ Ramroop, and his security detail. The flight left thirty minutes later.
This publication understands that the chartering of a Lear jet, from Florida to Guyana and back for a medivac, would cost between US$35,000 ($7M) and US$40,000 ($8M). This would be in addition to the thousands more that would be used to pay the hospital bill and other expenditure.
News of the late-night flight immediately sparked condemnation and reignited the debate over the controversial Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act 2009 which Jagdeo himself had assented to. It allows those eligible to have virtually unlimited access to medical benefits, both local and international. The law also gives unlimited access to duty-free vehicles and payments for utility bills, trips, security details and other significant benefits.
GTUC made it clear that the situation must be seen in light of the current situation at the country’s state-run hospitals.
β€œThe spate of health care deficiencies highlighted at the Georgetown Public Hospital brings into stark contrast the state of the average worker in need of healthcare and emergency medical attention and that of former President Bharat Jagdeo for whom a Lear jet was chartered to fly him out to Miami to be treated for Dengue Fever – a regular tropical condition prevalent in Guyana.” The union body made it clear that it was this sort of excess and the potential for much more is what makes that particular law in need of urgent review.

β€œThe gross disparity of these two levels of care is a burden and embarrassment to this country. It is an insult and abuse of taxpayers’ money and can become a slush fund for beneficiaries where there is no limitation and control over the nature and quality of care.”
GTUC said it is made worse in a system where the government in power believe they have no right to account to the taxpayers of the country and where there is lack of transparency.

The jet Jagdeo chartered for his medivac

The jet Jagdeo chartered for his medivac

β€œThat the Opposition has hinged the review of this Bill as a pre-condition to the passing of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Bill is most welcomed by the GTUC and it is hoped that as the government signals compromise that the opposition stands firm.”
Jagdeo’s β€œlavish healthcare spending”  can be least afforded by  Guyana, a poor third world country struggling to boost  and sustain legitimate economic growth and where sugar workers, public servants and others are clamouring for living wages.
β€œNot even in developed countries are such excesses permitted. Even more than before, the people of Guyana must ensure that these public officials stop this wanton expenditure of Mr. Jagdeo and give him the quality of care not astronomically above that which matches our country’s coffers and local health care system.”
According to GTUC, it must be pointed out that the Ministry of Health and the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) both have overseas medical care policies and no ordinary citizen would be granted permission or reimbursement for going overseas for dengue fever, a condition that doctors and nurses in Guyana may find less challenging, compared to their counterparts in Florida.
β€œOur past leaders both in the PPP and the PNC did not live such ostentatious life styles on the backs of the workers. We cannot ignore Mr. Jagdeo’s recent jet ride as a presumptuous act in defiance of Guyanese-expressed concerns for the abuse of our financial coffers which it presents.”

The union body recommended that in reviewing the Former President’s Benefit Bill, medical care benefits must be circumscribed to dictate where care can be accessed, under what conditions and, at what cost.
β€œThese should take into consideration (that) Ministry of Health and NIS protocols for our donkey-cart economy cannot support a former President and his cohorts in a jet-propelled Cadillac seeking dengue fever care while our country’s public health care system is in disarray and our nurses are migrating, sugar workers are complaining, and public servants are caught in a web of employed poverty.”
GTUC found it shocking that the ruling party, the People’s Progress Party, could even be upset with citizens for daring to criticize the incident.
β€œTo crown this off the PPP dare to be upset with the citizenry for being un-sympathetic to a man known for his brutish attitudes, draconian and corrupt rule that left this nation bloodied and gripped in fear. This is a young man for whom many expected different, having been nurtured under the PPP but given opportunities under successive PNC administrations. He was not denied. A young man who has brought the Office of the President into disrepute. His ordinariness, lawlessness, public abuses and disunity are now imprinted on the psyche of this nation.”
Adding insult to injury, Jagdeo β€œis now draining our coffers to live like a Hollywood/Bollywood star instead of a former President of a country ranked the second poorest in this hemisphere.”
GTUC was critical of attempts by the administration to β€œcover-up the Jagdeo’s healthcare squander-mania” with citizens being told that former Opposition Leader, Robert Corbin, and the late Member of Parliament, Sheila Holder, have been the beneficiaries of similar treatment.
β€œThe Opposition is therefore reminded that when they beg for or take favours from a corrupt regime it comes back to be thrown in their face and compromises their positions as the nation seeks change.”


Ariel Sharon was kept alive by machines in his state of coma. And he was an incumbent Prime Minister. Yet, as rich as the State of Israel is, his family was asked to cover some of the costs for keeping him alive. Jagdeo or the Peoples Progressive Party should pay a portion of his EXCESSES. If the PPP is poor and cannot do it, then it should be suggested that the people who flocked to those PPP events, dole out some of their abundant monies as contributions to their beloved president.


Dengue fever is rampant in India. THE EX_PRESIDENT should not be travelling at the expense of the GOG. The more he travels, the chances are he would catch some sort of virus. Freeness could kill a person, excessive freeness could relegate a person into a bed ridden state. A vegetable. Then what good is a glutton full of money. Miserable from being a invalid and no kinds of money can help. Then subordinates abuses you.


From Beloved, a unreasonable person becomes Unloved.



Originally Posted by seignet:

Ariel Sharon was kept alive by machines in his state of coma. And he was an incumbent Prime Minister. Yet, as rich as the State of Israel is, his family was asked to cover some of the costs for keeping him alive. Jagdeo or the Peoples Progressive Party should pay a portion of his EXCESSES. If the PPP is poor and cannot do it, then it should be suggested that the people who flocked to those PPP events, dole out some of their abundant monies as contributions to their beloved president.


Dengue fever is rampant in India. THE EX_PRESIDENT should not be travelling at the expense of the GOG. The more he travels, the chances are he would catch some sort of virus. Freeness could kill a person, excessive freeness could relegate a person into a bed ridden state. A vegetable. Then what good is a glutton full of money. Miserable from being a invalid and no kinds of money can help. Then subordinates abuses you.


From Beloved, a unreasonable person becomes Unloved.



Yes me agree wid da.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Those abuses by the ex-president were approved by Nagamootoo and Ramjattan whilst under the PPP. Those two chaps sold their souls with corruption they condoned.


They both should get out of politics. Traitor to the people of Guyana.


Who would believe them anymore?

you fellas make me think you lose your brain or drunk when you post some things,with out those two traitors the ppp government will be a majority in parliament by the end of this year the black people will be official slaves

Originally Posted by seignet:

I believe the TUC is onto something. Guyana history has always had the trade union movement into poliical struggles.

The GTUC should account to those who it professes to serve. Lincoln the loud should start by enlightening us on the results of the last election held to 'elect' GTUC's executives. It should also highlight meaningful work it did that workers have benefited from. Surely its partisan meanderings cannot be construed to have benefited any worker other than those in its employ    

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


It is "insensitive” for Juggy to ask the poor people of Guyana to pay for his butt plug.


Georgetown Hospital is equipped to treat strain of dengue fever, so I do not see the need to fly all over the world on the sweat of cane cutters and bauxite workers?



Mr Burnham died at public hospital. 

I kept a 7 day yagna when the bastard did.


Why the heading of this thread suggesting fraud? It cannot be fraud if the former president haven't submitted his medical bill as yet. Every MP's enjoy the taxpayers money to foot their medical bills as well. Nigel Hughes and Debra Backer were flown out of Guyana to seek medical care as well. Granger and Ramjattan wasted more of taxpayers money on unnecessary inquiry and witch hunting that fell on deaf ears. There is no basis for this thread if there is no truth about who wasting the people's money.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why the heading of this thread suggesting fraud? It cannot be fraud if the former president haven't submitted his medical bill as yet. Every MP's enjoy the taxpayers money to foot their medical bills as well. Nigel Hughes and Debra Backer were flown out of Guyana to seek medical care as well. Granger and Ramjattan wasted more of taxpayers money on unnecessary inquiry and witch hunting that fell on deaf ears. There is no basis for this thread if there is no truth about who wasting the people's money.

shut up fool

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why the heading of this thread suggesting fraud? It cannot be fraud if the former president haven't submitted his medical bill as yet. Every MP's enjoy the taxpayers money to foot their medical bills as well. Nigel Hughes and Debra Backer were flown out of Guyana to seek medical care as well. Granger and Ramjattan wasted more of taxpayers money on unnecessary inquiry and witch hunting that fell on deaf ears. There is no basis for this thread if there is no truth about who wasting the people's money.

shut up fool

Like the truth bite you rass...

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why the heading of this thread suggesting fraud? It cannot be fraud if the former president haven't submitted his medical bill as yet. Every MP's enjoy the taxpayers money to foot their medical bills as well. Nigel Hughes and Debra Backer were flown out of Guyana to seek medical care as well. Granger and Ramjattan wasted more of taxpayers money on unnecessary inquiry and witch hunting that fell on deaf ears. There is no basis for this thread if there is no truth about who wasting the people's money.

shut up fool

Like the truth bite you rass...

which one of them hire a private jet to fly them out

Originally Posted by asj:

A Country as poor as Guyana, where workers are today earning slave wages under the Corrupt PPP/C,   can ill afford those extragavance.  

guyana ppp supporters is divide into two economies,we have the pradoville citizens and we have the stupid estate fools,the ones that go to the public hospital to die no private jet for these ppp mud heads

Originally Posted by seignet:

Ariel Sharon was kept alive by machines in his state of coma. And he was an incumbent Prime Minister. Yet, as rich as the State of Israel is, his family was asked to cover some of the costs for keeping him alive. Jagdeo or the Peoples Progressive Party should pay a portion of his EXCESSES. If the PPP is poor and cannot do it, then it should be suggested that the people who flocked to those PPP events, dole out some of their abundant monies as contributions to their beloved president.


Dengue fever is rampant in India. THE EX_PRESIDENT should not be travelling at the expense of the GOG. The more he travels, the chances are he would catch some sort of virus. Freeness could kill a person, excessive freeness could relegate a person into a bed ridden state. A vegetable. Then what good is a glutton full of money. Miserable from being a invalid and no kinds of money can help. Then subordinates abuses you.


From Beloved, a unreasonable person becomes Unloved.



Some of you are asking for the impossible.

Israel do not have a dictatorship constitution!!


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