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Jagdeo must say “what his cut was” on the CJIA contract – Harmon

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

General Secretary of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Joseph Harmon has lashed out at a paid political advertisement in yesterday’s edition of the Stabroek News.

APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon

APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) advertisement focused on the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion Project which is often criticized by the political opposition. It said that Harmon was one who enjoyed the perks of an all expense paid trip to Jamaica, facilitated by the project contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company. Harmon in a statement to the media acknowledged that it is true that he was invited on a trip to Jamaica by the company. He said however, that it only came after his criticisms of the contractor, China Harbour, on the poor execution of the contract for the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). The APNU General Secretary said that he was not invited for a luxurious vacation but rather to visit several public infrastructural projects the contractor was undertaking in Jamaica. With the blessings of the Ministry of Public Works in Jamaica, Harmon said that he has visited and inspected the works done by China Harbour, on projects in the CARICOM country. The lawyer said that while the work done by China Harbour  in the Caribbean territory was found to be of good quality, he maintains his position, that the handling of the CJIA Expansion Project by the current administration was not transparent and that value for money is seriously in doubt. “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated. The APNU Shadow Minister of Public Works asserted that it would appear that after his visit to Jamaica no further consideration was given by China Harbour Inc. to Jagdeo. He reminded that after interventions by Jagdeo, this very company was the one to subsequently acquire the bid for the construction of a section of the four -lane highway on the East Coast of Demerara. Based on his actions, Harmon emphasized that the former President “should never again be given the opportunity by the Guyanese people to serve in any public office which represents their interest.”

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Not now.  He took it on CLICO/NIS deal, Skeldon/Guysuco/Chinee deal, Baishin lin/Timber deal, Canadian/Gold deal and the first lick up was the 2005 flood.  Billions spent but up to now it cannot be audited.


the handling of the CJIA Expansion Project by the current administration was not transparent and that value for money is seriously in doubt. “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Jagdeo must say “what his cut was” on the CJIA contract – Harmon

May 6, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

General Secretary of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Joseph Harmon has lashed out at a paid political advertisement in yesterday’s edition of the Stabroek News.

APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon

APNU’s General Secretary, Joseph Harmon

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) advertisement focused on the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Expansion Project which is often criticized by the political opposition. It said that Harmon was one who enjoyed the perks of an all expense paid trip to Jamaica, facilitated by the project contractor, China Harbour Engineering Company. Harmon in a statement to the media acknowledged that it is true that he was invited on a trip to Jamaica by the company. He said however, that it only came after his criticisms of the contractor, China Harbour, on the poor execution of the contract for the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). The APNU General Secretary said that he was not invited for a luxurious vacation but rather to visit several public infrastructural projects the contractor was undertaking in Jamaica. With the blessings of the Ministry of Public Works in Jamaica, Harmon said that he has visited and inspected the works done by China Harbour, on projects in the CARICOM country. The lawyer said that while the work done by China Harbour  in the Caribbean territory was found to be of good quality, he maintains his position, that the handling of the CJIA Expansion Project by the current administration was not transparent and that value for money is seriously in doubt. “The former President Bharrat Jagdeo on the other hand, who brought the company, China Harbour Inc. to Guyana must now say what financial consideration, if any, he and his advisor received out of the contract sum up front for the airport.  What was Jagdeo’s cut?  He is the architect of modern day corruption in Guyana,” Harmon categorically stated. The APNU Shadow Minister of Public Works asserted that it would appear that after his visit to Jamaica no further consideration was given by China Harbour Inc. to Jagdeo. He reminded that after interventions by Jagdeo, this very company was the one to subsequently acquire the bid for the construction of a section of the four -lane highway on the East Coast of Demerara. Based on his actions, Harmon emphasized that the former President “should never again be given the opportunity by the Guyanese people to serve in any public office which represents their interest.”

It looks like the opposition wants to know the percentages on "kick back" so if and when they take office, they will know who gets what. Listen,the politicians in Guyana is the most profitable business, it's better than the Drug Dealers, I don't care crap about PPP, PNC APNU or AFC, they are all politicians, they all want to be in the get rich scheme FAST. Granger had Blood on his hands, today he is Brother Granger.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Why would anyone admit to a crime he didn't commit.


The PNC must admit to their crimes against the people of Guyana.


Harmon was a PNC member.  Let him speak first. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Why would anyone admit to a crime he didn't commit.


The PNC must admit to their crimes against the people of Guyana.


Harmon was a PNC member.  Let him speak first. 

You can see a crime being commited in front of your face but as long as its being carried out by a scummy coolie rass, they got your ok.

It doan work like that.


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