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Jagdeo names six for President to pick new Gecom head

46 mins ago

Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo today submitted a list of six names to President David Granger from which he would hopefully choose the chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission.

Those names are: Christopher Ram, Ramesh Dookhoo, Ryhaan Shah, Professor James Rose, Lawrence Lachmansingh and Norman Mc Lean.

The names, Jagdeo said at a press briefing, were selected following extensive consultations with 30 civil society organizations, representing major sections of society.

These include religious organisations from the three major religions, the private sector and the labour movement.


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Gilbakka had hinted repeatedly that the next GECOM Chairman would most likely be an ex-army officer. Well, President Granger is constitutionally bound to pick one name from Opposition Leader's list which includes an ex-army chief no less. So, Norman Mc Lean it will be. Prediction: APNU will "win" the 2020 election with Mc Lean as GECOM Headman. 

kp posted:

Jagdeo names six for President to pick new Gecom head

46 mins ago

Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo today submitted a list of six names to President David Granger from which he would hopefully choose the chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission.

Those names are: Christopher Ram, Ramesh Dookhoo, Ryhaan Shah, Professor James Rose, Lawrence Lachmansingh and Norman Mc Lean.

The names, Jagdeo said at a press briefing, were selected following extensive consultations with 30 civil society organizations, representing major sections of society.

These include religious organisations from the three major religions, the private sector and the labour movement.


Jagdeo is sick in his flipping head to name Christopher Ram and big time thief man Norman McLean. What is wrong with this jackass. The problem with the PPP is the damn blasted leadership not the PPP voters. McLean is a dead Burnham man. The PPP is COOKED FOR A LONG TIME? IAm sick and tired of this Party.



Dondadda posted:
kp posted:

Jagdeo names six for President to pick new Gecom head

46 mins ago

Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo today submitted a list of six names to President David Granger from which he would hopefully choose the chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission.

Those names are: Christopher Ram, Ramesh Dookhoo, Ryhaan Shah, Professor James Rose, Lawrence Lachmansingh and Norman Mc Lean.

The names, Jagdeo said at a press briefing, were selected following extensive consultations with 30 civil society organizations, representing major sections of society.

These include religious organisations from the three major religions, the private sector and the labour movement.


Jagdeo is sick in his flipping head to name Christopher Ram and big time thief man Norman McLean. What is wrong with this jackass. The problem with the PPP is the damn blasted leadership not the PPP voters. McLean is a dead Burnham man. The PPP is COOKED FOR A LONG TIME? IAm sick and tired of this Party.



This news must make you sick, that's if you not already sick. So my friend take it easy. Guyana is like a Big Circus run by a bunch of clowns.

Dondadda posted:
kp posted:

Jagdeo names six for President to pick new Gecom head

46 mins ago

Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo today submitted a list of six names to President David Granger from which he would hopefully choose the chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission.

Those names are: Christopher Ram, Ramesh Dookhoo, Ryhaan Shah, Professor James Rose, Lawrence Lachmansingh and Norman Mc Lean.

The names, Jagdeo said at a press briefing, were selected following extensive consultations with 30 civil society organizations, representing major sections of society.

These include religious organisations from the three major religions, the private sector and the labour movement.


Jagdeo is sick in his flipping head to name Christopher Ram and big time thief man Norman McLean. What is wrong with this jackass. The problem with the PPP is the damn blasted leadership not the PPP voters. McLean is a dead Burnham man. The PPP is COOKED FOR A LONG TIME? IAm sick and tired of this Party.



Jagdeo is trying to protect his own personal self and political interest.

If I was Granger, I  would rub it in his face and select McLean and complete the full circle of military people who run the country.

Gilbakka posted:

Gilbakka had hinted repeatedly that the next GECOM Chairman would most likely be an ex-army officer. Well, President Granger is constitutionally bound to pick one name from Opposition Leader's list which includes an ex-army chief no less. So, Norman Mc Lean it will be. Prediction: APNU will "win" the 2020 election with Mc Lean as GECOM Headman. 

Agreed!....the stupidity of den Indian people in this country is beyond the pale....the PPP, not the PNC, will drag them to their grave.

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gilbakka had hinted repeatedly that the next GECOM Chairman would most likely be an ex-army officer. Well, President Granger is constitutionally bound to pick one name from Opposition Leader's list which includes an ex-army chief no less. So, Norman Mc Lean it will be. Prediction: APNU will "win" the 2020 election with Mc Lean as GECOM Headman. 

Agreed!....the stupidity of den Indian people in this country is beyond the pale....the PPP, not the PNC, will drag them to their grave.

Assuming that President Granger appoints Norman Mc Lean, how can Mr Jagdeo go to his constituents later and complain that military people running the country? And how can he tell the next PPP congress that "massive stealing" of votes will characterize the 2020 election?

Personally, I think that Mr Jagdeo was set up during the consultation process he recently had with civil society on the question of a new GECOM chief. Whoever convinced him that Mc Lean is kosher just double-crossed him. 

Lastly, at a moment like this, one is tempted to speculate much. Was there a bargain involved? Jagdeo agrees to Mc Lean in return for a halt of the Pradoville2 probe and other questionable PPP deals? But I admit here that I'm just imagining things.


President requests Opposition Leader to submit CVs for the GECOM nominees

One day after Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo announced that he has submitted his six nominees for the post of Elections Commission Chairman to the President, the President is requesting that he now submits the curriculum vitae for the nominees.

In a release from the Ministry of the Presidency,  the President is quoted as saying that “I replied to him right away because although those six names might be known to the public, I could not be sure that their nominations were in accordance with the Constitution. I have asked him to let me have copies of the Curriculum Vitae of each one so that it can guide me in making my decision.”

He said that the ball is now in Mr. Jagdeo’s court and “I would say let me have the resume for the persons so we can go ahead with this process. It is very important that we have a Chairman as early as possible”.



This is new to me. Article 161 (2) of the Guyana Constitution: "Provided that if the Leader of the Opposition fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a Judge of a Court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a Court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such Court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.”

Gilbakka posted:

This is new to me. Article 161 (2) of the Guyana Constitution: "Provided that if the Leader of the Opposition fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a Judge of a Court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a Court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such Court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.”

Robert Mugabe running Guyana? I thought Mugabe is in Africa not Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:

Gilbakka had hinted repeatedly that the next GECOM Chairman would most likely be an ex-army officer. Well, President Granger is constitutionally bound to pick one name from Opposition Leader's list which includes an ex-army chief no less. So, Norman Mc Lean it will be. Prediction: APNU will "win" the 2020 election with Mc Lean as GECOM Headman. 

Gil, the list had to be "not unacceptable to the President.". So he is not forced to choose one of this 6.

I see you picked up on this in another post later.

Last edited by Former Member

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