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Jagdeo orchestrated plot to take over airwaves




…grants cable licences to two buddies

…Vishok Persaud, Brian Yong set up shop before licence was granted 
Apart from shocking disclosures that President Bharrat Jagdeo handed his friends and associates and political party multiple radio and TV licences, the granting of cable licences has shed light on a plot to snap up the entire telecommunications sector.
He granted cable licences to Vishok Persaud, the son of PPP stalwart Reepu Daman Persaud and to Brian Yong, a very close confidante.
The granting of cable licences allows the licencees to offer what in the United States and other countries is called triple play—internet, television/radio and telephone services.
Even without being coupled with cellular service Cable on the 2.5 GHz Band is a virtual monopoly in the telecommunication sector for whoever owns the licence. When a consumer accesses Cable with the triple play then regular landline services can become irrelevant.
The cable by itself monopolises the interactive flow of information and that is what Jagdeo has given to his two buddies.
Searches reveal that Jagdeo handed out the cable licences to control the electronic media.
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Thursday, disclosed that the former President granted the two persons cable licences on the 2.5 GHz band in December 2010. These were E-Networks, under Vishok Persaud, the son of Reepu Daman Persaud, a stalwart of the ruling People’s Progressive Party; and Brian Yong, who Jagdeo invited to mount the PPP platform in the 2006 elections.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Both Vishok Persaud and Brian Yong are known to be close to Jagdeo and Winston Brassington, the man who manages Government’s investments.
The service offered by the two men, such as 4G requires both the availability of licensed airwaves – also called spectrum – from the government, and considerable private investment in infrastructure.
The revelations by the Prime Minister show that Jagdeo granted licences to facilitate the development of the already established business of his friends.
In early December, 2010 Persaud introduced his company’s WiMax 4G Network, opening up a wireless digital communication system to provide broadband wireless access, satellite services providing internet access and voice services to miners and companies in the interior, and other services.
This means that Persaud launched his service the very month that he was granted a licence. From all indications Persaud moved to set up his infrastructure knowing that he was assured of a licence from Jagdeo.
In normal circumstances, a person would await the granting of a licence before investing in infrastructure.
The case of Persaud resembles the scenario under which Yong was granted his licence. Yong received his licence in December, 2010.
He too started developing his business with the assurance that he would get a licence.

Vishok Persaud

In January, 2009, Yong’s company signed a deal with O3b Networks, the developer of a new fibre-quality, satellite-based, global Internet backbone.
At that time, Yong boasted that “with less than 1% penetration of broadband Internet usage in Guyana, we feel we have a moral obligation to provide all Guyanese Internet access for educational, commercial, and medical purposes.”
Sure enough, Yong ventured into the business offering broadband satellites and cable TV and was granted his licence.
The 2.5 GHz band, under which Persaud and Yong were licenced, is currently used for electronic news gathering services (including television outside broadcasts). Spectrum in this band is being relocated worldwide to meet increasing demands for wireless broadband services.
Using the provisions of the 2.5 band, a number of initiatives can be undertaken, such as the rapid, unplanned deployment of links to cover breaking news events; planned use of group links employing a variety of techniques to provide specialist coverage of particular events; and electronic field production, which could be used to provide elements of a television production.
In other words, these two businesses could dominate the mass media landscape of the entire country.


Brian Yong

Replies sorted oldest to newest

WOW. Two young Guyanese Businessmen providing 4G and Digital Services to the Guyanese People. The Govt must be commended for creating the Envirnoment for such large Investments by Locals.

Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo handing out the resources of the country to his cronies and lovers without going through any procurement process and he is being applauded. Wow!

The Guyanese People are thankful for such Services at reasonable prices. I have relatives who are very HAPPY that they are NOW paying dirt cheap to call the US and Canada, are able to have the ability to use 4G Phones and Digital Internet.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo handing out the resources of the country to his cronies and lovers without going through any procurement process and he is being applauded. Wow!

The Guyanese People are thankful for such Services at reasonable prices. I have relatives who are very HAPPY that they are NOW paying dirt cheap to call the US and Canada, are able to have the ability to use 4G Phones and Digital Internet.

Where are you getting your info from? Broadband internet in Guyana is ridiculously expensive. Guyanese people are not thankful that the resources of the nation are being stolen and given to PPP cronies so that they can monopolize the services and get rich. Only the stupid ones would be thankful for that.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo handing out the resources of the country to his cronies and lovers without going through any procurement process and he is being applauded. Wow!

The Guyanese People are thankful for such Services at reasonable prices. I have relatives who are very HAPPY that they are NOW paying dirt cheap to call the US and Canada, are able to have the ability to use 4G Phones and Digital Internet.

Where are you getting your info from? Broadband internet in Guyana is ridiculously expensive. Guyanese people are not thankful that the resources of the nation are being stolen and given to PPP cronies so that they can monopolize the services and get rich. Only the stupid ones would be thankful for that.

Well go tell the Guyanese People they are STUPID. You need to go out and face reality.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo handing out the resources of the country to his cronies and lovers without going through any procurement process and he is being applauded. Wow!

The Guyanese People are thankful for such Services at reasonable prices. I have relatives who are very HAPPY that they are NOW paying dirt cheap to call the US and Canada, are able to have the ability to use 4G Phones and Digital Internet.

Where are you getting your info from? Broadband internet in Guyana is ridiculously expensive. Guyanese people are not thankful that the resources of the nation are being stolen and given to PPP cronies so that they can monopolize the services and get rich. Only the stupid ones would be thankful for that.


It is not only expensive but also very slow. The people are being conned. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:

Jagdeo handing out the resources of the country to his cronies and lovers without going through any procurement process and he is being applauded. Wow!

The Guyanese People are thankful for such Services at reasonable prices. I have relatives who are very HAPPY that they are NOW paying dirt cheap to call the US and Canada, are able to have the ability to use 4G Phones and Digital Internet.

Where are you getting your info from? Broadband internet in Guyana is ridiculously expensive. Guyanese people are not thankful that the resources of the nation are being stolen and given to PPP cronies so that they can monopolize the services and get rich. Only the stupid ones would be thankful for that.

Well go tell the Guyanese People they are STUPID. You need to go out and face reality.

They are not all stupid. Some of them are aware of the tiefmen in the PPP and the methods they are using to steal the country's resources. Of course, like everywhere else, Guyana has its shares of dunces and they would gladly allow the PPP to rob them blind.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Jagdeo should be commended for a job well done.


Khemraj Ramjattan and Granger cannot equal his achievements in a thousand years. is thicker than wata 


Whatever the politics, both of these guys were working at this even before the issuance of licenses.


Bringing WiMax technology to Guyana is indeed a coup. Commercializing this in the US has been faced with economic interests of the traditional phone carriers - they have legacy investments that they're protecting. This was rolled out in a few areas of the US early in the last decade.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Whatever the politics, both of these guys were working at this even before the issuance of licenses.


Bringing WiMax technology to Guyana is indeed a coup. Commercializing this in the US has been faced with economic interests of the traditional phone carriers - they have legacy investments that they're protecting. This was rolled out in a few areas of the US early in the last decade.

Working at this without a license is even more corrupt. In which other country can a company go into this kind of business without having a license. They were working at it because they are cronies of Jagdeo/PPP and were given permission to operate without a license and without first being subjected to any kind of procurement process.


Bringing this technology to Guyana is indeed a coup for those who were given the licenses to operate, without first going through a legal procurement process. They have the monopoly and charge outrageous prices for substandard service and they will make a fortune on the backs of the poor man. Those who were given free laptops now have to sign up with this crappy service and pay through their noses for not so broad band.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Whatever the politics, both of these guys were working at this even before the issuance of licenses.


Bringing WiMax technology to Guyana is indeed a coup. Commercializing this in the US has been faced with economic interests of the traditional phone carriers - they have legacy investments that they're protecting. This was rolled out in a few areas of the US early in the last decade.

Working at this without a license is even more corrupt. In which other country can a company go into this kind of business without having a license. They were working at it because they are cronies of Jagdeo/PPP and were given permission to operate without a license and without first being subjected to any kind of procurement process.


Bringing this technology to Guyana is indeed a coup for those who were given the licenses to operate, without first going through a legal procurement process. They have the monopoly and charge outrageous prices for substandard service and they will make a fortune on the backs of the poor man. Those who were given free laptops now have to sign up with this crappy service and pay through their noses for not so broad band.

Let me clear up a misunderstanding here.


1. By saying these two guys were working on the technology involved in "Triple Play" and WiMax I did not mean to insinuate they were doing anything illegal. You can do R & D on a technology service and only present it to the public when granted a license. If they were granted licenses in an illegal way then someone would have to make the case - you know, show that the cost was a rip-off, that other bidders for the spectrum usage were denied, etc. This is something than can be exercised in the factual domain.


2. The WiMax implementation is what I term as a coup for the Guyana Telecommunications field and is meant to be a testament to the work done by the two companies - not a coup to get licenses for cable/phone/Internet combo.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Whatever the politics, both of these guys were working at this even before the issuance of licenses.


Bringing WiMax technology to Guyana is indeed a coup. Commercializing this in the US has been faced with economic interests of the traditional phone carriers - they have legacy investments that they're protecting. This was rolled out in a few areas of the US early in the last decade.

Working at this without a license is even more corrupt. In which other country can a company go into this kind of business without having a license. They were working at it because they are cronies of Jagdeo/PPP and were given permission to operate without a license and without first being subjected to any kind of procurement process.


Bringing this technology to Guyana is indeed a coup for those who were given the licenses to operate, without first going through a legal procurement process. They have the monopoly and charge outrageous prices for substandard service and they will make a fortune on the backs of the poor man. Those who were given free laptops now have to sign up with this crappy service and pay through their noses for not so broad band.

Let me clear up a misunderstanding here.


1. By saying these two guys were working on the technology involved in "Triple Play" and WiMax I did not mean to insinuate they were doing anything illegal. You can do R & D on a technology service and only present it to the public when granted a license. If they were granted licenses in an illegal way then someone would have to make the case - you know, show that the cost was a rip-off, that other bidders for the spectrum usage were denied, etc. This is something than can be exercised in the factual domain.


2. The WiMax implementation is what I term as a coup for the Guyana Telecommunications field and is meant to be a testament to the work done by the two companies - not a coup to get licenses for cable/phone/Internet combo.

Only a blind man or one with his head buried in the sand or in other dark places, can't see that this was a blatant con job to hand over resources of the state to Jagdeo cronies. Being the son of a PPP minister or a toy boy of the former president was all they needed to qualify for the licenses.  


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