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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Would it be correct to assume that indian families will all stick together amd vote for the same party


I assume so this time around. In 2011, my Corentyne family split with 1 of 3 voting AFC. This time I expect 3 out of 3 for the PPP.

If this Is True...PPP win...

there is no need to be spreading

all this Goat Shit

Like Roger Khan is a Hero


Look chap,


You're a silly man who has no grasp of anything. That you choose to parade around here with your silly postings is beyond childish. From posting Kwame pics like 1 millions times now to posting goat shyte 1 million times.


Don't provoke me into a real response to you.


There is a reason no one usually responds to you. You write shyte.

HEHEHEHE HAHAHAHA Picha Laka Picha Uncle.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Whatever percentage is enjoying life under the PPP have no reason to vote otherwise
So those votes are guaranteed


Guyana is an impoverished country. People make as low as 2 dollars a day. Most Amerindian work barely above 4 dollars a day. Indians do not do any better either. It is pure delusion that the PPP has made Indians any better. 

Are you blind-Guyana impoverished? smh!

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Whatever percentage is enjoying life under the PPP have no reason to vote otherwise
So those votes are guaranteed


Guyana is an impoverished country. People make as low as 2 dollars a day. Most Amerindian work barely above 4 dollars a day. Indians do not do any better either. It is pure delusion that the PPP has made Indians any better. 

Are you blind-Guyana impoverished? smh!

It is poor. 3500 per year earnings on average. I noticed the Amerindians in lethem were making 2 dollars a day so migrating to bon fin where they can make 15.


What is it we have that is doing great? Rice with its increased production is financially starved. Sugar is dead, Bauxite died, we have no manufacturing industry. The only thing left is extractive industry and fishing and the PPP is about to sell out the latter to the chinese. Get it into your head, we have not balanced our budged in our entire history. We have not produced one half of our need in our entire history. We are beggars and borrowers and do not let the miami effect of the drug culture fool you. We are a broke assed people.


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