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The AFC/pnc contingent claimed that the taxpayers paid 40K for a private plane. Now we find out that this is a lie.


Thursday, 27 February 2014
Home > Features > The Observer…

The Observer…


Critics of former President Jagdeo have crossed all boundaries

Illness afflicts everyone at some point or another in their lives, but Opposition forces have hit a new low on the vilification they are heaping on former President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo in their ongoing saga of vindictive spitefulness directed towards a man whom one blogger described on a social media site as “…someone who towers superlatively over all his critics at every level in every human equation and socio-political dynamic.”

Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

Like any human being, Dr. Jagdeo, who last month celebrated his 50th birthday, is susceptible to viruses; and as usual he was giving his all in service to humanity in general and Guyanese in particular, when he was struck low by the deadly bite of a dengue-carrying mosquito.

Having recently returned from India where he represented Guyana and joined several high-level officials, including former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, at the opening of the 14th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) in the Indian capital, New Delhi, under the theme, ‘Attaining Energy, Water and Food Security for All’, Dr. Jagdeo was taken ill and examined by local doctors, who advised that he seek medical treatment overseas.

The astounding silence of Opposition elements on Corbin being taken for medical intervention overseas, at an astronomical cost to the state, is deafening, yet speaks volumes of the hypocrisy of the collective political Opposition and the satellites in the media and NGO anti-Government cabal. Corbin’s collapse, necessitating approximately ten times the expenditure of Dr. Jagdeo’s medical costs, may be a timely reminder that everyone is mortal; and the rain falls on everyone’s home; so why is one treatment right for Corbin, but undeserved by Jagdeo?

He did not go overseas for his medical care through any expressed wish of his, andthe private plane that transported him was not provided by the state; but while his critics would perceive as their inalienable right to enjoy friendship with whomever they find compatibility with, they seek to deny Bharrat Jagdeo that same right to association with whomsoever he chooses to befriend; and Kaieteur News’ obsession with the unbreakable friendship between Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Dr. Bobby Ramroop has now become par for the course. Is it envy because they cannot attract that quality of trust as exists between these two men, because they do not have the quality of trustworthiness to attract that level of friendship from anyone? From his pension to his medical bills, his critics have an unending litany of complaints and vindictive pillorying of a man who served this country unreservedly and with great distinction; without considering that Opposition leaders also enjoy the same benefits; and this was only made possible because of the largesse and the generosity of the PPP/C administration, because they gave nothing to Dr. Jagan during the years he was leader of the Opposition.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

vindictive spitefulness????



Who is more spiteful than Jagdeo-eoeoe?


Just before he demitted office, Mr. Jagdeo awarded five radio licenses to Telcor of Queenstown, a company in which Robert Persaud’s family members, one of whom is Jagdeo’s niece, are the major players. Five radio frequencies were granted to a company owned by Dr. Bobby Ramroop.


NONE FOR CN SHARMA one of the pioneers of broadcasting in Guyana.  None for Kaieteur News or Stabroek News, the most widely read and independent media houses in Guyana?


vindictive spitefulness????


Look haul you a...  CHRONICLE OF LIES!


Jagdeo-oeee "is susceptible to viruses" (bite of a dengue-carrying mosquito).


No argument with that.


But what make Jug-ne-how better than sister Savitrie?


Savitrie Sukdeo, a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital who spoke to this newspaper yesterday said she has been getting severe headaches, pains in her joints and muscles and fever. She said after spending several hours waiting to see a doctor she was merely told that is was a virus, and given some pain relievers and Panadol syrup."







SOME PIGS are more important than others.


That is an East indian woman who the PPP count on at elections time but when she was in need they give her Panadol syrup.  WHEN the PPP people in need, they ask Savitrie to pay for a medivac for them big ones.


Come here YUJI, let me knuckle you good and prapppa!


DO YOU PPP FOOL know who is Savitrie?  SHE IS mother SITA in the hindu philosophy.


THIS is what you all mud minds did to MOTHER SITA but you all got money to spend on a and his medivac.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The AFC/pnc contingent claimed that the taxpayers paid 40K for a private plane. Now we find out that this is a lie.


Thursday, 27 February 2014
Home > Features > The Observer…

The Observer…


Critics of former President Jagdeo have crossed all boundaries

Illness afflicts everyone at some point or another in their lives, but Opposition forces have hit a new low on the vilification they are heaping on former President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo in their ongoing saga of vindictive spitefulness directed towards a man whom one blogger described on a social media site as “…someone who towers superlatively over all his critics at every level in every human equation and socio-political dynamic.”

Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

Like any human being, Dr. Jagdeo, who last month celebrated his 50th birthday, is susceptible to viruses; and as usual he was giving his all in service to humanity in general and Guyanese in particular, when he was struck low by the deadly bite of a dengue-carrying mosquito.

Having recently returned from India where he represented Guyana and joined several high-level officials, including former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, at the opening of the 14th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) in the Indian capital, New Delhi, under the theme, ‘Attaining Energy, Water and Food Security for All’, Dr. Jagdeo was taken ill and examined by local doctors, who advised that he seek medical treatment overseas.

The astounding silence of Opposition elements on Corbin being taken for medical intervention overseas, at an astronomical cost to the state, is deafening, yet speaks volumes of the hypocrisy of the collective political Opposition and the satellites in the media and NGO anti-Government cabal. Corbin’s collapse, necessitating approximately ten times the expenditure of Dr. Jagdeo’s medical costs, may be a timely reminder that everyone is mortal; and the rain falls on everyone’s home; so why is one treatment right for Corbin, but undeserved by Jagdeo?

He did not go overseas for his medical care through any expressed wish of his, andthe private plane that transported him was not provided by the state; but while his critics would perceive as their inalienable right to enjoy friendship with whomever they find compatibility with, they seek to deny Bharrat Jagdeo that same right to association with whomsoever he chooses to befriend; and Kaieteur News’ obsession with the unbreakable friendship between Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Dr. Bobby Ramroop has now become par for the course. Is it envy because they cannot attract that quality of trust as exists between these two men, because they do not have the quality of trustworthiness to attract that level of friendship from anyone? From his pension to his medical bills, his critics have an unending litany of complaints and vindictive pillorying of a man who served this country unreservedly and with great distinction; without considering that Opposition leaders also enjoy the same benefits; and this was only made possible because of the largesse and the generosity of the PPP/C administration, because they gave nothing to Dr. Jagan during the years he was leader of the Opposition.


The opposition AFC/PNC has hit an all time low. In Guyana you can call their behaviour Low Class.


Their standard of journalism is "Dem Boys Seh" Toilet Paper Reporting. 




WHAT WAS HIS CONDITION, was it lil shytings?


Who made the decision maker to take Corbin overseas just like you take a little kid to India for a KIDNEY transplant??




It was all part of the bribing of the PNC to convert them to the dumbest opposition every in the history of Guyana during the period 2006-2011.


Yes CARBIN is them boys, he in them pocket, he is one of them.

Last edited by Former Member

There has to be an obsession with Bhart and his best friend and B.... mate.


The Auditor General of Guyana has certified and confirmed that 80% of the medical supplies bought in Guyana are bought from THE BEST FRIEND and in many cases at 10 times the price at Bacchus Drug store.


Plus over $100 million is lost every year from spoilage.


Plus the $4 billion is paid in FULL immediately after the budget but by December all the drugs are not supplied and this is theft.


Plus there is ZERO opportunity for IPA and the other big suppliers to compete in this market since while in bed, the BEST FRIEND get promised something for something, if you know what I MEAN!


You understand why we have anal irrigation problem?  Too much B..


Who you think paid for the medivac if not the taxpayer through the back door???


The tube of cream cost $200 in Bacchus drug store but BEST friend sell it to the Georgetown HOSPITAL for $2000.  TEN TIMES!!!!


So all that profit compliments of the taxpayer - paid for the medivac.  


WHO paid again YUJI - the taxpayers.


EASY lesson good fuh dunce.


Look you all try with that back door business?  I not in no business with kicking in no man back door.


Quoted from the CHRONICLE OF LIES


"Is it envy because they cannot attract that quality of trust as exists between these two men, because they do not have the quality of trustworthiness to attract that level of friendship from anyone?"



Me nah got no problem with people being friend but do not use private relationship to make PUBLIC decisions.  IT IS CALLED CORRUPTION.



Corruption is most commonly defined as the misuse or the abuse of public office for private gain (WorldBank, 1997, UNDP, 1999).


Ow YUJI you cannot able with me, so do not even try,  run back and do you wuk at Home Affairs.  Learn where Dominican republic is.


"the private plane that transported him was not provided by the state"

parse dat statement carefully . . . dem PPP bais being very lawyerly hay . . . demonstrating their enduring contempt for ordinary Guyanese


note to Anil and dem other 3-cent lawyers @ Freedom House . . . we ah watch alyuh!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

The caption should have read  - 

Jagdeo-oe private plane medivac was paid for by the poor people of Guyana.



You cannot vex with me if you failed to comprehend my line of argument.


A NORMAL man would have come back with an alternative line of factual argument to counter and expose my explanation.


But you come with a picture?




I cannot debate with the bottom of the barrel anymore.  I got to go now.  When the sensible people come on the page, you all tell me.  I tired of this Epitome of stupidity call Pandit-JI.

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji bhai how yuh doing.


Kishan piling up all this B...UG...erring lifestyle

and runnings pun yuh.


Yuh see because yuh defending dem funny fellah...

everybody thinking B-Yuji....erring

is practiced full-time by Uuuu-Geeee too.

Last edited by Former Member



You cannot pen a sensible and comprehensive line.


I strongly suggest and recommend that you take a few courses in writing. It will prevent you from degrading yourself at this forum.


You have been banned several times. If that does not send a message to you...then nothing will.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



You cannot pen a sensible and comprehensive line.


I strongly suggest and recommend that you take a few courses in writing. It will prevent you from degrading yourself at this forum.


You have been banned several times. If that does not send a message to you...then nothing will.

I understand what he is saying B...UG...erring explains the relationship between the former Head and the former first man and their medi flight to BOCO.


It is the binding thread between two friends.

These poorly educated dumbos are once again displaying their lack of comprehension skills.

"The private plane that transported him was not provided by the state" does not mean that the state did not pay for the plane.
Originally Posted by Mars:
These poorly educated dumbos are once again displaying their lack of comprehension skills.

"The private plane that transported him was not provided by the state" does not mean that the state did not pay for the plane.




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  • images
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mars:
These poorly educated dumbos are once again displaying their lack of comprehension skills.

"The private plane that transported him was not provided by the state" does not mean that the state did not pay for the plane.



yugee, which wan is de "lie" . . . 1st or 2nd paragraph?


u is a rale illiterate . . . har har har harr

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When Moses suffers a second stroke the gov't will send him overseas to get medical help the same way they did for Jagdeo. What you all going say then?


Interesting question.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When Moses suffers a second stroke the gov't will send him overseas to get medical help the same way they did for Jagdeo. What you all going say then?

Billy, this is news to me. When did Moses get a stroke? Innocent question.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When Moses suffers a second stroke the gov't will send him overseas to get medical help the same way they did for Jagdeo. What you all going say then?


Interesting question.

nah . . . me qwestun to you about "lie" is much, much more interesting


heh heh heh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Sometime ago Moses suffered a stroke. This can be confirmed.



I did not know this. 


The old man should ride off into the sunset and enjoy his retirement rather than settling as a Vice Chariman and a Dhobi (washer person).

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Sometime ago Moses suffered a stroke. This can be confirmed.


Thanks, Billy. I'll ask a close friend of his.

Please let us know when you receive the confirmation.


Moses shows no sign of a man who suffered a stroke. I hope that he stays fit. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Sometime ago Moses suffered a stroke. This can be confirmed.


Thanks, Billy. I'll ask a close friend of his.

Please let us know when you receive the confirmation.


Moses shows no sign of a man who suffered a stroke. I hope that he stays fit. 

If Moses' friend says it's okay to disclose the info, I will post it. Otherwise, I'll respect his wish.


Moses never suffered a stroke... whenever he visits his family he would use the opportunity to get a medical checkup and I know at one time he was seen at the doctor's office by a member of the Jagdeo gang.....


This is a malicious rumour as I know for a fact that Moses is physically and mentally fit to be the presidential candidate of his party to fight the " lil boys " the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique will put up next elections.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Moses never suffered a stroke... whenever he visits his family he would use the opportunity to get a medical checkup and I know at one time I know he was seen at the doctor's office by a member of the Jagdeo gang.....


This is a malicious rumour as I know for a fact that Moses is physically and mentally fit to be the presidential candidate of his party to fight the " lil boys " the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique will put up next elections.....

Thanks for telling us the facts, Churchill. I know you're close to Moses.


Originally Posted by Churchill:

Moses never suffered a stroke... whenever he visits his family he would use the opportunity to get a medical checkup and I know at one time he was seen at the doctor's office by a member of the Jagdeo gang.....


This is a malicious rumour as I know for a fact that Moses is physically and mentally fit to be the presidential candidate of his party to fight the " lil boys " the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique will put up next elections.....


On the political side, looks like the Presidential Candidate will be Ramjattan or Nigel.


Moses seems settled in his role as Vice Chairman. 


This will be a pressing issue for the AFC. Moses might end up tearing up his membership for a second time in his political career.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When Moses suffers a second stroke the gov't will send him overseas to get medical help the same way they did for Jagdeo. What you all going say then?

i wonder if you will be around to see the second stroke god moves in mysterious ways

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Was not paid for is not the same as will be paid for. The invoice has not yet arrived, so it has obviously not yet been paid for.

which soul in guyana can trust the ppp

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Moses never suffered a stroke... whenever he visits his family he would use the opportunity to get a medical checkup and I know at one time he was seen at the doctor's office by a member of the Jagdeo gang.....


This is a malicious rumour as I know for a fact that Moses is physically and mentally fit to be the presidential candidate of his party to fight the " lil boys " the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique will put up next elections.....


On the political side, looks like the Presidential Candidate will be Ramjattan or Nigel.


Moses seems settled in his role as Vice Chairman. 


This will be a pressing issue for the AFC. Moses might end up tearing up his membership for a second time in his political career.

Stop guessing and inventing, man.

The quantum of your political guesses has reached laughable level. Save yourself more embarrassment.

The PPP might appreciate you more if you post about its accomplishments in power.

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji, providing and paying for, are two different things. Where the money came from, or how it's going to be paid? Some body paid for the trip, the pres., Bobby or the people of Guyana????

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Moses never suffered a stroke... whenever he visits his family he would use the opportunity to get a medical checkup and I know at one time he was seen at the doctor's office by a member of the Jagdeo gang.....


This is a malicious rumour as I know for a fact that Moses is physically and mentally fit to be the presidential candidate of his party to fight the " lil boys " the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique will put up next elections.....


On the political side, looks like the Presidential Candidate will be Ramjattan or Nigel.


Moses seems settled in his role as Vice Chairman. 


This will be a pressing issue for the AFC. Moses might end up tearing up his membership for a second time in his political career.

Stop guessing and inventing, man.

The quantum of your political guesses has reached laughable level. Save yourself more embarrassment.

The PPP might appreciate you more if you post about its accomplishments in power.

Nice attempt at a spin Gil.


This is a pressing issue in the AFC. They must thank yuiji for being brave enough to mention it. A member from Berbice told me that the AFC is divided on the issue of a Presidential Candidate.


Their Supreme Leader does not allow for dialogue in the party. Moses will end up settling for Vice Chariman again.


Need I remind you why TK and others left the AFC ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Churchill:

Moses never suffered a stroke... whenever he visits his family he would use the opportunity to get a medical checkup and I know at one time he was seen at the doctor's office by a member of the Jagdeo gang.....


This is a malicious rumour as I know for a fact that Moses is physically and mentally fit to be the presidential candidate of his party to fight the " lil boys " the Jagdeo/Ramoutar clique will put up next elections.....


On the political side, looks like the Presidential Candidate will be Ramjattan or Nigel.


Moses seems settled in his role as Vice Chairman. 


This will be a pressing issue for the AFC. Moses might end up tearing up his membership for a second time in his political career.

Stop guessing and inventing, man.

The quantum of your political guesses has reached laughable level. Save yourself more embarrassment.

The PPP might appreciate you more if you post about its accomplishments in power.

Nice attempt at a spin Gil.


This is a pressing issue in the AFC. They must thank yuiji for being brave enough to mention it. A member from Berbice told me that the AFC is divided on the issue of a Presidential Candidate.


Their Supreme Leader does not allow for dialogue in the party. Moses will end up settling for Vice Chariman again.


Need I remind you why TK and others left the AFC ?

the AFC have the ppp crying like little wimps and that is all that matter at the moment 


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