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Jagdeo, Ramotar sue govt for former presidents benefits

Former Presidents Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo.Former Presidents Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo.

Former Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar have moved to the High Court seeking large sums of monies following the capping of the benefits of former presidents.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams said he would "seek leave to defend the applications" that were filed on November 11, 2015.

The matters come up before Chief Justice Ian Chang and Justice Narendra Singh on December 11, 2015.

The Attorney General said Ramotar and Jagdeo filed the applications "seeking in effect to receive large sums of money in benefits and other facilities that were capped on the coming into operation of the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act No.3 of 2015.

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Jagdeo, Ramotar sue government to reclaim unlimited benefits


By Abena Rockcliffe
Former Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar remain vexed with the government over its move to cap their benefits. So upset are the former Presidents they have moved to the courts to get what they view as their “fundamental rights.”

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

The former Presidents have caused the writs to be filed in the High Court since November 11. But there was silence over this act. None of them made an announcement as they are wont to do ever since they became the opposition.
Jagdeo failed to inform the media about this during his conferences where he talked about the “greed” of the current government.
The media only found out about this move yesterday when the Attorney General, Basil Williams announced that the former Presidents are seeking to “in effect receive the large sums of money” in benefits and other facilities that were capped on the coming into operation of the Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act of 2015.
Despite the fact that Jagdeo and Ramotar are using the same Attorney-at-Law, Murseline Bacchus, the applications were filed separately.
The matter will come up before Chief Justice Ian Chang and Justice Narendra Singh on December 11. Williams will be seeking leave to defend the Applications.
According to the Writ, Jagdeo and Ramotar are contending that the Act of 2015 should only affect the benefits of future Presidents.
Ramotar demitted office on May 16, 2015 and Jagdeo on December 3, 2011.
Williams told the media, “The question is really whether this country could afford uncapped benefits for former Presidents which could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars annually.”

Former President Donald Ramotar

Former President Donald Ramotar

Jagdeo, asked about keeping this legal action a secret, responded, “My lawyer will send out a statement in a short while because as usual, Williams has misrepresented the facts.”
Bacchus indeed sent out a statement subsequently. However, it did not differ in actual content from what was related by Williams.
Bacchus said, “I observe in the press certain misleading statements attributable to the Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Basil Williams, conveying the impression that my clients are ‘seeking to receive large sums of money’.
My clients are simply seeking from the Court the following among others: A Declaration that the Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act No. 3 of 2015 does not retrospectively affect benefits which accrued to them under the Former President (Benefits and other Facilities) Act of 2009; an Order compelling the Minister of Finance and the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority to provide forthwith to the Applicants the benefits conferred upon them by the Former President (Benefits and other Facilities) Act of 2009.
The other former President, Samuel Hinds has so far not complained about the capped benefits.
The Bill to cap the benefits was unanimously passed in the National Assembly during the time when the People’s Progressive Party/Civic refused to take up its seats.
The explanatory memorandum of the Bill says that it will repeal the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act of 2009, and replace it to provide greater specificity.
The burden that the lifestyle of former President Bharrat Jagdeo placed on the Treasury was the focal point of speeches presented by those who spoke to the Bill.

Minister of Legal Affairs Basil Williams

Minister of Legal Affairs Basil Williams

Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, was keen to note and repeat that the Act of 2009 will be repealed.
Jordan also said that the size of the economy and the ability to sustain such open-ended and uncapped benefits, were ignored when Ramotar refused to assent to a similar Bill. He said that that showed narrow self-serving interest.
Jordan made reference to the fact that over the period December 2011 to February 2014, Jagdeo racked up in excess of $45M on transportation, security and electricity bills within 27 months.
Jagdeo’s total electricity bill for the duration amounted to over $9.8M. His average monthly light bill was $365,766 at the time. For transportation, he utilised over $15.2M. The State spent over $20.3M for his security over that 27-month period, an average of $752,649 monthly.
Jordan pointed out that Jagdeo’s light bill is 8.7 times the minimum wage and his security bill is 17.6 times the same and 1.7 times the salary of a sitting Minister of Government
Former Presidents will now be given $25,000 per month for electricity, a further $25,000 for water and another $25,000 for telephone. The new Bill states that former Presidents will be given services of personal and household staff, including a gardener but, the total number of such staffers cannot exceed three persons.
There will be a limit of $200,000 per annum for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by a former President for himself and his children below the age of 18 years and his spouse, provided that the money was not spent on medical attention and treatment obtained abroad or at private health facilities in Guyana, and were available in Guyana at government institutions.
Former Presidents will be given full-time personal security, not exceeding two persons including those at the place of residence.
They will also be entitled to the provision of not more than two motor vehicles owned and maintained by the State; toll free transportation; and an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares provided on the same conditions applicable to Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature.
However, even with the benefits being capped, the new Bill states that “A Former President shall cease to be entitled to the benefits and other facilities provided under section 3, if the former President engages in business, trade or paid employment or is convicted of a criminal offence for which a term of imprisonment is imposed.”



Gilbakka posted:

If they win the case, Jagdeo and his sidekick may deposit the recouped money in the special PPP bank account, the same one containing salary increases. Freedom House is already thinking of a war chest to finance its 2020 campaign.

They don't need this to finance their war chest for next elections. The masses will donate generously to throw out these bums and scums now in power.
The PNC will resort to paying their supporters to rob and kill the rich to fiance their war chest...just like they did for this last election.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If they win the case, Jagdeo and his sidekick may deposit the recouped money in the special PPP bank account, the same one containing salary increases. Freedom House is already thinking of a war chest to finance its 2020 campaign.

They don't need this to finance their war chest for next elections. The masses will donate generously to throw out these bums and scums now in power.
The PNC will resort to paying their supporters to rob and kill the rich to fiance their war chest...just like they did for this last election.

Oh Really???

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If they win the case, Jagdeo and his sidekick may deposit the recouped money in the special PPP bank account, the same one containing salary increases. Freedom House is already thinking of a war chest to finance its 2020 campaign.

They don't need this to finance their war chest for next elections. The masses will donate generously to throw out these bums and scums now in power.
The PNC will resort to paying their supporters to rob and kill the rich to fiance their war chest...just like they did for this last election.

Oh Really???

Skelly is a strong competitor for GNI Fiction Writer Award.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If they win the case, Jagdeo and his sidekick may deposit the recouped money in the special PPP bank account, the same one containing salary increases. Freedom House is already thinking of a war chest to finance its 2020 campaign.

They don't need this to finance their war chest for next elections. The masses will donate generously to throw out these bums and scums now in power.
The PNC will resort to paying their supporters to rob and kill the rich to fiance their war chest...just like they did for this last election.

u mean your famlee will jump people house 


Gilbakka posted:

If they win the case, Jagdeo and his sidekick may deposit the recouped money in the special PPP bank account, the same one containing salary increases. Freedom House is already thinking of a war chest to finance its 2020 campaign.

BJ dealing with a bunch of low IQ dunces in the PNC.  If I were to place a bet, I bet on BJ.


Jagdeo still grabbing


Old people got a saying that when dog accustom to suck egg it can’t stop. Dem same old people got a saying that de more some people get, de more dem want. Dem two saying fit Jagdeo and now he got he puppet following he. People now seeing Sam in he true light because he ain’t join wid Jagdeo and Ramotar.
Before he stop being president he pass a law that mek all who tun president gun get a whole heap of money. He fix de pension so that whether he is president or not, he gun get de same pay almost as de president. That is greed.
He then fix he benefits so that he can travel free, have how much car he want, hire how much made he want and then get de people of this country to pay he light bill, he phone bill and all he travelling expense, even when he going out of Guyana.
It mean that although he getting a pension that can pay 12 senior public servants $200,000 a month, he still ain’t got to spend no money, not even for food and travel. De thing is that Donald use to call dem boys and tell dem that Jagdeo had to be mad. He tell dem to fight against de Bill because he think that it too taxing to de country.
When was time to vote fuh de Bill Donald vote for it. When dem boys ask him he tell dem that was a party vote but that he gun mek sure that people don’t tek that kind of money. Soulja Bai cut de big spending and de same Donald join wid Jagdeo to fight fuh get back de big spending.
Dem boys seh that is not only that Donald is a puppet but de money sweeten him.
Everybody know that Guyana can’t afford it; this is de same Jagdeo who seh that de Ministers should not tek a pay increase. In fact, he pension alone more big that all dem Minister salary. Now he want de expenses too, and that an all more big than dem Minister salary. He shame to stand up and talk bout how people cut de money suh he get Donald Dumb to join wid him.
Talk half and watch how Jagdeo only thinking bout heself.



warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If they win the case, Jagdeo and his sidekick may deposit the recouped money in the special PPP bank account, the same one containing salary increases. Freedom House is already thinking of a war chest to finance its 2020 campaign.

They don't need this to finance their war chest for next elections. The masses will donate generously to throw out these bums and scums now in power.
The PNC will resort to paying their supporters to rob and kill the rich to fiance their war chest...just like they did for this last election.

u mean your famlee will jump people house 


Nah bai. Me famlee only tief you milking bulls.


Jagdeo and Donald Dumb have no shame

December 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

When dem boys talk that Jagdeo and he kavakamites greedy, nuff of he supporters use to get vex. Dem use to seh that de Waterfalls paper staining de man and lying pun dem.
Now de nation and all dem supporters seeing Jagdeo and Ramotar fuh de greedy brutes they are. None of de two of dem did anything fuh Guyana that de people can be proud of.
As a matter of fact, all dem did was full dem pockets, dem family pockets and dem friends pocket. That scamp Jagdeo also mek sure that before he lef office he put in place a pension package fuh mind him and de whole of Unity Village wheh he come from.
When that package came out, de whole of Guyana cuss. People see de things he put in place fuh himself, things like two first class plane tickets to any destination in de world and he don’t even have a dog or  pig.
Donald de Dumb, he sidekick, got pickney, pig, sheep and goat, not Rohee. He also got a wife. He sleep through he three years in office and he only wake up de other day when he hear he got to pay light bill. That is how he call Jagdeo and de two of dem decide to challenge de cut wha Soulja Bai drop pun dem.
Both de scamp and Donald de Dumb had no shame what-so-ever. De things that dem put in de writ speaks volumes of who these two shameless men are.
Dem eyes pass people and de court to de extent that dem had de nerve to ask de court to hear dem writ secretly. This is de first time in history that people hear a man file a writ and then ask de court fuh hear de matter in secret.
De two of dem know that dem can’t talk and let people know wha dem challenging in de court. Because dem got to show inconvenience.
Imagine that de two of dem going to court to tell de judge that any cutting mustn’t affect dem, only future presidents because dem seh that de law can’t reverse.
But de same Jagdeo and Donald Dumb reverse de law to mek de illegal sale of Sanata Complex to heself, legal.
Talk half that Soulja Bai reverse that sale.

Trade Unionist Lincoln Lewis
Trade Unionist Lincoln Lewis

OUTRAGE -Guyanese react to Jagdeo, Ramotar move to uncapped benefits


Trade Unionist Lincoln Lewis believes that former Presidents Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo have colluded to “rape the national coffers” by moving to the High Court over the non-payment of money and other benefits they would have been entitled to prior to the capping of the benefits of Former Presidents. In a letter to the Editor on Wednesday, Lewis said the duo is attempting to live “luxurious lives on the backs of tax payers”. He said too that the actions of the two former Presidents have confirmed the view that “politicians don’t care a damn about the people”.

Unella Gibbon

Unella Gibbon

Lewis added that the capped benefits under the Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Act (No. 3 of 2015) still ensure that former Presidents receive $75,000 monthly for telephone and electricity bills which is “in excess of the pension earned by persons who have served this country for more than 35 years in the public service, and many who are currently employed and are required to deliver eight-hour service a day.”
“IT is clear that politics has become a gravy train. The public mantra about service to the people no longer matters,” Lewis contends, noting that the both Jagdeo and Ramotar are in pursuit of “the open-ended arrangement” whereby they can “access unlimited amounts of State cars, armed Police guards at their premises, or staff to carry on political work.”
“It is not the vulgar and unconscionable $1.4 million pension these men each receive per month that the National Assembly capped,” Lewis stressed. The trade unionist said, “The act of Jagdeo taking the people to court is characteristic of the contempt he has for Guyanese, and therefore comes as no surprise; but Ramotar’s collusion is surprising, given that ‘this man was in the trade union movement, and would have condemned the PNC leadership for ‘riding on the backs of workers’ had they engaged in similar or lesser conduct.”

Dr Henry Jeffrey

Dr Henry Jeffrey

“It means that Ramotar would have mobilised protest actions against acts he and Jagdeo are now involved in! The act of taking the people of Guyana to court is deemed a personal attack against workers and the taxpaying public, given that our economy can ill-afford extravagance, and both men are aware of this,’ Lewis added.
This, he said is a clear case of “double-standards” and it demonstrates that “politics is not about the people and their development” but about using “political office to cream off the resources and wealth of the nation for personal enrichment”.
Lewis views the move by the duo as a clear case of collusion to “rape the national coffers”. “During and after his presidency, Ramotar has said to this society that he is his own man, not operating in the shadow of Jagdeo, or on instructions from Jagdeo. The collusion of these men to rape the national coffers means that Ramotar is either not his own man or both men are self-serving.”
He believes that the People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) followers should be concerned by this moving as Ramotar and Jagdeo are clearly showing that “they would go to the end of the earth to enrich themselves on the backs of the people, and it matters not to them whether the people can afford to sustain their greed”.
Meanwhile, former Minister of Education and Health under the PPP, Dr Henry Jeffrey said he believes it is in the right of the former Presidents to seek recourse if they are not comfortable. “Whether it is a great political move, I am not certain,” he said.
“Certainly, no one should be given open benefits,” he told Guyana Chronicle on Monday. Accordingly, he said the Constitution of Guyana speaks to the benefits that are due to Presidents and former Presidents. “It is simple law and justice,” he said noting that “I don’t think they should be given open benefits.”
The common man in the street believes that the move by the former Presidents is an indication of the lack of respect they have for citizens. Esan Anderson, a currency exchanger said “While in power the past government made choices to suit their sitting, now the Mr Granger has put appropriate measures in place to stop the misappropriation.” He strongly believes that the move to the High Court for the benefits is “senseless and is just a waste of tax payers’ money”.

Esan Anderson

Esan Anderson

Unella Gibbon, a housewife said it is greed that has caused the two former Presidents to petition the court. “They too greedy, I ain’t think they deserve any money. Furthermore, its taxpayers’ money, I want they lobby to raise pension money. I don’t know why they went to the High Court it get poor people suffering and don’t even get a tip of what they getting.”
Similarly, Harold Sampson and David Wilson believe that petitioning the High Court is a bid to deprive the State and by extension citizens of finances that could be better used.
“I stand with the government; they cut them money why they running High Court for? It’s Guyana money!” said Sampson. Wilson stated that the money Ramotar and Jagdeo are claiming for does not belong to them. “It is the Guyanese people money; we taxpayers’ money. The High Court move makes no sense.”
Both Ramotar and Jagdeo are contending that their earnings accrued before the passage of the 2015 legislation and so they are entitled to continue to be able to receive the earnings. They claim that the Former Presidents (Benefits and Other facilities) Act 2015 will be used to deny them benefits that have been conferred upon them under the 2009 Act and an attempt to do so is unlawful, unconstitutional, null, void and of no effect.

By Ariana Gordon


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