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Jagdeo really bareface

June 2, 2016 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Jagdeo get bareface. This is de highest bareface can get. It can’t get higher than this. Dem boys seh imagine this man, Jagdeo, sit at de helm of this nation fuh almost 13 years.
Wholesale thiefing start under his stewardship; dem boys expose everything that coming out in de audit and much more. Dem talk about de fat crook Brassington and NICIL. When he couldn’t tek it no more and when he realize dem boys closing in pun him he file 19 lawsuit in one day against de Waterfalls paper and run away to Miami.
He was one of de main players in Jagdeo skullduggery. Name everything that Jagdeo plan and Brassington name on it. Dem plan begin wid scampishness, carry out in secrecy and end in full skullduggery.
Dem boys talk bout de cable wha Dax and others mess up. In one case dem throw de cable pun de ground and throw sand over it.
Dem boys talk bout de US$42M transmission line; dem boys talk bout Surendra de pump man, who Jagdeo love.
Dem boys talk bout de one laptop, dem talk bout de radio and TV licence, de cable licence and de Berbice Bridge.
Dem talk bout de Sanata complex wha Jagdeo give to Babbie fuh next to nutten; he talk bout de New GPC wha dem boys ain’t certain if he pay and all de drug deals wha run into trillions of dollars and in nuff cases drugs never supply.
This is only de tip of de iceberg. Dem boys plan to publish a list on line so that de world can see that everything Jagdeo touch he get something and when he move he hand de project tun kaka. All Guyana suffer. And this is de same crook who saying jail people who de audit expose. He name deh at de top of every audit. De Pradoville One, dem tek it fuh next to nutten and de Pradoville Two, dem tek it fuh nutten.
If dem audit de Palms Jagdeo or Uncle Eddie’s home Jagdeo name gun call. When dem do a count inside de prison, not only he name gun call but he will be present.
And is not this jail alone dem boys talking about.
Talk half and hope somebody tickle Soulja Bai.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mitts, from all the evidence they said they had and from all the stories they were telling. I thought by now, one year later into their rule, that they would have had jagdeo in jail. What happened? The forensic audits seems to be showing more bad administrative decisions, management practices and accounting procedures than criminal behaviour. Granger noted that people will be charged when there was sufficient evidence. No major charges yet and jagdeo is still giving them headaches. Since you seem to be in the know, what is happrning?

BTW, what is this about jagdeo loving Surendra? Don't tell me that you are getting down into the gutters. I thought it was a business relationship that went bad.

Zed posted:

Mitts, from all the evidence they said they had and from all the stories they were telling. I thought by now, one year later into their rule, that they would have had jagdeo in jail. What happened?

The prisons are full to the rafters with cases that the PPP stacked up deliberately so that it would take years to catch up. Cases from 2010 are only now coming before a judge. So be patient. You'll get your chance against the firing squad wall.


Another way is to launch an international investigation into former Presidents, all Members of Parliament (MPs), not just ours – everyone, so it’s seen as nonpartisan (for those who have assets abroad; bank accounts abroad,” Jagdeo stated.
The motion that Jagdeo was referring to was an opposition motion that was suppressed in Parliament as the party sought to have all Members of the National Assembly make public their tax returns to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) over the last 10 years.Meanwhile, several submitted forensic reports had recommended to have criminal charges laid against agency Heads.


kp posted:

Another way is to launch an international investigation into former Presidents, all Members of Parliament (MPs), not just ours – everyone, so it’s seen as nonpartisan (for those who have assets abroad; bank accounts abroad,” Jagdeo stated.
The motion that Jagdeo was referring to was an opposition motion that was suppressed in Parliament as the party sought to have all Members of the National Assembly make public their tax returns to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) over the last 10 years.Meanwhile, several submitted forensic reports had recommended to have criminal charges laid against agency Heads.


JAGDEO as usual creating a smoke screen to divert attention. The law should be changed so that he can be prosecuted.


I still cannot understand why the government did not pass the proposal to have all MP make public their Tax returns and assets, both foreign and in Guyana. I thought that even as some argue that it was a smokescreen, it was a step in the right direction. Unless the government had other reasons which are beyond my comprehension.

Zed posted:

I still cannot understand why the government did not pass the proposal to have all MP make public their Tax returns and assets, both foreign and in Guyana. I thought that even as some argue that it was a smokescreen, it was a step in the right direction. Unless the government had other reasons which are beyond my comprehension.

What reasons none,unless they have other plans while in government.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A study should be done onthe social and economic impact on Guyana for those 28 years the PNC was at the helm.

What will the people currently gain by doing that,what is needed is what should be done to move the country forward,52yrs the country is still the same bottom of the ladder.

Last edited by Django
Zed posted:

I still cannot understand why the government did not pass the proposal to have all MP make public their Tax returns and assets, both foreign and in Guyana. I thought that even as some argue that it was a smokescreen, it was a step in the right direction. Unless the government had other reasons which are beyond my comprehension.

This is very understandable!  Do you really think these guys plan on retiring with savings out of their salaries and pension?  They have bigger plans for themselves. Just look back in the day, lil low level clerks trading flour for Honda, etc.  Them bais now will do their thing and retire very large.  They dont want to retire living in a bottom house hammock.

Zed posted:

I still cannot understand why the government did not pass the proposal to have all MP make public their Tax returns and assets, both foreign and in Guyana. I thought that even as some argue that it was a smokescreen, it was a step in the right direction. Unless the government had other reasons which are beyond my comprehension.

The reason is, the PNC have a lot more to hide.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Is wuh happen to Surendra de pump man, who Jagdeo love?

He is on Vacation with you.

OI, talk bout de Sanata complex wha Jagdeo give to Babbie fuh next to nutten.

Tell we nah.  And wah, you vex he give you nutten fah all you did.  Now Granja gat you advising fuh nutten?  Like you like giving it up fuh nutten!!  Banna, like you desperate fuh sometin nah!!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:

Is wuh happen to Surendra de pump man, who Jagdeo love?

He is on Vacation with you.

OI, talk bout de Sanata complex wha Jagdeo give to Babbie fuh next to nutten.

Tell we nah.  And wah, you vex he give you nutten fah all you did.  Now Granja gat you advising fuh nutten?  Like you like giving it up fuh nutten!!  Banna, like you desperate fuh sometin nah!!

Tell we nah about yuh nasty begging habits at the bars. Banna stop being a free loader and move out soon from bhaiya basement apartment. So you wanna get personal?

Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:

OI, talk bout de Sanata complex wha Jagdeo give to Babbie fuh next to nutten.

Tell we nah.  And wah, you vex he give you nutten fah all you did.  Now Granja gat you advising fuh nutten?  Like you like giving it up fuh nutten!!  Banna, like you desperate fuh sometin nah!!

Tell we nah about yuh nasty begging habits at the bars. Banna stop being a free loader and move out soon from bhaiya basement apartment. So you wanna get personal?

Whats so personal, that you are an advisor to the GoG?  If so, reflect some appropriate accumen on this board!! Why you seem flustered at that fact?  You should be proud and show some class like BJ and Baseman! Is it too much to expect?


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