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Jagdeo, Rohee and the PPP are in panic mode

March 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters

DEAR EDITOR, If ever an ideal setting was created for a naÏve person to etch his/her name in the annals of bunkum in Guyana, it was the General Secretary of the PPP. That he enjoys the unique distinction of being the first to say that Guyana is a happy country and to boast about it was indelibly stupid. Was he mocking the citizens of Guyana? Is he fully conscious that no one will believe his silly statement primarily because of the PPP regime’s poor record in enhancing the quality of life for all? How can Guyana be a happy country when more than half of its population are poor, an unemployment rate of over 40 percent, and with an average of over three murders per week? Every week when the General Secretary takes centre stage at Freedom House for his press conferences, the people merely wait for more dismal, depressing and disgusting melodrama to be inflicted upon them. His weekly outbursts are customary, ancient, baseless and redundant. The minority government is mired in disgrace and immorality in public affairs, not to mention corruption. Its plethora of wasteful, reckless and irretrievable squandering of the taxpayers’ money is nauseating. All of the efforts by the cabal to demean the priceless integrity of the APNU+AFC Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates at Babu Jaan have backfired. Now comes their last stand: a pathetic, pointless and impotent effort to scare Indo-Guyanese into ethnic insecurity with their race-based political campaign. They are in panic mode as the day of reckoning draws near. They will lose the election and whether they know it or not, their time is up. If ever one needed to be convinced that Jagdeo is the most dedicated, committed and persistent advocate in championing David Granger to be the next President of Guyana, his remarks about his party and the comparison of his opulent lifestyle to the modest existence of Dr. Jagan have put all doubts to rest. He has lost all credibility because no one, not even the hard core supporters of the PPP would believe the latter statement. Dr Jagan never built a palace on the country’s best ocean front land. He would have never burdened the taxpayers with an extravagant pension. Contrary to what some are being coerced to believe, there is absolutely no precedent anywhere in the Caribbean where a former president has lived or is living in such a luxury. And the fact that he had the gall to compare his lifestyle to that of Dr. Jagan not only proved that he is disingenuous but he does not have a conscience, because if he did, he would have been more frugal and not burdened the nation to pay for his lavish lifestyle and all his bills. In attempting to shore up President Ramotar and his crumbling regime in the election, Jagdeo is blinded by venom, vindictiveness, desperation and despair. He has refused to accept that he is a liability to the state and the PPP. His depth of despair begets his psyche which has caused him to betray the highest pinnacles of respect, as distinguished by a lack of etiquette and his use of ineloquent language to arouse insecurity and to spew hate, dragging his party into further disrepute. This is not enlightened or esteemed political behaviour by anyone. In fact, it is the most disrespected, repulsive and un-statesmanlike conduct. Having comprehensively failed to make the minutest dent in the APNU+AFC Alliance by way of insidious and incestuous remarks and by citing every conceivable imperfection known to man on the planet, Jagdeo, Rohee and the PPP now find themselves in uncontrollable panic mode, aiming their vicious attacks directly at the leaders of the Alliance. But David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo are the two most formidable, feared and foreboding champions of resistance to Jagdeo and the PPP’s unbridled criticism. This is their mark of desperation and fear as the day of reckoning draws nigh.

Asquith Rose,

Chandra Deolall,

Dr. Merle Spencer-Marks

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These guys Rose, Deolall, and Marks hit the Corrupt PPP/C with a greenheart 2x4 when they writes "The minority PPP?C government is mired in disgrace and immorality in public affairs, not to mention corruption. Its plethora of wasteful, reckless and irretrievable squandering of the taxpayers’ money is nauseating.


The PPP/C is gasping for breathe.


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