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Jagdeo, Rohee rubbish ‘friction’ report


Friday, October 23 2015, Citizen’s Report, Source


SPECULATION, wicked and malicious were the terms used by Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, and People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee, in rubbishing reports that there is a rift between the two.  A report circulated by a local online news agency claimed that there was “friction” between the two men and that Rohee was being asked to leave as General Secretary of the Party.

“It is all speculation,” declared Dr Jagdeo, also a former president.

Meanwhile, Rohee, in a subsequent statement called attention to the fact that a General Secretary cannot be removed as easily as the online news report intimated.

“Any departure” from the post of General Secretary of the Party must be a decision of the Central Committee, unless the sitting General Secretary opts to resign from the post on his own.

I do hope that these views of mine help to clarify the questions raised concerning this wicked and malicious rumor,” he stressed.

Rohee added that this is not the first time rumors have circulated about differences between himself and Dr Jagdeo.

“They have all remained just that, rumors,” he stressed.

Both made clear that there is no merit to the report.

Additionally, the two, who are seated next to each other in the National Assembly, were seen in good spirits yesterday when the House met.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why would there not be  friction in the PPP, when Rohee comes out with a   statement and Jagdeo refute it with another statement, immediately afterwards.

This displays a power struggle like they don't know their ass, from  hole in the ground. 

It makes them both look like a goat and a jackass.  


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