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Jagdeo’s ghosts have come back to haunt him

May 5, 2015 | By  | Filed Under Letters 
Dear Editor,
It is often said that the truth will set you free and it often does. In the case of the Jagdeo, the truth has and continues to be his political nightmare, especially in this election campaign. His most recent statements about ex-soldiers “kicking the doors of PPP supporters,” if the APNU+AFC Coalition is elected, are absurd and patently false.
Even worse, his remarks that during the last election he heard Afro-Guyanese at Den Amstel were beating drums at six o’clock in the morning, urging the supporters of APNU to vote the “coolie party out of office” is dishonest, deceitful, and is a fictional imagination of his mind.
No decent individual would make such evil statements; such utterances could only come from someone who is vile and irrational. These statements along with his character assassination of the leaders of the opposition have exposed his depravity, which has caused a significant political meltdown for the PPP.
Jagdeo continues to fool himself into believing that he is loved by the people, but this is an illusion that is further from the truth. He is a leftover who uses race-bait politics to convince East Indians of all ages to vote for the PPP on May 11. Again, he is not truthful because he is fully aware that the population census conducted by the PPP in 2012 and which they have refused to release to the public shows the East Indian population at 38 percent, a five percent drop from previous years due largely to migration.
Since 2011, it is estimated that four out of every five migrants are East Indians and this has caused grave concern in the PPP camp. In spite of this, there has been an increase of 95,000 of the voting electorate since 2012 which could very well be good for the APNU+AFC Coalition, because the vast majority are youths who are clamoring for change.
As the election campaign winds down, the PPP is panicking and Jagdeo is fearful of the party losing the election. Its internal polls are showing that the numbers are not there for the PPP to win the election. But there is nothing fearful about the actions of the leaders of the Alliance, who have intensified their campaign, not with insults or abuses against the PPP, but with promises to lower the toll on the Berbice Bridge from $2200 to $1000 for cars and mini-buses and free for motor cycles, increase the pensions of senior citizens from $12,500 to $15,000 per month, a ten (10) percent across the board increase in wages and salaries, a reduction of VAT by two percent, and lower price for gasoline at the pumps, to name a few. More importantly, the leaders of the Coalition have promised to take legal action against the racketeers and the masterminds of corruption and the awarding of inflated and bogus contracts. Also, they have exposed Jagdeo for his vulgar and abusive behaviour as well as his disgraceful political campaign, mismanagement of state funds, incompetence and his opulent lifestyle.
Even some members of the PPP Jagdeo have ridiculed Jagdeo for his vitriolic remarks and damming statements, including his comparison of his extravagant lifestyle to that of the modest lifestyle of the Jagans. Not only was his credibility questioned by the children of Dr. and Mrs. Jagan, but also his loyalty to the people and the country.
The truth is, Jagdeo is loyal to no one but himself, and he is known for making statements which have caused an unprecedented divisiveness within the PPP. In the eyes of many, he has become a liability and an embarrassment not only to the PPP, but to the nation.
In this election campaign, the opposition has exposed Jagdeo and the PPP for presiding over the second most corrupt and vindictive government in all of the Caribbean. He has propagated what many view as the spoils of power as no other president has done. This was his type of politics. He has left a tainted legacy and a veil of secrecy, especially in awarding questionable contracts such as the construction of the ‘white elephant Skeldon Sugar Factory, the doomed Specialty Hospital and the discredited Marriott Hotel.
Today, Jagdeo has become bewildered, as his ghosts have emerged to haunt him in the campaign. So much so that many supporters of the PPP have moved away from the party. These negatives have definitely hurt Jagdeo’s credibility among the majority of the hundreds of thousands of registered voters who will elect a new government on May 11. 2015. It is time for change.
Dr. Asquith Rose

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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Burnham used to solders to rob Indians during his time. I witnessed the atrocities.  Everything Jagdeo said was true...

The military was a key instrument of torture for the PNC against the Indian masses.  There are many documented cases where the military was deployed to conduct what should be the civilian police duties.


Those who forget the past ans condemned to repeat it.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What is Jagdeo's key instrument for torture? 


Doesn't jagdeo use the police at his beck and call to do his dutty wuk? along with the DPP?

The PPP Phantom Death Squad is more evil than anything we've ever seen in Guyana's history. Just ask George Bacchus. Oh I forgot, they bumped him off too since he knew too much about its inner workings. PPP motto "Dead Men Tell No Tales".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Burnham used to solders to rob Indians during his time. I witnessed the atrocities.  Everything Jagdeo said was true...

The military was a key instrument of torture for the PNC against the Indian masses.  There are many documented cases where the military was deployed to conduct what should be the civilian police duties.


Those who forget the past ans condemned to repeat it.



What about Roger KHAN AND THE Phantom Gang. Dem fella was so organized-they had a uniform for that murderous bunch. Reminds me of Papa Doc and his Ton Ton Macote gang. Haiti still poor onto today.


I hope you see the danger of Jagdeo. And I would say it now, think what future Guyana has if Jagdeo is permitted to influence the PPP.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Roger khan was working for the Columbians.  He had nothing to with the PPP.


he is no reason TO CONDONE WHAT THE PNC DID. 

Did jagdeo get columbian citizenship?


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