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Jagdeo’s office prepares dossier

“25 scandals within 16 months”

The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government, led by President David

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Granger was elected to office just over 16 months now and the political 6Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has concluded that the coalition Government has already been embroiled in more questionable practices than the PPP/C which ruled Guyana for 23 years.
The Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, on Wednesday said it has been diligently monitoring the APNU/AFC Government’s use of public funds and the levels of transparency and accountability; issuing an eight-page ‘dossier’ on 25 “scandals” of the Government over the past 16 months.
“The APNU/AFC Government has been exposed with more scandals and corruptions in 16 months than successive PPP/C Administrations were accused of in 23 years,” Jagdeo’s office said, adding that between June 2015 and August 2016, 14 months of the coalition Government, some 16 “scandals” were uncovered.
But Jagdeo’s office said that the month of August 2016 “took the cake”with the exposure of the Sussex Street Drug Bond deal, the BK International and Government of Guyana’s $1 billion “out-of-court” settlement and the issuance of two fuel licences to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Water Inc, Dr Richard Van West-Charles.
Among the other “scandals” highlighted by Jagdeo’s Office are the questions which still linger over the inauguration of President David Granger, the alleged removal of eight containers of steel by BK International from the Public Health Ministry compound, the dismissal of close to 2000 Amerindian Community Service Officers (CSO), the appointment of 33 foreign honorary advisors, as well as a number of Presidential and Ministerial advisors.
The Opposition also listed the selection of a disqualified company to complete the Specialty Hospital, leading to an abandonment of the project.
“The first act of the Government was to give themselves enormous salary increases between 50-100 per cent of what the former Government Ministers received. This was quietly done in September 2015 and the parliamentary Opposition had to wage a struggle in Parliament to bring a motion to reverse this. When the motivon was finally heard in December, it was defeated by the Government’s one seat majority,” Jagdeo’s Office said.
It also highlighted the D’Urban Park Development project, pardoning of convicted felons, the US$16 million settlement with Surinamese company, RUDISA, the Georgetown “Clean-up Campaign” and debt write-offs for Demerara Distillers Limited and other businesses by the Guyana Revenue Authority and the Mayor and City Council, as well as the controversial Georgetown parking meter contract.
The PPP said that for September 2016, there were four new scandals.
The coalition APNU/AFC campaigned on a platform of accountability and transparency and to bring and to deep-rooted corruption in public offices.
In April 2016, the US Department of State said that corruption continued to be among the leading human rights problems facing Guyana.
“There remained a widespread public perception of corruption involving officials at all levels, including the Police and the judiciary,” the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015, released by the Department, said, adding that there were very low prosecution of public officials found to be corrupt.
The Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc (TIGI) had concluded that there was facilitating and proliferating of corruption in the country, pointing to a number of questionable appointments by the Government, conflict of interest involving at least one Minister and interference in the work of some autonomous agencies like the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).
However, President Granger had distanced his Government from any corruption, stating that critics should look at the Private Sector where corruption is rampant.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Stop your nonsense or prove it in a court of law.  What you should be addressing is the 25 scandals in 16 months.  What do you have to say about that??  Please do tell.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mr.T posted:

Why was there no attempt by the PPP to compile a similar report when they were in government and could have taken action then?

Because that was the job of the Opposition who had no time to do their job.  They were too damn lazy.  And now, they have brought their laziness into the government they wanted to run so badly.  The whole country is gone to the dogs and they don't even care.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mr.T posted:

Why was there no attempt by the PPP to compile a similar report when they were in government and could have taken action then?

Because that was the job of the Opposition who had no time to do their job.  They were too damn lazy.  And now, they have brought their laziness into the government they wanted to run so badly.  The whole country is gone to the dogs and they don't even care.

Correct, but that clown Mr T does not know his mouth from his ass, so he talk sh1t all day!


1. The records can indeed show that when the PNC was the opposition, they-PNC were persistent in presenting their versions of inappropriateness of the PPP/C government.

2. The PPP/C now in opposition also has the opportunity to prepare its list of apparent miscues of the current PNC/AFC government.

3. The PPP/C list has information on inadequate approaches/acts by the PNC/AFC in the past 15 months.

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mr.T posted:

Why was there no attempt by the PPP to compile a similar report when they were in government and could have taken action then?

Because that was the job of the Opposition who had no time to do their job.  They were too damn lazy.  And now, they have brought their laziness into the government they wanted to run so badly.  The whole country is gone to the dogs and they don't even care.

Correct, but that clown Mr T does not know his mouth from his ass, so he talk sh1t all day!

Bellyful Laff BUT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!


What these nincompoops should address is how they will survive a one term dictatorship regime before they get kicked out in 2020.

And, for those who are listening, coolie will exterminate the Negros to get where they are going. Ok, neemakarams?


AFC/PNC is a criminal organization. The list will grow because Jackass Grainjaw refuses to punish the culprits.

As Base stated, Jagdeo has the AFC/PNC criminals doing the Michael Jackson.

These skunks can only fete, spend, loot and destroy. They do not have the mental capacity to develop. They have the same DNA as Grainjaw's daddy Burnham.

To date, these AFC/PNC criminals cannot prove shyte about the PPP despite close to a BILLION dollars worth of Audits given to their own.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

AFC/PNC is a criminal organization. The list will grow because Jackass Grainjaw refuses to punish the culprits.

As Base stated, Jagdeo has the AFC/PNC criminals doing the Michael Jackson.

These skunks can only fete, spend, loot and destroy. They do not have the mental capacity to develop. They have the same DNA as Grainjaw's daddy Burnham.

To date, these AFC/PNC criminals cannot prove shyte about the PPP despite close to a BILLION dollars worth of Audits given to their own.

What's up, yuji? You are alive and kicking, bro...

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

There will always be corruption. We have to choose the lesser of the two evils. The test is on, and, according to many the results are already in and will be reflected at the polls in 2020.


I don't know why you think the PPP is evil, knowing what you know now. The PNC turn into monsters in 18 months. You must watch horror movies when a demon is about to born. BRB, don't let me get upset, bro. 

cain posted:

Thus far none of these so called "scandals" has caused the deaths of anyone as the "scandals" during PPP reign did.

It's funny when a Putagee defending some black parasites. That's some scary shit you feeding us, rasta.

Prince posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

There will always be corruption. We have to choose the lesser of the two evils. The test is on, and, according to many the results are already in and will be reflected at the polls in 2020.


I don't know why you think the PPP is evil, knowing what you know now. The PNC turn into monsters in 18 months. You must watch horror movies when a demon is about to born. BRB, don't let me get upset, bro. 

I was speaking figuratively.  I know the PPP never governed Guyana dictatorially or discriminated against any racial group.  Dr. Jagan, as controversial as he was with his left leanings did not see any gains in discriminating against any groups even though his adversaries made such claims.  However, I won't deny that there was corruption in government. I would argue that the level of corruption was out of control in past PNC governments and the present one. The PPP transformed Guyana into a middle income country despite cases of corruption on the part of government.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I was speaking figuratively.

 I know the PPP never governed Guyana dictatorially or discriminated against any racial group.  Dr. Jagan, as controversial as he was with his left leanings did not see any gains in discriminating against any groups even though his adversaries made such claims.

How about the PPP under that sleazy rass Jagdeo? He screwed up what Jagan tried to do.

 However, I won't deny that there was corruption in government. I would argue that the level of corruption was out of control in past PNC governments and the present one.

Again, how about the PPP during Jaggys time when people were being killed daily, even his own minister was killed and he did absolutely NOTHING.?

The PPP transformed Guyana into a middle income country despite cases of corruption on the part of government.

Oh those fricken saints in the PPP nuh baie...NOT ...dem were the sleazest bunch a aholes running that country after Burnham fkd it up. Dem dumb rass tried to fk it up to suit themselves GOOD TING DE PPP LOST.

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:

AFC/PNC is a criminal organization. The list will grow because Jackass Grainjaw refuses to punish the culprits.

As Base stated, Jagdeo has the AFC/PNC criminals doing the Michael Jackson.

These skunks can only fete, spend, loot and destroy. They do not have the mental capacity to develop. They have the same DNA as Grainjaw's daddy Burnham.

To date, these AFC/PNC criminals cannot prove shyte about the PPP despite close to a BILLION dollars worth of Audits given to their own.

What's up, yuji? You are alive and kicking, bro...

I am fine Bro.

We must ensure that we expose these AFC/PNC criminals.

These Katahars lied to Guyanese and conman Moses and Ramjattan and the entire AFC GNI crew who sold out our people.

Cain is the only Putagee standing up and defending this criminal, corrupt and shameless AFC/PNC organization.


Demerara_Guy posted:

1. The records can indeed show that when the PNC was the opposition, they-PNC were persistent in presenting their versions of inappropriateness of the PPP/C government.

2. The PPP/C now in opposition also has the opportunity to prepare its list of apparent miscues of the current PNC/AFC government.

3. The PPP/C list has information on inadequate approaches/acts by the PNC/AFC in the past 15 months.

Great summary here, D_G. 

yuji22 posted:
Cain is the only Putagee standing up and defending this criminal, corrupt and shameless AFC/PNC organization.


How many other putagees post here dummy?

Last edited by cain

True, the APNU+AFC administration is running on glaring missteps and scandals. But the PPP has no moral right to criticize when the Jagdeo and Ramotar administrations were the most corrupt in Guyana's history according to Ralph Ramkarran.



Bear one thing in mind and that is with the PPP it was just corruption, but with the PNC it's not only corruption but suppression of democracy and human rights.  We can argue that the PPP is bad but the alternative is worse.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Gilbakka posted:

True, the APNU+AFC administration is running on glaring missteps and scandals. But the PPP has no moral right to criticize when the Jagdeo and Ramotar administrations were the most corrupt in Guyana's history according to Ralph Ramkarran.

With all due respect, Ramkarran is full of shyte. Ralph is a piece of trash.

Unless you can or Ramkarran or anyone's can prove what they are saying, it is just nonsense.

Bring the evidence, convict or else all this trash talk of PPP corruption is a just pile of trash. The racist PNC man Adam Harris who was peddling lies for Burnham's New Nation and now of KN sold trash and many like yourself bought into it. 

Prove it na ?

Approx. $ 800 millions later in audits, all that the AFC/PNC can prove is katahar. 

A bunch of illiterate Indos was sold rubbish by the AFC and the racist idiot Adam Harris and they bought Katahar and end up holding Katahar.



I guess you have not read the US Justice Dept waitiin a while nuh?  Those scamps gonna get their day of recoknin'ng .Pretend yo rass din read about it, it might never happen....wrooonnnngggg.

cain posted:

I guess you have not read the US Justice Dept waitiin a while nuh?  Those scamps gonna get their day of recoknin'ng .Pretend yo rass din read about it, it might never happen....wrooonnnngggg.

Smoking mirrors.  The US Justice will not get into the PNC/AFC political witch hunt game.  This was put out there to save face and buy time so the lies of the PNC/AFC could recede into the background and the nation could move on.  Now everyone pull back, shut up and wait for the USG to act.  And in 2020 they will still be waiting!

Since when does the USG have to wait for a foreign to change before investigating illegal acts on US soil.  You stupid gullible people.  Putagees and smart, but looks like you popped out from the bottom of the milk shake!


Harmon fires back at PPP/C’s scandal dossier

October 7, 2016 9:23 am Category: Politics A+ /A-

…wants Opposition to “itemise” its accusations

Less than 24 hours after the Office of the Leader of the Opposition claimed that the 16-month-old A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government was already embroiled in some 25 “scandals” of corruption, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, challenged the Opposition to document these scandals and present them to the Government.

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira


Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira

On Wednesday, the office of Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo released an eight-page dossier, chronicling what were said to be 25 scandals of the David Granger Administration, declaring that the coalition has more scandals on its rap sheet than the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) amassed in its 23 years in office.

“The APNU/AFC Government has been exposed with more scandals and corruptions in 16 months than successive PPP/C Administrations were accused of in 23 years,” Jagdeo’s office said, adding that between June 2015 and August 2016, 14 months of the coalition Government, some 16 “scandals” were uncovered.

Minister of State, Joe Harmon

Minister of State, Joe Harmon

It said that August 2016 “took the cake” with the exposure of the highly-controversial Sussex Street drug bond deal, the BK International and Government of Guyana’s $1 billion “out-of-court” settlement and the issuance of two fuel licences to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Water Inc,  Richard Van West-Charles.

Responding to these accusations, Harmon told reporters that if the Opposition documented its claims, the Government stood ready to deal with them both inside and out of the National Assembly.

“Any accusations that they have let them bring it; if there are some matters which should be brought to the floor of the National Assembly, we will deal with them. If there are other matters to be dealt with otherwise, we will deal with them. It could be 25; whatever is the number they chose to say it is; let them itemise these things and we are prepare to deal with them one by one,” Harmon told reporters after a post-Cabinet news conference yesterday.

When asked if the governing coalition was willing to debate these issues, the State Minister answered in the affirmative, declaring “let them bring it, let them start the debate”.

Among the other “scandals” highlighted by Dr Jagdeo’s office are the questions which still linger over the inauguration of President David Granger, the alleged removal of eight containers of steel by BK International from the Public Health Ministry compound, the dismissal of close to 2000 Amerindian Community Service Officers (CSO), the appointment of 33 foreign honorary advisers, as well as a number of presidential and ministerial advisers.

The Opposition also listed the selection of a disqualified company to complete the Specialty Hospital, leading to an abandonment of the project, the 50 to 100 percent pay increase ministers received, the secrecy surrounding the D’Urban Park development project, pardoning of over 100 felons, and a number of out-of-court settlements with companies and individuals thought to be financiers of the coalition’s 2015 election campaign.

While in Opposition and before they coalesced, both APNU and the AFC, in 2012, had accused the PPP/C Administration of high-level corruption in a number of national projects, including Marriott Hotel, the Specialty Hospital, the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project (AFHP) and the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), triggering a live television debate on the issues.

But while the AFC participated in all the sessions, APNU only participated in the first debate on the AFHP, claiming that the format of the discussion was flawed.

However, the then Government had argued that APNU and the AFC were unable to show evidence of corruption and, as such, were making excuses.


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