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Former Member

Bills on anti-money laundering, slashing former presidents benefits for Parliament

STABROEK NEWS --- Thursday’s second sitting of the 11th Parliament will see two pieces of legislation which were at the centre of a titanic standoff between the government and the opposition in 2012: the anti-money laundering bill and another to slash the benefits of former presidents.

The now opposition PPP/C is unlikely to be in the house when the APNU+AFC versions of the Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Bill 2015 and the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2015 are tabled. These bills are likely to be similar to the ones circulated by the opposition in the 10th Parliament. President Donald Ramotar had refused to assent to the bill tapering the former presidents benefits which had been passed by APNU and AFC which together had a one-seat majority in the 10th parliament. The PPP/C’s version of the anti-money laundering bill failed to gain the support of APNU and the AFC because both of those groups wanted more robust legislation and arrangements to ensure the prosecution of those engaged in money-laundering. At the committee level, APNU and the AFC had circulated their own version of the bill which did not find favour with the PPP/COther matters for Thursday’s sitting include the laying of the Report of the Auditor General on the Public Accounts of Guyana and the Accounts of Ministries/Departments/Regions for the year ended December 31st, 2013.parli

Also for tabling are the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2015 which will amend the Third Schedule relating to Article 222A of the Constitution to provide financial autonomy to certain entities. This had been another bill that the opposition had sought to have the Donald Ramotar administration pass to no avail. Down also for first reading are the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Bill and the Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2015 which aims to amend the Local Government Act. In the 10th parliament, the then opposition APNU and AFC had been attempting to have the Local Government Ministry divested of certain powers as it relates to local government.

Thursday’s sitting will also see the customary motion for the approval of government’s policy in the President’s address at the first sitting of the assembly on June 10th.

The PPP/C has not yet decided when it will take up its 32 seats in parliament. Analysts say that the party also needs to work out what its hierarchy will be in the House. This would require the settlement of leadership arrangements within the party first.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Stop the hating people.


I'm always fascinated by this. Why do Indian people (the poorly educated ones) always seem to think that criticism of Indian (PPP) public officials mean that the citizen commentator is "jealous" or "obsessed." It's so infantile. Everyone is just "jealous" of Jagdeo's millions. Everyone is "jealous" of Indo wealth and achievement because God knows only Indos are rich and successful and powerful. All of them apparently. Including me.


No one is hating you fool. Jagdeo is a public official. An active and major one in Guyana. And his pension and wealth and legitimate issues for all of us. Hell, any issue is legitimate. Get out of this ridiculous Jaganite Mindset of "follow de leada leada...."


You wanna polish boots with your tongue? Go for it. Do it with gusto. Just don't question why the educated amongst your countrymen don't want a taste of boot.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Stop the hating people. Jagdeo is not the problem now. lets wait ans see the pension benefit for coalition members when oil money start pouring in.

The mansion-n-pension were crucial issues in the PPP losing the last elections.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Stop the hating people. Jagdeo is not the problem now. lets wait ans see the pension benefit for coalition members when oil money start pouring in.

That's a lackadaisical attitude. You will always be a failure as a father and husband. It's people like you who is referred to as dried goat shit waiting for the wind to blow before they move. Have  a nice day.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Stop the hating people. Jagdeo is not the problem now. lets wait ans see the pension benefit for coalition members when oil money start pouring in.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Stop the hating people.


I'm always fascinated by this. Why do Indian people (the poorly educated ones) always seem to think that criticism of Indian (PPP) public officials mean that the citizen commentator is "jealous" or "obsessed." It's so infantile. Everyone is just "jealous" of Jagdeo's millions. Everyone is "jealous" of Indo wealth and achievement because God knows only Indos are rich and successful and powerful. All of them apparently. Including me.


No one is hating you fool. Jagdeo is a public official. An active and major one in Guyana. And his pension and wealth and legitimate issues for all of us. Hell, any issue is legitimate. Get out of this ridiculous Jaganite Mindset of "follow de leada leada...."


You wanna polish boots with your tongue? Go for it. Do it with gusto. Just don't question why the educated amongst your countrymen don't want a taste of boot.

I don't know where the PPP finds these poorly educated to post.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

Stop the hating people.


I'm always fascinated by this.

Why do Indian people (the poorly educated ones) always seem to think that criticism of Indian (PPP) public officials mean that the citizen commentator is "jealous" or "obsessed." It's so infantile. Everyone is just "jealous" of Jagdeo's millions. Everyone is "jealous" of Indo wealth and achievement because God knows only Indos are rich and successful and powerful. All of them apparently. Including me.


No one is hating you fool. Jagdeo is a public official. An active and major one in Guyana. And his pension and wealth and legitimate issues for all of us. Hell, any issue is legitimate. Get out of this ridiculous Jaganite Mindset of "follow de leada leada...."


You wanna polish boots with your tongue? Go for it. Do it with gusto. Just don't question why the educated amongst your countrymen don't want a taste of boot.

Why do Indian people (the poorly educated ones) believe PPP or Ravi Dev own the Indians in Guyana.



I am not attacking you

Examine the Records

You Believe in Ravi, Roar & Jihaji Goat Shit..



you hold on to tha

fuh Tea, Breakfast & Dinner

No Problem......But....


Show me any Election in Guyana

at PPP Congress

or at National & Regional Elections

where Ravi, Roar or De Jihaji Goat Shit

defeat Moses


So why are you

attacking the winner


Moses is the

Tripple Crown Champion




PPP - Tried & Fail

Ravi & Roar - Tried & Fail

Moses & AFC - Record Success


Looking forward to 2020

Racism Dead


PPP & Ravi

cannot get 20 Seats Total

in 2020 Elections.


Can they retroactively slash benefits already awarded?  Isn't that illegal?


President's benefits was a deal Corbin agreed to because he got a big raise too.  Not like Jagdeo was looking out for himself only.


What exactly are they proposing?



Originally Posted by Jalil:

Why do Indian people (the poorly educated ones) believe PPP or Ravi Dev own the Indians in Guyana.



I am not attacking you

Examine the Records

You Believe in Ravi, Roar & Jihaji Goat Shit..



you hold on to tha

fuh Tea, Breakfast & Dinner

No Problem......But....


Show me any Election in Guyana

at PPP Congress

or at National & Regional Elections

where Ravi, Roar or De Jihaji Goat Shit

defeat Moses


So why are you

attacking the winner


Moses is the

Tripple Crown Champion




PPP - Tried & Fail

Ravi & Roar - Tried & Fail

Moses & AFC - Record Success


Looking forward to 2020

Racism Dead


PPP & Ravi

cannot get 20 Seats Total

in 2020 Elections.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I'm quite aware of what the political-religious concept of the Caliphate is. Historically its always been more theoretical than actual. Not unlike the medieval papacy's pretensions to supreme secular power in addition to supreme religious authority. In addition there are multiple claimants historically and even today. King Mohammed of Morocco claims to be the Caliph. So does the current deposed Nizam of Hyderabad exiled somewhere in Europe


McVeigh was clearly a case of domestic terrorism. Terror. Civilians. Governmental target. Clear set of political grievances and objectives. Retaliation against the government etc. etc.


PanAm Lockerbie Scotland was clearly state terrorism. Political goals of a nation-state.


Air India I think was the fight for Khalistan or whatever. Clearly terrorism. They have definite political goals.


If you notice the theme here of terror in the service of POLITICAL OBJECTIVES.


This kid claims he was trying to start a "race war." It is a stretch to make that fit into the political element which makes terrorism terrorism. The political element of terrorism has to be fairly clear and defined.


P.S...This is not really an appeal to authority but this fairly nuanced definition of terrorism is what I was taught at school by one of the Pentagon's senior terrorism experts. He had a PhD in political science. And he kept harping about the political goals which truly give terrorism its unique categorization above "ordinary" crime. Even hate crime. This kid simply hated Black people to the extreme (among other personal factors). A terrorism charge would not stick.



Do you notice that there is a profound difference between how you and I construct a reasoned political argument?


Do you notice that I can construct an argument utilizing various academic disciplines?


Do you notice that absent is a womanly fish market approach to discussion?


Do you notice that my thoughts and opinions can be expressed and supported without resort to sperm, goat shit, and buggery?


Do you notice that Stormborn, redux, Caribj, and a few others share a similar approach to discussions?


Only you seem to be fully invested in sperm, goat shit, and buggery.


No one is concerned about your conclusions or who you support. You have every right to support the AFC and Moses for whatever reasons you so desire. However, the rest of us have the right to ignore and ridicule at times a fish market approach to adult discussions.


When I reach your age, I want to be more mature and erudite than I currently am. I want to have the patience to tolerate my worst opponent with charity and dignity. I don't want to be in my 50s and have to resort to sperm, buggery, and goat shit and pictures of the same.


You're a prime example of as to why the AFC Black educated faction looks down on the AFC Indo Moses Faction. They view you lot as poorly educated laughable riff raff that must be tolerated but not respected or even liked. Your opponents are free to oppose your opinions but they should never be able to label you as a mudhead beneath their estimation.


I'm sure all this is gonna go over your head but then again you are you. And I'm me. I can't help being who I am. And similarly you can't help being who you are.


The lack of politeness on GNI is the problem with everyone.The names you cite as reasonable people are some of the worst cussers. Carib?

It explains the acrimony in Guyana's politics and the barriers to national unity.


It reminds me of the poem, "The blind man and the elephant."

Contributors believe their slice of explanation or opinion is the only truth.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The lack of politeness on GNI is the problem with everyone.The names you cite as reasonable people are some of the worst cussers. Carib?

It explains the acrimony in Guyana's politics and the barriers to national unity.


It reminds me of the poem, "The blind man and the elephant."

Contributors believe their slice of explanation or opinion is the only truth.


I'm not excluding the odd insult or whatever. But what I'm getting at is this low fish market type of intensely personal demonization.


As a serious AFC man and Moses supporter, you should be deeply concerned about the image that Aleem, Sase, and Mukraj project here of the AFC and Moses. They are not ordinary supporters. Like you they are personal friends of Moses.


They make your faction look like some uneducated coolie low lifes. The worst thing in politics is to be a joke among educated intelligent people. AFC Moses faction behaves like a rum shop crowd. A pungent mixture of sperm, goat shit, and buggery.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The lack of politeness on GNI is the problem with everyone.The names you cite as reasonable people are some of the worst cussers. Carib?

It explains the acrimony in Guyana's politics and the barriers to national unity.


It reminds me of the poem, "The blind man and the elephant."

Contributors believe their slice of explanation or opinion is the only truth.


I'm not excluding the odd insult or whatever. But what I'm getting at is this low fish market type of intensely personal demonization.


As a serious AFC man and Moses supporter, you should be deeply concerned about the image that Aleem, Sase, and Mukraj project here of the AFC and Moses. They are not ordinary supporters. Like you they are personal friends of Moses.


They make your faction look like some uneducated coolie low lifes. The worst thing in politics is to be a joke among educated intelligent people. AFC Moses faction behaves like a rum shop crowd. A pungent mixture of sperm, goat shit, and buggery.

You Shaitaan, you make laugh.  You labeled yourself, aloo Peeler. That is how you portrayed yourself to be.  You fit right in with the pungent mixture of aperm, goat shit and buggery. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The lack of politeness on GNI is the problem with everyone.The names you cite as reasonable people are some of the worst cussers. Carib?

It explains the acrimony in Guyana's politics and the barriers to national unity.


It reminds me of the poem, "The blind man and the elephant."

Contributors believe their slice of explanation or opinion is the only truth.


I'm not excluding the odd insult or whatever. But what I'm getting at is this low fish market type of intensely personal demonization.


As a serious AFC man and Moses supporter, you should be deeply concerned about the image that Aleem, Sase, and Mukraj project here of the AFC and Moses. They are not ordinary supporters. Like you they are personal friends of Moses.


They make your faction look like some uneducated coolie low lifes. The worst thing in politics is to be a joke among educated intelligent people. AFC Moses faction behaves like a rum shop crowd. A pungent mixture of sperm, goat shit, and buggery.

You Shaitaan, you make laugh.  You labeled yourself, aloo Peeler. That is how you portrayed yourself to be.  You fit right in with the pungent mixture of aperm, goat shit and buggery. 


I didn't label myself "aloo peeler." That was the label of the GNI PPP Mudhead brigade for me. I just don't see why that's an insult. Nothing wrong with peeling aloos. Good honest work.


People can and often disagree with me here and offline. However, I can construct an argument without resort to emotion and fish market appeals.


Same question....why is it that the PPP Mudheads seem to always engage in low life talks? Always some buse down. And rarely funny.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Ram got you there!


Coming from the AFC's Sperm Goat Shit & Buggery Faction of course you find common intellectual ground with Uncle Ram.



you are the one

beating your own Drum...


and Boasting......

Singing & Dancing

about your superior Education


and Your Super

Intellectual background.


But your Education and Intellect stops

when it comes to Moses & AFC.

Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies

about Moses & AFC....


and any or all decency you had

evaporates with the cloud of dishonesty.



Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies...


like Moses was not treated badly

in the PPP by Jagdeo, Ramotar

& the Other Crab Louse in the Leadership after 1997....


And it is Dishonest to Believe

Moses & His Supporters need

approval, permission or license from

Shytes, Anil, Ravi, Jihaji

from inside the PPP or Outside the PPP.

....and any or all decency you had

evaporated with the cloud of dishonesty.



Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies


that Moses was wrong to leave the PPP

and support whoever he wants....


because in doing so

he destroyed the Parasites

like Anil Nandalall & Ravi Dev


who was living and surviving

and receiving a Regular paycheck 

from the PPP while they are in power..


....and any or all decency you think you had

evaporated with the cloud of dishonesty.



Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies


peddle by Ravi Dev

 and other Jihaji Crooks

about Moses & AFC


(1) in Jagdeo Newspaper "The Guyana Times" ....

and (2) repeated by you here on GNI

on a daily basis......


as you Keep trying

to promote "Jagdeo & his Thieves"

as decent and honest Guyanese.


....and any or all decency you think you had

evaporated with the cloud of dishonesty.





Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies...


 that Indians in Guyana....

will suffer & Punish

when Jagdeo, Ramotar & PPP

is thrown out of power

by Moses & The AFC....


And replaced by

a AFC - APNU Govt.


....and any or all decency you think you had

evaporated with the cloud of dishonesty.




Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies...


 that Moses is not Qualified

  Moses....does not deserve to be Leader....

Or Prime Minister of Guyana....


.and Moses in not supported be anyone

throughout the length and breath of Guyana.....


and further Ravi Dev, Jagdeo, Ramotar & PPP

has the power in their hands

to decide & Dictate everything

for the Indian Population in Guyana



....and any or all decency you think you had

evaporated with the cloud of dishonesty.



Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies...


 that Indians in Guyana....

will suffer & Punish

when Jagdeo, Ramotar & PPP

is thrown out of power

by Moses & The AFC....


And replaced by

an AFC - APNU Govt.


....and any or all decency you think you had

evaporated with the cloud of dishonesty.




Your Education & Intellect

shut down or go on A Long & Extended vacation

and is replaced by barefaced lies...


Jagdeo + Ramotar + Anil + Ravi & Shytes

Have more Support than Moses in Guyana.


Jagdeo + Ramotar + Anil + Ravi & Shytes

are on record of defeating Moses in Guyana.


Jagdeo + Ramotar + Anil + Ravi & Shytes

BELIEVE.... they must make decisions for Moses

the Tripple Crown Champion.


....and any or all decency you think you had left

 evaporates with the cloud of dishonesty....

Moses is Prime Minister

Next Election is


Live with it



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Bills on anti-money laundering, slashing former presidents benefits for Parliament

title of this article - above


and title of this thread - below

Jagdeo's pension+perks will be slashed next Thursday


are quite different.


Thursday’s second sitting of the 11th Parliament will see two pieces of legislation which were at the centre of a titanic standoff between the government and the opposition in 2012: the anti-money laundering bill and another to slash the benefits of former presidents.


The now opposition PPP/C is unlikely to be in the house when the APNU+AFC versions of the Former Presidents (Benefits and other Facilities) Bill 2015 and the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2015 are tabled.


Bills on anti-money laundering, slashing former presidents benefits for Parliament, STABROEK NEWS ---

When apt, a government indeed has the option to make amendments to legislated actions.

They been crying over Jagdeo for a very long time, now they want to take away food from the man. Jagdeo earned all benefits he is entitled to. He work for it. What goes for one, goes for all.

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.


It will be seen if the reduction is indeed passed and whether it will eventually apply to David Granger and others.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.



It will be seen if the reduction is indeed passed and whether it will eventually apply to David Granger and others.

Government side = 33 votes

Opposition side = 32 votes

The Bill will be passed. Jagdeo's pension and perks will be slashed.


The bill will be passed by hook or crook, but nothing mention if Grainger will agree to the same deal when he is retired, will he ever retired, or change the rules when his time comes.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.



It will be seen if the reduction is indeed passed and whether it will eventually apply to David Granger and others.

Government side = 33 votes

Opposition side = 32 votes

The Bill will be passed. Jagdeo's pension and perks will be slashed.

The issue relates to the bill and its application to David Granger and others.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
The bill will be passed by hook or crook, but nothing mention if Grainger will agree to the same deal when he is retired, will he ever retired, or change the rules when his time comes.

Interesting time ahead.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


There are no indications that Donald Ramotar has retired from politics.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


There are no indications that Donald Ramotar has retired from politics.

Whether Ramotar has retired from politics or not, as a former president he has monetary and other entitlements under the Former Presidents' Benefits and Other Facilities Act 2012.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


There are no indications that Donald Ramotar has retired from politics.

Whether Ramotar has retired from politics or not, as a former president he has monetary and other entitlements under the Former Presidents' Benefits and Other Facilities Act 2012.

While indeed he will receive certain benefits while active in politics, Donald Ramotar will have full presidential benefits when he retires from politics.



By Kwesi Isles Jan 25, 2013 –
Courtesy Demerara Waves –
The Guyana National Assembly Friday night passed an opposition bill aimed at repealing the Former Presidents Benefits and Other Facilities Act of 2009 without the support of the government.

The Former Presidents Benefits and Other Facilities Bill of 2012 was piloted by APNU MP Carl Greenidge and also proposed caps on the benefits set out under the Act. The opposition has contended that the former president’s pension, which is seven-eighths that of the sitting president and pegged at GUY$1.2M a month, is sufficient for a former president to live with the dignity commensurate with the office.

However, President Donald Ramotar is unlikely to assent to the bill having said that he would not approve of any bill which does not contain government input.

Greenidge in opening debate on the bill said the original was badly drafted and was “exceptionally generous.” His bill, he added, would remedy the deficiencies inherent in the 2009 Act.

Among the provisions of the new bill is a GUY$5,000 per month cap for water, electricity and telephone services at the former president’s residence in Guyana; no more than three household staff, a similar amount of clerical staff; full time security personal from the Presidential Guard Service with no more than two security personnel; and provision of no more than two vehicles owned and maintained by the State.

Additionally, the former president would be entitled to an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares .

Another clause stated that the individual would be entitled to free medical attention or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred for him/ her or his/her spouse or entitled child if the treatment are sought outside Guyana only if unavailable locally.

Controversially, the bill limits the benefit to the “natural children” of the former president and spouse and they must be below the age of 18 and the financial outlay would be no more than GUY$200,000 annually.

The new bill would also remove the tax exemptions for the former president which, under the 2009 Act, are identical to that enjoyed by a serving president. It also states that a former president would cease to be entitled to the benefits if the individual engages in “business, trade or paid employment” or is convicted.

Housing minister Irfaan Ali in an impassioned contribution to the debate described the bill as “discriminatory.”

He also decried the clause that stated that only “natural children” of the president would be able to benefit from medical care under the bill calling it a “blatant disregard” for existing child legislation. It was a point that caused APNU MP Dr. Rupert Roopnarine to call for the clause to be amended when he took the floor.

The repeal of the Act had been a major campaign plank for both the APNU and the AFC and moved finance minister Dr. Ashni Singh to point out Friday night that the elections were over so they could drop it now. The AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo in responding to Ali’s charge of the bill being discriminatory said discriminating against those who have in favour of those who did not was not a bad thing.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall contended that the bill was unconstitutional because it was seeking to deprive former presidents of property that they would have earned in contravention of the constitution but AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan rejoined by pointing out that the constitution only provided for a pension and gratuity for former presidents and not “benefits and other facilities.”

According to him, the 2009 Act was wrong in the first place.

Nandlall also argued that the new bill if assented to would not affect the benefits of former president Bharrat Jagdeo since it could not be retrospective in nature. He accused the opposition parties of misleading their supporters during the 2011 election campaign.

Jagdeo and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds are the only two former presidents still alive.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


There are no indications that Donald Ramotar has retired from politics.

Whether Ramotar has retired from politics or not, as a former president he has monetary and other entitlements under the Former Presidents' Benefits and Other Facilities Act 2012.

While indeed he will receive certain benefits while active in politics, Donald Ramotar will have full presidential benefits when he retires from politics.

What nonsense are you coming up with now? You're more slippery than an eel.

Did Jagdeo retire from politics? He campaigned openly for the PPP in the elections and his name is on the PPP List of Candidates. Jagdeo has not retired from politics but he is getting full presidential benefits.

Quit your dishonest argument. First you say that "Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana" but when I questioned your erroneous statement, you come up with something more ridiculous. For how long you will make a fool of yourself, eh?

Originally Posted by Django:


By Kwesi Isles Jan 25, 2013 –
Courtesy Demerara Waves –
The Guyana National Assembly Friday night passed an opposition bill aimed at repealing the Former Presidents Benefits and Other Facilities Act of 2009 without the support of the government.

The Former Presidents Benefits and Other Facilities Bill of 2012 was piloted by APNU MP Carl Greenidge and also proposed caps on the benefits set out under the Act. The opposition has contended that the former president’s pension, which is seven-eighths that of the sitting president and pegged at GUY$1.2M a month, is sufficient for a former president to live with the dignity commensurate with the office.

However, President Donald Ramotar is unlikely to assent to the bill having said that he would not approve of any bill which does not contain government input.

Greenidge in opening debate on the bill said the original was badly drafted and was “exceptionally generous.” His bill, he added, would remedy the deficiencies inherent in the 2009 Act.

Among the provisions of the new bill is a GUY$5,000 per month cap for water, electricity and telephone services at the former president’s residence in Guyana; no more than three household staff, a similar amount of clerical staff; full time security personal from the Presidential Guard Service with no more than two security personnel; and provision of no more than two vehicles owned and maintained by the State.

Additionally, the former president would be entitled to an annual vacation allowance equivalent to the cost of two first class return airfares .

Another clause stated that the individual would be entitled to free medical attention or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred for him/ her or his/her spouse or entitled child if the treatment are sought outside Guyana only if unavailable locally.

Controversially, the bill limits the benefit to the “natural children” of the former president and spouse and they must be below the age of 18 and the financial outlay would be no more than GUY$200,000 annually.

The new bill would also remove the tax exemptions for the former president which, under the 2009 Act, are identical to that enjoyed by a serving president. It also states that a former president would cease to be entitled to the benefits if the individual engages in “business, trade or paid employment” or is convicted.

Housing minister Irfaan Ali in an impassioned contribution to the debate described the bill as “discriminatory.”

He also decried the clause that stated that only “natural children” of the president would be able to benefit from medical care under the bill calling it a “blatant disregard” for existing child legislation. It was a point that caused APNU MP Dr. Rupert Roopnarine to call for the clause to be amended when he took the floor.

The repeal of the Act had been a major campaign plank for both the APNU and the AFC and moved finance minister Dr. Ashni Singh to point out Friday night that the elections were over so they could drop it now. The AFC’s Moses Nagamootoo in responding to Ali’s charge of the bill being discriminatory said discriminating against those who have in favour of those who did not was not a bad thing.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall contended that the bill was unconstitutional because it was seeking to deprive former presidents of property that they would have earned in contravention of the constitution but AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan rejoined by pointing out that the constitution only provided for a pension and gratuity for former presidents and not “benefits and other facilities.”

According to him, the 2009 Act was wrong in the first place.

Nandlall also argued that the new bill if assented to would not affect the benefits of former president Bharrat Jagdeo since it could not be retrospective in nature. He accused the opposition parties of misleading their supporters during the 2011 election campaign.

Jagdeo and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds are the only two former presidents still alive.

Django, that article is dated 2013.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It will be seen, in time how this issue will develop.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana.

Donald Ramotar dead?


There are no indications that Donald Ramotar has retired from politics.

Whether Ramotar has retired from politics or not, as a former president he has monetary and other entitlements under the Former Presidents' Benefits and Other Facilities Act 2012.

While indeed he will receive certain benefits while active in politics, Donald Ramotar will have full presidential benefits when he retires from politics.

What nonsense are you coming up with now? You're more slippery than an eel.

Did Jagdeo retire from politics? He campaigned openly for the PPP in the elections and his name is on the PPP List of Candidates. Jagdeo has not retired from politics but he is getting full presidential benefits.

Quit your dishonest argument. First you say that "Bharrat Jagdeo is the only living former president of Guyana" but when I questioned your erroneous statement, you come up with something more ridiculous. For how long you will make a fool of yourself, eh?

Gilly...Does Sam Hinds qualify ????


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