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The PPP/C government yesterday announced that the tender for the marketing of Guyana’s oil is to be reopened and it also said that gas to energy will be a key priority and that local content provisions will be enshrined in law.


Speaking at a press conference at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre yesterday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo steered clear of expectations that the new government will seek to change the controversial 2016 Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) with ExxonMobil’s subsidiary EEPGL which has left Guyana with only a 2% royalty and other impositions which are seen as oppressive.

While Jagdeo did not address the royalty rate or some of the other contentious provisions of the agreement drawn up under the former Granger Administration, he did say that ExxonMobil’s training outlay was paltry considering that this government is aiming to ramp up tutoring of Guyanese on oil and gas.

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@Ramakant-P posted:

This boy, Jagdeo, seemed to be on a roll.  He is 10o times better than Harmon and Nagamootoo put together.

The PPP means business, they will prove that the PNC is unfit to govern, ever again.


@Ramakant-P posted:

This boy, Jagdeo, seemed to be on a roll.  He is 10o times better than Harmon and Nagamootoo put together.

You are grossly underrating Jagdeo there. Both Harmon and Nagamootoo are incompetent. Harmon now insisting that he should be allowed to work for President Ali.

@kp posted:

The PPP means business, they will prove that the PNC is unfit to govern, ever again.


That is correct.

No more wholesale theft and rape of the treasury by PNC Led Criminals. They are such a shameless bunch, anyone defending their actions are just as shameless. 

@Former Member posted:

You are grossly underrating Jagdeo there. Both Harmon and Nagamootoo are incompetent. Harmon now insisting that he should be allowed to work for President Ali.

Where did Harmon say that?  He is insisting on his contractual benefits.  That is not the same as staying on the job.  

@Totaram posted:

BS..chupdiness na gat cure.

Yuh telling me.

It is no wonder Gilbaka gone over to Guyanabackdam and doan have to deal wid dem. The man is like the Editor-in-Chief at Backdam. Appears, Ray may have re-cruited him, judging from his performances. 

@Former Member posted:

Gilly's departure is a great loss to GNI. He probably couldn't stand the defence of PNC criminals by a Botton house crew 

The man happy happy, he spinning some nice nice Paki songs over deh. 

Maybe, he needed a new beginning. Some ppl are like dat. I spend too long on a project, before completion I move on to another one. Terrible habit I have.


Django, please be advised that I have totally blocked Totaram from my vision.  I no longer see his posts and it would be wise to advise him not to reply to my posts because he is rude and crude, he has no manners whatsoever.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Django, please be advised that I have totally blocked Totaram from my vision.  I no longer see his posts and it would be wise to advise him not to reply to my posts because he is rude and crude, he has no manners whatsoever.

Y, bcz the man sey you chupid?

@Ramakant-P posted:

Django, please be advised that I have totally blocked Totaram from my vision.  I no longer see his posts and it would be wise to advise him not to reply to my posts because he is rude and crude, he has no manners whatsoever.

Ayuh should stop the fighting ,both of you are from the ECD .


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