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Jagdeo lecture was thought provoking and well presented

October 2,2016 Source

Dear Editor,

“We Black people…”  These words were uttered by someone whom countless Guyanese would be shocked that these words came from his mouth. But yes, Guyana’s former president and current Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo on Friday evening in delivering the 18th annual Eric Williams Memorial Lecture in Miami did say “we Black people” and “we are Black people” as he spoke of the people of the Caribbean. He also identified one of the reasons for US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s popularity, the failure of the status quo (meaning mainstream politicians and political parties in the US) to address a number of stereotypes and misconceptions one of which is that Black people are lazy and criminal and “just want to live off welfare. This is just not true” Jagdeo told his audience of Caribbean Americans and others including a Bahamian delegation that included Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell.

In an earlier letter to the press I had indicated the resentment of many Guyanese to the invitation extended to Jagdeo to speak at this prestigious lecture series and to my sharing information on Facebook about the event. I am in no way associated with the organizing of the event but was accused of trying to legitimize Jagdeo who many feel is racist and corrupt. I also said in that letter that I am in no position to legitimize or dismiss anyone.

Well, on Friday night Jagdeo sought to, and was successful in further legitimizing himself. While I did not agree with some of his arguments, I would be dishonest if I said anything other than the fact that his lecture was informative, thought-provoking and well presented. He displayed a familiarity with the issues regarding global trade and development, Caribbean integration or lack thereof, and US domestic politics. He offered suggestions/solutions to some of the challenges he identified as facing the Caricom region. His presentation was well received and some attendees later told me, “he was statesmanlike.”

Notwithstanding all the ranting and raving on Facebook about Jagdeo’s invitation not one Guyanese who feels so strongly about his alleged wrongdoings during his tenure as president turned up to ask any questions of him.

No one has even written a letter to the Eric Williams Foundation requesting an explanation of the invitation extended to Mr Jagdeo.

I asked two questions of Mr Jagdeo and one had to do with Guyana. My question had to do with the Venezuela claim which I make sure I raise in every public forum.

His answer was in keeping with the Guyana position on the claim and he said it is difficult to predict how a Trump presidency would impact the controversy.

At the cocktail reception which followed I quite audibly greeted Mr Jagdeo as “my Black brother” and then proceeded quietly to ask of him to juxtapose his “we Black people” against his “beating drum in the morning” remarks just prior to the last election and those reportedly made during a recent speech in New York. He explained that on both occasions sections of his remarks were excluded so as to remove the context and meaning of what he said.

He told me he had explained this at press conferences in Guyana.

Like him or hate him Jagdeo will continue to be a key factor in the political life of Guyana for the foreseeable future.

Yours faithfully, 

Wesley Kirton

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Dear Editor,
“We black people…” These words were uttered by someone whom countless Guyanese would be shocked that these words came from his mouth. But yes, Guyana’s former president and current leader of the opposition Bharrat Jagdeo on Friday evening in delivering the 18th annual Eric Williams Memorial Lecture in Miami did say “we black people” and “we are black people” as he spoke of the people of the Caribbean. He also identified one of the reasons for US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s popularity, the failure of the status quo (meaning mainstream politicians and political parties in the US) to address a number of stereotypes and misconceptions one of which is that black people are lazy and criminal and “just want to live off welfare.” “This is just not true,” Jagdeo told his audience of Caribbean Americans and others including a Bahamian delegation that included Foreign Minister, Fred Mitchell.

In an earlier letter to the press I had indicated the resentment by many Guyanese to the invitation extended to Jagdeo to speak at this prestigious lecture series and to my sharing information on Facebook about the event. I am in no way associated with the organising of the event but was accused of trying to legitimise Jagdeo who many feel is racist, corrupt and ultimately responsible for the deaths of some 400 young people during the reign of the phantom squad during his tenure as president. I also said in that letter that I am in no position to legitimise or dismiss anyone.

Well, on Friday night Jagdeo sought to, and was successful in further legitimising himself. While I did not agree with some of his arguments, I would be dishonest if I said anything other than the fact that his lecture was informative, thought-provoking and well presented. He displayed a familiarity with the issues regarding global trade and development, Caribbean integration or lack thereof, and US domestic politics. He offered suggestions/solutions to some of the challenges he identified facing the CARICOM region. His presentation was well received and some attendees later told me “he was statesmanlike.”
Notwithstanding all the ranting and raving on Facebook about Jagdeo’s invitation, not one Guyanese who feels so strongly about his alleged wrongdoings during his tenure as president turned up to ask any questions of him. No one has even written a letter to the Eric Williams Foundation requesting an explanation of the invitation extended to Mr. Jagdeo. I asked two questions of Mr. Jagdeo and one had to do with Guyana. My question had to do with the Venezuela claim which I make sure I raise in every public forum. His answer was in keeping with the Guyana position on the claim and he said it is difficult to predict how a Trump presidency would impact the controversy.
At the cocktail reception which followed I quite audibly greeted Mr. Jagdeo as “my black brother” and then proceeded quietly to ask of him to juxtapose his “we black people” against his “beating drum in the morning” remarks just prior to the last election and those reportedly made during a recent speech in New York. He explained that on both occasions sections of his remarks were excluded so as to remove the context and meaning of what he said. He told me he had explained this at press conferences in Guyana.
Like him or hate him Jagdeo will continue to be a key factor in the political life of Guyana for the foreseeable future.
Wesley Kirton


There seems to be different versions from the writer,Stabroek News and Guyana Chronicle [] differs from Kaiteur News,there is an additional paragraph i highlighted.

Last edited by Django
Mr.T posted:

So suddenly Jagdeo is black. Having a black boyfriend don't make you black, just ask dem white women. I wonder if it is Kwame who gave Bharat that idea.

The two of them still together?


Dr. Jagdeo was referring to his complexion of his skin, as it is known that all dark skinned people in America is considered blacks. In reality, Indians of Guyana is classified within their own racial group. 

The Africans nation comes with a distinctive quality, identified by their hair. All other nations don't have black pepper hair. This not being racist. This is speaking the truth about what make us different in our own racial grouping.

Cobra posted:

Dr. Jagdeo was referring to his complexion of his skin, as it is known that all dark skinned people in America is considered blacks. In reality, Indians of Guyana is classified within their own racial group. 

The Africans nation comes with a distinctive quality, identified by their hair. All other nations don't have black pepper hair. This not being racist. This is speaking the truth about what make us different in our own racial grouping.

Oye there is no lil children in the house,he was addressing "Caribbean Americans and others including a Bahamian delegation that included Foreign Minister, Fred Mitchell." which are predominantly Africans,so the Indo-Guyanese [Jagdeo] find it fit to say “we black people” and “we are black people” and further stated there are "stereotypes and misconceptions one of which is thatblack people are lazy and criminal and “just want to live off welfare.” “This is just not true,” 

Confusion tarass he is like a razor blade.


I don't have a problem with that. We East Indian people of Guyana have always been regarded as black people by people who hate us because of our skin colour. East Indians of Guyana were once prevented from going to certain parts of Georgetown because of their skin colour.

Last edited by Prashad

Bhai, Scientist have stated that the blackman walked out of Africa and colonize the entire globe. It is not difficult to observe traces of the Negroid.

The Jews have stated, "Wherever Adam walked on the face of earth, people eventually colonized." Which would indicate that Adam was a Blackman.

Dem learning institutions that granted Doctorates to Jagdeo saw his genius. Suh, when he said, "we all black people", perhaps his utterances are based  on ancient history.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Dr. Jagdeo was referring to his complexion of his skin, as it is known that all dark skinned people in America is considered blacks. In reality, Indians of Guyana is classified within their own racial group. 

The Africans nation comes with a distinctive quality, identified by their hair. All other nations don't have black pepper hair. This not being racist. This is speaking the truth about what make us different in our own racial grouping.

Oye there is no lil children in the house,he was addressing "Caribbean Americans and others including a Bahamian delegation that included Foreign Minister, Fred Mitchell." which are predominantly Africans,so the Indo-Guyanese [Jagdeo] find it fit to say “we black people” and “we are black people” and further stated there are "stereotypes and misconceptions one of which is thatblack people are lazy and criminal and “just want to live off welfare.” “This is just not true,” 

Confusion tarass he is like a razor blade.

How do you determined that black folks are not lazy, living on welfare and indulge in criminal activities? Let do some fact checking. Every country in the world whère black lives considered them as the number one problem in crimes, looting, burning and rioting. Take a good look of what is happening in Guyana on the poor Indian people. 



Jagdeo only said this because he was speaking at a Eric Williams Memorial..a blackman.

Wesley Kirton also said: "He displayed a familiarity with the issues regarding global trade and development, Caribbean integration or lack thereof, and US domestic politics. He offered suggestions/solutions to some of the challenges he identified as facing the Caricom region. His presentation was well received and some attendees later told me, “he was statesmanlike.”

"We black people". He spoke for himself and not the coolies. He is the "we"; not me. I got no fat lips or kinky hair.


Django posted:
“we are black people” and further stated there are "stereotypes and misconceptions one of which is thatblack people are lazy and criminal and “just want to live off welfare.” “This is just not true,” 

Confusion tarass he is like a razor blade.

I wonder  Where is Jagdeo when many of his race are peddling these stereotypes?

I look forward to reading comments by Jagdeo condemning these very accusations that are rampant among PPP supporters.

All one needs to do is to read recent statements by Druggie and baseman.  Every time a crime is committing immediate wailing that its blackman, and oh the embarrassment when increasingly the perps are Indians!

Did Jagdeo mention to this majority African descended crowd that he was among those screaming that if the PPP loses GDF and GPF (code word for blacks) will attack, rape and kill straight haired people?   Or did he admit that, having defined PPP supporters as rural Indians, he then threatened to take back Guyana?

No.  No mention of all of this.

Cobra posted:

Dr. Jagdeo never denied he is Indo Guyanese even though he said he was black. His statement should never be taken out of context or tied him to Nagamootoo embarrassment.

When Nagamootoo said that he wasn't Indian he was referring to his nationality as a Guyanese. Knowing that racists like you would misconstrue these words (at the time his concern would have been from ROAR, and the PPP had NO problems with these comments) he cited as an example that he viewed being Guyanese just as a Pakistani would see themselves as Pakistani.

You all deliberately took these remarks out of context.

1.  The comments were made when Nagamootoo was a PPP official.

2.   These comments were made BEFORE the 2011, but you see in that election the PPP was screaming that they would beat APNU in Linden, so didn't want to play the race card.

3. Seeing that Nagamootoo took some PPP votes in 2011 in region 6 especially the PPP began to mount a racist campaign aiming at mobilizing the Indian vote.  They also did the same with the Amerindian vote.  The plot was to terrify both groups about what would happen to them if "savage blacks" took over running Guyana.


It is now deeply hypocritical of Jagdeo to repeat comments that dominate bottom house PPP  events and then pretend as if he is opposed to this bigoted view of blacks.


Jagdeo is skinning these PNC clowns alive by some smart political moves. 

PPP will elect a new leader and bulldoze these clueless and corrupt PNC clowns from office and leave Carib without his PNC spin doctor job.

This Burnham man Carib is the only racist left at GNI with his determination and agenda to exterminate Indos from Guyana. He looks like an Idiot at GNI with his racist rants.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo is skinning these PNC clowns alive by some smart political moves. 


And when December rolls around Jagdeo will win, and you will be loud in praise for him.

You cannot even cite a racist statement made by me. I have asked you and the rest of your Indo KKK.  Yes the same ones who scream about blackman lazy, and blame all crime in Guyana on blacks.

No response.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Jagdeo is skinning these PNC clowns alive by some smart political moves. 


And when December rolls around Jagdeo will win, and you will be loud in praise for him.

You cannot even cite a racist statement made by me. I have asked you and the rest of your Indo KKK.  Yes the same ones who scream about blackman lazy, and blame all crime in Guyana on blacks.

No response.

What do want to cite? You advocate the negroizing of Guyana. You want every coolie woman to take up with a nigro to douglarize the nation. You should be advocating for your people to get off their lazy asses and work to earn what they need and want.

Prashad posted:

There is nothing wrong with douglarization as long as the offspring embrace their Indian heritage with love  and respect.

What do you mean that's nothing wrong with dougarization? Please explain further.

Prince posted:
Prashad posted:

There is nothing wrong with douglarization as long as the offspring embrace their Indian heritage with love  and respect.

What do you mean that's nothing wrong with dougarization? Please explain further. How can a mix breed child takes up Indian heritage?



Listen Prince how do you think we East Indian folk got established in Guyana. There were fewer Indian women to Indian men on those ships coming from India in the early part of Indenturship. Many of those Indian men took black wives then marry off their offspring to other Indians. Without douglarization we East Indians would have never got our start on the South American continent. With declining numbers of East Indians maybe douglarization can come to the rescue again.

Last edited by Prashad
Prince posted:
Prashad posted:

There is nothing wrong with douglarization as long as the offspring embrace their Indian heritage with love  and respect.

What do you mean that's nothing wrong with dougarization? Please explain further.

Prince Bhai,

It is like this:

The Clueless and Racist Afro led PNC administration will force them to eat grass in about a year or so. Guyana is headed to economic disaster and dog eats dog society in about two years.

They (PNC) have proven once again that they do not understand on how to develop a nation. They can spend, fete and party and are now raiding the consolidated fund.

Our Dougla brothers and sisters will immediately abandon their dark side and come back home. They will realize what is good and what is bad for them, they are not stupid like how the Racist Carib is attempting to peddle.

Prash is correct, they will come home, after all they have Indo blood too.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Listen Prince how do you think we East Indian folk got established in Guyana. There were fewer Indian women to Indian men on those ships coming from India in the early part of Indenturship. Many of those Indian men took black wives then marry off their offspring to other Indians. Without douglarization we East Indians would have never got our start on the South American continent. With declining numbers of East Indians maybe douglarization can come to the rescue again.

I will be very graphic and upfront with you on this conversation, but another time. This discussion is sensitive and problematic. 

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
? You advocate the negroizing of Guyana.

And when did I say this?


And if Indo females decide to marry blacks what business is it of yours. Based on the rapid growth of the mixed population they seem to be doing that already with no involvement of caribny.

Prashad posted:

There is nothing wrong with douglarization as long as the offspring embrace their Indian heritage with love  and respect.

So they should reject their mother's Afro/Euro heritage, and only embrace the Indian part?

If I see you running down the road naked its because your wife ran you out of the house.

I can tell that you are a hen pecked man who is deathly afraid of your wife.

yuji22 posted:

The Clueless and Racist Afro led PNC administration will force them to eat grass in about a year or so. Guyana is headed to economic disaster and dog eats dog society in about two years.

They (PNC) have proven once again that they do not understand on how to develop a nation. They can spend, fete and party and are now raiding the consolidated fund.

Our Dougla brothers and sisters will immediately abandon their dark side and come back home. They will realize what is good and what is bad for them, they are not stupid like how the Racist Carib is attempting to peddle.

Prash is correct, they will come home, after all they have Indo blood too.

And you peddle racist stereotypes of blacks and then call me racist.

Now please describe racist comments made by me, and please note that it isn't racist to call the PPP a criminal enterprise.

Chief posted:
Mr.T posted:

So suddenly Jagdeo is black. Having a black boyfriend don't make you black, just ask dem white women. I wonder if it is Kwame who gave Bharat that idea.

The two of them still together?

Weren't you the one yelling that he is racist?  Now you are making stupid, senseless allegations.   This is worse than shameless behavior.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Mr.T posted:

So suddenly Jagdeo is black. Having a black boyfriend don't make you black, just ask dem white women. I wonder if it is Kwame who gave Bharat that idea.

The two of them still together?

Weren't you the one yelling that he is racist?  Now you are making stupid, senseless allegations.   This is worse than shameless behavior.

Iman wanna know too.


If a dougla is willing to take a South Asian name instead of promoting the slave master name and has respect/love for  his or her Indian heritage then who am I to say that person is not a brother or sister. We always have to remember this. Guyana has some hardcore anti-koolie hate. For these haters the koolie has been in the pot. There is nothing worse than that. We cannot abandon our dougla brothers and sisters who love and respect their Indian heritage to such anti-koolie haters.



Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

If a dougla is willing to take a South Asian name



Do your children have South Asian names, and did your wife change her name to a South Asian one?

I really want to know because your answer will demonstrate whether your screams for Indesh are that of a hen pecked man living in terror of his wife.

The question is rhetorical as I don't know you and you can provide any answer as such.  Its for you to deeply exam yourself and your problems.

Prashad posted:

If a dougla is willing to take a South Asian name instead of promoting the slave master name and has respect/love for  his or her Indian heritage then who am I to say that person is not a brother or sister. 

We cannot abandon our dougla brothers and sisters who love and respect their Indian heritage ....



I think it makes practical sense for Prashad to encourage brotherhood with douglas. If and when Prashad's ideal Indo independent state materializes, the Indians will most likely rush into the agricultural, business, banking and manufacturing sectors. There will be a dire need for soldiers to defend that territory from possible attacks by outsiders and policemen to keep the peace internally. The douglas will most likely become the army and police force. What say you, Prash?


Gilbakka if we leave the douglas behind then we will be putting them at the mercy of anti-koolie hate. Every East Indian male and female should be able to serve a period in the armed forces, know how to handle firearms and know a self defence method.

Carib you probably just love to promote the slave master's name.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:


Carib you probably just love to promote the slave master's name.

You still didn't tell us about the names of your wife and kids.

I guess to reveal this will show the world how terrified you are of your wife. 

You will be allowed Rohan, because he was a famous West Indian cricketer and it is a known name even among black Caribbean males.

Some deep Hindu name that your wife's family cannot pronounce...

Any way I guess dreaming of this Indesh fairyland is how you relieve yourself of the stress.

cain posted:

I seem to recall the names as being:

Mavis, Irene, Brucey, Ivor and Baby.

I bet you that its Steve Prashad because his in laws aren't interested in twisting their tonques around any Hindi name.

People like him will allow whites to call him Pursie because they refuse ti learn that his last name is Prashad.  He will grin and wave his tale like a little puppy.

Its only on GNI that he plays so brave!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Mr.T posted:

So suddenly Jagdeo is black. Having a black boyfriend don't make you black, just ask dem white women. I wonder if it is Kwame who gave Bharat that idea.

The two of them still together?

Weren't you the one yelling that he is racist?  Now you are making stupid, senseless allegations.   This is worse than shameless behavior.

That shit you are claiming doesn't mean anything to me. Jagdeo has openly stated that he is a racist. He pointed out on more than one occasion that Hindus come first. That alone is a racist insult against Muslims and Christians who support the PPP.

Prashad posted:

Carib my wife kept her name. She is a feminist and I respect that. Nothing wrong with having an English first name. But the last name should be South Asian or in your case African.

OK from your answer your kids do NOT have South Asian first names. But for the fact that you are their father they wouldn't have South Asian last names either.

I can see that your wife has NO interest in your South Asian fantasy, or she would have humored you with selecting a double last name, as many women do.

I was in Africa.  You know what they told me?  That they respected my Afro Caribbean cultural identity, which acknowledges and draws pride from the African aspect of this culture, but also draws pride in the inventiveness and the vibrancy of Caribbean people who after all have been separated from Africa for over 200 years.

They laugh at many African Americans who engage in Mother Africa nonsense. In fact many Indians also laugh at Guyanese Indians when they engage in similar silliness.

In fact I have ancestry from numerous groups which populate Senegal, Guinea, Ghana, Togo, and Nigeria/Cameroon. So which name should I pick?  And as I clumsily confuse the various pieces of ethnic symbolism why shouldn't people from those groups not feel insulted?

Every year Afro Guyanese put on what they think is African attire for Freedom Day. Every year the Africans who live in Guyana laugh at them. As one said "you cannot be an African if you simultaneously wear attire from Ghana and Senegal".  That would NEVER happen in Africa itself.

The whole thing about being African is a western construct. In Africa itself the concept of being "African" does NOT exist. What exists is being Mende, Mandingo, Ewe, Ashanti, Fon, Yoruba, Igbo, Ibibio, or countless other ethnic identities.

So go and cry into your laptop as you are NOT man enough to insist that your kids have South Asian FIRST names!




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