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Former Member

Coincidence or deliberate action?

October 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, My Column 

The advertisement placed in the newspapers by the Guyana Revenue Authority cannot escape notice. It is large and it contains reports of a suspected breach of the security of the revenue collection agency. Indeed e-mail emanating from the Commissioner-General Khurshid Sattaur, although not in his capacity as Commissioner-General, detailed a series of proposed actions against Glenn Lall, the publisher of Kaieteur News.
Needless to say, the contents of the e-mail were damaging to Mr Sattaur since they exposed a side of him that was unknown by most. The mail spoke of a planned course of action against Lall, whom Sattaur described as many things, including a vagrant.
A vagrant is someone with no fixed place of abode, so Mr Sattaur knew something about Lall that the rest of the country did not. But even more serious is the planned attack to silence and even jail him for crimes imagined. I say imagined, because nothing in the law supported Mr Sattaur’s pursuit of Mr Lall.

Then there is the call for the police to investigate what Mr Sattaur calls a breach of security. Initially, this caused me some confusion because in one publication, Mr Sattaur was quoted as saying that the e-mail were fakes. For someone to say in one breath that the e-mail were fakes, and in the next to admit that he did send them, is indeed confusion.
A long time ago, the late Forbes Burnham said that once something is put down on paper, that piece of paper is likely to end up anywhere, even in places where it was never intended to go. The late Fr Andrew Morrison made good use of such pieces of paper.
I remember instances of Burnham making travel plans and indicating the kind of beverages he would like on the aircraft. The list immediately made the Catholic Standard, much to Burnham’s annoyance.  In one case, at a meeting of the Central Executive of the then ruling Party, Burnham announced that he would catch the Quisling. He has gone to his grave, but he never did.
In the same vein, I have been hearing about security breaches in the United States. One major retail outlet, Target, reported that somehow, a group had got hold of people’s personal information. The company said that the information included people’s credit card numbers, their social security numbers, and other such information.

Just this past week there was a report that another company had found what is considered the largest breach in United States history. The accounts of 75 million people had been accessed and stolen. Fortunately whoever did have not tried to access these people’s bank accounts because as the company noted, there were no unusual levels of spending against these people.
Even scarier has been the case of nude photographs of actresses and other prominent socialites being hacked and released to the public. These were posted on iCloud, the storage warehouse created by Apple for users of Apple products.
These days, there is no failsafe for people using the global communication network. That Sattaur has had his information revealed should come as no surprise. My e-mail has been hacked perhaps more times than I would ever know. I certainly remember the last time, because I was confronted with information that I had sent and received.
This time around, Mr Sattaur is asking the police to investigate and to get Lall to say how he came by the e-mail that have exposed Sattaur. The police may have to do to Lall what the Americans have been accused of doing to the prisoners at Guantanamo and have been roundly criticized for.

And while all this has happened, someone approached the commercial bank I use for information on my account. I know that the government has done such a thing to other people in the past. In our society, people are not likely to oppose officialdom, so when an official makes a request of a commercial bank, the information is quietly released.
In my case, I cannot say with certainty that the information was released, but I wondered at the sudden interest in me. As if that was not enough my daughter, Karen, who is employed at Scotiabank told me Friday night that she got a letter from the Guyana Revenue Authority that she had sent in her income tax returns 23 days late and had incurred a penalty of $14,000.
I would like to believe that she was not the only person who filed late returns and that she was not the only person who got such a letter. I do not have the time to mount an investigation. I know that there is a penalty for late returns and something at the back of my head tells me that it is a small percentage of the tax.
If that is the case, then my daughter is working for an astronomical sum per annum to be paying even more taxes than Guyana Times and many large companies in Guyana. Perhaps it is coincidental that she has been written to at the same time the Guyana Revenue Authority has its fangs bared at Kaieteur News, where I am the Editor-in-Chief.

It remains that the GRA has filed tax evasion charges against Lall, his wife and two family friends, and the summons have not yet been served. In fact, had it not been for the release of the charge in two newspapers aligned to the ruling party, no one would have been any the wiser.
And since by his own admission, Mr Sattaur has said that he released confidential information to a private citizen, he is now liable to criminal prosecution. It would be interesting to see how this plays out.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Recently leaked emails show that ex-president bharrat jagdeo is the mastermind behind Sattaur's hounding of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News. The Soviet-trained jagdeo is still operating in Stalinist mode, a system that destroyed and disrupted millions of individuals and their families and friends.

What the Guyana Revenue Agency is doing to Adam Harris' daughter is questionable and deplorable for its clinical selectivity and opportune timing.

President Donald Ramotar folds his arms while jagdeo bypasses him and eyepasses the law to direct his henchman Khurshid Sattaur whom and whom not to pressure.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Recently leaked emails show that ex-president bharrat jagdeo is the mastermind behind Sattaur's hounding of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News. The Soviet-trained jagdeo is still operating in Stalinist mode, a system that destroyed and disrupted millions of individuals and their families and friends.

What the Guyana Revenue Agency is doing to Adam Harris' daughter is questionable and deplorable for its clinical selectivity and opportune timing.

President Donald Ramotar folds his arms while jagdeo bypasses him and eyepasses the law to direct his henchman Khurshid Sattaur whom and whom not to pressure.

Jagdeo is a well trained Russian Fighter.


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

-- Pastor Martin Niemöller

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Recently leaked emails show that ex-president bharrat jagdeo is the mastermind behind Sattaur's hounding of Glenn Lall and Kaieteur News. The Soviet-trained jagdeo is still operating in Stalinist mode, a system that destroyed and disrupted millions of individuals and their families and friends.

What the Guyana Revenue Agency is doing to Adam Harris' daughter is questionable and deplorable for its clinical selectivity and opportune timing.

President Donald Ramotar folds his arms while jagdeo bypasses him and eyepasses the law to direct his henchman Khurshid Sattaur whom and whom not to pressure.

Jagdeo is a well trained Russian Fighter.

and..was taught how to distribute valuable state

asset to friends and family.


We see a pattern of lawbreakers in Guyana. Jail them all.


Canada and USA have very strict tax laws. Pay up or go to jail.

There are also penalties for late filing.


Guyana is not exempt.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

We see a pattern of lawbreakers in Guyana. Jail them all.


Canada and USA have very strict tax laws. Pay up or go to jail.

There are also penalties for late filing.


Guyana is not exempt.

if you jail people in guyana for income tax fraud,99% of the business will close down 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Adam Harris is like a stray dog and bully.


He should also be jailed if he is involved in wrongdoings.


No one is above the law.

i say the same thing when the finance minister crash into the people car and leave the scene of the accident, and spending the people money without approval 

Originally Posted by cain:

I hope they taught him in Russia how to pick up soap with bending over, he'll need that training.

I did mean "without" bending over.


Yugi, Jagdeo did all sorts of wrong, a lil jail time good for him too right?

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Adam Harris is like a stray dog and bully.


He should also be jailed if he is involved in wrongdoings.


No one is above the law.

Burger Man Yugi, Burgerry is still illegal in Guyana. What is going to happen if the OP is raided? Jagdeo is no longer immune to the laws. Dr. Lunchman please speak up before riding off into the sunset.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

We see a pattern of lawbreakers in Guyana. Jail them all.


Canada and USA have very strict tax laws. Pay up or go to jail.

There are also penalties for late filing.


Guyana is not exempt.

STart with the burger man the first pensioner who is thiefin 200 Million a year from poor Guyanese.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by cain:

I hope they taught him in Russia how to pick up soap with bending over, he'll need that training.

I did mean "without" bending over.


Yugi, Jagdeo did all sorts of wrong, a lil jail time good for him too right?


Jagdeo brought back pride and dignity to Indo Guyanese. He will always be treated like a demigod by 99 percent of Indo Guyanese.


Only those in the AFC who are no better than Rat Poison will criticize the Dr. Jagan's PPP and President Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member

AFC "top class" poster does not have the mental capacity to respond, hence their indecency and vulgarity. Please forgive them.


Neemakharam admitted to cussing down his grandchildren.


They are all cut from the same cloth.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC "top class" poster does not have the mental capacity to respond, hence their indecency and vulgarity. Please forgive them.


Neemakharam admitted to cussing down his grandchildren.


They are all cut from the same cloth.

Imagine you insisting you are of the intellectual capacity to determine who is smart or not! I be you do not even know where the last line you used originated from. Even if you go on line you would have to have some of that liberal arts education I said you are missing to grasp truly what it means. Instead you rattle it off like the idiot you are pretending you are smart when it clearly shows you are ill bread, ill mannered and under educated.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC "top class" poster does not have the mental capacity to respond, hence their indecency and vulgarity. Please forgive them.


Neemakharam admitted to cussing down his grandchildren.


They are all cut from the same cloth.

Imagine you insisting you are of the intellectual capacity to determine who is smart or not! I be you do not even know where the last line you used originated from. Even if you go on line you would have to have some of that liberal arts education I said you are missing to grasp truly what it means. Instead you rattle it off like the idiot you are pretending you are smart when it clearly shows you are ill bread, ill mannered and under educated.


You cannot even touch yuji's shoes. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC "top class" poster does not have the mental capacity to respond, hence their indecency and vulgarity. Please forgive them.


Neemakharam admitted to cussing down his grandchildren.


They are all cut from the same cloth.

Imagine you insisting you are of the intellectual capacity to determine who is smart or not! I be you do not even know where the last line you used originated from. Even if you go on line you would have to have some of that liberal arts education I said you are missing to grasp truly what it means. Instead you rattle it off like the idiot you are pretending you are smart when it clearly shows you are ill bread, ill mannered and under educated.


You cannot even touch yuji's shoes. 

You are a ship Brahmin after all...the presumption of better comes naturally with you parasites. I would dare not even ponder the thought that you live in the world breathing the same air much less considering even a casual interaction. I leave waste people to flush themselves out of the system naturally. It is inevitable.


"As if that was not enough my daughter, Karen, who is employed at Scotiabank told me Friday night that she got a letter from the Guyana Revenue Authority that she had sent in her income tax returns 23 days late and had incurred a penalty of $14,000.
I would like to believe that she was not the only person who filed late returns and that she was not the only person who got such a letter. I do not have the time to mount an investigation. I know that there is a penalty for late returns and something at the back of my head tells me that it is a small percentage of the tax.
If that is the case, then my daughter is "working for an astronomical sum per annum to be paying even more taxes than Guyana Times and many large companies in Guyana. Perhaps it is coincidental that she has been written to at the same time the Guyana Revenue Authority has its fangs bared at Kaieteur News, where I am the Editor-in-Chief."



These PPP daags have no ethics, no shame, no decency.  They are gutter rats.  Gosh man, the man daughter have to suffer too?


I though when people battle, the children are left out of the war?


Shyte, this is why the PPP will lose power, because evil has to die.


Tax thuggery in Guyana

October 7, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

I condemn in the strongest possible terms the official misuse of personal and confidential tax information obtained from any citizen.  Richard Nixon did do, and so did John F. Kennedy.  Still, it should not happen-must not happen-here in Guyana.  There is no place, and none must be allowed, for this type of lawlessness.
Without a doubt, such behaviour rises to the level of felonious conduct and a deplorable abuse of office and power.  It is highly unacceptable, whether politically orchestrated, or boasts a public service source; or both.
Clearly, misuse of tax information is expressly intended to intimidate and pummel into submission and silence.  It is wrong; it is obscene. It is tax thuggery of the vilest sort.  The severest of penalties ought to be levied, if only to deter similar criminal misconduct in the future.
GHK Lall 


This is exactly the reason why Parliamentarians for years have refused to hand over any information to Jagdeo and his corrupt PPP for the integrity commission. The PPP are scoundrels.


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