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September 14,2017 Source

Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson.

When it comes to non-disclosure agreements, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo finds the Government to be two-faced. He has in the past, cited a number of cases for drawing such a conclusion. But yesterday during a press briefing, the former President was able to identify another.
In setting the stage for his grand revelation, Jagdeo made reference to an article that was carried by Kaieteur News in August. In that piece, he recalled that Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson confidently stated that the PPP regime was famous for painting their contracts with confidentiality clauses. He recalled, too, Patterson’s promise that the coalition administration would not walk in the same path.
The Opposition Leader said that in less than a month, Patterson’s words would be contradicted by the very actions of his Ministry.
Jagdeo noted that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure published in the press on September 10, an Invitation for prequalification to finance, design, build and maintain the New Demerara River Bridge. The selected location is approximately two kilometers north of the existing floating bridge and the new bridge will span from Houston on the eastern bank of the Demerara River to Versailles on the western bank of the Demerara River. The new bridge is expected to be an essential part of the road network and will also have a significant impact on marine traffic passing under the bridge.
Jagdeo however, expressed his dismay with a particular aspect of the request for pre-qualification.
In reading an extract of the September 10 advertisement, Jagdeo said, “…The attachments to the pre-qualification document needs to be specifically requested by sending a formal written request including background of the company and the signed non-disclosure agreement attached to the request for the prequalification document….”
With that in mind, Jagdeo believes that this is a clear case of duplicity by the government. He stressed that on one hand the Government claimed it would not walk in the PPP’s footsteps, yet it is asking companies to sign nondisclosure agreements.
Indeed, the Government through the Ministry of Public Infrastructure will be asking companies that wish to be shortlisted for the bridge project to sign a nondisclosure agreement. But this does not mean that the actual contract for the project would be shrouded in secrecy.
Patterson made this clear during his interview with Kaieteur News last night.

The September 10 advertisement regarding the new bridge

The Minister explained that the nondisclosure agreement is to simply ensure that the interested companies do not share “proprietary information”.
Kaieteur News was able to see the nondisclosure agreement. The two page document also makes it clear what is expected of the company. Below is an extract of what the agreement actually stipulates.
For purposes of this Agreement, “Proprietary information” shall include all information or material that has or could have commercial value or other utility in the business in which the Client is engaged, including and not limited to political parties or other interest group competing with the Client.
In consideration of all the activities by the Contractor associated with the analysis of data, preparation of bids and negotiations, the Contractor hereby agrees:
To hold the Proprietary information in strict confidence and to take all reasonable precautions to protect such Proprietary information (including, without limitation, all precautions he employs with respect to its own confidential materials)
Not to disclose any such Proprietary Information or any information derived there from to any third person
Not to make any use whatsoever at any time of such Proprietary information except to make the bids to the Client and
Not to copy or reverse engineer any such Proprietary Information. The Contractor shall ensure that its employees, agents and sub-contractors to whom Proprietary information is disclosed or who have access to Proprietary [information sign a nondisclosure or similar agreement in content substantially similar to this Agreement, and shall indemnify the Client against the consequences of any failure by such employees, agents or sub-contractors to adhere to the conditions thereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor may make disclosures required by law or court order provided the Contractor uses diligent, reasonable efforts to limit disclosure and has allowed the Client to seek a protective order.
The failure of either party to enforce its rights under this Agreement at any time for any period shall not be construed as a waiver of such rights. lf any part, term or provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable neither the validity, nor enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement shall be affected.
Neither Party shall assign or transfer all or any part of its rights under this Agreement without the consent of the other Party. This Agreement may not be amended for any other reason without the prior written agreement of both Parties. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof.
The Public Infrastructure Minister stressed once more that the nondisclosure agreement is in relation to the “prequalification stage” of the project.
He said the fact that the Opposition Leader can even begin to insinuate otherwise is not only malicious but clearly speaks of “an envy that is burning deep within.”
The Minister said, “This is clearly the actions of a man who is running scared… We are 10 times more transparent about this project than they (the PPP) have ever been on all of their projects done in the past 23 years. It is nothing but envy. Also, we are giving an almost US$1M per year subsidiary to the residents of Regions Five and Six because of the Berbice Bridge, so if we have to provide a subsidy to the residents in Region Three for this one, then so be it. That’s our responsibility. If the PPP objects to us providing any support, they can oppose the funding when it comes up in parliament”
Patterson also noted that all the proposed financing models for the bridge will be examined and the best one in keeping with the administration’s vision to develop the nation will be chosen.

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Jagdeo probably does not want another "Bobby" to become the single biggest stakeholder like in The Berbice Bridge, which was built mostly with NIS and NBS monies.

Jagdeo most likely don't want the APNU+AFC to repeat how he and his associates  purchased land on which they built their Pradoville II houses.



Jagdeo queries land, tolls for new Demerara River bridge.


September 14,2017

With Government announcing that construction of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge will begin next year, several concerns need to be urgently addressed and more specifically as it relates to funding and land acquisition, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday said.

“There are questions to answered and publicly… will there be subsidy to cushion the tolls, what will be the tolls, what about supporting infrastructure, guarantee for debt?” Jagdeo questioned.

Comparing the presentations by the Dutch company Lievense CSO Consultants, which carried out the feasibility study and design for the new bridge, Jagdeo produced a dossier of information on the Berbice Bridge as he underlined his argument that more information is needed on the project before the government goes ahead.

“The government needs to tell us now how much money they would put into this project and where it would come from,” Jagdeo said as he noted that estimates for the project are between US$150- US$180M.

The Opposition Leader also questioned the circumstances surrounding the choice of the location, Houston to Versailles, while alleging that former People’s National Congress Reform executive and businessman, Stanley Ming owns most of the land on the West Bank of Demerara that government will have to purchase.

Asked if he had evidence that Ming was the owner of the property to be bought by government Jagdeo answered in the affirmative.

“Mr. Stanley Ming made a presentation in 2015 named ‘Guyana 2030’. He was a member of APNU…in his plan he had two bridges to be built across the Demerara River; one further up and one at Houston-Versailles. So miraculously now this feasibility study finds that location the most feasible,” Jagdeo said.

“Guess who’s land on the Versailles side (that) the bridge terminates, Mister Stanley Ming, so this is another miracle,” he added.

Stabroek News attempted to contact Ming for comment but calls to his phone went unanswered.

The proposed bridge is expected to be approximately 2 kilometres north of the existing floating bridge, spanning Houston on the eastern bank of the Demerara River to Versailles on the western bank of the Demerara River. The project will see the construction of an approximately 1,500m long fixed bridge with a movable span and two approach roads of a total length of 600m. It is envisaged that the project will commence in 2018 and will be delivered in 2020.

Three locations were identified back in 2013 for the proposed bridge and four more alignments were subsequently considered. A prefeasibility study was done and all the options remained.

But Jagdeo says that while the Houston-Versailles location was touted, former Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn says that the main option was decommissioning the old bridge and rebuilding right at the site. It is unclear what government will do with the old bridge when the new one is built.

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure last month announced that it will be soon embarking on the process of pre-qualifying contractors for the construction of a new Demerara River Bridge.

According to a statement issued by the ministry, contractors will be pre-qualified for the finance, design, building, and maintenance components of the new bridge.

It said these works will be procured through public tendering, with a restricted number of bidders.

“The procurement process will be a two-phase one: the current pre-qualification phase and the bidding phase. In the pre-qualification phase, three contractors will be shortlisted and requested to submit designs and offer a fixed price lump sum bid for the design and construction of the bridge and approach roads,” it explained.

It added that the shortlisting of the bidders shall be on the basis of the profile, track record, and financial capacity of the applicants as well as on the merit of the technical, cost and financing proposals presented by applicants in their pre-qualification document.

Furthermore, in order to improve the funding package, it said that applicants for shortlisting are requested to advance proposals for financing the project.


The ad also stated if a company required the attachments to the pre-qualification document it would need to be specifically requested by sending a formal written request, including the background of the company and the signed non-disclosure agreement.

The non-disclosure aspect of the requirements has irked Jagdeo who yesterday laced into the APNU+AFC government saying that for a party that championed transparency, having companies sign to keeping the contract secret was hypocritical.

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson came in for criticism since Jagdeo said he (Patterson) had only days before the advertisement promised transparency for all projects his government undertakes.

“On August 21st he says this is a feature of the PPP; that everything done under the PPP (is withheld) and they would never do it and then on the 10th of September … a bid comes out and it speaks about a non-disclosure agreement that the contractors would have to sign. The duplicity of the APNU+AFC government I am telling you,” Jagdeo lamented.

“They have gone quiet on the reasons they gave for the non-disclosure on the oil and gas agreement after we exposed that we did not pass any amendment to the law preventing any disclosure of the contract which they were using as an excuse for not releasing that contract,” he added as he also noted that to date the contract signed with ExxonMobil was not public.

He said that Patterson was keeping secret many aspects of the bridge project and is not answering questions noted during the Lievense presentation as it pertains to financing and debt burden to Guyana’s citizenry.

He warned that given a US$150M estimated cost for the construction of the bridge it could turn out to be a burden to taxpayers long into the future since he believes it would take at least ten years before the bridge turns a profit.  This is because the consultant’s report assumes conditions that the tolls will remain the same. “If we go ahead with this project, it will be a corrupt project and it will saddle us with debt long into the future,” he charged.

The report, he says, states that decisions to be taken and choices to be made would have to focus on government’s involvement; how much, in what form, from, which period of the project life and financing.


Stabroek News reached out to Patterson yesterday but was told by the ministry’s public relations officer, Desilon Daniels, that he was tied up in budget consultation meetings.

However, she pointed to a video the ministry has on its website and Facebook page that answers questions on the bridge project.

In that video, the ministry boasts that construction of the new Demerara River Bridge and connecting roads is expected to be a behemoth in infrastructural development.

Using virtual reality effects, the video gives an artist’s impression of the proposed structure and its workings.

“It was also established that the Houston-Versailles location was the most ideal location out of all of the options that were considered, following the consideration of a number of factors; including environmental impacts, land acquisition, travel time and congestion. This link was the most … economically, environmentally and technically feasible option,” the video states as it gave a breakdown of the project.

The video does not go into the proposed financials of the project.

Ralston Adams, current Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation General Manager and this Project’s Manager, for his part said that government had conducted a public stakeholder’s engagement which was held at the Pegasus Hotel and that following that it received 15 expressions of interest in the project.

From that list he explained that three companies would be shortlisted and they would be invited to submit bids.

“We had a very good turnout we are in process of the prequel I am pleased to announce that we have had 15 companies that have shown interest in the prequalification. We have had companies from Holland, China, India, France, Panama, United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago. We will then conduct evaluation and shortlist three contractors who will then be invited to submit bids for this process. We will be conducting the environmental studies that is expected to commence shortly,” Adams explained.


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