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Jagdeo lambastes Nagamootoo for joining AFC
By CSpringer - Editor | 62 Comments | Local | Thursday, October 27, 2011

Outgoing President Bharrat Jagdeo today lambasted Moses Nagamootoo, saying he is someone who does not deserve to be respected.

“He didn’t get the top job so he jumped ship and we got to treat him as such. We gotta treat him in the way that he deserves,” he told a sizeable gathering outside Freedom House moments after the PPP/C handed in its list of candidates for the November 28 elections.

“We knew then and we know now that he did not have pride in his belly,” Jagdeo said in his first direct attack on Nagamootoo for leaving the party and joining forces with the Alliance for Change.

“All this big loud talk on the air, he didn’t have character. He didn’t have commitment because anyone who one talks Cheddi Jagan’s language and then jumps ship does not deserve any respect and I hope none of you respect him,” he said

According to Jagdeo, Nagamootoo who was a long serving member of the PPP/C always wanted to be president and vice president. He claimed Nagamootoo had lied on Cheddi Jagan, claiming that he had selected him to be the next president.

He went on to say that Nagamootoo lied again when he said that former president Janet Jagan and he (Jagdeo) had promised him the vice presidential slot. “Of course he was lying and Janet exposed him and now you can see the ambition in the man. He has moved onto the AFC and they induced him by offering vice president,”

Jagdeo said AFC has nothing to offer because “they will lose the elections”.

He said the comrades on the ground have to see who the real Nagamootoo is.

Later, Jagdeo, amidst cheers from the crowd said that a leader who can take our country forward, a person who is positive about the future, a person who wants to ensure that all Guyanese live together and have a better life, is what is needed.

“This is what the PPP family is about and that is why today we are so successful, that is why when you look at this crowd, you see the faces of Guyana. This is what PPP is about and so I ask you to be proud of your party,” he said.

He urged them to understand that the work is only now beginning. “We are now in the sprint phase so I hoping that all are you are prepared to do that,” he stressed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by D2:
That man is a disease in our land. He is like the plagues of Egypt and as a Moses of that era said "let my people go". A pox on his house! ( Jagdeo)

the PPP took too long to shed off this leech...he is such a waste of human D2
Look, I didn't want to get into this as many know that I was around until Comrade Cheddi died.
Comrade Cheddi did name Moses as a possible successor in Lethem. Moses would disgrace Mr. Jagdeo eventually on this issue. (Does he know that there is a tape of Comrade Cheddi's speech?)
I was told that Robert Persaud was there but he never denied this matter. I hear that Comrade Donald said that Comrade Cheddi mentioned Comrade Moses because he was the only party leader there at the time. Donald never denied what was said.
A PPP organiser Silas was NOT there at the Lethem meeting. He was out drinking with Rouser, a PPP defector to the PNC.
I know from internal sources that Comrade Janet NEVER denied saying to Comrade Moses that he would be vice-president. She said she did not remember.
Comrade Moses said that Bharrat was there when Comrade Janet made the promise. Why didn't he say that Comrade Moses lied. He said that Comrade Janet said he lied. Bharrat does not want to sin his soul.
I am very disturbed by what Bharrat is now saying that Comrade has no guts. This is the man who fought Burnham and Rabbi Washington. He was beaten and jailed. Where was this Bharrat then? Working for Hoyte's PNC.
Bharrat is the one to answer why Comrade Moses resigned from his government. He is the one to answer why Comrade Moses withdrew from the selection of the presidential candidate, which was rigged. The party members never got a chance to select Donald. He was annointed by Bharrat. He is just a proxy.
The party members NEVER rejected Comrade Moses. He was always popular with party members, who voted him high at congresses. I know these things and cannot be fooled by Bharrat.
My God, I hate that this should happen because I know that Comrade Moses will fight back, and he is win.
The party members and supporters are not fools.
But history will tell whether Bharrat is just setting Comrade Moses up, and he will be Guyana's next Walter Rodney.
PPP members will know where to look when the blood of Comrade Moses flows like that of Sash Sawh.
I will write more later.
Originally posted by comrade:
Look, I didn't want to get into this as many know that I was around until Comrade Cheddi died.
Comrade Cheddi did name Moses as a possible successor in Lethem. Moses would disgrace Mr. Jagdeo eventually on this issue. (Does he know that there is a tape of Comrade Cheddi's speech?)
I was told that Robert Persaud was there but he never denied this matter. I hear that Comrade Donald said that Comrade Cheddi mentioned Comrade Moses because he was the only party leader there at the time. Donald never denied what was said.
A PPP organiser Silas was NOT there at the Lethem meeting. He was out drinking with Rouser, a PPP defector to the PNC.
I know from internal sources that Comrade Janet NEVER denied saying to Comrade Moses that he would be vice-president. She said she did not remember.
Comrade Moses said that Bharrat was there when Comrade Janet made the promise. Why didn't he say that Comrade Moses lied. He said that Comrade Janet said he lied. Bharrat does not want to sin his soul.
I am very disturbed by what Bharrat is now saying that Comrade has no guts. This is the man who fought Burnham and Rabbi Washington. He was beaten and jailed. Where was this Bharrat then? Working for Hoyte's PNC.
Bharrat is the one to answer why Comrade Moses resigned from his government. He is the one to answer why Comrade Moses withdrew from the selection of the presidential candidate, which was rigged. The party members never got a chance to select Donald. He was annointed by Bharrat. He is just a proxy.
The party members NEVER rejected Comrade Moses. He was always popular with party members, who voted him high at congresses. I know these things and cannot be fooled by Bharrat.
My God, I hate that this should happen because I know that Comrade Moses will fight back, and he is win.
The party members and supporters are not fools.
But history will tell whether Bharrat is just setting Comrade Moses up, and he will be Guyana's next Walter Rodney.
PPP members will know where to look when the blood of Comrade Moses flows like that of Sash Sawh.
I will write more later.

Dam comrade, you've said quite a mouth full here, nice. The PPP guys here not going to like this and they'll deny everything you've said just because....
Originally posted by comrade:
Look, I didn't want to get into this as many know that I was around until Comrade Cheddi died.
Comrade Cheddi did name Moses as a possible successor in Lethem. Moses would disgrace Mr. Jagdeo eventually on this issue. (Does he know that there is a tape of Comrade Cheddi's speech?)
I was told that Robert Persaud was there but he never denied this matter. I hear that Comrade Donald said that Comrade Cheddi mentioned Comrade Moses because he was the only party leader there at the time. Donald never denied what was said.
A PPP organiser Silas was NOT there at the Lethem meeting. He was out drinking with Rouser, a PPP defector to the PNC.
I know from internal sources that Comrade Janet NEVER denied saying to Comrade Moses that he would be vice-president. She said she did not remember.
Comrade Moses said that Bharrat was there when Comrade Janet made the promise. Why didn't he say that Comrade Moses lied. He said that Comrade Janet said he lied. Bharrat does not want to sin his soul.
I am very disturbed by what Bharrat is now saying that Comrade has no guts. This is the man who fought Burnham and Rabbi Washington. He was beaten and jailed. Where was this Bharrat then? Working for Hoyte's PNC.
Bharrat is the one to answer why Comrade Moses resigned from his government. He is the one to answer why Comrade Moses withdrew from the selection of the presidential candidate, which was rigged. The party members never got a chance to select Donald. He was annointed by Bharrat. He is just a proxy.
The party members NEVER rejected Comrade Moses. He was always popular with party members, who voted him high at congresses. I know these things and cannot be fooled by Bharrat.
My God, I hate that this should happen because I know that Comrade Moses will fight back, and he is win.
The party members and supporters are not fools.
But history will tell whether Bharrat is just setting Comrade Moses up, and he will be Guyana's next Walter Rodney.
PPP members will know where to look when the blood of Comrade Moses flows like that of Sash Sawh.
I will write more later.

What is this comrade story you going on with. It is a word that is a vestige of the old communist mentality. Comrade this comrade that, the people don't want to hear about comrades any more, wake up and smell the coffee, this is 2011, the communist days are over.
Comrade Jagdeo should be charged for rape. Any man who fooled a woman that he married her and then deceitfully crawled under the covers with her is a ..... Bgurdy would say I am rather presumptious. yippie
Moses has out foxed all of the so called political strategists at Freedom House and OP.....being on the AFC platform he is now free and of course capable of taking his views directly to the people instead of being muzzled by the vultures who now control the party....
Originally posted by Churchill:
Moses has out foxed all of the so called political strategists at Freedom House and OP.....being on the AFC platform he is now free and of course capable of taking his views directly to the people instead of being muzzled by the vultures who now control the party....

Moses has always been free. Although he did not have a public platform, he was not restricted by anyone. He used to go around everywhere in the last few years, bad-mouth the PPP, crying the blues and MAKING UP STORIES as he weant along. The truth of the matter is this:

Moses wants the TOP POSITION ever since Cheddi died and he has not moved on.

He is still in the 1997 zone, mourning a loss that he never had. He just did not accept Janet and Jagdeo. That is the sad truth.

Moses does not know the meaning of party support. He lied in an interview that he will always be with the PPP, no matter what.

Notice how the AFC has Moses' face big and prominant in their poster. That's what Moses wants. ALL ABOUT MOSES, not any political party. The AFC is just a convenient space - not that he likes the AFC.

AFC is using Moses and Moses is using the AFC. Neither cares about the Guyanese people.

These power hungry ones will soon be by the wayside.

The only one who has a chance for a political career is Trotman. But remember, he is a PNCer who did supported slow fiah mo fiah...
Originally posted by comrade:
Look, I didn't want to get into this as many know that I was around until Comrade Cheddi died.
Comrade Cheddi did name Moses as a possible successor in Lethem. Moses would disgrace Mr. Jagdeo eventually on this issue. (Does he know that there is a tape of Comrade Cheddi's speech?)
I was told that Robert Persaud was there but he never denied this matter. I hear that Comrade Donald said that Comrade Cheddi mentioned Comrade Moses because he was the only party leader there at the time. Donald never denied what was said.
A PPP organiser Silas was NOT there at the Lethem meeting. He was out drinking with Rouser, a PPP defector to the PNC.
I know from internal sources that Comrade Janet NEVER denied saying to Comrade Moses that he would be vice-president. She said she did not remember.
Comrade Moses said that Bharrat was there when Comrade Janet made the promise. Why didn't he say that Comrade Moses lied. He said that Comrade Janet said he lied. Bharrat does not want to sin his soul.
I am very disturbed by what Bharrat is now saying that Comrade has no guts. This is the man who fought Burnham and Rabbi Washington. He was beaten and jailed. Where was this Bharrat then? Working for Hoyte's PNC.
Bharrat is the one to answer why Comrade Moses resigned from his government. He is the one to answer why Comrade Moses withdrew from the selection of the presidential candidate, which was rigged. The party members never got a chance to select Donald. He was annointed by Bharrat. He is just a proxy.
The party members NEVER rejected Comrade Moses. He was always popular with party members, who voted him high at congresses. I know these things and cannot be fooled by Bharrat.
My God, I hate that this should happen because I know that Comrade Moses will fight back, and he is win.
The party members and supporters are not fools.
But history will tell whether Bharrat is just setting Comrade Moses up, and he will be Guyana's next Walter Rodney.
PPP members will know where to look when the blood of Comrade Moses flows like that of Sash Sawh.
I will write more later.

I've known Moses for a long time and I've always held him in high regard. No doubt, he deserved the position in the PPP leadership when Cheddi died. He was the main government leader informing the nation on a daily basis when Cheddi was hospitalised in Washington in Feb-March 1997. And he had the opportunity but he allowed it to slip away from his grasp. When the Central Committee met to elect a new General Secretary sometime in April 1997, didn't Feroze Mohamed refuse nomination since he was the first choice for that nomination? According to some media reports of the period, Roger Luncheon also refused to accept nomination. Moses could have stepped up there and then to say he was willing to take the post or to get one of his many comrades to nominate him. After a lot of "hem"ing and "haw"ing, Ramotar said he was willing to take the position if no one else wanted to do so. I hope Churchill can verify this. I also understand that Cheddi indeed was asked at a Lethem meeting about who should succeed him. Moses was with him at the time. From people who were there, I was told that Cheddi responded that the party had a lot of good leaders who could succeed him, "like Comrade Moses here". Of course, Moses interpreted that to mean he was the person actually named by Cheddi to succeed him.
Originally posted by Daren David:
Originally posted by comrade:
Look, I didn't want to get into this as many know that I was around until Comrade Cheddi died.
Comrade Cheddi did name Moses as a possible successor in Lethem. Moses would disgrace Mr. Jagdeo eventually on this issue. (Does he know that there is a tape of Comrade Cheddi's speech?)
I was told that Robert Persaud was there but he never denied this matter. I hear that Comrade Donald said that Comrade Cheddi mentioned Comrade Moses because he was the only party leader there at the time. Donald never denied what was said.
A PPP organiser Silas was NOT there at the Lethem meeting. He was out drinking with Rouser, a PPP defector to the PNC.
I know from internal sources that Comrade Janet NEVER denied saying to Comrade Moses that he would be vice-president. She said she did not remember.
Comrade Moses said that Bharrat was there when Comrade Janet made the promise. Why didn't he say that Comrade Moses lied. He said that Comrade Janet said he lied. Bharrat does not want to sin his soul.
I am very disturbed by what Bharrat is now saying that Comrade has no guts. This is the man who fought Burnham and Rabbi Washington. He was beaten and jailed. Where was this Bharrat then? Working for Hoyte's PNC.
Bharrat is the one to answer why Comrade Moses resigned from his government. He is the one to answer why Comrade Moses withdrew from the selection of the presidential candidate, which was rigged. The party members never got a chance to select Donald. He was annointed by Bharrat. He is just a proxy.
The party members NEVER rejected Comrade Moses. He was always popular with party members, who voted him high at congresses. I know these things and cannot be fooled by Bharrat.
My God, I hate that this should happen because I know that Comrade Moses will fight back, and he is win.
The party members and supporters are not fools.
But history will tell whether Bharrat is just setting Comrade Moses up, and he will be Guyana's next Walter Rodney.
PPP members will know where to look when the blood of Comrade Moses flows like that of Sash Sawh.
I will write more later.

I've known Moses for a long time and I've always held him in high regard. No doubt, he deserved the position in the PPP leadership when Cheddi died. He was the main government leader informing the nation on a daily basis when Cheddi was hospitalised in Washington in Feb-March 1997. And he had the opportunity but he allowed it to slip away from his grasp. When the Central Committee met to elect a new General Secretary sometime in April 1997, didn't Feroze Mohamed refuse nomination since he was the first choice for that nomination? According to some media reports of the period, Roger Luncheon also refused to accept nomination. Moses could have stepped up there and then to say he was willing to take the post or to get one of his many comrades to nominate him. After a lot of "hem"ing and "haw"ing, Ramotar said he was willing to take the position if no one else wanted to do so. I hope Churchill can verify this. I also understand that Cheddi indeed was asked at a Lethem meeting about who should succeed him. Moses was with him at the time. From people who were there, I was told that Cheddi responded that the party had a lot of good leaders who could succeed him, "like Comrade Moses here". Of course, Moses interpreted that to mean he was the person actually named by Cheddi to succeed him.
Why in the world should the Party torture itself to circumvent the constitutional imperative? You select a PM because he can stand in. That is what we have constitution for. These gymnastics of the PPP to continue their dynastic line by party selection is an odious and anti democratic practice.

This is one thing I will keep on reminding the AFC of if they are able to force this a minority government on the nation. We will have the law made secure that Party cannot gerrymander the constitution. There must be a line of succession de jure so that stupid power play by party over lords cannot take place.
I've known Moses for a long time and I've always held him in high regard. No doubt, he deserved the position in the PPP leadership when Cheddi died. He was the main government leader informing the nation on a daily basis when Cheddi was hospitalised in Washington in Feb-March 1997. And he had the opportunity but he allowed it to slip away from his grasp. When the Central Committee met to elect a new General Secretary sometime in April 1997, didn't Feroze Mohamed refuse nomination since he was the first choice for that nomination? According to some media reports of the period, Roger Luncheon also refused to accept nomination. Moses could have stepped up there and then to say he was willing to take the post or to get one of his many comrades to nominate him. After a lot of "hem"ing and "haw"ing, Ramotar said he was willing to take the position if no one else wanted to do so. I hope Churchill can verify this. I also understand that Cheddi indeed was asked at a Lethem meeting about who should succeed him. Moses was with him at the time. From people who were there, I was told that Cheddi responded that the party had a lot of good leaders who could succeed him, "like Comrade Moses here". Of course, Moses interpreted that to mean he was the person actually named by Cheddi to succeed him.
Darren David......

I too have known Moses for a very long time during which I have found him to be a down to earth and honest person....I wasn't at Lethem but heard from several credible sources that Cheddi did identify Moses as one of the leaders who is qualified to to take up the mantle after him.....I also understand that there is a video tape which can throw some light on this issue but so far no one has been able to locate the comrade told me that Robert Persaud might have ducked the tape.....

With reference to the appointment of a general secretary in April 1997 I wasn't around at Freedom House as I had returned to the USA by then but again several credible sources told me that Feroze was sick and didn't want to accept the position....Moses couldn't accept as he was preparing to enter law school, something that Cheddi knew about turn Moses nominated Roger Luncheon who declined .....then the executive committee asked Ramoutar to be the acting general secretary as the party was preparing for elections in December 1997....Ramouthar was supposed to act until the party congress in 1998....

At that congress Moses polled the second highest amount of votes after Janet Jagan....this significant gesture from the delegates at congress was seen as an endorsement of Moses's future role in the leadership of the party....

Perhaps the overwhelming support Moses received at the 1998 congress signalled to those of lesser abilities who had leadership ambitions to make their moves to sideline Moses and hijack the party.....
Originally posted by Gupta:
This is the man [Moses Nagamootoo]who fought Burnham and Rabbi Washington. He was beaten and jailed. Where was this Bharrat then? Working for Hoyte's PNC.
is that why he have joe with the ppp now because joe was the house of iseral beat man
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Nehru:

you is brain dead, i have a shovel,i can bury you now or wait to bury you with the ppp panman

Nehru is worried about losing he pok cuttas.
Thanks for the verification. Moses indeed was most popular in the party elections at the congress after 1997. Strangely, most of the new members of the Central Committee refused to accept his popularity among the membership. But I think the pressure built up against him after he refused to join with the 29 others who claimed that "they did not hear" what was said against Ramjattan at the famous central committee meeting. Strangely, some of the 29 were/are close friends of Moses, but they took a position against him. In retrospect, Moses could have mobilised a "dissident" group of like minds in the party leadership to champion his ideas. The impression I get is that he stood alone and did not make enough effort to mobilise support for his position(s) within the Central Committee and among the party groups. Apparently, he did so among supporters in New York, but did not do so in Guyana. What do you think?

Anyway, I wish him well in his future political career.
Darren I wish him well too.....I know he reached out to several within the party in Guyana who were not happy with the state of affairs but they were AFRAID to discuss a united plan of action....some of those friends were muzzled because of their jobs etc.....

Moses's initial plan of action was to fight with others from within but he did not receive the support he expected......

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