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February 10 ,2021


Declaring that the PPP/C government will not contribute to “monopoly behaviour,” Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday said he was assured by the Minister of Agriculture that the holder of the controversial trawler licences does exist.

Asked to comment on the identity of the individual at his press conference yesterday, Jagdeo said, “This person actually met with the ministry and is not a ghost individual, it is a Guyanese.”

Weighing in on the matter, Jagdeo said while they agree that sustainable fishing in the sector  should not be jeopardised, there must be equity in the industry and everyone be given a chance.

“We should periodically review this, it should not contribute to monopoly behaviour because a few guys have this, and they feel there should be no new entrants. One and two of those guys feel if they have a licence from government they should have it forever. It should not be, we should look at equity in this issue too… if a few big guys have everything no new person can break into the sector with one licences or two licences, you can’t have fifty licences… and a man gets two and you complaining he will destroy the sector,” Jagdeo countered.

He also stressed that there is no corruption involved in the licensing deal.

Mustapha on Monday told Stabroek News that all unanswered questions surrounding the issuance of the licences will be addressed by the special committee he put together to review the approval of the licenses.

He had made the comments in response to questions surrounding the identity of the mystery holder of the licences.

“I want to respect the committee’s rights. We have set up a committee to look at this issue so it will be premature for me to answer. Let us allow the committee to look at this matter,” Mustapha said when asked by this newspaper to address the uncertainty surrounding the identity of the individual.

Additionally, Mustapha said that the committee will meet soon and will address the concerns as they are currently drafting the terms of reference to guide the committee on its mandate.

Meanwhile, operators in the seabob trawlers sector remain clueless as to the individual who was granted the licences.

Unfamiliar with the name Rampersaud Sookhdeo, the name of the licensee provided by the Ministry, the Guyana Association of Trawler Operators and Seafood Processors (GATOSP) says it is making enquiries to determine who exactly is the holder of the licences issued secretly by the PPP/C government.

President of the Association, Ruben Charles, when contacted had told Stabroek News, “The association wants to know who this person is. We have never heard of him and no one in the fishing industry seems to know who it is.”

After two months of being secretive about the deal, the Ministry of Agriculture last week Monday, finally released the name of the owner of two trawling licences. The Ministry named Sookhdeo of La Jalousie, West Coast Demerara – a re-migrant who it said ran fishing operations in Trinidad and Tobago – as the holder of the licences.

It is unclear why a recent re-migrant from Trinidad would be given licences in breach of an agreement with GATOSP, thereby jeopardising its international certification on sustainable fishing.

Persons within the Trinidad fishing sector also told this newspaper that they were unacquainted with the name.

President of the Carli Bay Fishing Association, and member of Fisherman and Friends of the Sea, Imtiaz Khan told Stabroek News “We are not aware of any operator under that name or even the name Haseed Enterprise. It just doesn’t ring a bell to us,” in response to a query from this newspaper last week.

“I even checked with our Director of Fisheries Nerisa Lucky but the name doesn’t ring a bell to her. We have 128 trawlers registered and operating in different levels but the name doesn’t ring a bell,” Khan iterated.

When this newspaper made enquiries in the West Coast community, villagers were unsure of the person being referred to. Stabroek News during its visit was directed to an address where a person with that name resides but verification efforts were unsuccessful as the man was not at home and his wife who spoke to the reporter via phone said her husband was out of the country and she was in no position to comment.

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Sheer stupidity from PPP sycophants.  It hardly matters if the licensee is an experienced trawler operator or an inexperienced patwa catcher.  The question is why was he granted a licence that jeopardizes MSC accreditation and why there was no publicity of opportunities for new operators in the seabob business.  Who knows , if there were opportunities and a credible, objective process in place for assessing applications a whole lot of people would have applied?  Who the f..k does Jagdeo and his sychophants think they are fooling?  Some dumbass coolies?


That's one skundle of bunt dem guys passing out there. Mustapha say he putting together a committee fo look into these matters.  I believe he jus sayin shit and has no clue as to his next move.

@cain posted:

That's one skundle of bunt dem guys passing out there. Mustapha say he putting together a committee fo look into these matters.  I believe he jus sayin shit and has no clue as to his next move.

If he puts a committee together, then it would be the committee's next move. That is what ministers do.   They don't have to do the work themselves. But then again, how would know? You only know how to insult people like all low life Guyanese.

@Ramakant-P posted:

If he puts a committee together, then it would be the committee's next move. That is what ministers do.   They don't have to do the work themselves. But then again, how would know? You only know how to insult people like all low life Guyanese.

Committee needed to disclose to the Guyanese people who are the recipients of the trawler license ,bought by supporters hook line and sinker.

@Django posted:

Committee needed to disclose to the Guyanese people who are the recipients of the trawler license ,bought by supporters hook line and sinker.

There is no need for a committee to disclose the names of people who get licenses to operate their business.  They are published in the Official Gazette.  I told you this already. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

If he puts a committee together, then it would be the committee's next move. That is what ministers do.   They don't have to do the work themselves. But then again, how would know? You only know how to insult people like all low life Guyanese.

So they need to put a committee together to discuss whether or not they should share a friken name?

@Ramakant-P posted:

There is no need for a committee to disclose the names of people who get licenses to operate their business.

They are published in the Official Gazette.  I told you this already.


Here is the link

Let's see the CREDIBILITY.

Last edited by Django
@cain posted:

So they need to put a committee together to discuss whether or not they should share a friken name?

You are way off base.

@cain posted:

So they need to put a committee together to discuss whether or not they should share a friken name?

That is what you guys said.  The names are already published in the Official Gazette. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

If he puts a committee together, then it would be the committee's next move. That is what ministers do.   They don't have to do the work themselves. But then again, how would know? You only know how to insult people like all low life Guyanese.

Your own insulting references to 'your mama' and 'your wife' are excluded, of course! That is PPP prorogative issued from PPP Paradice where no anti-PPP protesting is admitted! Ever! Too low life! Definitely NOT PPP!

And not low enough!

@Former Member posted:

Your own insulting references to 'your mama' and 'your wife' are excluded, of course! That is PPP prorogative issued from PPP Paradice where no anti-PPP protesting is admitted! Ever! Too low life! Definitely NOT PPP!

And not low enough!

This is pure nonsense. You are ridiculously ill_advised.

@Former Member posted:

Since when a question asked is an admission? You fantasize too much!

Jagdeo told me not to bother with you neemakarams. You all are pi$$ed off that PPP won the 2020 General Elections. 

There is a difference between speculating and fantasizing.

@Former Member posted:

A dalit woman once called me that because I ignored her obvious invitation to fk her! Now, you! I won't ignore you! Be ready! You' re already willing!

If Jagdeo told you that, it must be caused by the company he keeps! Be always lubricated! He will pay you more for your readiness, I'm sure!

@Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo told me not to bother with you neemakarams. You all are pi$$ed off that PPP won the 2020 General Elections.

There is a difference between speculating and fantasizing.

Why did the PPP finance the LJP and other parties instead of having their members join the PPP and vote for same? Not sure of them, huh? Then Shuman is just as treacherous as Charranrass! Why did Jimmie continue to support the PNC? Not to Jagdeo's liking? Seems the members of the LJP are just cattle to be used by both Shuman and.his deceitful leader, Jagdeo!

@Former Member posted:

A dalit woman once called me that because I ignored her obvious invitation to fk her! Now, you! I won't ignore you! Be ready! You' re already willing!

You are a liar. Making up stories. You a faggat. No woman would want you.

You did say that you can get Tota pregnant.

@Former Member posted:

Why did the PPP finance the LJP and other parties instead of having their members join the PPP and vote for same? Not sure of them, huh? Then Shuman is just as treacherous as Charranrass! Why did Jimmie continue to support the PNC? Not to Jagdeo's liking? Seems the members of the LJP are just cattle to be used by both Shuman and.his deceitful leader, Jagdeo!

You are pointless!  You don't know what you are saying.  You stupid faggat.

@Former Member posted:

If Jagdeo told you that, it must be caused by the company he keeps! Be always lubricated! He will pay you more for your readiness, I'm sure!

You called me stupid. Read your own post and then look in the mirror. You will see the word 'STUPID', You dumb faggat.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are a liar. Making up stories. You a faggat. No woman would want you.

You did say that you can get Tota pregnant.

I know, kunt! Wrong horse! Prepare yourself! Have everything clean and ready! Have your ablutions! NOW!


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