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Jagdeo sets conditions for extending elections date beyond March 21

8:30 / 05.03.2019 iNews Guyana, Parliamentary Opposition has agreed to extend the deadline for national elections, but only if the David Granger – Administration adheres to certain requests, including  to have elections before the expiry of the current voters’ list on April 30, 2019.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo last evening (March 4, 2019) responded to the Head-of-State’s invitation for a meeting tomorrow (March 6, 2019) by laying out certain conditions.

Jagdeo proposed:

  1. The date of the General and Regional Elections to be held before the expiration of the present voters’ list on April 30, 2019;
  2. No new contracts to be awarded by the State, including Regional Democratic Councils, and, State-owned corporations after March 21, 2019;
  3. No new agreements, loans, grants, land leases, or any other such agreements or contracts after March 21, 2019, that bind Government;
  4. No abuse of State resources for partisan activities/purposes;
  5. Access of the State-owned media by all the contesting political parties.

“On the agreement of your Government to these proposals, the Parliamentary Opposition will be prepared to lend its support for the two-thirds majority required comply with Article 106 (7) for an extension beyond March 21, 2019,” the letter to President Granger outlined.

Following the passage of a no-confidence motion, elections are to be held within 90-days, according to the Constitution of Guyana.

The only way the deadline for the polls can be extended is through a two-thirds majority vote in the National Assembly; otherwise, the Government effectively becomes illegal.

“…the Guyana Constitution is the supreme law of Guyana, and, therefore, the proposed meeting can only and must only focus on ensuring that the Constitution is not violated, and, that general and regional elections are held in compliance with Article 106 (6) and 106 (7) following the December 21, 2019 passage of the no-confidence motion,” Jagdeo penned.

But GECOM has  insisted that it is unprepared to hold elections before the constitutionally due deadline.

As such, the Opposition Leader informed the President that his proposal to have before April 30, 2019 is “reasonable” and “feasible” with a claims and objections period, “provided that GECOM acts in good faith and in conformity with its mandate and the Constitution”.

Jagdeo says if the President finds favour with the proposal, he will meet with him tomorrow as requested.

“However, time is of the essence, March 21, 2019, when the government becomes unconstitutional, is fast approaching,” he concluded the letter.

Source --

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The current voter's list seems to be a major concern for Jagdeo. If this idea is not in Granger's favor, they will prolong the election until house to house registration is done. 


Jagdeo was infamous for huge giveaways before the election, so why is he screaming that APNU shouldn't do the same?

If Jagdeo is so ready who is his Head Negro Slave selected to be PM.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Jagdeo was infamous for huge giveaways before the election, so why is he screaming that APNU shouldn't do the same?

If Jagdeo is so ready who is his Head Negro Slave selected to be PM.

Assumably Juan Edgehill or Jagdeo may wear an afro hairstyle. 

yuji22 posted:

Perfect move by Jagdeo as the AFC PNC leads Guyana towards a constitutional crisis and emerging dictatorship.

In an earlier post I stated that Granger will get everything he wants from Jagdeo. Granger will play Jagdeo like a doll tomorrow morning. Jagdeo think he is a stragegist, watch Granger at work. 

caribny posted:

Jagdeo was infamous for huge giveaways before the election, so why is he screaming that APNU shouldn't do the same?

If Jagdeo is so ready who is his Head Negro Slave selected to be PM

Do you wish to avail your services to be the Head Negro to be selected to be PM? Contact Bharat Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member
Dondadda posted:
yuji22 posted:

Perfect move by Jagdeo as the AFC PNC leads Guyana towards a constitutional crisis and emerging dictatorship.

In an earlier post I stated that Granger will get everything he wants from Jagdeo. Granger will play Jagdeo like a doll tomorrow morning. Jagdeo think he is a stragegist, watch Granger at work. 

Bai Don, you are not fan of Jagdeo and tha’s ok. But Jagdeo toppled the PNC and has Granger’s balls in a Vise.

yuji22 posted:
Dondadda posted:
yuji22 posted:

Perfect move by Jagdeo as the AFC PNC leads Guyana towards a constitutional crisis and emerging dictatorship.

In an earlier post I stated that Granger will get everything he wants from Jagdeo. Granger will play Jagdeo like a doll tomorrow morning. Jagdeo think he is a stragegist, watch Granger at work. 

Bai Don, you are not fan of Jagdeo and tha’s ok. But Jagdeo toppled the PNC and has Granger’s balls in a Vise.

Yuji, as a human being I like him. As a politician and former President of Guyana, I don’t like his behaviour. He talks too much, gives all his ammunition away to the APNU/AFC and when push comes to shove he starts flip flopping. Granger has him right where he wants him. Watch what happens tomorrow morning. No election will be held until the latter part of 2019 oe early 2020. Remember Lowenfield get sick now. Who will be next?

Dondadda posted:
yuji22 posted:

Perfect move by Jagdeo as the AFC PNC leads Guyana towards a constitutional crisis and emerging dictatorship.

In an earlier post I stated that Granger will get everything he wants from Jagdeo. Granger will play Jagdeo like a doll tomorrow morning. Jagdeo think he is a stragegist, watch Granger at work. 

Meeting tomorrow may not occur ; as noted by Jagdeo's statement from the source article,  ...


Jagdeo says if the President finds favour with the proposal, he will meet with him tomorrow as requested.


Jagdeo sets conditions for extending elections date beyond March 21, 8:30 / 05.03.2019 iNews Guyana,



You are missing the point. PNC and granger have an inherent dictatorship trait. Their display of this trait is quite apparent. Jagdeo can only act within the boundaries of the constitution. 

PNC violated the constitution and is now a illegal administration as of March 21.

It is only after March 21 that the PPP can ratchet up the pressure on the PNC. You cannot put the cart before the horse.

yuji22 posted:


You are missing the point. PNC and granger have an inherent dictatorship trait. Their display of this trait is quite apparent. Jagdeo can only act within the boundaries of the constitution. 

PNC violated the constitution and is now a illegal administration as of March 21.

It is only after March 21 that the PPP can ratchet up the pressure on the PNC. You cannot put the cart before the horse.

Yuji, I am in full agreement with you that Granger is a full fledged Dictator and a violator of the Constitution of Guyana. He is also practices racism against Indians in a subtle way - you can’t see it but you can feel it. I give you that. But you cannot hide the fact that Jagdeo gives APNU/AFC all his  cards away in the name of his Party. He talks too damn much and flip flops from his position. He need some to be consistent.

Dondadda posted:
Baseman posted:

Granger is a good man in a bad situation!!

Yes, describe the bad situation for me nuh.

A lot of pressure from the PNC wing of the coalition.  The PNC diehards have links to militant radicals who may even target him if he is viewed as a sellout!  He walking a tight rope!


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