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Aug 24, 2020


Yesterday, two women approached the publisher of Kaieteur News as he was about to enter his office. They said they could not afford to buy the newspapers everyday but they have been following the reports about the oil agreements. They asked if they could be given a copy of yesterday’s newspaper.
Those concerns of these two women reflect the widespread interest which the oil agreements have generated. It shows that while the ordinary man and woman may not be saying much publicly, they are following keenly what is taking place. And they are looking to see how the new government is going to approach the renegotiation of the oil contracts.
Kaieteur News has been providing a tremendous public service through its exposure of the shortcomings of the present contract, the initial concealment of the signing bonus and the huge field development costs, which ExxonMobil has submitted.
Glenn Lall’s advocacy did not fall on deaf ears. The people of Guyana may be silent, but they are following closely what is taking place.
Bharrat Jagdeo appears to be the government’s point man overseeing the oil industry. He should not be tasked with spearheading any renegotiations. Nor should the renegotiation be left to the government alone. If the country’s interest is to be protected, a broad-based committee should be involved in the review and renegotiation. Simply handing this task to a foreign consultant and asking the government to renegotiate on the basis of this review would amount to a gross dereliction of duty on the part of the government.
The government needs to be assured that, when it comes to renegotiating these agreements, it can count on the support of the overwhelming majority of Guyanese. To do otherwise would subject the government to extreme pressures.
The Americans are not going to stay neutral. The role of US diplomatic personnel – wherever they are stationed – is to represent the interests of Americans and its companies. The United States will use its diplomatic muscle to achieve its objectives.
The Forbes Burnham government attempted to nationalize the American-owned bauxite industry in the 1970s. The United States immediately dispatched a representative to talk to Burnham. By the time, the representative left, Burnham developed cold-sweat. He caved in a few days later. Instead of nationalization, he ended up having to pay reparations to the Americans. For the next twenty years, that compensation contributed to the skyrocketing of Guyana’s external debt.
The United States Embassy is therefore not going to sit idly by and allow the PPP/C to hold American companies hostage to the threat of renegotiation. But with the backing of the entire country, Guyana can resist these pressures and emerge with a decent deal.
But two things will have to happen. First, Jagdeo should not be allowed a major say in this process. He has never proven adept as a negotiator. He made a spectacle of himself during the negotiations of the Economic Partnership Agreement. He tried to play hardball by fighting for the unrealistic goal of reciprocity among unequal partners. In the end, he was forced to drink his own vomit and was humiliatingly forced to sign the very agreement against which he had raged.
His showmanship almost placed Guyana’s exports in jeopardy. He should not be trusted to be the country’s point person in any oil renegotiations but should be part of a broad-based committee, including persons from civil society.
All is far from being lost. Guyana has a trump card in any negotiations. ExxonMobil’s Payara Field Development Plan is awaiting approval from the Government of Guyana. Without this approval, the plan cannot proceed.
This application presents Guyana with a golden opportunity to ensure better terms in the oil agreement. It will not have another bite of the cherry.
The former government squandered its golden opportunity. It shortchanged Guyana when it gave approval for the renewal of the expired permits for the Stabroek Block. Instead of seizing the opportunity to get the best possible deal, the former government signed the worst oil agreement ever.
The result of that is Guyana was expected to gain only 2% royalty and 50% profit sharing (after expenses). It was estimated that Guyana would have earned US$300M this year but a combination of COVID-19 and low production and low oil prices now means that the country will earn far less than it had anticipated.
The ball is now in the PPP/C’s court. A better deal from Payara will ensure that this level of future uncertainty is removed. But that will require a broad-based committee to renegotiate the agreement. And the downgrading of any role assigned to Jagdeo.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kaieteur News has been providing a tremendous public service through its exposure to the shortcomings of the present contract, the initial concealment of the signing bonus, and the huge field development costs, which ExxonMobil has submitted. 

If there are any shortcomings why shouldn't the PPP renegotiate the deal?

KN wrote that Bharrat Jagdeo appears to be the government’s point man overseeing the oil industry. He should not be tasked with spearheading any renegotiations. Nor should the renegotiation be left to the government alone.  The keyword there is 'appears'.  KN didn't say anything about Granger's negotiation. One reason they were afraid of the Man. Now KN is chastising Jagdeo for something they know nothing about. KN should not speculate and tell the Government what to do.  They should report the news not fake news.

Simply handing this task to a foreign consultant and asking the government to renegotiate on the basis of this review would amount to a gross dereliction of duty on the part of the government.  It's not that easy. This is a delicate situation and the government should take it slowly.

he result of that is Guyana was expected to gain only 2% royalty and 50% profit sharing (after expenses). It was estimated that Guyana would have earned US$300M this year but a combination of COVID-19 and low production and low oil prices now means that the country will earn far less than it had anticipated.

Why is KN blaming the PPP for this? The deal was done by the PNC.


Jagdeo is the person most fitting to spearhead this operation. He commands respect from a broad cross section of the population. He has already stated that these matter will be controlled by people skilled in these areas and not by politicians. He has so far pointed out a far more superior approach to handling this new negotiation than what the Coalition did with the one in 2016. There are clear evidence that Jagdeo has matured from who he was when he was president so one cannot still hold that over his head.

@Sheik101 posted:

Anybody who say jagdeo shouldn't be the point man is off their Rocker. Jagdeo runs things. Everything.   Btw, where's the President of Guyana?

He busy finishing up has breakfast. 

@Sheik101 posted:

Anybody who say jagdeo shouldn't be the point man is off their Rocker. Jagdeo runs things. Everything.   Btw, where's the President of Guyana?

The last time, there was a picture of him waving to the villagers of Canal No.1. Some two weeks ago. The man from Florida has returned, he will be Jagdeo's assistant in the oil negotiations. He was involved before the change to PNC.

My guess, Ali is only a transition. He will exit before his term for another Jagdeo's Choice.

I am told, his supporters on the Corentyne do not care what he does as long as the PPP is the govrnment.


Jagdeo is an ASSET to the Guyanese people. His knowledge, experiences, intelligence, track record is unmatachable. Guyanese are so lucky to have him to take them to the mountain Top. Once again, Guyanese will be able to chant " Guyana SWEET laka Sumutoo"!!!!

@Nehru posted:

Jagdeo is an ASSET to the Guyanese people. His knowledge, experiences, intelligence, track record is unmatachable. Guyanese are so lucky to have him to take them to the mountain Top. Once again, Guyanese will be able to chant " Guyana SWEET laka Sumutoo"!!!!

Thank God fuh abee President Jagdeo.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Kaieteur News has been providing a tremendous public service through its exposure to the shortcomings of the present contract, the initial concealment of the signing bonus, and the huge field development costs, which ExxonMobil has submitted. 

If there are any shortcomings why shouldn't the PPP renegotiate the deal?

KN wrote that Bharrat Jagdeo appears to be the government’s point man overseeing the oil industry. He should not be tasked with spearheading any renegotiations. Nor should the renegotiation be left to the government alone.  The keyword there is 'appears'.  KN didn't say anything about Granger's negotiation. One reason they were afraid of the Man. Now KN is chastising Jagdeo for something they know nothing about. KN should not speculate and tell the Government what to do.  They should report the news not fake news.

Simply handing this task to a foreign consultant and asking the government to renegotiate on the basis of this review would amount to a gross dereliction of duty on the part of the government.  It's not that easy. This is a delicate situation and the government should take it slowly.

he result of that is Guyana was expected to gain only 2% royalty and 50% profit sharing (after expenses). It was estimated that Guyana would have earned US$300M this year but a combination of COVID-19 and low production and low oil prices now means that the country will earn far less than it had anticipated.

Why is KN blaming the PPP for this? The deal was done by the PNC.

BS.  You are copying and pasting without attribution. In other words, you are stealing people's work.  Chupidness na gat cure. 

@Nehru posted:

Jagdeo is an ASSET to the Guyanese people. His knowledge, experiences, intelligence, track record is unmatachable. Guyanese are so lucky to have him to take them to the mountain Top. Once again, Guyanese will be able to chant " Guyana SWEET laka Sumutoo"!!!!

Welcome bai bai. Lang time abee nah hear yuh.😄😃

@seignet posted:

ppl should be concerned. if he is all their hopes, that is tragedy for any country.

In just one month he has done exceedingly well. The country is looking forward again. Only a few PNC people still griping. They too will come around once they come to terms with how beautiful it is to live in a country governed by law and order.


Bro, law and order, yuh kidding. Sure, bcz you never plan to visit Guyana, so you see law and order just bcz the PPP in power.

The prediction, covid will be around for another 2 years. The Spanish Flu pandemic happened about 100 years ago, and it is still around. It has no strength to kill anybody anymore. But Covid can and perhaps be around for more than 2 years.

With the economies struggling, where you think all these bright negotiations going to put Guyana. I agree, it has to be done. 

@seignet posted:

Bro, law and order, yuh kidding. Sure, bcz you never plan to visit Guyana, so you see law and order just bcz the PPP in power.

The prediction, covid will be around for another 2 years. The Spanish Flu pandemic happened about 100 years ago, and it is still around. It has no strength to kill anybody anymore. But Covid can and perhaps be around for more than 2 years.

With the economies struggling, where you think all these bright negotiations going to put Guyana. I agree, it has to be done. 

At least the bandage has been applied and the bleeding has stopped. Now the focus is on reviving the body. The PNC didn't even realize that there were injuries.

@Sheik101 posted:

Anybody who say jagdeo shouldn't be the point man is off their Rocker. Jagdeo runs things. Everything.   Btw, where's the President of Guyana?

the election and inauguration drained him. he's recuperating and dieting  

@Former Member posted:

the election and inauguration drained him. he's recuperating and dieting  

In preparation for what may I ask. Surely not to take the reins of Govt. That position is filled.

@Former Member posted:

the election and inauguration drained him. he's recuperating and dieting  

Alyu leave de man alone, making aloo roti. The turd term president is covering well for him, while he try to avoid a few more pounds. 

@Tola posted:

Alyu leave de man alone, making aloo roti. The turd term president is covering well for him, while he try to avoid a few more pounds. 

Everytime u crack open the news. Jagdeo on the attack rass. Lash pelting leff rite and center.


Doesn’t change the fact, PNC lost.

Jaggy giving his enemies shittings.

I was watching the swearing in on FB, as soon as BJ was called for VP, one PNC poster exclaimed “holy shit, Jagdeo is VP.”   That said it all.

Now ayuh MS, eat ayuh vomit.

@Sheik101 posted:

Everytime u crack open the news. Jagdeo on the attack rass. Lash pelting leff rite and center.

He has a hard track record to correct, from his previous government. Mainly, programs to uplift the living conditions for the people who voted for the PPP.

Any progress on your trip to Guyana, via alternate route ?  

@Tola posted:

He has a hard track record to correct, from his previous government. Mainly, programs to uplift the living conditions for the people who voted for the PPP.

Any progress on your trip to Guyana, via alternate route ?  

Negative thus far. I'm waiting for the covid 19 to ease down a bit then I'll head in.  The alternate routes that wee suggested to me were not too appealing.

@Sheik101 posted:

Negative thus far. I'm waiting for the covid 19 to ease down a bit then I'll head in.  The alternate routes that wee suggested to me were not too appealing.

I agree. Alternate routes could cause delays and cancellation, using valuable time.  

@Former Member posted:

He busy finishing up has breakfast. 

The President does not have to be involved in every detail or every aspect of running the country. That's why he has qualified ministers.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The President does not have to be involved in every detail or every aspect of running the country. That's why he has qualified ministers.

Correct. He gives the orders. Jagdeo is merely acting on the orders of Dr Irfan. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

The President does not have to be involved in every detail or every aspect of running the country. That's why he has qualified ministers.

Interestingly the ones making a big deal of it never cared that it was Granger's people who addressed the public and not Granger. Suddenly they are having bellywuk. Even the declaration for dissolution of parliament and elections were pronounced by a member of OP rather than Granger himself. Hypocrisy at its highest.

@Former Member posted:

Correct. He gives the orders. Jagdeo is merely acting on the orders of Dr Irfan. 

Jagdeo has done a lot of speaking since becoming VP and at no time have I sensed him pausing when addressing Ali as "the President". Had he really believed that he is the real President he could not have done so so fluently. It is only in the besieged minds that Jagdeo is in his turd or furt terms.

@Former Member posted:

Correct. He gives the orders. Jagdeo is merely acting on the orders of Dr Irfan. 

Base, if u honestly believe this then something is seriously wrong with u. Ali has been phased out. Jagdeo does not act on anybody's orders only his own. It would be foolhardy to think than a seasoned politician with international experience taking order from an arrogant lil prick of a former housing Minister.

Jsgdeo is the PPP. The PPP is Jagdeo.

@Sheik101 posted:

Base, if u honestly believe this then something is seriously wrong with u. Ali has been phased out. Jagdeo does not act on anybody's orders only his own. It would be foolhardy to think than a seasoned politician with international experience taking order from an arrogant lil prick of a former housing Minister.

Jsgdeo is the PPP. The PPP is Jagdeo.

i told you all ali baba is swimming in his fancy pool, then lying in his hammock enjoying coconut water and polowrie, to recuperate from the tumultuous past year and hopefully shed about 100 lbs. 

@Sheik101 posted:


Jsgdeo is the PPP. The PPP is Jagdeo.

Long live President Jagdeo and PPP ! 

You have a problem with the PPP and Jagdeo ? You are on record stating that the PPP cannot win with Jagdeo leading the election campaign. Guess what ? He won.

Calm down bai and play nice. Don't become a part of the AFC PNC bottom house crew. You have a year to Judge the PPP. They just took office. 

@Former Member posted:

Long live President Jagdeo and PPP ! 

You have a problem with the PPP and Jagdeo ? You are on record stating that the PPP cannot win with Jagdeo leading the election campaign. Guess what ? He won.

Calm down bai and play nice. Don't become a part of the AFC PNC bottom house crew. You have a year to Judge the PPP. They just took office. 

U must be speaking about someone else since I don't recall saying anything of tbe sort. What I did say was Ali didn't do squat to be where he is today. It was Jagdeo and the PPP lawyers who carried the fite to APNU from Appeal court, to the high court to the CCJ.

U spending too much time on that lake.


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