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September 05,2016

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has blasted the APNU+AFC government for having what he said was a lazy economic policy where it is sitting back and waiting on money that it is hoping to get from oil in a couple of years.

At a press conference hosted by his office at Freedom House on Thursday, Jagdeo said he was disappointed with the economic strategy of the government which he said lives in an ivory tower or a cocoon and is delusional.

He said the government is not making efforts to get foreign investment, noting that “this is not how to change the economy. The country is hurting, the business community is hurting and poor people are losing their jobs.”

Jagdeo added: “Go to the construction sites or many of the business places that can’t meet payroll and find out how many people are being laid off.”

He said this is “not just happening in the rice or sugar belt, but right across the country – in retail trade, in the mining area, in forestry.”

He said he was mentioning it “to wake up the government to action, that they would do something because they have the resources…”

He said government had also promised that there would be 100 to 150 jobs available onshore and that thousands of people would get jobs when they start pumping the oil.

“ExxonMobil has made it very clear that the jobs they have now they have already hired people for them and it is highly unlikely that they were going to hire many more. The government also said that full production would be around 2020 if everything goes well,” Jagdeo told the press conference.

Besides, he said, when the revenue comes in, a significant part will have to go to the sovereign wealth fund.

He noted that the reported plan by Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin to add another layer of bureaucracy to do due diligence on investors is another hurdle to business. He also questioned whether the minister has defined the parameters of the due diligence.

Jagdeo argued that government had not done due diligence on the “man that government brought back” to head the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) board as well as another man to head the Guyana Water Inc., who had been convicted twice in the US for drug dealing. In relation to GPH, Jagdeo was referring to former Health Minister Dr Noel Blackman who was arrested this year in New York en route to Guyana. Dr Blackman has since pleaded guilty to  conspiracy to distribute oxycodone and is to be sentenced next year.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

They are asleep at the wheel and dreaming of the oil well.  Pie in the sky!

Not so long ago, they tried to get an advance on future oil revenues. Meanwhile criminals robbing people two houses away from the Minister of Public Security.


was a lazy economic policy where it is sitting back and waiting on money that it is hoping to get from oil in a couple of years.

What else is new with the boys? Laziness and Takers.


Jagdeo has a good point. But on the other hand while he was in power, he tried to invest in sugar, Amelia falls etc and that didn't work out either as it cost the tax payers money that the country is still repaying. Maybe it is better that jackass Granger et al just lay back and await oil money instead of going into venture that will end up putting the country into greater debt. 

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo has blasted the APNU+AFC government for having what he said was a lazy economic policy where it is sitting back and waiting on money that it is hoping to get from oil in a couple of years.


At a press conference hosted by his office at Freedom House on Thursday, Jagdeo said he was disappointed with the economic strategy of the government which he said lives in an ivory tower or a cocoon and is delusional.

Source, September 05,2016

From appearances, the government is in a cocoon wandering aimlessly in a delusional manner.

ksazma posted:

I agree. This government seems to be asleep at the wheel.

Can you please outline what the PPP did?  Allowed Chinese to export tree trunks with minimal employment beyond cutting down trees.  This because China restricts de forestation in China and most Asian and African nations refuse to allow the export of raw wood. So they come to stupid Guyana.

The PPP is merely angry that oil revenues will begin under APNU AFC and not under them.  To describe them as more imaginative is a joke, given that Guyana's economic is EXACTLY what it was in 1946. 

And in fact the GMSA claim even LESS industrialized than it was in the 1970s, with proof furnished that at least 30 manufacturing companies, which once existed, no longer do!

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

They are asleep at the wheel and dreaming of the oil well.  Pie in the sky!

Not so long ago, they tried to get an advance on future oil revenues. Meanwhile criminals robbing people two houses away from the Minister of Public Security.

Well a criminal affiliated to Jagdeo killed a PPP minister, and hundreds of others, and was NOT punished for this.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

They are asleep at the wheel and dreaming of the oil well.  Pie in the sky!

Not so long ago, they tried to get an advance on future oil revenues. Meanwhile criminals robbing people two houses away from the Minister of Public Security.

Well a criminal affiliated to Jagdeo killed a PPP minister, and hundreds of others, and was NOT punished for this.

Once again you are off to the deep end.  We are talking about your PNC peeps waiting for oil money.  Stick to the topic shall we??!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Once again you are off to the deep end.  We are talking about your PNC peeps waiting for oil money.  Stick to the topic shall we??!!

We are talking about comments made by Jagdeo so the hypocrisy of Jagdeo is up for discussion.  The hypocrisy of PPP supporters is also up for discussion.

You all missed accept the fact that the PPP lost because it failed in the eyes of more than 50% of the population, and they indicated this TWICE.  Guyana remains at the bottom of the pile and so this endless notion that the PPP was doing a good job at moving the economy needs to be dumped.

15% of the population in Antigua are Guyanese and the vast majority of them arrived during the PPP era.  Before that all Guyanese knew about Antigua is that it was a stop on the way to NYC, or Toronto if one was on a BWIA plane.

Clearly then the PPP did a bad job, and in fact even now aren't bringing new ideas to the table.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

I agree. This government seems to be asleep at the wheel.

Can you please outline what the PPP did?  Allowed Chinese to export tree trunks with minimal employment beyond cutting down trees.  This because China restricts de forestation in China and most Asian and African nations refuse to allow the export of raw wood. So they come to stupid Guyana.

The PPP is merely angry that oil revenues will begin under APNU AFC and not under them.  To describe them as more imaginative is a joke, given that Guyana's economic is EXACTLY what it was in 1946. 

And in fact the GMSA claim even LESS industrialized than it was in the 1970s, with proof furnished that at least 30 manufacturing companies, which once existed, no longer do!

Now what does any of this have to do with the current government asleep at the wheel. You could have either state that they are asleep at the wheel or not. All that writing are just a waste of words because none of it addressed single statement as to whether the government is asleep at the wheel or not.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

They are asleep at the wheel and dreaming of the oil well.  Pie in the sky!

Not so long ago, they tried to get an advance on future oil revenues. Meanwhile criminals robbing people two houses away from the Minister of Public Security.

Well a criminal affiliated to Jagdeo killed a PPP minister, and hundreds of others, and was NOT punished for this.

We are in luck now then because we have a government unfriendly to Jagdeo and his PPP party so we should see punishments being handed out for the killing of that minister and hundred of others. What is your expectation that this will happen?


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