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Will not meet president until date is set for elections

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is accusing the APNU/AFC Government of engaging in fraudulent behaviour, after it altered the letter instructing the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to prepare for National Elections.

On February 25, President David Granger dispatched a letter to GECOM Chairman, Justice James Patterson, instructing that the Commission begin preparing for elections.

The letter read, “The Government of Guyana is committed to doing everything possible to ensure that the commission is provided with the financial resources and has sufficient time to conduct credible elections. I urge the Commission, therefore, to commence preparations for the conduct of GRE.”

It added, “The Government of Guyana will initiate measures to provide funds required and to seek the approval of the National Assembly to ensure that an agreement can be reached given both the Constitutional requirements and GECOM’s capability.”

However, an altered letter released by the Ministry of the Presidency to the public, contradicts what was stated in the original correspondent.

The altered letter reads: “I have noted also, GECOM as a constitutional agency would require a new appropriation of funds approved by the National Assembly for the conduct of General and Regional Elections. I now write you in that context for us to initiate consultations on the readiness of GECOM for the conduct of General and Regional Elections in 2019.”

It makes no mention of the Head-of-State’s instruction to begin preparing for these elections, which are constitutionally due before March 19, 2019 – following the passage of the no confidence resolution which toppled the coalition government on the evening of December 21, 2018.

“This is fraudulent behaviour. Obviously after the first letter went off, there was some internal problem…and they then changed the letter and put this letter up,” the Opposition Leader contended.

“I don’t think we can even move forward as a country if you have a government operating fraudulently. This is fraudulent be on the part of the Granger administration,” Jagdeo added.

At a press conference today, the Opposition Leader lambasted the David Granger-administration, contending that he will not accept the Head-of-State’s invitation to meet next Wednesday.

According to Jagdeo, he will only meet with President Granger until he announces a date for the hosting of national elections.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How can a date for elections be set, if preparations are not met and if the two leaders (President and Opposition) dont meet to hash out the details and then agree upon a date amicably?

After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


VishMahabir posted:

How can a date for elections be set, if preparations are not met and if the two leaders (President and Opposition) dont meet to hash out the details and then agree upon a date amicably?

After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


Slow boy,Granger looking to use Jagdeo as PR for legitimacy for his delay tactic. Jags did not take the bait this time as it is not in good faith. Give an election date then the talks can commence.

Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

How can a date for elections be set, if preparations are not met and if the two leaders (President and Opposition) dont meet to hash out the details and then agree upon a date amicably?

After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


Slow boy,Granger looking to use Jagdeo as PR for legitimacy for his delay tactic. Jags did not take the bait this time as it is not in good faith. Give an election date then the talks can commence.

So if Granger says July 4th, will the Opposition be willing to meet then?

The Opposition should say that they will meet only to mutually agree on a date...that would be a more amicable meeting....why hinge everything on a date?

after all, if more time is needed, lets say, after March 21, the Opposition will have to throw its support to get that 2/3 parliamentary majority needed to do so. 

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

How can a date for elections be set, if preparations are not met and if the two leaders (President and Opposition) dont meet to hash out the details and then agree upon a date amicably?

After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


Slow boy,Granger looking to use Jagdeo as PR for legitimacy for his delay tactic. Jags did not take the bait this time as it is not in good faith. Give an election date then the talks can commence.

So if Granger says July 4th, will the Opposition be willing to meet then?

The Opposition should say that they will meet only to mutually agree on a date...that would be a more amicable meeting....why hinge everything on a date?

after all, if more time is needed, lets say, after March 21, the Opposition will have to throw its support to get that 2/3 parliamentary majority needed to do so. 

Why waste time if Granger is going to play games just trying to hold on to power? What if Granger says the date is December 2025?

VishMahabir posted:


After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


Are you saying that there are still people out there who need a stronger case that Coalition government is stalling? 😀


Succinctly, the issues are ---

1. Elections must be held before 21 March, 2019.

2. For extenuating circumstances to extend this date, there must be, as a minimum, a positive vote of two-thirds of the MPs.

Note --- since December 2018, the "caretaker government" did nothing.

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

How can a date for elections be set, if preparations are not met and if the two leaders (President and Opposition) dont meet to hash out the details and then agree upon a date amicably?

After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


Slow boy,Granger looking to use Jagdeo as PR for legitimacy for his delay tactic. Jags did not take the bait this time as it is not in good faith. Give an election date then the talks can commence.

So if Granger says July 4th, will the Opposition be willing to meet then?

The Opposition should say that they will meet only to mutually agree on a date...that would be a more amicable meeting....why hinge everything on a date?

after all, if more time is needed, lets say, after March 21, the Opposition will have to throw its support to get that 2/3 parliamentary majority needed to do so. 

Granger has to give a date for elections. It is his constitutional duty. If he depend on Jagdeo to tell him when to hold elections then jackass Granger is incompetent and not fit to lead.  The cancer man playing a game to extend the blood sucking of of the tax payers dollars by his cronies in office. Jagdeo should not take the bait. If you were around back in Hoyte's opposition time, he used to play the same game, refuse to meet with Jags so as not to play into PPP's hands. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. 

yuji22 posted:

Vish is a closet AFC PNC supporter, all you na waste time wid he. Let he rass finish he schoolwork and get a good job. 

He’s an outright anti-Indo bigot masquerading as a dugla with an Indian clan.  

VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

How can a date for elections be set, if preparations are not met and if the two leaders (President and Opposition) dont meet to hash out the details and then agree upon a date amicably?

After that, Jagdeo can then make a stronger case that the government is stalling...he might be more convincing then.


Slow boy,Granger looking to use Jagdeo as PR for legitimacy for his delay tactic. Jags did not take the bait this time as it is not in good faith. Give an election date then the talks can commence.

....why hinge everything on a date?

Because it is the critical issue at this moment.  There was a NCV and the clock has been running!

Demerara_Guy posted:

Succinctly, the issues are ---

1. Elections must be held before 21 March, 2019.

2. For extenuating circumstances to extend this date, there must be, as a minimum, a positive vote of two-thirds of the MPs.

Note --- since December 2018, the "caretaker government" did nothing.

Exactly. I would venture that even before December 2018 they really didn't do much that benefited the Guyanese populace thereby resulting in their miserable showing at the November LGE.


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