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Former Member

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is standing by his call for Guyanese to chase government ministers out of their communities after March 21, 2019 – when they effectively become illegal.

The APNU/AFC coalition has condemned his remarks as inciting but Jagdeo explains that there is nothing divisive about his message.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is calling on all Guyanese to join a movement to chase the coalition out of power when the constitutional deadline for elections expires in about ten days.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo addressing supporters at Babu Jaan on Sunday

He first made this call on Sunday at Babu Jaan where he said: “When the ministers or (President David) Granger or (Prime Minister Moses) Nagamootoo come here after the 21st of March, you say to them, walk behind them, chase them out. They are going to be illegal.”

The APNU/AFC coalition government has however condemned the statement and caused one of its parliamentarians, Barbara Pilgrim to file a complaint with the Ethnic Relations Commission.

But Jagdeo, in a video message, said he is standing by his words, noting that he has never encouraged violence. He believes the attempts by the government to discredit his statements show that they are desperate while warning that much more will happen if the APNU/AFC officials continue to stay in office.

Opposition Parliamentarian Juan Edghill is also urging all Guyanese to reject this current administration after March 21 since they will be in power unconstitutionally. Edghill contended that this is not racism, but patriotism.

Peoples Progressive Party Executive Secretary Zulfikar Mustapha has since written the ERC requesting that it launches an investigation to the breaches by the Coalition Government, which could have grave consequences for Guyana, its people and national harmony.

Particularly, he requested that they probe the breach of Article 106 of the Constitution – which dictates that elections must be held within three months of a passage of a no-confidence motion.  He requested that the probe be treated expeditiously by the Commission and appropriate sanctions implemented.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

First, de banna needs to drop the RED outfit...dem look like communists.

Second, he needs to tone down dis kind of language and will only play into the hands of the coalition...dey gon label him a troublemaker and a radical. His actions should speaker louder than his words. This kind of language will only scare off the potential investors and makes Jagdeo look vindictive.

Third, yall need to stop calling the man "Dr". The more you do this, the more questions are going to be raised about fat boy Irfan who still trying to find his certificates.

Fourth, where is Irfaan? He should be leading the charges too, no?


In fact if Guyanese sit back and allow the PNC/AFC to get away with retaining power unlawfully, then they will have to bear their chafe until the white gods come to their rescue. Guyanese, Indos especially, tend to be too docile and don't take sufficient action to secure their rights.  At least Hoyte and other PNC leaders were able, in the past, to get Blacks to burn and loot in the guise of "political protest". Maybe Jagdeo needs to go this route to get some international attention. Start with disrupting Bauxite, Sugar, Rice, Timber, Gold and Exxon's operations, this would immediately get some reaction from the ABC's.  Civil disobedience must ensue and people have to commit for the long haul. 

Drugb posted:

In fact if Guyanese sit back and allow the PNC/AFC to get away with retaining power unlawfully, then they will have to bear their chafe until the white gods come to their rescue. Guyanese, Indos especially, tend to be too docile and don't take sufficient action to secure their rights.  At least Hoyte and other PNC leaders were able, in the past, to get Blacks to burn and loot in the guise of "political protest". Maybe Jagdeo needs to go this route to get some international attention. Start with disrupting Bauxite, Sugar, Rice, Timber, Gold and Exxon's operations, this would immediately get some reaction from the ABC's.  Civil disobedience must ensue and people have to commit for the long haul. 

Burning and looting and civil disobedience will only play into the hands of the coalition....and once they arrest the leaders...say for illegal will leave the Opposition leaderless... and at a lost. As you said, "indos are docile". 

There is no need for this at this type of rhetoric and protest actions at this point (that should come later if the coalition continues to head down this path). The Opposition still has a number of legal challenges (see Gaskin today) they can pursue to further erode public support foe the Granger administration. So the opposition has to cultivate support from as many social groups and opposition forces as possible so that it is a broad based opposition,  not just the PPP, that is opposed to the coalition government. More importantly, it needs to cultivate the tacit approval (or at least get them to turn against the coalition) of the ABCs.

Regardless, if you believe what Kissoon said today in his column, the cards are stacked against the PPP...and will not get back into power anytime soon for many reasons. I believe him.


VishMahabir posted:

Burning and looting and civil disobedience will only play into the hands of the coalition....and once they arrest the leaders...say for illegal will leave the Opposition leaderless... and at a lost. As you said, "indos are docile". 

There is no need for this at this type of rhetoric and protest actions at this point (that should come later if the coalition continues to head down this path). The Opposition still has a number of legal challenges (see Gaskin today) they can pursue to further erode public support foe the Granger administration. So the opposition has to cultivate support from as many social groups and opposition forces as possible so that it is a broad based opposition,  not just the PPP, that is opposed to the coalition government. More importantly, it needs to cultivate the tacit approval (or at least get them to turn against the coalition) of the ABCs.

Regardless, if you believe what Kissoon said today in his column, the cards are stacked against the PPP...and will not get back into power anytime soon for many reasons. I believe him.


The problem with burning and looting for PPP. Their supporters have the most to lose, in fact they will have to burn and loot their own businesses as the PNC supporter mostly have empty pot. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Burning and looting and civil disobedience will only play into the hands of the coalition....and once they arrest the leaders...say for illegal will leave the Opposition leaderless... and at a lost. As you said, "indos are docile". 

There is no need for this at this type of rhetoric and protest actions at this point (that should come later if the coalition continues to head down this path). The Opposition still has a number of legal challenges (see Gaskin today) they can pursue to further erode public support foe the Granger administration. So the opposition has to cultivate support from as many social groups and opposition forces as possible so that it is a broad based opposition,  not just the PPP, that is opposed to the coalition government. More importantly, it needs to cultivate the tacit approval (or at least get them to turn against the coalition) of the ABCs.

Regardless, if you believe what Kissoon said today in his column, the cards are stacked against the PPP...and will not get back into power anytime soon for many reasons. I believe him.


The problem with burning and looting for PPP. Their supporters have the most to lose, in fact they will have to burn and loot their own businesses as the PNC supporter mostly have empty pot. 

The PPP have to fight differently than the PNC.  Follow the Gandhi model.   Remember, Blacks control the guns just as the British did in India!  And burning and looting is their passport to power!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Burning and looting and civil disobedience will only play into the hands of the coalition....and once they arrest the leaders...say for illegal will leave the Opposition leaderless... and at a lost. As you said, "indos are docile". 

There is no need for this at this type of rhetoric and protest actions at this point (that should come later if the coalition continues to head down this path). The Opposition still has a number of legal challenges (see Gaskin today) they can pursue to further erode public support foe the Granger administration. So the opposition has to cultivate support from as many social groups and opposition forces as possible so that it is a broad based opposition,  not just the PPP, that is opposed to the coalition government. More importantly, it needs to cultivate the tacit approval (or at least get them to turn against the coalition) of the ABCs.

Regardless, if you believe what Kissoon said today in his column, the cards are stacked against the PPP...and will not get back into power anytime soon for many reasons. I believe him.


The problem with burning and looting for PPP. Their supporters have the most to lose, in fact they will have to burn and loot their own businesses as the PNC supporter mostly have empty pot. 

The PPP have to fight differently than the PNC.  Follow the Gandhi model.   Remember, Blacks control the guns just as the British did in India!  And burning and looting is their passport to power!

Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

VishMahabir posted:

First, de banna needs to drop the RED outfit...dem look like communists.

Second, he needs to tone down dis kind of language and will only play into the hands of the coalition...dey gon label him a troublemaker and a radical. His actions should speaker louder than his words. This kind of language will only scare off the potential investors and makes Jagdeo look vindictive.

Third, yall need to stop calling the man "Dr". The more you do this, the more questions are going to be raised about fat boy Irfan who still trying to find his certificates.

Fourth, where is Irfaan? He should be leading the charges too, no?

Only brainless people will believe what you saying.  The Western countries have their intelligence on the ground and they know what hell is going on.  You and I cannot fool these people. THey are light years ahead us in this type of business.  

Jagdeo is showing that he is prepared to put up a good fight to restore democratic rule in Guyana. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:
Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

But you are a darpok.  

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

But you are a darpok.  

You guys competing to see who more Stupidee!. Come on deh.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

But you are a darpok.  

You guys competing to see who more Stupidee!. Come on deh.

You know that's not Drugb posting?

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

But you are a darpok.  

You guys competing to see who more Stupidee!. Come on deh.

You know that's not Drugb posting?

It looks like Vishmahabir.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:

This man is on a mission, way to go. 

Someone has to stop the bullying.  Sit back and enjoy the show.  This is not Jagan PPP.  This PPP has muscle and firepower.

You knuckleheads keep saying this...and its based on a wishful thinking....and you guys know this very well.

When people ask the question to others like DrugB, Baseman, Dave, KP et al the discussion descend to the gutter

So let me ask you this question:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP?

So far, Opposition calls have been virtually ignored by the will continue to be so until and after March 21, and after April 30. It is doubtful that the coalition will announce a date before election before that time UNLESS THE ABC force their hand.

The ONLY reason why the coalition is doing so, I will argue, is to give itself enough time to prepare to rig the election. There is too much at stake for them to simply hand over power to a person they hate with a vengeance. 

The PPP is not known for putting pressure on the PNC....its always the other way around. 

Jagan was unable to do so, and now Jagdeo does not have many cards to play....Jagdeo is the PPP and the PPP is Jagdeo. The PPP does not possess the status and caliber of a respected organization and it is unlikely that it can motivate people to start a revolution from the bottom (despite their supposedly Marxist revolutionary credentials). In other words, the PPP, Jagdeo, Irfaan and others are now victims of their own creation.

On the other hand, the coalition enjoys a more cordial relationship with the external countries that matter, and being in power, they control the means to rig the election and maintain power.

Jagdeo is living in la la land if he believe he can muster Afro support to join hands with Indos, sing cumbayah and then move to create instability and put pressure on the coalition.

Thus my question above....where is Jagdeo's actual and hidden power coming from?


What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

You are a certified PNC mole, why should anyone explain on GNI what actions the PPP will take after 21st March, just wait and see. Yes the PNC is controlled by ancient military personnel that have one foot in the grave.The PPP is prepared  they have the support of the majority.  So Mole stop asking questions that will bring you answers that you will not like.

VishMahabir posted:

So let me ask you this question:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the coalition?


The PPP is counting on the rule of law giving the people of Guyana the opportunity to decide which government they want. The PPP and its supporters will be rendered ineffective if it comes down to matching the PNC's supporters' rioting, looting and burning in the streets. That is not PPP supporters' style. As the Opposition Leader, Jagdeo has to be forceful in his statements in the hope that the soon to be illegal Coalition government would find the necessary decency to reverse their behavior.

VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989 comprised a series of nonviolent protests that toppled an entrenched communist state and installed a poet-playwright president, Vaclav Havel. The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine in 2004-2005 was also largely peaceful and toppled a Putin-backed regime. Only one person died, from a heart attack. The Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt in 2010-2011 consisted of massive peaceful demonstrations that resulted in regime changes. 

As Bharrat Jagdeo explained, he will spearhead peaceful protests because the PPP is not in the business of beating people and burning stores. GAWU may call strikes in GuySuCo's three estates; strikes are peaceful actions. International petitions for condemnation of the post-March21 illegal government are already in the works. Violence may come only from Coalition supporters but PPP not frightened.

Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Burning and looting and civil disobedience will only play into the hands of the coalition....and once they arrest the leaders...say for illegal will leave the Opposition leaderless... and at a lost. As you said, "indos are docile". 

There is no need for this at this type of rhetoric and protest actions at this point (that should come later if the coalition continues to head down this path). The Opposition still has a number of legal challenges (see Gaskin today) they can pursue to further erode public support foe the Granger administration. So the opposition has to cultivate support from as many social groups and opposition forces as possible so that it is a broad based opposition,  not just the PPP, that is opposed to the coalition government. More importantly, it needs to cultivate the tacit approval (or at least get them to turn against the coalition) of the ABCs.

Regardless, if you believe what Kissoon said today in his column, the cards are stacked against the PPP...and will not get back into power anytime soon for many reasons. I believe him.


The problem with burning and looting for PPP. Their supporters have the most to lose, in fact they will have to burn and loot their own businesses as the PNC supporter mostly have empty pot. 

The PPP have to fight differently than the PNC.  Follow the Gandhi model.   Remember, Blacks control the guns just as the British did in India!  And burning and looting is their passport to power!

Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

Bull crap. I don’t have to think again, you have to start thinking!

Both comparisons are irrelevant!

VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

What would your military men do, shoot and kill the citizens?? Try that and see the reaction!!

Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989 comprised a series of nonviolent protests that toppled an entrenched communist state and installed a poet-playwright president, Vaclav Havel. The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine in 2004-2005 was also largely peaceful and toppled a Putin-backed regime. Only one person died, from a heart attack. The Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt in 2010-2011 consisted of massive peaceful demonstrations that resulted in regime changes. 

As Bharrat Jagdeo explained, he will spearhead peaceful protests because the PPP is not in the business of beating people and burning stores. GAWU may call strikes in GuySuCo's three estates; strikes are peaceful actions. International petitions for condemnation of the post-March21 illegal government are already in the works. Violence may come only from Coalition supporters but PPP not frightened.

One does not have to use revolutionary force to remove a government as you pointed out. But you are comparing oranges and pineapples. There is a fundamental difference between Guyana and those two nation-states. Their population clearly accepted the rules of the game. This is why Czechoslovakia was able to peacefully split into 2 separate countries a few years later.

Guyana is divided by race and Jagdeo is not seen as a unifying symbol (except for the misguided Indos on GNI), regardless of how far the coalition wants to stall and remain in power and how much Jagdeo can mobilize his supporters. He might be successful in unifying some people but not a majority against the coalition. Regardless of how you slice this, the coalition will be able to mobilize a sizable force of their own supporters to put a dent in any strong opposition Jagdeo can muster.

The other wild card here is the external forces that have an interest in Guyana…Exxon, US, etc. As of now, they have given Granger the nod. The coalition will continue to demonize Jagdeo and destroy any credibility he may have among coalition die hards...just to neutralize any criticism emanating from CARICOM, OAS, etc.

Besides, ASSUMING that even if the PPP were to mobilize people to start a RED revolution, Plan B of the PNC will lead them, if all else fails, to find ways to destabilize and cut short the PPP’s term in office. There is a history here.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

What would your military men do, shoot and kill the citizens?? Try that and see the reaction!!

Banna...there is no need to do that now....the PNC is firmly in control of the Indos, neither you or anyone in the PPP are capable of leading an INTIFADA against the government...the PPP feels comfortable in fighting a legal battle with this government....while hoping that external pressure will feel sorry for Guyana and push the coalition out....there is no indication that regional states and the US is uncomfortable with the coalition...they do, however, have issues, historically, with the why should they push the cards? 

VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989 comprised a series of nonviolent protests that toppled an entrenched communist state and installed a poet-playwright president, Vaclav Havel. The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine in 2004-2005 was also largely peaceful and toppled a Putin-backed regime. Only one person died, from a heart attack. The Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt in 2010-2011 consisted of massive peaceful demonstrations that resulted in regime changes. 

As Bharrat Jagdeo explained, he will spearhead peaceful protests because the PPP is not in the business of beating people and burning stores. GAWU may call strikes in GuySuCo's three estates; strikes are peaceful actions. International petitions for condemnation of the post-March21 illegal government are already in the works. Violence may come only from Coalition supporters but PPP not frightened.

One does not have to use revolutionary force to remove a government as you pointed out. But you are comparing oranges and pineapples. There is a fundamental difference between Guyana and those two nation-states. Their population clearly accepted the rules of the game. This is why Czechoslovakia was able to peacefully split into 2 separate countries a few years later.

Guyana is divided by race and Jagdeo is not seen as a unifying symbol (except for the misguided Indos on GNI), regardless of how far the coalition wants to stall and remain in power and how much Jagdeo can mobilize his supporters. He might be successful in unifying some people but not a majority against the coalition. Regardless of how you slice this, the coalition will be able to mobilize a sizable force of their own supporters to put a dent in any strong opposition Jagdeo can muster.

The other wild card here is the external forces that have an interest in Guyana…Exxon, US, etc. As of now, they have given Granger the nod. The coalition will continue to demonize Jagdeo and destroy any credibility he may have among coalition die hards...just to neutralize any criticism emanating from CARICOM, OAS, etc.

Besides, ASSUMING that even if the PPP were to mobilize people to start a RED revolution, Plan B of the PNC will lead them, if all else fails, to find ways to destabilize and cut short the PPP’s term in office. There is a history here.

Vish, I appreciate your rebuttal but let's agree to disagree. Lately some of your comments impressed me. No doubt you are a brilliant student. I think you would do well in politics if you so choose as a career. And if you plan to enter politics in Guyana, do so early.

Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Gilbakka posted:
VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands of the PPP? [should be "coalition"].

I should add that a bunch of military men are controlling the government and they are not going to let Jagdeo create an unstable situation for them.

Even the knowledgeable folks here with historical minds like Gilbakka and Demerara-Guy understands this....unless they choose to ride with the GROUPTHINK mentality and deny reality.

The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989 comprised a series of nonviolent protests that toppled an entrenched communist state and installed a poet-playwright president, Vaclav Havel. The Orange Revolution in the Ukraine in 2004-2005 was also largely peaceful and toppled a Putin-backed regime. Only one person died, from a heart attack. The Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt in 2010-2011 consisted of massive peaceful demonstrations that resulted in regime changes. 

As Bharrat Jagdeo explained, he will spearhead peaceful protests because the PPP is not in the business of beating people and burning stores. GAWU may call strikes in GuySuCo's three estates; strikes are peaceful actions. International petitions for condemnation of the post-March21 illegal government are already in the works. Violence may come only from Coalition supporters but PPP not frightened.

One does not have to use revolutionary force to remove a government as you pointed out. But you are comparing oranges and pineapples. There is a fundamental difference between Guyana and those two nation-states. Their population clearly accepted the rules of the game. This is why Czechoslovakia was able to peacefully split into 2 separate countries a few years later.

Guyana is divided by race and Jagdeo is not seen as a unifying symbol (except for the misguided Indos on GNI), regardless of how far the coalition wants to stall and remain in power and how much Jagdeo can mobilize his supporters. He might be successful in unifying some people but not a majority against the coalition. Regardless of how you slice this, the coalition will be able to mobilize a sizable force of their own supporters to put a dent in any strong opposition Jagdeo can muster.

The other wild card here is the external forces that have an interest in Guyana…Exxon, US, etc. As of now, they have given Granger the nod. The coalition will continue to demonize Jagdeo and destroy any credibility he may have among coalition die hards...just to neutralize any criticism emanating from CARICOM, OAS, etc.

Besides, ASSUMING that even if the PPP were to mobilize people to start a RED revolution, Plan B of the PNC will lead them, if all else fails, to find ways to destabilize and cut short the PPP’s term in office. There is a history here.

Vish, I appreciate your rebuttal but let's agree to disagree. Lately some of your comments impressed me. No doubt you are a brilliant student. I think you would do well in politics if you so choose as a career. And if you plan to enter politics in Guyana, do so early.

OK, thanks

Drugb posted:

Start with disrupting Bauxite, Sugar, Rice, Timber, Gold and Exxon's operations, this would immediately get some reaction from the ABC's.  Civil disobedience must ensue and people have to commit for the long haul. 

Why will the ABC nations care if Jagdeo sets out to destroy the economy. Exxon will put its operations on hold.  And the other industries are owned mainly by Guyanese and it will be Guyanese who will lose their jobs.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

You are a certified PNC mole,

Amazing that anyone (especially an Indian) who doesnt grovel to Jagdeo is immediately branded a "PNC".  Why do you do this?

He no indian!  He’s a pretender!

VishMahabir posted:

What "power" does Jagdeo and the PPP have to force the hands ..while hoping that external pressure will feel sorry for Guyana and push the coalition out....there is no indication that regional states and the US is uncomfortable with the coalition...they do, however, have issues, historically, with the why should they push the cards? 

You know what bothers CARICOM now?

1. LIAT which is vital for air connectivity now reporting that its on the brink of collapse.

2. Venezuela which funded cheap oil imports and is no longer able to do so.

3.  Trinidad closing down its refinery and was traditionally an important supplier of refined petro products.

No CARICOM gov't is going to condone a NCV because ALL of them are afraid that their opposition might attempt to pull that stunt.  No help from them.

Justin Trudeau is fighting for his life, given his scandal.  May is fighting aabout Brexit, losing vote after vote.  And Trump has his own manic obsession with keeping black and brown bodies out of the USA, except for those who he enslaves for use on his golf plantation.

Jagdeo screams that he wants black support. So why doesnt he strategize how to win that support and kissing black women isnt the way to do this, especially when they are usually struggling to escape.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

You are a certified PNC mole,

Amazing that anyone (especially an Indian) who doesnt grovel to Jagdeo is immediately branded a "PNC".  Why do you do this?

He no indian!  He’s a pretender!

He is a dougla, meaning that he is 50% Indian at a minimum.

Gilbakka posted:

Vish, I appreciate your rebuttal but let's agree to disagree. Lately some of your comments impressed me. No doubt you are a brilliant student. I think you would do well in politics if you so choose as a career. And if you plan to enter politics in Guyana, do so early.

And what did he say that is so wrong?  He thinks for himself when clearly you ceased doing so when you returned to the PPP plantation.

Now imagine if Jagdeo focused on reducing the fear that 95% of the black population and the vast majority of the mixed population (TK used to estimate 80% based on surveys done under an OAS funded study) have of the PPP.

While you might march to ever scream coming out of Jagdeo's mouth that doesnt mean that those who traditionally hate the PPP will. I see from all quarters that ethnic tensions in Guyana are high, so clearly the vast majority of the black/mixed population are against Jagdeo's NCV stunt?

Drugb posted:


Think again, Indos have the $$ to buy sophisticated weaponry and even hire out to mercenaries. You already forgot about RK who will soon return.  They have to look at the jews who once had the stereotype of not being "fighters". Today it is a much different story. 

A number of holes in your argument.

1. Is there someone to perform the roles that RK played?

2. Will you volunteer to become a guerilla fighter?

3. At that time many blacks drank milk and joined RK because they didn't expect that the PPP would ever lose. Well now that it did do they have access to this group of criminals.

4. And what happens to the vast majority of Indos who cannot pay for private militia protection?   A recent study showed that 30% of the Indo population is poor vs.  32% of the Afro/mixed population (with the mixed population MORE likely to be poor than the Afro).  So the gap isnt that big between the two groups.  

caribny posted:
kp posted:

You are a certified PNC mole,

Amazing that anyone (especially an Indian) who doesnt grovel to Jagdeo is immediately branded a "PNC".  Why do you do this?

Why everything has to do with race.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Cribby too obsessed with race. 

This from the man who brings up some rant about Indians every time you mention the PNC.

Yuh want take another attempt at construction your statement? This one makes no sense. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Cribby too obsessed with race. 

This from the man who brings up some rant about Indians every time you mention the PNC.

Yuh want take another attempt at construction your statement? This one makes no sense. 

No what would make sense to you is if I wailed how terrible the PNC and black people are to Indians as you do.


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