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Former Member
Allow Jagdeo to do whatever he pleases.

From the PPP list, I don't see any changes from the same corrupt players that we had for the last 19 years.

Could someone please tell me who is running as presidential candidate for the PPP? Is Jagdeo running for a third term because it seem as though he is the dominant speaker at all their rallies while Ramotar just fades into the background like he did throughout Jagdeo reign over corruption, scandals, Roger Khan and the phantoms, sleeping with drug dealers....

Time for change!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
End is near does not mean a victory for the AFC or the people. It could simply means the PPP's votes are split and APNU captures the single most votes which gives them the right to form the gov't. AFC and PPP will be left like to crying Buddies who destroyed each other lives over a piece of family property.

APNU seemed to have ditched its ex-riggers and planners of kick down the door. They are now in the your very own save your "scare the coolie" strategy.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
End is near does not mean a victory for the AFC or the people. It could simply means the PPP's votes are split and APNU captures the single most votes which gives them the right to form the gov't. AFC and PPP will be left like to crying Buddies who destroyed each other lives over a piece of family property.

Typical PPP bullshit...trying to scare the electorate with the blackman takeover bit
Originally posted by Lion King:
Could someone please tell me who is running as presidential candidate for the PPP? Is Jagdeo running for a third term because it seem as though he is the dominant speaker at all their rallies while Ramotar just fades into the background ....
Time for change!

PPP supporters seems to be turning on Jagdeo because all he seems to offer is a cuss down. Also the $$ 3 Million+ pension he will get now has many supporters wondering why they are giving up their hard earned tax money for Jagdeo.
Originally posted by kwaku:
Whenever I speak to persons in gy these days, all they can tell me is about how they never heard a president behaving so unpresidential.

One of my those persons said, 'When cow a go slaughter 'ouse, he nah kay whe he shit.'
Kwaku, this particular cow is not going to the slaughter house.
Jagdeo is a shrewd thinker, like it or not. He has had a taste of what power is and isn't going to give that up so easily. This cuss down buse down mentality is well calculated.
As I said before, should the PPP retain power, the champion of the earh will still be in charge from the shadows. He knows damn well Ramotar can't run anything.
Originally Posted by Lion King:
Allow Jagdeo to do whatever he pleases.

From the PPP list, I don't see any changes from the same corrupt players that we had for the last 19 years.

Could someone please tell me who is running as presidential candidate for the PPP? Is Jagdeo running for a third term because it seem as though he is the dominant speaker at all their rallies while Ramotar just fades into the background like he did throughout Jagdeo reign over corruption, scandals, Roger Khan and the phantoms, sleeping with drug dealers....

Time for change!
Originally Posted by Lion King:
Allow Jagdeo to do whatever he pleases.

From the PPP list, I don't see any changes from the same corrupt players that we had for the last 19 years.

Could someone please tell me who is running as presidential candidate for the PPP? Is Jagdeo running for a third term because it seem as though he is the dominant speaker at all their rallies while Ramotar just fades into the background like he did throughout Jagdeo reign over corruption, scandals, Roger Khan and the phantoms, sleeping with drug dealers....

Time for change!

Change Yuh Buckta, I can see the dry shit on it.!!!!

Originally Posted by Lion King:
Allow Jagdeo to do whatever he pleases.

From the PPP list, I don't see any changes from the same corrupt players that we had for the last 19 years.

Could someone please tell me who is running as presidential candidate for the PPP? Is Jagdeo running for a third term because it seem as though he is the dominant speaker at all their rallies while Ramotar just fades into the background like he did throughout Jagdeo reign over corruption, scandals, Roger Khan and the phantoms, sleeping with drug dealers....

Time for change!

Bla, bla, bla...May be it's time fuh change allyou butty under ware. 

Originally Posted by TK_REDUX (Guest):
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
End is near does not mean a victory for the AFC or the people. It could simply means the PPP's votes are split and APNU captures the single most votes which gives them the right to form the gov't. AFC and PPP will be left like to crying Buddies who destroyed each other lives over a piece of family property.

APNU seemed to have ditched its ex-riggers and planners of kick down the door. They are now in the your very own save your "scare the ******" strategy.

Finally ditched the riggers and kick down doors planners hmmm. that very comforting...coming from an anti-Indian racist, much appreciated.


Thanks to BJ the heads of the snakes were excommunicated from pivotal leadership positions.  However, evil never dies, it only awaits the opportunity to resurrect itself.


Jagdeo's doctrine, buttressed by better economic governance, must continue for the foreseeable future.  There is just no other option.

Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the greatest gift to the opposition. 

BJ remains the most popular politician in Guyana.  The more you vilify him, the more the people stick with him.  Unlike you, living high and mighty in the great USA, the average Indo-Guyanese see him as the man who led them through and out of the PNC sponsored valley of death gauntlet.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the greatest gift to the opposition. 

BJ remains the most popular politician in Guyana.  The more you vilify him, the more the people stick with him.  Unlike you, living high and mighty in the great USA, the average Indo-Guyanese see him as the man who led them through and out of the PNC sponsored valley of death gauntlet.

The average guyanese sees the Jagabat as a thief who took their money and enrich himself- build million dollar mansions, give state asset to his cronies like Bobby, Ifarth the PPP gang of theives. Fact is more than 50% of "average Guyanese" voted against the PPP...

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Lion King:
Allow Jagdeo to do whatever he pleases.

From the PPP list, I don't see any changes from the same corrupt players that we had for the last 19 years.

Could someone please tell me who is running as presidential candidate for the PPP? Is Jagdeo running for a third term because it seem as though he is the dominant speaker at all their rallies while Ramotar just fades into the background like he did throughout Jagdeo reign over corruption, scandals, Roger Khan and the phantoms, sleeping with drug dealers....

Time for change!

Change Yuh Buckta, I can see the dry shit on it.!!!!

 Before yuh look at some one else buckta yuh should look at yuh mouth and wash out the yellow stuff that got stuck while yuh chatay Kwame....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the greatest gift to the opposition. 

BJ remains the most popular politician in Guyana.  The more you vilify him, the more the people stick with him.  Unlike you, living high and mighty in the great USA, the average Indo-Guyanese see him as the man who led them through and out of the PNC sponsored valley of death gauntlet.

The average guyanese sees the Jagabat as a thief who took their money and enrich himself- build million dollar mansions, give state asset to his cronies like Bobby, Ifarth the PPP gang of theives. Fact is more than 50% of "average Guyanese" voted against the PPP...

The difference here between the PPP and the PNC is the PPP understands too well that they need the people's votes to win.  They know they must work to win back those disenchanted.  The PNC, on the other hand, don't give a damn, they will bring in the "storm-troopers" and bring home the election by their own means.  The people's views, votes and thus interest is of little consequence.  The PNC must never be allowed to re-conquer the nation as they did in the past.


The average guyanese sees the Jagabat as a thief who took their money and enrich himself- build million dollar mansions, give state asset to his cronies like Bobby, Ifarth the PPP gang of theives. Fact is more than 50% of "average Guyanese" voted against the PPP...


Dem ah watch the tief and them a blame the DUCK.


The PPP will get less votes if they call an elections.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

The average guyanese sees the Jagabat as a thief who took their money and enrich himself- build million dollar mansions, give state asset to his cronies like Bobby, Ifarth the PPP gang of theives. Fact is more than 50% of "average Guyanese" voted against the PPP...


Dem ah watch the tief and them a blame the DUCK.


The PPP will get less votes if they call an elections.

The difference here between the PPP and the PNC is the PPP understands too well that they need the people's votes to win.  They know they must work to win back those disenchanted.  The PNC, on the other hand, don't give a damn, they will bring in the "storm-troopers" and bring home the election by their own means.  The people's views, votes and thus interest is of little consequence.  The PNC must never be allowed to re-conquer the nation as they did in the past.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the greatest gift to the opposition. 

BJ remains the most popular politician in Guyana.  The more you vilify him, the more the people stick with him.  Unlike you, living high and mighty in the great USA, the average Indo-Guyanese see him as the man who led them through and out of the PNC sponsored valley of death gauntlet.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Jagdeo is the greatest gift to the opposition. 

BJ remains the most popular politician in Guyana.  The more you vilify him, the more the people stick with him.  Unlike you, living high and mighty in the great USA, the average Indo-Guyanese see him as the man who led them through and out of the PNC sponsored valley of death gauntlet.




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 . . . apples and oranges . . .



Lusignan: murder by terrorists


Linden: murder by the gangster state


which is worse?

When concersating with Illiterates, it is important to use ters, words and sentences that are simple and lack difficulty. Now for that reason I will once again try to explain in the simplest of words, terms and sentences. God did not make us all with high intelligence and so we must try to accomodate the brainless.

       Children, Elderly and women sleeping in their BEDS and being SHOT with AK47 IS NOT the same as Young AfroGuyanese being encouraged by Moses, GR and Nihel to throw stones, Bottles, Metals and Fire Bombs at Police.


I am always happy to spread understanding in the World and I hope TK and Warrior will benefit form this.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 . . . apples and oranges . . .



Lusignan: murder by terrorists


Linden: murder by the gangster state


which is worse?

When concersating with Illiterates, it is important to use ters, words and sentences that are simple and lack difficulty. Now for that reason I will once again try to explain in the simplest of words, terms and sentences. God did not make us all with high intelligence and so we must try to accomodate the brainless.

       Children, Elderly and women sleeping in their BEDS and being SHOT with AK47 IS NOT the same as Young AfroGuyanese being encouraged by Moses, GR and Nihel to throw stones, Bottles, Metals and Fire Bombs at Police.


I am always happy to spread understanding in the World and I hope TK and Warrior will benefit form this.

a textbook example of psychological projection by the insecure and stupid


poor effort even for you 'nehru' . . . epic fail

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 . . . apples and oranges . . .



Lusignan: murder by terrorists


Linden: murder by the gangster state


which is worse?

When concersating with Illiterates, it is important to use ters, words and sentences that are simple and lack difficulty. Now for that reason I will once again try to explain in the simplest of words, terms and sentences. God did not make us all with high intelligence and so we must try to accomodate the brainless.

       Children, Elderly and women sleeping in their BEDS and being SHOT with AK47 IS NOT the same as Young AfroGuyanese being encouraged by Moses, GR and Nihel to throw stones, Bottles, Metals and Fire Bombs at Police.


I am always happy to spread understanding in the World and I hope TK and Warrior will benefit form this.

a textbook example of psychological projection by the insecure and stupid


poor effort even for you 'nehru' . . . epic fail

I was not expecting you to comprehend but you got me on spelling. Some things People will NEVER understand. Not to blame anyone since evryone hAS THEIR LIMITATIONS.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 . . . apples and oranges . . .



Lusignan: murder by terrorists


Linden: murder by the gangster state


which is worse?

When concersating with Illiterates, it is important to use ters, words and sentences that are simple and lack difficulty. Now for that reason I will once again try to explain in the simplest of words, terms and sentences. God did not make us all with high intelligence and so we must try to accomodate the brainless.

       Children, Elderly and women sleeping in their BEDS and being SHOT with AK47 IS NOT the same as Young AfroGuyanese being encouraged by Moses, GR and Nihel to throw stones, Bottles, Metals and Fire Bombs at Police.


I am always happy to spread understanding in the World and I hope TK and Warrior will benefit form this.

a textbook example of psychological projection by the insecure and stupid


poor effort even for you 'nehru' . . . epic fail

I was not expecting you to comprehend but you got me on spelling. Some things People will NEVER understand. Not to blame anyone since evryone hAS THEIR LIMITATIONS.

"When concersating with Illiterates" . . . the irony


spelling is the least of your problems

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

 . . . apples and oranges . . .



Lusignan: murder by terrorists


Linden: murder by the gangster state


which is worse?

When concersating with Illiterates, it is important to use ters, words and sentences that are simple and lack difficulty. Now for that reason I will once again try to explain in the simplest of words, terms and sentences. God did not make us all with high intelligence and so we must try to accomodate the brainless.

       Children, Elderly and women sleeping in their BEDS and being SHOT with AK47 IS NOT the same as Young AfroGuyanese being encouraged by Moses, GR and Nihel to throw stones, Bottles, Metals and Fire Bombs at Police.


I am always happy to spread understanding in the World and I hope TK and Warrior will benefit form this.

How can you spread any of this, check the hilited words,you numbskull you.



Here's another question.


According to you, " Children, Elderly and women sleeping in their BEDS and being SHOT with AK47 IS NOT the same as Young AfroGuyanese being encouraged by Moses, GR and Nihel to throw stones, Bottles, Metals and Fire Bombs at Police."


You got the proof or you just talkin plain ole crap as usual?

If no proof then you are again spreading ignorance and need a smack upside the head.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I think Ramotar is now calling the shots.  That is why Rev Al is on GN&I and not the Bookman. Bookman is Jagd's boy.


Interesting. Well...we know he works out of MOF/OP.



I does't bother me one second. 


US$900,000 generator rented for US$720,000 annuallyâ€Ķ
President Donald Ramotar yesterday toured operations of the cash-strapped Guyana Power andLight Company (GPL) and did not dismiss questions raised about the lack of prudent spending at the utility.

“If what they say is true, it is obviously something to be concerned about,” Ramotar said regarding statements by GPL officials that a new Caterpillar generator costs US$900, 000, but the company rented 12 generators last year at a cost of US$720,000 each.


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