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Former Member

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo is refuting claims that his Party is taking advantage of President David Granger’s absence given the timing of its No-Confidence motion.

There were suggestions that given the President’s absence, the Prime Minister would be absent from the House, and leave the Government without a majority in the House.

However, speaking with the media following the sudden postponement of Friday’s sitting of the National Assembly, Jagdeo noted that the Government can still retain its 33 members in the House.

He explained that while “any Minister who performs the functions of the President should not be in the National Assembly because when that person is in the National Assembly, it becomes the Parliament,” there is a provision where they can temporarily appoint another member to the House who would have full voting rights and upon the return of the President, that person will then resign and the Prime Minister, in this case, will resume his seat in the House.”

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who is performing the duties of President, at a Coalition press conference on Friday morning said the Opposition is being “insensitive” and “distasteful”for bringing a motion of No-Confidence at a time when the sitting President is ill.

Nagamootoo said even though he is currently performing the functions of the President, he still has the power to vote on decisions to be made in the National Assembly.

Jagdeo submitted the No-Confidence motion against the Government on Thursday premised on the Government’s actions which led to the loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry, increase in taxes, increase in the cost of living, allegations of corruption in the Infrastructure sector and breach of procurement laws in the health sector.

On Friday the sitting of the National Assembly was postponed without reason or notice.

Deputy Clerk Ms Hermina Gilgeours made the announcement just 15 minutes before the sitting was due to commence but could not provide a reason.


At the time, only the Opposition Parliamentarians were present in the Chambers.

Opposition MPs subsequently received a short email from Assistant Clerk of the National Assembly, Deslyn West which stated that: “I have been directed by the Clerk of the National Assembly that the sitting which was scheduled for today, has been postponed to a date to be fixed.”

Jagdeo expressed shock at the postponement of the sitting.

“We are definitely surprised and they had to know they would not be here long before now that they could have done the courteous thing and inform us so our Members of Parliament would not have to come here and wait on them.”

While he stopped short of saying that the Government is afraid of the motion, he noted that if they were not, they should have turned up to “dismiss it.”

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira said the sitting should have been convened and the Speaker should have presented the MPs with an explanation for the postponement.

The PPP/C’s No-Confidence motion is premised on the Government’s actions which led to the loss of thousands of jobs in the sugar industry, increase in taxes, increase in the cost of living and allegations of corruption in the Health and Infrastructure sectors.

The Opposition is contesting that the allegations levelled against the APNU+AFC Government are worse than those included in a no-confidence motion brought against the PPP/C administration in 2014.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

Glad to know that Jagdeo's motion is not linked to the President's absence and that the government can appoint a MP temporarily to vote in the PM's place.

Cde Gill something is up in the air, don’t you think so. 

Dave posted:

Cde Gill something is up in the air, don’t you think so. 

Honestly I don't know what is up in the air. I know that Jagdeo never fails to surprise us on the ground.

Gilbakka posted:

Glad to know that Jagdeo's motion is not linked to the President's absence and that the government can appoint a MP temporarily to vote in the PM's place.

Well frenno, as the saying goes to each his own.

Not a word can be trusted from Bharat Jagdeo, President Granger diagnosed illness may take some time for recovery and he will be absent as President.

Jagdeo took the opportunity to try one of his whims and fancies to bring the government down by no confidence motion, it will backfired big time on him.I have said many times Jagdeo is spent shell,no matter how repacked, it's a dud.



Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Glad to know that Jagdeo's motion is not linked to the President's absence and that the government can appoint a MP temporarily to vote in the PM's place.

Well frenno, as the saying goes to each his own.

Not a word can be trusted from Bharat Jagdeo, President Granger diagnosed illness may take some time for recovery and he will be absent as President.

Jagdeo took the opportunity to try one of his whims and fancies to bring the government down by no confidence motion, it will backfired big time on him.I have said many times Jagdeo is spent shell,no matter how repacked, it's a dud.

Seriously Django, don’t stoop so low when Jagdeo say this below ( did you read the statement and understood what Jagdeo say. I also felt he took advantage of the President hospitalization until he issued this statement)

“However, speaking with the media following the sudden postponement of Friday’s sitting of the National Assembly, Jagdeo noted that the Government can still retain its 33 members in the House.

He explained that while “any Minister who performs the functions of the President should not be in the National Assembly because when that person is in the National Assembly, it becomes the Parliament,” there is a provision where they can temporarily appoint another member to the House who would have full voting rights and upon the return of the President, that person will then resign and the Prime Minister, in this case, will resume his seat in the House.”

Dave posted:


Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Glad to know that Jagdeo's motion is not linked to the President's absence and that the government can appoint a MP temporarily to vote in the PM's place.

Well frenno, as the saying goes to each his own.

Not a word can be trusted from Bharat Jagdeo, President Granger diagnosed illness may take some time for recovery and he will be absent as President.

Jagdeo took the opportunity to try one of his whims and fancies to bring the government down by no confidence motion, it will backfired big time on him.I have said many times Jagdeo is spent shell,no matter how repacked, it's a dud.

Seriously Django, don’t stoop so low when Jagdeo say this below ( did you read the statement and understood what Jagdeo say. I also felt he took advantage of the President hospitalization until he issued this statement)

I read his statement bhai, I stand by statement he is not to be trusted, Jagdeo lies too much.

Pathological liar aren't to be trusted.

Last edited by Django
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Sasenarine Singh Dear Editor:

From his Press Conference held at the PNC Headquarters at Congress Place, it is clear that Mr. Moses Nagamootoo has much skills at deceit and deception. When he asked the question “Where is the Guyanese compassion?”, he open himself to be accused of nakedly playing to the gallery rather than focusing on the more important question as to the health of the nation’s affairs and the reasons for the political shellacking at the just concluded polls.

It would be remiss of me to let him get away with this glaring act of spinning the truth and replacing it with his usual convoluted misrepresentation of the facts. Please permit me Editor to list these few facts.

Facts 1 – This no-confidence motion tabled by the Leader of the Opposition was brought against a Government; not an individual. For the record and emphasis, this no-confidence motion is being tabled against the entire APNU+AFC (PNC led) Government as a collective and not any individual.

Fact 2 – Whatever happens in Parliament when this motion is concluded will have ZERO impact on the personal affair of His Excellency President Granger? After all, at this moment, he is the President of all of Guyana legally and legitimately. If the current APNU+AFC (PNC led) Government of Guyana is to fall as a result of this no-confidence motion, the rules dictate that all current and former President are entitled to a FULL Presidential Medical and Pension Package, which mean in common parlance – almost unlimited funds. So what is this non-sense from Mr. Nagamootoo about compassion?
We the Guyanese people, including me, would rained down a ton of bricks on anyone if they attempted to mess with the medical benefits of any former and current Presidents because such an act would have been unconscionable and very un-Guyanese. But the truth remains - win or lose, Mr. Granger's medical benefits are fully protected and preserved whether he is in office or out of office. This situation will not change; not now, not next year, not ever.

Fact – 3 – Mr. Nagamootoo is his usually style of empty flamboyance, deliberately choose to side step the record of his three (3) year old APNU+AFC (PNC led) Government. Instead he sought to inject all sort of innuendos, insinuations, words of intimidation and wild inferences into his statements. And after all that theatrics, he and his team, with their tails between their legs, hid from THE SCRUTINY OF THE PARLIAMENT on November 16, 2018 like cowards? What manner of people conduct themselves in such a milquetoast manner?

With the kind courtesy of your pages, please permit my comments.


Sasenarine Singh
Last edited by Former Member

Sase aka KishanB ,talks a lot of fraff,

he went back to arms of the PPP propping up Jagdeo, after being shunned by the coalition gov't for a job offer he requested to manage one of the Corporations, he is an opportunist.Folks like them don't have Country and people at heart, it all about their personal enrichment from government coffers.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Glad to know that Jagdeo's motion is not linked to the President's absence and that the government can appoint a MP temporarily to vote in the PM's place.

Well frenno, as the saying goes to each his own.

Not a word can be trusted from Bharat Jagdeo, President Granger diagnosed illness may take some time for recovery and he will be absent as President.

Jagdeo took the opportunity to try one of his whims and fancies to bring the government down by no confidence motion, it will backfired big time on him.I have said many times Jagdeo is spent shell,no matter how repacked, it's a dud.

Never in the history of Guyana did a spent shell, a dud, draw so much ire, bile and fear as a boy from Unity named Jagdeo. So many people losing sleep over the spent shell? 


Say all what you want to say about BJ. It still does not change the fact that this government is acting nervously. That sudden press conference by coalition is just to calm the nerves of their supporters who fear the party which has handled the affairs of the nation dismally since 2015 might be heading for the door. 

Django is struggling to keep hope alive. It's important we keep Granger alive but most importantly we must keep democracy alive.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Say all what you want to say about BJ. It still does not change the fact that this government is acting nervously. That sudden press conference by coalition is just to calm the nerves of their supporters who fear the party which has handled the affairs of the nation dismally since 2015 might be heading for the door. 

Django is struggling to keep hope alive. It's important we keep Granger alive but most importantly we must keep democracy alive.

Democracy is alive in Guyana.

I am for country and people not a slave to any party, I gathered news from both sides and make conclusion.Any way most of the posters here are PPP-ite what can one expect, they are subservient  to their party leaders.

No official LGE Election results out, the PPP run with some numbers we win so many NYC and Township,  they  didn't  mention those  the party lost.

They shouting  decimation of the AFC, heard today the party got around 10 to 11 percent of the votes.

My hope are for real democracy, not the democratic principles of the Putinisque most  worship here , damn are there no one with qualities in the current PPP , if there is none cat eat the dinner of the Indo Guyaneser, taking into consideration voting is still ethnic based.

Lots of news out there the calition is still strong, you all should take a peek at the recent press conference hosted by APNU - AFC.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Say all what you want to say about BJ. It still does not change the fact that this government is acting nervously. That sudden press conference by coalition is just to calm the nerves of their supporters who fear the party which has handled the affairs of the nation dismally since 2015 might be heading for the door. 

Django is struggling to keep hope alive. It's important we keep Granger alive but most importantly we must keep democracy alive.

Democracy is alive in Guyana.

I am for country and people not a slave to any party, I gathered news from both sides and make conclusion.Any way most of the posters here are PPP-ite what can one expect, they are subservient  to their party leaders.

No official LGE Election results out, the PPP run with some numbers we win so many NYC and Township,  they  didn't  mention those  the party lost.

They shouting  decimation of the AFC, heard today the party got around 10 to 11 percent of the votes.

My hope are for real democracy, not the democratic principles of the Putinisque most  worship here , damn are there no one with qualities in the current PPP , if there is none cat eat the dinner of the Indo Guyaneser, taking into consideration voting is still ethnic based.

Lots of news out there the calition is still strong, you all should take a peek at the recent press conference hosted by APNU - AFC.

Hey, I see Billy call you a hypocrite and I totally agree with him. 

I call you out many times about speaking from two side of your mouth.

“Democracy is alive in Guyana “ you need your freken head examine. Remove that patch from your eye. 


Press Association cites APNU for intimidation at press conferences


The Guyana Press Association (GPA) Friday noted what it said was the continued intimidation of media workers who attend press conferences held by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) at Congress Place, Sophia.

Congress Place is the headquarters of the PNC, the majority partner in the APNU coalition.

“Media Workers have complained about the continued heckling and intimidation by supporters of the Party who are seated in the press conference held by the Party,” the GPA stated.


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Democracy is alive. Thus far nothing has been done to thwart the constitution or will of the people.  BJ brought his motion according to the laws of Guyana and it will be addressed within the constitutional framework provided.   So far nobody pelt no chair pon nobody!

We may agree or disagree, but isn’t that the truth?   Press dozz always complain!

I agree Django is not evenhanded, but who is?

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

Sase is NOT an ASS KISSER , BATTY LICKER like you, bloody shameless PRICK!!!

watch it Nehru before you go to the slammer, this was uncalled for

Continuous warning, is not the answer.Forum rules should be implemented.Nehru should feel the brunt as everyone else

Daily his one liners are attacks directed to Django.

Last edited by Django
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

Sase is NOT an ASS KISSER , BATTY LICKER like you, bloody shameless PRICK!!!

watch it Nehru before you go to the slammer, this was uncalled for

Ray, have you ever encountered such a shameless, wicked, sheeplike, soup drinking type of person?? People's life and welfare is at stake but he sees fit to TRY and justify the most brazen and stinking lies. I hear you but I think such dangerous persons must be exposed.

Django posted:

Well Dave, you plucked a rotten fork stick to prop Billy Ram. Next time find a strong one.

You sure going gaga over the PNC, your defiance,condoning of the PNC and the constant attack on all opposing your PNC is a glaring sign who you support, you either worked and benefited from the PNC in the past when you resided in Guyana or still continue to benefit today.  Mitwah defend the PNC for his family is a minister, maybe , you also have close family relation tied to the PNC.  So don't give me the Bull Crap that you are not a political party supporter, it shows night and day,just the same you label others as PPP ites.  I know it hurts when the party you so hated did so well at the recent LGE.  You are the LOUDEST PNC supporter on GNI. Don't hide get out of the PNC closet, get out, it's OK.

kp posted:
Django posted:

Well Dave, you plucked a rotten fork stick to prop Billy Ram. Next time find a strong one.

You sure going gaga over the PNC, your defiance,condoning of the PNC and the constant attack on all opposing your PNC is a glaring sign who you support, you either worked and benefited from the PNC in the past when you resided in Guyana or still continue to benefit today.  Mitwah defend the PNC for his family is a minister, maybe , you also have close family relation tied to the PNC.  So don't give me the Bull Crap that you are not a political party supporter, it shows night and day,just the same you label others as PPP ites.  I know it hurts when the party you so hated did so well at the recent LGE.  You are the LOUDEST PNC supporter on GNI. Don't hide get out of the PNC closet, get out, it's OK.

For your information, i have always worked in the Private Sector. I don't hate any political party, i detest their leadership.I have no family members who are affiliated to any party in Guyana.

I gave my views, just like any one else on this Forum, if it's not liked show where i am wrong, i am man enough to accept.



kp posted:
Django posted:

Well Dave, you plucked a rotten fork stick to prop Billy Ram. Next time find a strong one.

You sure going gaga over the PNC, your defiance,condoning of the PNC and the constant attack on all opposing your PNC is a glaring sign who you support, you either worked and benefited from the PNC in the past when you resided in Guyana or still continue to benefit today.  Mitwah defend the PNC for his family is a minister, maybe , you also have close family relation tied to the PNC.  So don't give me the Bull Crap that you are not a political party supporter, it shows night and day,just the same you label others as PPP ites.  I know it hurts when the party you so hated did so well at the recent LGE.  You are the LOUDEST PNC supporter on GNI. Don't hide get out of the PNC closet, get out, it's OK.

KP, did you notice Nagamootoo wearing a green shirt in Congress Place yesterday? Looks like he is an honorary PNC member. Check if Django got green shirt in his wardrobe and then we gon know fo sure if he is PNC. Right now I say Django is coalition Yellow+Green. Can't be wrong there.

Nehru posted:
Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

Sase is NOT an ASS KISSER , BATTY LICKER like you, bloody shameless PRICK!!!

watch it Nehru before you go to the slammer, this was uncalled for

Ray, have you ever encountered such a shameless, wicked, sheeplike, soup drinking type of person?? People's life and welfare is at stake but he sees fit to TRY and justify the most brazen and stinking lies. I hear you but I think such dangerous persons must be exposed.

Since when the one line attacks are exposing, doesn't seem you are capable of writing the above, do you rent your handle ? there are similarity of posters here.

By the way Mr.Nehru, Django don't take hand outs from no one, yes no one including close friends and families, will stay without until i can afford.That's my principle.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Well Dave, you plucked a rotten fork stick to prop Billy Ram. Next time find a strong one.

You sure going gaga over the PNC, your defiance,condoning of the PNC and the constant attack on all opposing your PNC is a glaring sign who you support, you either worked and benefited from the PNC in the past when you resided in Guyana or still continue to benefit today.  Mitwah defend the PNC for his family is a minister, maybe , you also have close family relation tied to the PNC.  So don't give me the Bull Crap that you are not a political party supporter, it shows night and day,just the same you label others as PPP ites.  I know it hurts when the party you so hated did so well at the recent LGE.  You are the LOUDEST PNC supporter on GNI. Don't hide get out of the PNC closet, get out, it's OK.

KP, did you notice Nagamootoo wearing a green shirt in Congress Place yesterday? Looks like he is an honorary PNC member. Check if Django got green shirt in his wardrobe and then we gon know fo sure if he is PNC. Right now I say Django is coalition Yellow+Green. Can't be wrong there.

 Carl Greenidge, wore a shirt with AFC colors at the Press Conference.

Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Well Dave, you plucked a rotten fork stick to prop Billy Ram. Next time find a strong one.

You sure going gaga over the PNC, your defiance,condoning of the PNC and the constant attack on all opposing your PNC is a glaring sign who you support, you either worked and benefited from the PNC in the past when you resided in Guyana or still continue to benefit today.  Mitwah defend the PNC for his family is a minister, maybe , you also have close family relation tied to the PNC.  So don't give me the Bull Crap that you are not a political party supporter, it shows night and day,just the same you label others as PPP ites.  I know it hurts when the party you so hated did so well at the recent LGE.  You are the LOUDEST PNC supporter on GNI. Don't hide get out of the PNC closet, get out, it's OK.

KP, did you notice Nagamootoo wearing a green shirt in Congress Place yesterday? Looks like he is an honorary PNC member. Check if Django got green shirt in his wardrobe and then we gon know fo sure if he is PNC. Right now I say Django is coalition Yellow+Green. Can't be wrong there.

He always wears a Green Bucta, if I am wrong ,let him show it.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:

Well Dave, you plucked a rotten fork stick to prop Billy Ram. Next time find a strong one.

You sure going gaga over the PNC, your defiance,condoning of the PNC and the constant attack on all opposing your PNC is a glaring sign who you support, you either worked and benefited from the PNC in the past when you resided in Guyana or still continue to benefit today.  Mitwah defend the PNC for his family is a minister, maybe , you also have close family relation tied to the PNC.  So don't give me the Bull Crap that you are not a political party supporter, it shows night and day,just the same you label others as PPP ites.  I know it hurts when the party you so hated did so well at the recent LGE.  You are the LOUDEST PNC supporter on GNI. Don't hide get out of the PNC closet, get out, it's OK.

KP, did you notice Nagamootoo wearing a green shirt in Congress Place yesterday? Looks like he is an honorary PNC member. Check if Django got green shirt in his wardrobe and then we gon know fo sure if he is PNC. Right now I say Django is coalition Yellow+Green. Can't be wrong there.

 Carl Greenidge, wore a shirt with AFC colors at the Press Conference.

Greenidge is now co-owner of AFC. Bet you didn't know that.

alena06 posted:

Yeah rite!! Jagdeo drop a text book shot on them. 😀😀

Let’s see if the text book shot make boundary or get caught in slip!   

Let’s hope he don’t disappoint because he is 1,000,000 Times smartly than the average mortal being!

Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Yeah rite!! Jagdeo drop a text book shot on them. 😀😀

Let’s see if the text book shot make boundary or get caught in slip!   

Let’s hope he don’t disappoint because he is 1,000,000 Times smartly than the average mortal being!

That fella smart t@rass.  

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Greenidge is now co-owner of AFC. Bet you didn't know that.

New faces and owners come 2020, not showing my cards for now.

No problem. I know you holding 2 Joker cards.

Baseman posted:

The timing has nothing to do with Granger situation.  It was the outcome of the LGE and the decimation of the afc.  BJ smell blood!!

How can you come to that conclusion with the low voter turnout.

The AFC got a few seats in the 3 Township, we have to see the votes for the AFC at the NDC"s, then we can say the party is decimated.

AFC not wiped

By the way an NDC in Region 3 was PPP since janam jug, that NDC is won by APNU. There was only one NDC controlled by the PNC, in the entire Region 3. There are currently two.

APNU wins Malgre Tout/Meer Zorgen NDC

Last edited by Django
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