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kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bostonian Brown!  Check it out.  This pic was taken yesterday in Tain, Corentyne.



Bibi/Baseman knows about Bostonian leather shoes. As they say it doesn't matter how much you dress up a monkey he still is a thieving monkey. Things so bad that PPP can't find a decent leader is it time for Pravdo3.


cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:

The problem is these "saints" admit they made mistakes but what have hey done to correct these so called mistakes? Nothing. They still enjoy the fruits of their "mistakes" while the rest of the population punish for the "mistakes" made. Why is the PPP hanging onto Jagdeo baffles me, is he the only person capable of running the party? Is everyone else in the party useless?

When the AFC went against what they originally were about and joined with APNU most of us were against that marriage but accepted it just to throw those thieves out of office. We now see there is no change in neither party. Too bad Benschop didn't make a run for office he might have done something, then again ??????

Who else is capable of running the COUNTRY better than Jagdeo?

BULLSHIT being asked here...then again coming from one/two who bows to Trump it aint surprising.

So when Kakdeo dead the PPP party gonna fold? Some of you people are simple minded.

Although I don't like Jagdeo, I don't see the connection between someone thinking that he is the best candidate to run Guyana and equating him to the entire PPP.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bostonian Brown!  Check it out.  This pic was taken yesterday in Tain, Corentyne.



Bibi/Baseman knows about Bostonian leather shoes. As they say it doesn't matter how much you dress up a monkey he still is a thieving monkey. Things so bad that PPP can't find a decent leader is it time for Pravdo3.

Look at this confounded jackass, doesn't even know my name.  Now that is denigration - IQ check please!!!!!  How low can you go????

You exist in a cave where women are confined to shittery so when you find one who can speak the truth, you become delusional.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bostonian Brown!  Check it out.  This pic was taken yesterday in Tain, Corentyne.



Bibi/Baseman knows about Bostonian leather shoes. As they say it doesn't matter how much you dress up a monkey he still is a thieving monkey. Things so bad that PPP can't find a decent leader is it time for Pravdo3.

Look at this confounded jackass, doesn't even know my name.  Now that is denigration - IQ check please!!!!!  How low can you go????

You exist in a cave where women are confined to shittery so when you find one who can speak the truth, you become delusional.

Are you a cross dresser you seem to know a lot about men's attire. .

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bostonian Brown!  Check it out.  This pic was taken yesterday in Tain, Corentyne.



Bibi/Baseman knows about Bostonian leather shoes. As they say it doesn't matter how much you dress up a monkey he still is a thieving monkey. Things so bad that PPP can't find a decent leader is it time for Pravdo3.

Look at this confounded jackass, doesn't even know my name.  Now that is denigration - IQ check please!!!!!  How low can you go????

You exist in a cave where women are confined to shittery so when you find one who can speak the truth, you become delusional.


Drugb posted:

Why are you creeps ganging up on bibi? You have any evidence she is baseman? If so then come out with it. Many of you fantasized about her and now you recoil when it turns out that she could be a man in disguise. Maybe the issues is that bibi brought out the latent homosexual in many of you.  

What's your problem looking to score points. Get a life.

kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Why are you creeps ganging up on bibi? You have any evidence she is baseman? If so then come out with it. Many of you fantasized about her and now you recoil when it turns out that she could be a man in disguise. Maybe the issues is that bibi brought out the latent homosexual in many of you.  

What's your problem looking to score points. Get a life.

Don't take it personal unless you are guilty. 



VVP and Kp can remain with the AFC/PNC clueless clowns and crooks if they so choose.

PPP opened the doors to those who left. Jagdeo made the best political move ever. Even AFC strongman Ramayya attended in this red PPP shirt to join Jagdeo and repent for his mistakes in supporting the AFC.

This is exciting for the PPP and Jagdeo has been preparing the PPP for another term in office. I am so excited that Guyana gold and oil will be flowing again.


The AFC/PNC clowns emptied the treasury and bankrupt the country in less than two years. The only thing that they are capable of is a big fete, sport and wine down.

I noticed that Cain is getting a fit. He better get used to the fact that Glen Lall and the AFC conned him and many others. Gerhard and Mitwah must be shytting their pants but even they are welcome to join the NEW PPP.

Guyana's only People's President and OUR Hero Dr. Jagdeo:


Open de door and let dem come in. All a we is one big family. Bring out de sweets and seven curry for dem. Bring out the thali and let we artie dem. Bring out de tass and chutney. Ow me lard, we in for a sweet time again. 

No more AFC/PNC clowns and idiots in 2020.

Clown, Daku and  Conmen Moses and Ramjattan:




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Last edited by Former Member

Ramayya was allegedly overhead saying:

"Ow Bhai Jaggy,

I man sorry for what I did. Ramjattan's and Moses knives are still in my back. Please pull them out for me and I am now a loyal PPP man, look at me red shirt na, how I look deh ?


Jagdeo alleged response to PPP Members:

"All a we is one family, open de door and let Bhaya Ramayya in." 

PPP Members response:

"Yes Mr. President, he is now home with us, we heard that TK also wants to come in."

God bless Ramayya for opening up his eyes. Never too late. He will be a major asset for the PPP.


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  • ramayya-jagdeo-300x169
Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted: Open de door and let dem come in. All a we is one big family. Bring out de sweets and seven curry for dem. Bring out the thali and let we artie dem. Bring out de tass and chutney. Ow me lard, we in for a sweet time again.  

yuji22, yuh mek PPP sound like a kumbh mela. Yuh really delusional.

Well it was you who was delusional when you supported Moses and Ramjattan and read too much Glen Lall's KN rubbish and got conned.

The PPP door is now open for all to come in.

As Bibi said, dust off your old PPP card and come in.

It is voluntary, the ball is in your court, this offer expires in 2020.


Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Why are you creeps ganging up on bibi? You have any evidence she is baseman? If so then come out with it. Many of you fantasized about her and now you recoil when it turns out that she could be a man in disguise. Maybe the issues is that bibi brought out the latent homosexual in many of you.  

What's your problem looking to score points. Get a life.

No. You get a life.  Or an education.  Whichever comes first!!!

Bibi Haniffa

Paging Carib,

I told you that the PNC cannot even run a cakshop.

Less that two years and Guyana is once again bankrupt. They have to recycle envelopes. There are rumours about rice flour and white mouth coming back later this year.

AFC supporters are running away from the AFC dead meat, Moses and Rumjattan's stench is unbearable.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

The problem is these "saints" admit they made mistakes but what have hey done to correct these so called mistakes? Nothing. They still enjoy the fruits of their "mistakes" while the rest of the population punish for the "mistakes" made. Why is the PPP hanging onto Jagdeo baffles me, is he the only person capable of running the party? Is everyone else in the party useless?

When the AFC went against what they originally were about and joined with APNU most of us were against that marriage but accepted it just to throw those thieves out of office. We now see there is no change in neither party. Too bad Benschop didn't make a run for office he might have done something, then again ??????

Cain no government in this world is angels and NO ONE punish under PPP ... provide evidence to support your claim.

Guyanese suffer under PNC and again under PNC / AFC . The PPP brought them from the graves and provide a striving economic lifestyle for all Guyanese.

yes the PPP makes mistakes and have admitted to it ... they are not in government yet to correct it ... so what crap you speaking of .

Dr Jagdeo is the only characteristic leader that brought Guyana to life and he is the only one that will bring them to life again 2020. 

And speaking of thieves.... the PNC were the biggest thieves... look at yourself.... you couldn't say a word, you run to Canada for a life ... the stole everything from you man . 

yuji22 posted:


Keep you poison away from here, this is a PPP celebration thread.

Sure is a PPP celebration thread...notice the lies and bs being said? Dont you find it sad the only person who has as u people say..the guts and the smarts to lead the party is no other than Jagdeo? Of all dem people only someone that's seen as a con, worthy of mention?

Unless they can come up with someone with the intelligence and manners as Cheddi who can lead them, they are a dead party.

Gilbakka posted:

To Whom It May Concern:

This is Bibi Haniffa's thread. As guests in this thread, it's improper to ridicule your hostess. Suffice to say that Bibi is not Baseman.

Cut it out, guys.

Thank you Saar!!  KP thinks I am Baseman (an insult to my intelligence!!). Mitwah thinks I am Kwame.  One time he even thought I was Jagdeo.  FC is totally clueless.   

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:


Keep you poison away from here, this is a PPP celebration thread. That type of BS does not belong to this thread.

Go take care of your AFC/PNC clowns Moses and Ramjattan, they are running wild.

I am not surprised that you jumped in as you are another confused fool who make statements and then cries for forgiveness.  Btw what is the celebration about.  You fellas are still in mourning. 

yuji22 posted:

Ramayya was allegedly overhead saying:

"Ow Bhai Jaggy,

I man sorry for what I did. Ramjattan's and Moses knives are still in my back. Please pull them out for me and I am now a loyal PPP man, look at me red shirt na, how I look deh ?


Jagdeo alleged response to PPP Members:

"All a we is one family, open de door and let Bhaya Ramayya in." 

PPP Members response:

"Yes Mr. President, he is now home with us, we heard that TK also wants to come in."


God bless Ramayya for opening up his eyes. Never too late. He will be a major asset for the PPP.

What can you contribute to make the PPP win the next election. Nothing would you go back and vote guess not. Guyana is a free for all country no moral standard all the politicians just want to thief and fill their pockets. You guys are blind and don't want to admit the truth .tell me how Jagdeo and clan amassed  so much wealth if not for thieving and the drug trade. In my days I was  PPP those were the working class days everyone work for a clean dollar. Today the politicians prostitute themselves and their followers no different.You God Jagdeo he knows me. He knows I don't stand for shit.

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:


Keep you poison away from here, this is a PPP celebration thread.

Sure is a PPP celebration thread...notice the lies and bs being said? Dont you find it sad the only person who has as u people say..the guts and the smarts to lead the party is no other than Jagdeo? Of all dem people only someone that's seen as a con, worthy of mention?

Unless they can come up with someone with the intelligence and manners as Cheddi who can lead them, they are a dead party.

What you think of Granger's level of intelligence?  Does he even realize he is the President of a country?  The man is sleepwalking!!

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:


Keep you poison away from here, this is a PPP celebration thread.

Sure is a PPP celebration thread...notice the lies and bs being said? Dont you find it sad the only person who has as u people say..the guts and the smarts to lead the party is no other than Jagdeo? Of all dem people only someone that's seen as a con, worthy of mention?

Unless they can come up with someone with the intelligence and manners as Cheddi who can lead them, they are a dead party.

Eh Eh Cain,

You are like a sour grape in this thread. AFC is dead meat. PPP is welcoming former AFC members with open arms. I guess that it is driving you nuts.

Get used to it, lots of new PPP membership card will be issued and the AFC will rot due to conmen and liars Moses and Ramjattan. Go and ask Brother Ramayya, he will tell you.

He will expose them in due course.

It is better for you to admit that your were conned and move on like the more intelligent ones.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

To Whom It May Concern:

This is Bibi Haniffa's thread. As guests in this thread, it's improper to ridicule your hostess. Suffice to say that Bibi is not Baseman.

Cut it out, guys.

Thank you Saar!!  KP thinks I am Baseman (an insult to my intelligence!!). Mitwah thinks I am Kwame.  One time he even thought I was Jagdeo.  FC is totally clueless.   

And Bibi Haniffa thought Gilbakka had multiple handles, rememba Madam? But me is one and one only, bahen.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:


Keep you poison away from here, this is a PPP celebration thread.

Sure is a PPP celebration thread...notice the lies and bs being said? Dont you find it sad the only person who has as u people say..the guts and the smarts to lead the party is no other than Jagdeo? Of all dem people only someone that's seen as a con, worthy of mention?

Unless they can come up with someone with the intelligence and manners as Cheddi who can lead them, they are a dead party.

What you think of Granger's level of intelligence?  Does he even realize he is the President of a country?  The man is sleepwalking!!

Granger is like a flat bread, he cannot rise to any occasion.

kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ramayya was allegedly overhead saying:

"Ow Bhai Jaggy,

I man sorry for what I did. Ramjattan's and Moses knives are still in my back. Please pull them out for me and I am now a loyal PPP man, look at me red shirt na, how I look deh ?


Jagdeo alleged response to PPP Members:

"All a we is one family, open de door and let Bhaya Ramayya in." 

PPP Members response:

"Yes Mr. President, he is now home with us, we heard that TK also wants to come in."


God bless Ramayya for opening up his eyes. Never too late. He will be a major asset for the PPP.

What can you contribute to make the PPP win the next election. Nothing would you go back and vote guess not. Guyana is a free for all country no moral standard all the politicians just want to thief and fill their pockets. You guys are blind and don't want to admit the truth .tell me how Jagdeo and clan amassed  so much wealth if not for thieving and the drug trade. In my days I was  PPP those were the working class days everyone work for a clean dollar. Today the politicians prostitute themselves and their followers no different.You God Jagdeo he knows me. He knows I don't stand for shit.

What kind of wealth does Jagdeo have?  I went to his house.  It's no big shakes. You all narrow minded people only sit around counting people money.  One AFC man gone back to the PPP and you pissing you pants.

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:


Keep you poison away from here, this is a PPP celebration thread.

Sure is a PPP celebration thread...notice the lies and bs being said? Dont you find it sad the only person who has as u people say..the guts and the smarts to lead the party is no other than Jagdeo? Of all dem people only someone that's seen as a con, worthy of mention?

Unless they can come up with someone with the intelligence and manners as Cheddi who can lead them, they are a dead party.

Wow!!! PPP must have won the elections.  I didn't know. Lol   What a bunch of morons.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted: As Bibi said, dust off your old PPP card and come in. 

Bibi talked much too late. I burnt my PPP membership card on Thursday, May 16, 1996, the day before I flew away from Guyana.

We can arrange for a modern and new shiny one.

A computer-readable one like a Guyana passport?

Yes Bhaya. A special one will be issued for you if you come back home.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ramayya was allegedly overhead saying:

"Ow Bhai Jaggy,

I man sorry for what I did. Ramjattan's and Moses knives are still in my back. Please pull them out for me and I am now a loyal PPP man, look at me red shirt na, how I look deh ?


Jagdeo alleged response to PPP Members:

"All a we is one family, open de door and let Bhaya Ramayya in." 

PPP Members response:

"Yes Mr. President, he is now home with us, we heard that TK also wants to come in."


God bless Ramayya for opening up his eyes. Never too late. He will be a major asset for the PPP.

What can you contribute to make the PPP win the next election. Nothing would you go back and vote guess not. Guyana is a free for all country no moral standard all the politicians just want to thief and fill their pockets. You guys are blind and don't want to admit the truth .tell me how Jagdeo and clan amassed  so much wealth if not for thieving and the drug trade. In my days I was  PPP those were the working class days everyone work for a clean dollar. Today the politicians prostitute themselves and their followers no different.You God Jagdeo he knows me. He knows I don't stand for shit.

What kind of wealth does Jagdeo have?  I went to his house.  It's no big shakes. You all narrow minded people only sit around counting people money.  One AFC man gone back to the PPP and you pissing you pants.

KP is one of those who read Adam Harris KN lies and believed all of it. He can remain with the AFC/PNC. He fits in very nicely.

He can confront Glen Lall about the $ 400 million that he owes taxpayers. Now that is daylight robbery. 

The rest are invited to come home to the PPP with open arms.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

To Whom It May Concern:

This is Bibi Haniffa's thread. As guests in this thread, it's improper to ridicule your hostess. Suffice to say that Bibi is not Baseman.

Cut it out, guys.

Thank you Saar!!  KP thinks I am Baseman (an insult to my intelligence!!). Mitwah thinks I am Kwame.  One time he even thought I was Jagdeo.  FC is totally clueless.   

And Bibi Haniffa thought Gilbakka had multiple handles, rememba Madam? But me is one and one only, bahen.

Actually, I didn't think so.  I was just playing your gray matter.  There is the one and only Gilbakka.  Not to be duplicated or misrepresented.  If I did offend you, please accept my sincere apologies.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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