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January 11,2016 Source

President David Granger today said that Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will be given the clarifications he has sought over the nominees to Chairmanship of the Guyana Elections Commission. A statement issued today by the Ministry of the Presidency did not refer to Jagdeo’s request for a meeting to clarify the matter.

A release from the Ministry of the Presidency follows:
President David Granger, today, said that the Constitution is very clear on the matter of the appointment of a Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and that he is committed to fulfilling the Constitutional requirement within the ambits of the law. The Head of State, who was at the time responding to questions from the members of press corps at State House, said that Government has no interest in playing politics with the matter and will provide the clarification that Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo needs, as requested in his letter to the Head of State, sent on January 10, 2017.

“I am not playing politics, I am serious about the appointment of the Chairman of GECOM and as far as I can say, the Constitution is very, very clear. Mr. Jagdeo did write to me and he asked for some clarifications. Well it has now gone into the legal zone and we are going to ensure that he gets the legal clarifications that he needs but in terms of the names, I am not in the business of naming names at this stage. I am in the business of satisfying the Constitutional requirement for the appointment. The law will prevail and we will continue to engage the Leader of the Opposition as is required under the Constitution… We are looking at everything under the legal framework not within the framework of politics or personalities,” the President said.

The Head of State emphasised that regardless what obtained in the past, now that the responsibility has been vested in him as President of Guyana, the provisions of the Constitution will be followed. Responding to questions on his acceptance of the nomination for the GECOM Chairmanship by late President Hugh Desmond Hoyte in 2000 the President said that the Constitution explicitly states the requirements for the position.

He noted that any breaches that may have occurred in the past must not be allowed to persist.“My understanding is that at all material times a member of the legal profession or several members of the legal profession were on the list but my acceptance of the nomination …does not necessarily mean that I must accept the six names that were submitted. So it doesn’t follow the law of what you would call the ‘non sequitur’ [a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement]. So the point is, even if the Constitution had been breached, or a nomination been made in breach of the Constitution, 10 or 20 years ago, there is no need to repeat it so that’s not a precedent. I am accepting now as President that the Constitutional provisions must be applied,” the Head of State said.

Though the list provided by the Opposition Leader does contain the name of Mr. Christopher Ram, who was admitted to the Bar in 2009, this is the first time a Senior Counsel or person qualified to be a judge or a former or current judge has not been included on a list submitted by an Opposition Leader.President Granger had said that the list of nominees provided to him is unacceptable and fall short of the Constitutional requirements. The Article first outlines clearly that “…the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a Judge of a Court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a Court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such Judge or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Leader of the Opposition after meaningful consultation with the non governmental political partied represented in the National Assembly.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django - you bossman is playing games with the Guyanese people.  The constitution clearly states that the Chairman of GECOM should be a judge or someone who is fit and proper.  Funny how Granger himself was nominated in 2000 for the list of people presented to be Chair of GECOM and at that time he didn't think it was necessary for the person to be a judge.  Any fool can see what is going on here.


Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django - you bossman is playing games with the Guyanese people.  The constitution clearly states that the Chairman of GECOM should be a judge or someone who is fit and proper.  Funny how Granger himself was nominated in 2000 for the list of people presented to be Chair of GECOM and at that time he didn't think it was necessary for the person to be a judge.  Any fool can see what is going on here.


He is toying with the PPP,using the Burnham Fraudulent Constitution,Jagdeo getting his dose,well he said Guyana have one of the best constitution.

Let the legal minds decipher,lots of lawyers on both side.

Nehru posted:

Chatay Bhai Chatay!!!!  Dat is all you good for!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dat is what you waan fuh seh,which isn't true.

That's how politics work in Guyana,both parties trying to out do each other interpreting the fraudulent constitution,a bunch of nincompoops looking after the welfare of the people.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

You are for the people??? Give me a bloody break. People like YOU IS why the POOR Guyanese currently SUFFERING, many looking for salt and Rice daily!!!!!!

Banna don't speak what you don't know,i am always helpful to the poor and down trodden,i was poor at one stage of my life and know the feeling.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

NO!! The violent, inept, brazen and criminal PNC is all you know!!!

You got it wrong,I am not a political hack.

I more for the people regardless of their race.

Django, I agree you might be a charitable person. I still think you have a personal bias against Indians(I know you are Indian).

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

NO!! The violent, inept, brazen and criminal PNC is all you know!!!

You got it wrong,I am not a political hack.

I more for the people regardless of their race.

Django, I agree you might be a charitable person. I still think you have a personal bias against Indians(I know you are Indian).


why should I ?

I detest the ones with mediocre leadership,especially when

fooling the people for their personnel gains.

If that is considered bias,so be it.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

NO!! The violent, inept, brazen and criminal PNC is all you know!!!

You got it wrong,I am not a political hack.

I more for the people regardless of their race.

Django, I agree you might be a charitable person. I still think you have a personal bias against Indians(I know you are Indian).

Spot on there Skelly.  Something went terribly wrong somewhere.  The human psyche is an interesting thing.

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

BULL!! So how come you in bed withGranger, Harmon, Uncle Tom!!!!!!!!!!  You are either full of it or extremely NAIVE and downright STUPID!!!!

Not in agreement with some of the mediocre ones you support,i am bed the names mentioned,

typical of some Indos mentality.

now who is NAIVE and STUPID ??


Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

NO!! The violent, inept, brazen and criminal PNC is all you know!!!

You got it wrong,I am not a political hack.

I more for the people regardless of their race.

Django, I agree you might be a charitable person. I still think you have a personal bias against Indians(I know you are Indian).


why should I ?

I detest the ones with mediocre leadership,especially when

fooling the people for their personnel gains.

If that is considered bias,so be it.

Given your expertise with detecting "mediocre" leadership, can you look the Guyanese people and tell them that Granger and this whole bunch of PNC operatives have a little bit of mediocre leadership? Let's address them as a whole. If Granger had any leadership, he would have drained the swamp already. It's being infested with leeches, starting with Judasmottoo and Joe H.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

NO!! The violent, inept, brazen and criminal PNC is all you know!!!

You got it wrong,I am not a political hack.

I more for the people regardless of their race.

Django, I agree you might be a charitable person. I still think you have a personal bias against Indians(I know you are Indian).

Spot on there Skelly.  Something went terribly wrong somewhere.  The human psyche is an interesting thing.

Ok Miss Cleo,

can you extrapolate.

skeldon_man posted:

Given your expertise with detecting "mediocre" leadership, can you look the Guyanese people and tell them that Granger and this whole bunch of PNC operatives have a little bit of mediocre leadership? Let's address them as a whole. If Granger had any leadership, he would have drained the swamp already. It's being infested with leeches, starting with Judasmottoo and Joe H.

I am aware one wanted to achieve a position and retire with a hefty pension,

the other one we will find out about him if he is on the take.

Nehru posted:

Uncle Bob said " Who dah cap fit let dem wear it"!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, tek am easy pun me bai Django. He is one of the few PNC fighters we have left. The rest cut and ran in shame. I know Carib is peeping in from time to time. 

Nehru posted:

Uncle Bob said " Who dah cap fit let dem wear it"!!!!!!!!

Lemme give you a hint,I got VIP treatment at port of entry without gov't connection,and can also get any thing done.

the common man got more power bhai.

skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

Uncle Bob said " Who dah cap fit let dem wear it"!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, tek am easy pun me bai Django. He is one of the few PNC fighters we have left. The rest cut and ran in shame. I know Carib is peeping in from time to time. 

Hanging here to put licks pun alyuh r@ss.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

Uncle Bob said " Who dah cap fit let dem wear it"!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, tek am easy pun me bai Django. He is one of the few PNC fighters we have left. The rest cut and ran in shame. I know Carib is peeping in from time to time. 

Hanging here to put licks pun alyuh r@ss.

Hey, drop you pants and see how many welts pun you ass. You get your ass whipped so bad at times, I wonder if you can sit down for any period of time.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

Uncle Bob said " Who dah cap fit let dem wear it"!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, tek am easy pun me bai Django. He is one of the few PNC fighters we have left. The rest cut and ran in shame. I know Carib is peeping in from time to time. 

Hanging here to put licks pun alyuh r@ss.

Hey, drop you pants and see how many welts pun you ass. You get your ass whipped so bad at times, I wonder if you can sit down for any period of time.

4 to 1

Django still sitting on the wooden bench.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

Uncle Bob said " Who dah cap fit let dem wear it"!!!!!!!!

Nehru bhai, tek am easy pun me bai Django. He is one of the few PNC fighters we have left. The rest cut and ran in shame. I know Carib is peeping in from time to time. 

Hanging here to put licks pun alyuh r@ss.

Hey, drop you pants and see how many welts pun you ass. You get your ass whipped so bad at times, I wonder if you can sit down for any period of time.

4 to 1

Django still sitting on the wooden bench.

With a thick sponge cushion.


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