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Jagdeo to Govt: Respect parliamentary traditions

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo along with other Opposition parliamentarians as they rise and walk out of Parliament

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo along with other Opposition parliamentarians as they rise and walk out of Parliament



The Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on Friday afternoon staged a walk out of the National Assembly in protest of Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo being denied the opportunity to be the penultimate speaker on the 2016 National Budget debates which wrapped up on Friday evening.

The PPP/C has been arguing that the parliamentary tradition has always been that the Leader of the Opposition being the speaker just before the Finance Minister wraps up the Budget debate.

However, in 2015, the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) used its one-seat majority to change those norms and now placed the Prime Minister as the speaker before the Finance Minister.

In wrapping up his presentation on the 2016 Budget debate, Jagdeo said it was his view that due to the fact that it was a short year for the coalition in office, that resulted in the deviation from the norm and the allowance of the Prime Minister to be the penultimate speaker.

“But having taken a stand last year, I said that the People’s Progressive Party will never allow members of the Government to make us victims in this chamber because we are proud of the role we play in changing this country. Once again, until this house fixes these problems, until the other side agrees with something that has become an age old tradition of this House, where the Leader of the Opposition is the penultimate speaker, we will not listen to the debate of the other speakers,” Jagdeo declared as he wrapped up his presentation.

As Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo was called to speak, the Opposition MPs, led by Jagdeo, walked out the chamber, prompting Government’s Chief Whip, Social Protection Minister Amna Ally to ask for the customary 16:00h suspension to be taken.

In an invited comment, a visibly upset Nagamootoo expressed dissatisfaction with the Opposition’s actions, describing it as a “defeatist strategy”, accusing the Opposition Leader of coming to Parliament in a “cuss down mode… [To] say almost nothing of substance about anything of importance to the Guyanese people.”

He expressed frustration that the Opposition did not remain to listen to his response.

“The Opposition Leader should be allowed to say all he wants to say as long as he wants to say, things that are irrelevant, damaging, malicious and speculative hearsay… anything that he says he wants to be able to say that and then pick up like a little spoilt brat… pick up his bat and say I am not playing anymore and he walks out. That’s the tantrum of a little boy, tantrum of very emotional and unstable person politically,” the Prime Minister said.

He said this behaviour is part of the Jagdeo’s “disruptive political agenda”, in an attempt to “destabilise the political stability”.

When asked by Guyana Times why the deviation from the normal practice where the Opposition Leader speaks just before the Finance Minister who tabled the motion, Nagamootoo responded, “I think that’s a matter you will have to ask the Speaker. I am not in a position to answer who he asked.”

Further, Nagamootoo refused to answer whether he is aware that the system has always been for the Opposition Leader to be the penultimate speaker, only to say, “you have been in Parliament too, you could decide too, I don’t know of any norm… it is very regular what is happening now it is proper and correct that the Government be allowed to defend itself if it is coming under this kind of attack.”

For decades while the PPP was in Government, the Opposition Leader was always respected and allowed to wrap up the combined Opposition’s position on the national Budget before the Finance Minister concluded the debate. The Opposition Leader, therefore spoke, after the Prime Minister.

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When asked by Guyana Times why the deviation from the normal practice where the Opposition Leader speaks just before the Finance Minister who tabled the motion, Nagamootoo responded, “I think that’s a matter you will have to ask the Speaker. I am not in a position to answer who he asked.”


For decades while the PPP was in Government, the Opposition Leader was always respected and allowed to wrap up the combined Opposition’s position on the national Budget before the Finance Minister concluded the debate. The Opposition Leader, therefore spoke, after the Prime Minister.


Nagamootoo's high handed bullyism was dealt with accordingly.  Good on BJ for walking out.  And he did it in fine style.  He shook their hands,  smiled with them, and just left.  He even laughed as he walked out the door.  There was no display of anger.  It looks like some of them didn't even realize he was walking out. And then all his MPs followed the leader.  No words exchanged until they were all outside.

This man is a class act to follow!!!!

Bibi Haniffa

This new government continues to display their stupidness with their bullying tactics. Poor Moses is dismayed that the opposition didn't stay and listen to his speech. Whah whah whah

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nagamootoo's high handed bullyism was dealt with accordingly.  Good on BJ for walking out.  And he did it in fine style.  He shook their hands,  smiled with them, and just left.  He even laughed as he walked out the door.  There was no display of anger.  It looks like some of them didn't even realize he was walking out. And then all his MPs followed the leader.  No words exchanged until they were all outside.

This man is a class act to follow!!!!

Nagamootoo trying to show some teeth from under the layers of PNC cow dung he has been buried.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nagamootoo's high handed bullyism was dealt with accordingly.  Good on BJ for walking out.  And he did it in fine style.  He shook their hands,  smiled with them, and just left.  He even laughed as he walked out the door.  There was no display of anger.  It looks like some of them didn't even realize he was walking out. And then all his MPs followed the leader.  No words exchanged until they were all outside.

This man is a class act to follow!!!!

Dem muss feel salty deh you no.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nagamootoo's high handed bullyism was dealt with accordingly.  Good on BJ for walking out.  And he did it in fine style.  He shook their hands,  smiled with them, and just left.  He even laughed as he walked out the door.  There was no display of anger.  It looks like some of them didn't even realize he was walking out. And then all his MPs followed the leader.  No words exchanged until they were all outside.

This man is a class act to follow!!!!

The PPP should have walked out a long time ago. I don't know what they were waiting for, however, better late than never. Now let us see if they would boycott the 50th Independence Anniversary! 


Once, a fox was very hungry.

He searched for food.

At last he saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a grapevine.

His mouth started watering.

He wanted to eat the grapes.

So, he jumped and jumped, but in vain.

But he could not reach the grapes.

So, the fox went away saying,

“Those grapes are sour.!"


It looks like a taste of their own medicine. How many times afc/apnu walked out of parliament during the PPP reign? In fact they even boycott parliament and still collected paychecks for extended periods. 

Drugb posted:

It looks like a taste of their own medicine. How many times afc/apnu walked out of parliament during the PPP reign? In fact they even boycott parliament and still collected paychecks for extended periods. 

True DAt but dont expect these shameless Parasites to remember. This is a group of people who thinks lying gets you salvation.


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