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Published on Thursday 29 November 2012 13:06  


Former Guyana President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Royal Preston Hospital neurosurgeon Professor Charles Davis and voluntary worker Gulab Singh MBE are among the highly-acclaimed professionals receiving honorary awards next week.


The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is conferring five honorary awards during the winter 2012 graduation ceremonies.

The institution will be holding its prestigious winter degree and award ceremonies at Preston’s Guild Hall, from Monday, December 3, to Wednesday, December 5

More than 1,400 students will collect their awards watched by family and friends, in a series of award ceremonies which will take place over the three days.


The ceremonies will see honorary fellowships awarded to Russell Hogarth - in recognition of his voluntary work to support the university with particular focus on mental health issues and Gulab Singh MBE for his contribution to equality and diversity issues and also voluntary work in Preston.

Prof Davis will also become an honorary fellow for his contribution to neurosurgery and neuro-oncology while Dr Bharrat Jagdeo will receive an Honorary Doctorate for his contribution to sustainability and environmental issues.

Style consultant Cliff Bashforth will be made an honorary fellow in recognition of his contribution to image consultancy.

After each ceremony the Honorary Fellows will join University dignitaries in a procession from the Guild Hall to the University’s Foster building.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


God Bless President Jadgeo. He stood up for the oppressed Indo Guyanese who had to survive an extermination attempt by the PNC.

He brought us out of the Donkey cart economy led by Burnham and Carl Greenidge. The newfound friend of the AFC. Donkey cart man Carl Greenidge is now projected as an expert by Toilet Paper KN.


Congrats to the brave one. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts O Brave One.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


God Bless President Jadgeo. He stood up for the oppressed Indo Guyanese who had to survive an extermination attempt by the PNC.

He brought us out of the Donkey cart economy led by Burnham and Carl Greenidge. The newfound friend of the AFC. Donkey cart man Carl Greenidge is now projected as an expert by Toilet Paper KN.


Congrats to the brave one. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts O Brave One.


Well if PNC bin gee abie donkey cyart economy Jagdoe gee abie jackass cyart ecanamy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC stooges can only post nonsense. The AFC has been able to prove ZERO.


Any yes, the ran away from the TV debates. Yes, ran away.

Cammon sense and meh lil ACCA account tell meh dat de income dem over years gat fuh add up fuh de assets. Me want Jagdoe and Irfat show how dem violate this basic accounts wid dem public servant income. Yuh cyan only mek 2 mill US house and 100 mill guyana dalla house by tekkin kickbacks and rapin de poor people money. Is simple accounts internet swamiji. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC stooges can only post nonsense. The AFC has been able to prove ZERO.


Any yes, they ran away from the TV debates. Yes, ran away.

Cammon sense and meh lil ACCA account tell meh dat de income dem over years gat fuh add up fuh de assets. Me want Jagdoe and Irfat show how dem violate this basic accounts wid dem public servant income. Yuh cyan only mek 2 mill US house and 100 mill guyana dalla house by tekkin kickbacks and rapin de poor people money. Is simple accounts internet swamiji. 

Originally Posted by PRK:

This Jagdoe now go be Dr Dr Dr. He a sustain he self well wid de US 2 mill house next to de ocean. De man brave fuh global warmin and mek wan house wid 15 bedrooms. Da house go use up nuff nuff nuff energy. Duh is nuff nuff nuff fassil oil fo burn. 

De dacta need wan big house fuh entertain important clients. De man need wan 4 mil house. Tell yu fadda fu gyam some money.


Please take your time to post a well worded and substantial reason for objecting to Jagdeo being honored by these shallow University personal who never look beneath the surface of things to see on whom they bestow honors.


This man has done little to further environmentalism in Guyana. We have no emissions standard and import used gas guzzlers by the thousands; there is no proper garbage collection and disposal system, poor drainage leaving coastal peoples living in periodic fecal soup for long periods as their open pit latrines are flooded, no prohibition on Styrofoam or plastics or Chlorofluorocarbons, no oversight of mining and their ravaging of river systems, short not a damn thing was done except he held our forest not as as sacrosanct but as a hostage to some loot and only got one bite. When that runs out the same habit of careless ravaging of the environment which was habit of this government since they enter office will ensue.


Any two bit researcher with a little time can uncover what a fraud of an environmentalist Jagdeo is. Maybe the school should ask any of its undergraduate class to examine this president who has institutionalized corruption in Guyana. Further, as head of an Indian identified party he has used  the marginally superior numbers of this voting block and under the guise of democracy has proceeded to rob native peoples of their lands. Since Independence the land grab has reduced their natural patrimony from 25,000 square miles to a mere 6000 and even that is limited.


I am going to register and voice my complaint on the link above. I hope you folks do the same if you feel like I do that the international community is being duped or rather are being dupes on account of their shallow vetting of those they honor.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:

This Jagdoe now go be Dr Dr Dr. He a sustain he self well wid de US 2 mill house next to de ocean. De man brave fuh global warmin and mek wan house wid 15 bedrooms. Da house go use up nuff nuff nuff energy. Duh is nuff nuff nuff fassil oil fo burn. 

De dacta need wan big house fuh entertain important clients. De man need wan 4 mil house. Tell yu fadda fu gyam some money.

Me daddy gat millions US dallah in de bank. But he neva go show aff he money and mek 4 mill US dalla house. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:


God Bless President Thiefdeo. He stood up to continue the oppression of Guyanese who had to survive an extermination attempt by the PNC.

He brought us back to the Donkey cart economy led by Burnham and Carl Greenidge by thiefing out all the monies from the treasury, building mansions, giving himself an unprecented pension package and making the Guyanese people pay for it. The newfound friend of the PNC. Donkey cart man Carl Greenidge is now projected as an expert by Toilet Paper KN.


Congrats to the brave corrupted, drug kingpin one. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for stealing eveything from the Guyanese people and giving to your comrades. We deserve nothing better for keeping you and the PPP in power O Brave One.


Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


God Bless President Thiefdeo. He stood up to continue the oppression of Guyanese who had to survive an extermination attempt by the PNC.

He brought us back to the Donkey cart economy led by Burnham and Carl Greenidge by thiefing out all the monies from the treasury, building mansions, giving himself an unprecented pension package and making the Guyanese people pay for it. The newfound friend of the PNC. Donkey cart man Carl Greenidge is now projected as an expert by Toilet Paper KN.


Congrats to the brave corrupted, drug kingpin one. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for stealing eveything from the Guyanese people and giving to your comrades. We deserve nothing better for keeping you and the PPP in power O Brave One.


LOL! Brudda yuh meck me spill meh kaafee.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ahem . . . Prof. Jaipaul Singh, Univ. of Central Lancashire, currently short-listed for UG Vice Chancellor appointment


do the 'math'

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

This is true in politics and friendship. Why you think all these millionaires donate large sums to the candidates of their choice?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Please take your time to post a well worded and substantial reason for objecting to Jagdeo being honored by these shallow University personal who never look beneath the surface of things to see on whom they bestow honors.


This man has done little to further environmentalism in Guyana. We have no emissions standard and import used gas guzzlers by the thousands; there is no proper garbage collection and disposal system, poor drainage leaving coastal peoples living in periodic fecal soup for long periods as their open pit latrines are flooded, no prohibition on Styrofoam or plastics or Chlorofluorocarbons, no oversight of mining and their ravaging of river systems, short not a damn thing was done except he held our forest not as as sacrosanct but as a hostage to some loot and only got one bite. When that runs out the same habit of careless ravaging of the environment which was habit of this government since they enter office will ensue.


Any two bit researcher with a little time can uncover what a fraud of an environmentalist Jagdeo is. Maybe the school should ask any of its undergraduate class to examine this president who has institutionalized corruption in Guyana. Further, as head of an Indian identified party he has used  the marginally superior numbers of this voting block and under the guise of democracy has proceeded to rob native peoples of their lands. Since Independence the land grab has reduced their natural patrimony from 25,000 square miles to a mere 6000 and even that is limited.


I am going to register and voice my complaint on the link above. I hope you folks do the same if you feel like I do that the international community is being duped or rather are being dupes on account of their shallow vetting of those they honor.

You are a bitter man, why don't you let Jagdeo have his day in the sun and move off into the sunset without malice. He is no longer president, get some help with Jagdeo obsession and find a good psychiatric hospital to take bed rest. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Please take your time to post a well worded and substantial reason for objecting to Jagdeo being honored by these shallow University personal who never look beneath the surface of things to see on whom they bestow honors.


This man has done little to further environmentalism in Guyana. We have no emissions standard and import used gas guzzlers by the thousands; there is no proper garbage collection and disposal system, poor drainage leaving coastal peoples living in periodic fecal soup for long periods as their open pit latrines are flooded, no prohibition on Styrofoam or plastics or Chlorofluorocarbons, no oversight of mining and their ravaging of river systems, short not a damn thing was done except he held our forest not as as sacrosanct but as a hostage to some loot and only got one bite. When that runs out the same habit of careless ravaging of the environment which was habit of this government since they enter office will ensue.


Any two bit researcher with a little time can uncover what a fraud of an environmentalist Jagdeo is. Maybe the school should ask any of its undergraduate class to examine this president who has institutionalized corruption in Guyana. Further, as head of an Indian identified party he has used  the marginally superior numbers of this voting block and under the guise of democracy has proceeded to rob native peoples of their lands. Since Independence the land grab has reduced their natural patrimony from 25,000 square miles to a mere 6000 and even that is limited.


I am going to register and voice my complaint on the link above. I hope you folks do the same if you feel like I do that the international community is being duped or rather are being dupes on account of their shallow vetting of those they honor.

You are a bitter man, why don't you let Jagdeo have his day in the sun and move off into the sunset without malice. He is no longer president, get some help with Jagdeo obsession and find a good psychiatric hospital to take bed rest. 

Stop it. We know Jagdeo loves the spotlight, the sunlight, any kind of attention, fake honors etc. If he was a man of honour,he would have gracefully declined the fake-torate. He is not going into any sunset and you damn well know that. As long as $US are around he will try to get his drug-dealing paws on it.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Please take your time to post a well worded and substantial reason for objecting to Jagdeo being honored by these shallow University personal who never look beneath the surface of things to see on whom they bestow honors.


This man has done little to further environmentalism in Guyana. We have no emissions standard and import used gas guzzlers by the thousands; there is no proper garbage collection and disposal system, poor drainage leaving coastal peoples living in periodic fecal soup for long periods as their open pit latrines are flooded, no prohibition on Styrofoam or plastics or Chlorofluorocarbons, no oversight of mining and their ravaging of river systems, short not a damn thing was done except he held our forest not as as sacrosanct but as a hostage to some loot and only got one bite. When that runs out the same habit of careless ravaging of the environment which was habit of this government since they enter office will ensue.


Any two bit researcher with a little time can uncover what a fraud of an environmentalist Jagdeo is. Maybe the school should ask any of its undergraduate class to examine this president who has institutionalized corruption in Guyana. Further, as head of an Indian identified party he has used  the marginally superior numbers of this voting block and under the guise of democracy has proceeded to rob native peoples of their lands. Since Independence the land grab has reduced their natural patrimony from 25,000 square miles to a mere 6000 and even that is limited.


I am going to register and voice my complaint on the link above. I hope you folks do the same if you feel like I do that the international community is being duped or rather are being dupes on account of their shallow vetting of those they honor.

You are a bitter man, why don't you let Jagdeo have his day in the sun and move off into the sunset without malice. He is no longer president, get some help with Jagdeo obsession and find a good psychiatric hospital to take bed rest. 

 Bitter about what? God did not make me as ugly as you and I am brimming with talent. Jagdeo is a crook and this idea that he is an uber environmentalist is for the birds. Those white people are in love with their own act of charity than true environmentalism.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Bitter about what? God did not make me as ugly as you and I am brimming with talent. Jagdeo is a crook and this idea that he is an uber environmentalist is for the birds. Those white people are in love with their own act of charity than true environmentalism.

Bitter about your own sorry life and the fact that despite all your accusations, credible organizations throughout the world still shower the man with accolades while you continue to suffer behind your dollar store counter waiting for business to pick up.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Bitter about what? God did not make me as ugly as you and I am brimming with talent. Jagdeo is a crook and this idea that he is an uber environmentalist is for the birds. Those white people are in love with their own act of charity than true environmentalism.

Bitter about your own sorry life and the fact that despite all your accusations, credible organizations throughout the world still shower the man with accolades while you continue to suffer behind your dollar store counter waiting for business to pick up.

If my life is sorrowful then what is yours? Get real you pitiful freak. I do not slave for the man and I live a life of quiet ease not in want of anything. I am not mega rich but I do fine and even if I am without I know I have the talent to make it the honest way rather than on pretense, sententiousness and in a skewed moral universe where  people give me accolades for things I never earned. He is a fake environmentalist. Worse he is an destroyer of the environment through neglect, negligence and deliberate profiteering. He is also a thief and a scoundrel  and under him we have become a drug culture and a culture of gunmen.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:

now we into gold smuggling,the ppp strike again

Someday, I will not be surprised if American gansters doan end up in Guyana just Batista's Cuba.

Sad case, we an intelligent ppl gat some of the worst of our society to govern us.


Dem Jagans should be horse whipped. I wonder how their relatives feel about the mess their uncle made of the country.

Originally Posted by Nehru:



Pavi I'm right here. How are things and the henny and poke flowing from the Guyana visa card? Actually you are mixing up gladiator for opportunist. A gladiator will not suck up to Jagdeo or be a sycophant. An opportunist will. A gladiator will be able to apply and win a job on merit. As a CUNY person you should know this. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC stooges can only post nonsense. The AFC has been able to prove ZERO.


Any yes, the ran away from the TV debates. Yes, ran away.

Cammon sense and meh lil ACCA account tell meh dat de income dem over years gat fuh add up fuh de assets. Me want Jagdoe and Irfat show how dem violate this basic accounts wid dem public servant income. Yuh cyan only mek 2 mill US house and 100 mill guyana dalla house by tekkin kickbacks and rapin de poor people money. Is simple accounts internet swamiji. 


Gurl...I see you are learning. Very good. How is the ACCA going? What you have said there is logically correct. In economics we call it stock-flow consistency. The flow of incomes minus expenditures must sum up to the stock of assets. I say, like you, there is no way to justify present displayed assets given incomes as public servants. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC stooges can only post nonsense. The AFC has been able to prove ZERO.


Any yes, the ran away from the TV debates. Yes, ran away.

Cammon sense and meh lil ACCA account tell meh dat de income dem over years gat fuh add up fuh de assets. Me want Jagdoe and Irfat show how dem violate this basic accounts wid dem public servant income. Yuh cyan only mek 2 mill US house and 100 mill guyana dalla house by tekkin kickbacks and rapin de poor people money. Is simple accounts internet swamiji. 


Gurl...I see you are learning. Very good. How is the ACCA going? What you have said there is logically correct. In economics we call it stock-flow consistency. The flow of incomes minus expenditures must sum up to the stock of assets. I say, like you, there is no way to justify present displayed assets given incomes as public servants. 

Meh always a wan learner :-). Meh know nuff nuff tings.


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