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Former Member

Jagdeo voices fear of regional tender boards being ‘stacked’


Sunday , October 25 2015, Citizen’s Report, Source


A FEAR that the current A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) administration may be “stacking” regional tender boards in their favour was raised by Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo.


A bold assertion was followed by a promise of additional disclosures by the former president, who added that additional efforts are being made by the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) to expose these actions.


He noted that the tender boards are being “stacked” by APNU+AFC members and supporters.

“It is all being done very quietly. We want to put them on notice that we are paying attention,” Jagdeo stressed, at his last news conference, held Friday at Freedom House, Robb Street.

The Opposition Leader has since called on all public servants not to make recommendations for contracts under pressure and expose every instance where political influence is being exerted.


“It is shocking that, in such a short period of time, so much is being done,” Jagdeo.


However, he made clear that every effort will be made by the PPP/C, cast in the role of the political Opposition since the May 11 General and Regional elections, to expose the current administration.


APNU+AFC had campaigned on tackling corruption and increasing accountability and transparency in government if elected. However, since coming to office, the current Administration has come under fire for not holding to their promises.

The latest brouhaha revolves around the massive salary increases that they approved for themselves, which has attracted criticism from a wide cross section of Guyanese.

In the September 25th edition of the Official Gazette, it was revealed that the Prime Minister and all Government Ministers have received a salary increase, way above what was offered to public servants in the 2015 Budget.

Nagamootoo, at the top of the earning bracket, will now earn $20.6M, a 10 per cent increase from what former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was paid. Senior Ministers have had their pay packets doubled from $6.9M to $10.5m. Junior Minister will now be paid $8.3M. House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland, will also benefit and his salary has been upped from $6.9M to $10.4M.


Salary increases were also announced for all Members of Parliament (MPs), the Parliamentary Secretary, the Deputy Speaker and the Opposition Leader. While the salary for the later has been doubled, the Opposition Leader, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, in August made clear that he will not be accepting the salary, since as a former president, he already benefits from a pension.


The PPP/C has already made clear that its MPs will not accept any salary increases, but will challenge it, as it will the issue of breaches in the tendering process.

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