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- Ram strikes out yet again

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Thursday, 29 September 2011 04:40

McDougal Report provisionally ruled inadmissible

WHEN President Bharrat Jagdeo’s libel case against Freddie Kissoon and Kaieteur News continued before Justice Brassington Reynolds in the High Court yesterday afternoon, Counsel for the Plaintiff, Anil Nandlall, indicated to the court that he (Nandlall) had presented to the judge and also served on Khemraj Ramjattan, one of the defence lawyers, written submissions as to why the report by Gay Mc Dougal was inadmissible.
[‘STRIKE OUT’: Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram had to be constantly reminded by the judge, and his peers, of the need to stick to the issue at hand for relevance sake. (Adrian Narrine photo)]

‘STRIKE OUT’: Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram had to be constantly reminded by the judge, and his peers, of the need to stick to the issue at hand for relevance sake. (Adrian Narrine photo)
Nandlall then asked the court for its ruling on his submissions at which point Ramjattan indicated that he was unable to read it before 10:00 hrs yesterday, due to his political commitments and asked the court’s permission to make oral submissions.
He urged the court to rule that the report was admissible because the defence had cited it in its Statement of Defence.
In his rejoinder, Nandlall argued that the requirements for evidence to be admissible are that it must be relevant and that once it is relevant it must then satisfy the test of admissibility and that there are several rules of evidence which would render the document inadmissible.
The first principle is that the document constitutes inadmissible hearsay because it is an out of court statement which is being tendered in the court and the author of the statement is absent.
Secondly, the report itself says that it is based upon the views expressed by various people, making the report itself not only hearsay, but based upon hearsay and none of the requirements set out in the Evidence Act has been satisfied to make this type of hearsay admissible.
[In the High Court yesterday.]

In the High Court yesterday.

Thirdly, it is opinion evidence and such evidence is generally inadmissible unless the court deems the opinion maker an expert. In this case the author is not even present to have her deemed an expert.
Nandlall declared that the report does not even contain McDougall’s views but those that she spoke and conducted interviews with. “So we will end up with hearsay upon hearsay,” Nandlall charged.
The judge, in making a decision to deliver his ruling the next day (today), after having had a chance to digest the defence’s submissions, indicated that it was his immediate reaction that those submissions would not seriously mitigate his initial ruling which he was now making a provisional ruling, to the effect that the rudimentary rules for admissibility of documents would not allow the document as being inadmissible at this stage.
Justice Reynolds indicated that it would be “unfair” and “unsafe” to admit the 65-page document in view of the fact that the author of the report would not herself be present or subjected to cross-examination to test for accuracy.
Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram, who had earlier made an application to the court that even though he had indicated that his cross-examination had concluded, he wished to further cross-examine the chief witness Dr Roger Luncheon, and was given an opportunity to do so.
As happened earlier in the trial Ram, reading prepared questions, asked several questions to which Nandlall vehemently objected and many of which were found improper by the court and had to be reworded.
When a question was eventually allowed about the composition of the Guyana Rice Development Board, and the witness having answered that his recall did not extend beyond the current Board, Ram put suggestions to the witness that Cecil Kennard was Chairman in 1999, and after Nandlall objected that this was a false suggestion since Cecil Kennard was the Chancellor of the Judiciary, Ram amended it to Charles Kennard.


He then suggested names of other persons who headed the organization over the years. Nandlall again objected on the ground that several of these persons were public figures performing other functions upon which the judge admonished Ram not to make unsubstantiated suggestions.
With regard to the appointment of Presidential Guards, Dr Luncheon stated in his answers to questions which were eventually allowed that the appointment of the officers is done by the Police Service Commission and that, to his knowledge, appointments by the Police Service Commission do not require inputs or approval by the President.
Many attempted questions by Ram on the phenomenon known as the ‘crime spree’ were disallowed by the court.
Ram then asked about NICIL and land allocation in the area referred to as ‘Pradoville 2’ and, having been told by Dr Luncheon that NICIL was involved in land allocation in Liliendaal and that the land in ‘Pradoville 2’ was allocated by Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) and not NICIL, Ram went on to suggest to the witness that the housing community known as ‘Pradoville 2’ is an exclusively Indo-Guyanese community chosen by the Cabinet and chaired by the President.
At this point the court invited Ram to withdraw his question if he could not prove the accuracy and Ram then changed the word ‘exclusively’ to ‘predominantly’.
Dr. Luncheon vehemently rejected Ram’s affirmation and insisted that it was the CH&PA which made the allocations, not the Cabinet, and also that many allottees were Afro Guyanese including Dr Luncheon himself; Dr Compton Bourne, former Head of the Caribbean Development Bank; the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Commodore. Gary Best; Chairman of Region 10, Mortimer Mingo; and Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee.
Asked if he recalled any Indo-Guyanese, Dr Luncheon named the President, Ministers Robert Persaud and Priya Manickchand and confirmed that Dr Ghansham Singh also had an allocation but that Dr Ashni Singh was not an allottee.
At this point Ram, who had to be constantly reminded of the need to stick to the issue at hand for relevance sake, concluded his cross-examination and the matter was adjourned for today at 15.15 hrs for re-examination of Dr. Luncheon to commence.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

young taps what are we going to do to get people to attend our PPP meetings?

Bringing people by bus is not going to work. People are wizening up.

Can we launch the one chicken per family program at every meeting?
Seems like Khemraj is winning over them PPP chaps to the camp. His excellency might get a heart attack to see luncheon smiling up with the man lakka dis and frolicking with the opposition.
The Mc Dougall report was highly flowed and could not stand up to scrutiny as a result of the poor research techniques employed in soliciting the information.
Gay Mc Dougall herself was perso non grata in many countries since she was seen as one to incite racial hatred as opposed to building bridges.
Originally posted by albert:
The Mc Dougall report was highly flowed and could not stand up to scrutiny as a result of the poor research techniques employed in soliciting the information.
Gay Mc Dougall herself was perso non grata in many countries since she was seen as one to incite racial hatred as opposed to building bridges.

hehehhee highly flowed? boy oh boy the peanut butter crew is in shambles today shambles.
Picture said it ALL,Vote AFC and see changes within 1 year in Office.We got Luncheon for Dinner,4 votes for AFC right in the Picture."You cannot beat them JOIN THEM"said luncheon vote AFC.
Originally posted by SJ4321:
Morty get house lot in Prado Ville eh. I thought was only certain people get lots there ....... Big Grin

Apparently not young Taps

Region 10 Chairman to deny getting Pradoville 2 lot
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Region 10 Chairman Mortimer Mingo is to deny that he ever received a lot in the PPP/C government’s controversial Pradoville 2 housing scheme.

An allocation was referred to by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon in yesterday’s court hearing of the libel case brought by President Bharrat Jagdeo against Kaieteur News, its publisher, Glenn Lall and columnist Freddie …..
Originally posted by albert:

Gay Mc Dougall herself was perso non grata in many countries since she was seen as one to incite racial hatred as opposed to building bridges.

Either you or albert listed those countries. In all acses they were places where illtreatment of minorities was being ignored. Australia doesnt wish to compensate the Aborigines for past abuse so wishes to pretend that there was never a problem.

Many AfroGuyanese agree with those who spoke to Gay. Their non attendance at the Appreciation Day should tell you this. Clearly they do NOT appreciate the PPP.
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You are a PNC supporter.

I expect this from you. A man who says that blacks have no culture. If any need proof that ROARites are trying to infiltrate the AFC because ROAR has failed they only need to look at you.

Mitwah why dont you all stay with your own Indo only party? ROAR failed. So do like the PNC and change your name. Maybe like them you will get one or two votes.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

You are a PNC supporter.

I expect this from you. A man who says that blacks have no culture. If any need proof that ROARites are trying to infiltrate the AFC because ROAR has failed they only need to look at you.

Mitwah why dont you all stay with your own Indo only party? ROAR failed. So do like the PNC and change your name. Maybe like them you will get one or two votes.

Your party is doomed. It has no structure and no platform. You are self appointed spoke person for the AFros, when no one recognizes you. What have you changed with you repetitive racist baitings, going off at a tangent and creating your own arguments?

Where did I say that blacks have no culture? Because you are a racist, you see every one as such in your tunnel vision.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Your party is doomed..

Hmm. I wonder when I stated I was an appointed spokesperson for any one.

I also wonder when YOU became one. No one attends AFC meetings in Gtwn this fact being quite clear. Now you can push your head in a sand box and tell you all is well or you can find out hwta the problem is and fix it while you have time....but no you would rather call me racist for telling you the facts of life.

Face it mitwah the PPP, the PNC, and AFc all bore Guyanese which is why they cant be bothered to attend meetings hosted by any of you, unless free food and entertainment is included.

Now if thats what Granger wants to hear feel free. I cant imagine that he does though given that those who he thinks support him say he has a coconut tree with no roots and that they dont plan to vote.

Oh and btw you can also pretend that anti black racism amongs Indos is only a PPP thing that will go away....or more likely calling me racist for telling you what nonsense that is for you to peddle that. You see this is what irks you about me.

Now run along and rant about how vulgar chutney is because it is influenced by "your people". Your words mitwah. In addition you raged about how blacks dont spend all day pretending to be African so we have no culture. Your words. I have no need to say further an this because you know what you will now deny this but this is what fills your little heart.
Caribj what do you think about the WPA itself moving to the PNC, do you think this was a move of desperation?

an ill thought out move? come on lets get some intellectual conversation going versus you calling me a racist because I call you a pnc old man.
I agree with you largely but i think you are underestimating not how good the AFC is but how much the sentiment on the ground is that the PPP has to go.

I also think that the AFC has made up a lot of ground more than many really realize including the PPP which is also very arrogant as you can see from some of these postings.

If the AFC continues at the pace they are firing through 5 and 6 and continues to gain small amounts of votes around region 3 and 4 as well as 10. The PPP is in deep shit.

I like the fact that you have an independent mind and I am with you on this, I think from the time you tie yourself to any party and they become complacent you cannot just vote for them because they are PPP or because they are AFC or because they are PNC. This is a political entity not your mother or father.

If many more people hold this independent view they will realize that they can immediately create competition in the political game in Guyana and force the politicians to work to earn your vote.

Another thing that has happened over the years is that the youth vote has grown in Guyana and i have noticed that they are lethargic but if you engage them they are paying attention and they truly are the independent voters in GY and this again poses a serious issue for the PPP.

I think we have underestimated the AFC just as the PNC underestimated them, The PNC thought this was 2006 and the AFC will again only get 6 seats but I can assure you they are wrong. They bought into their own hype and the PPP hype.
AFC has region 8 but that is one seat, you are correct the AFC has to make up serious ground in regions 4 and 3.

On your point about poorly attended meetings, from where I stand and looking at these pics posted and also from attending some of these AFC meetings on east coast they are actually getting more people attending than the PPP so what does that tell us?

Again worrying trends for the PPP, at this point in time i think the PPP leadership doesnt listen to people on the ground they have their own ideas of what is right and what is wrong, this strategy of big party sessions is a total waste of time. People are going for the entertainment and freeness factor they are not genuinely attending the meeting to hear what they have to say. They have not learned anything from 92.

No one and trust me when i say this no one thought the PPP would win in 92.
Ramjattan feels that he has to prove to the Gtwn elite that he can get votes. So his focus was on his region, the Corentyne. Ramjattan forgot that Region 4 has far more INDIAN votes than region 6. Also more educated, more urbanized, and less paranoid of non Indians, they are harder to scare, so easire to take from the PPP.

Yes but i think it is a catch 22 caribj as you rightly stated he had to prove to people that he can win in 5 and 6 and remember 6 mths ago we used to beat him senseless that he couldnt win a single indian vote and guess what PNC was beating him on the other side of his head with that too. So to be fair and I dont have to be with Ramjattan had he not win over those people in 5 and 6 we would not even be talking about AFC today.

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