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ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope the PPPites here see how fair you are. It would be hard to change their unreasonable perception of you, but they should at least have the decency to acknowledge your statement above in good faith.

Funny how the PNC gang are speaking out of two sides of their mouth now.  A year ago you all were screaming that the PNC is god's gift to mankind. 

No one is speaking "out of two sides of their mouth." Ralph Ramkarran said the Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP ran the most corrupt government in Guyana's history. APNU+AFC promised change. We accepted their promise in good faith. After 15 months in government, APNU+AFC is doing some things just like the PPP did. We are honest enough to point out the coalition's errors and misdeeds. Since last year I personally stepped down from full support to critical support of APNU+AFC. I never screamed that the coalition is "god's gift to mankind." I don't have the authority to speak for mankind.

Anyone who thought he PNC will go and be pristine, alyuh prapa naive.  The PNC boys were waiting to get their hands on that cookie jar, and it was filled with cookies for those PNC crookies.  Do you think they intend to work and retire in a hammock or easing chair outside Buxton?  The PNC want to get rich and when they lose, head to Brooklyn and invest in rental properties  

But they said the cookie jar was empty and then we hear Joe Wong Ping cannot for $5 mil(USD). Wey deh get all dis munny fram? Takers bai, Takers..coolie sweat.

ba$eman posted:

Anyone who thought he PNC will go and be pristine, alyuh prapa naive.  

No one hear considers themselves to be a PNC supporter.  Just about every one who supported the coalition last year now criticizes them.

Contrast this with the attitudes of most of the PPP supporters.  They don't want any discussion about PPP rule and cannot discuss how the PPP benefitted Guyana. Yet they blindly cheer every chirp out of Jagdeo's mouth.

skeldon_man posted:
? Takers bai, Takers..coolie sweat.

Next time you howl when I call you an Indo KKK just remember this.  Now you don't think that this statement is racist, and that is what makes you just like the real KKK.

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nonsense!!!.  You all are with your backs against the wall now.  So go and scream Hail to the PNC like you were doing all along. 

Awww shut da hell up lady! You are being schooled yet again. Most if not all here who backed the Coalition speak out when errors are made by them, it is called morals, something the PPP have yet to learn. Speaking out against a wrong is something you nor the others here who back the PPP ever do, so again shut da hell up lady.

I thought this thread was merely regurgitation of old trash. then I stumbled on this piece by Cain.

Most if not all here who backed the Coalition speak out when errors are made by them, it is called morals, something the PPP have yet to learn. Speaking out against a wrong is something you nor the others here who back the PPP ever do,

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Look at all these PNC goons running to the thread that the evil IMAM is proganding, but the same goons are hiding under the carpet on the Norton scandal thread.


Here's what I posted on the Prak thread relating to case you missed it.


Prak is digging a hole for himself and the Cabinet. Norton did the same thing. And do you need the Prime Minister and the highest ranking officials outside of the President for an investigative Committee? Something smells.

Granger, Trump-like, is not a politician. He's a decent, educated man with unfounded charges of blood on his hands in the 1973 election hijacking. He is however part of the military that was deep in the logistics. I do know though that being in the same boat does not taint you with the brush of others who are culpable.

You would think that the experienced AFC guys - Moses and Prak - would bring their governing experiences to bear, but who knows the inside political and where one's powers extend. Remember that in Guyana the line between party and government is extremely blurred.

However much one may want the previous Administration ousted because of corruption, violence and a lack of structural changes to move Guyana to a next level of an economic entity, you have to say that this Coalition government has not done much to provide comfort. 

Only a people's movement can change the culture, as in 40 years from now Guyana will be exporting rice and timber and gold (and maybe oil) and importing everything else, including water, sugar and chicken. My goodness - what a future!!!

Kari posted:
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nonsense!!!.  You all are with your backs against the wall now.  So go and scream Hail to the PNC like you were doing all along. 

Awww shut da hell up lady! You are being schooled yet again. Most if not all here who backed the Coalition speak out when errors are made by them, it is called morals, something the PPP have yet to learn. Speaking out against a wrong is something you nor the others here who back the PPP ever do, so again shut da hell up lady.

I thought this thread was merely regurgitation of old trash. then I stumbled on this piece by Cain.

Most if not all here who backed the Coalition speak out when errors are made by them, it is called morals, something the PPP have yet to learn. Speaking out against a wrong is something you nor the others here who back the PPP ever do,

HAHAHA Listen to these SHAMELESS PARASITES. Even now after the China fiasco, the Drug Facility, the crime situation, the salary increase, should I go on like the energizer Bunny, Al Yuh still gat the PNC in Al Yuh Bossoms. SHIT HEAD Cain is too STUPID to know the shit he writes!!!!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  A year ago you all were screaming that the PNC is god's gift to mankind. 

You still scream that Jagdeo is a Saint even after WikiLeaks emails revealed that he had very strong ties to criminals and in fact blocked attempts by the USA to apprehend them.

If Jagdeo can block the US attempts at apprehension, then hats off to him.  Because not even Putin and Maduro can do that!!!  This must be the reason why they call him Saint Jagdeo. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  A year ago you all were screaming that the PNC is god's gift to mankind. 

You still scream that Jagdeo is a Saint even after WikiLeaks emails revealed that he had very strong ties to criminals and in fact blocked attempts by the USA to apprehend them.

If Jagdeo can block the US attempts at apprehension, then hats off to him.  Because not even Putin and Maduro can do that!!!  This must be the reason why they call him Saint Jagdeo. 

Bibi, sometimes when you read the SHIT these FOOLS write you have to wonder how shit got into their heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Moses and Prak are the ones holding the balance of Power in Guyana. Will they exert their influence in ending corruption ? 

At this stage, Moses seems quite comfortable to back the PNC corruption. Prak has recently been making excuses with his latest statement on the storage fraud.

Guyana is screwed.

Bring back Jagdeo and let the economy take off again because these AFC/PNC clowns are taking Guyana to hell economically. In just over a year, the economy collapsed and there is no attempt to transform the economy because the clown in charge of doing so appears clueless.

Granger is not a transformational President, he is stuck with the old school Military Style over bloated government. His administration is top heavy with a bunch of dunces and idiots.

It is like the blind leading the blind and the rush is on to fill their pockets before the treasury runs dry.

PNC part TWO is worse than PNC part One.

Those who defend them (AFC/PNC) have a no brain left.  They need greenheart sunglasses and a brain scan.


Last edited by Former Member

Yuji, yet these shameless Mud Heads are trying to tell us that the coalition and more so their KFC STOOGES and HOUSE SLAVES are true to their promises. If these fools could read and understand I CHALLENGE them to back and read what the Fry Chicken people promised the bloody Guyanese people and what the Neemakaram, Crabdaag Parasites are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Django posted:

"Bring back Jagdeo and let the economy take off again."

Did this chap run his term,what sort of Democracy is this for Guyana??

Sounds more like commies.

Jagdeo time is up as President BUT the PPP, the only Party proven to bring PROSPERITY and PROGRESS to Guyana is alive and well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru

The only thing that is holding up the Guyana economy right now is the price of gold.  If that dips the way oil did, it's game over for the whole country.  I really think the PPP should have a fresh, new candidate for 2020, but unfortunately the only person in that country, right now, who can put Humpty Dumpty back together is Jagdeo and I don't know if he wants to go there again.  If he walks away, Guyana will be the new Haiti.  Reality is stepping in.   People are fearful, including those in the PNC camp.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The only thing that is holding up the Guyana economy right now is the price of gold.  If that dips the way oil did, it's game over for the whole country.  I really think the PPP should have a fresh, new candidate for 2020,but unfortunately the only person in that country, right now, who can put Humpty Dumpty back together is Jagdeo and I don't know if he wants to go there again.  If he walks away, Guyana will be the new Haiti.  Reality is stepping in.   People are fearful, including those in the PNC camp.

Are you for real is that Democracy??

By the way Guyana is just above Haiti,your hero didn't pull it farther away with all the smarts,imagine imports are in the country which can be produced locally.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The only thing that is holding up the Guyana economy right now is the price of gold.  If that dips the way oil did, it's game over for the whole country.  I really think the PPP should have a fresh, new candidate for 2020,but unfortunately the only person in that country, right now, who can put Humpty Dumpty back together is Jagdeo and I don't know if he wants to go there again.  If he walks away, Guyana will be the new Haiti.  Reality is stepping in.   People are fearful, including those in the PNC camp.

Are you for real is that Democracy??

By the way Guyana is just above Haiti,your hero didn't pull it farther away with all the smarts,imagine imports are in the country which can be produced locally.

Why did you not highlight the part where I said the PPP should have a fresh new candidate??

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The only thing that is holding up the Guyana economy right now is the price of gold.  If that dips the way oil did, it's game over for the whole country.  I really think the PPP should have a fresh, new candidate for 2020,but unfortunately the only person in that country, right now, who can put Humpty Dumpty back together is Jagdeo and I don't know if he wants to go there again.  If he walks away, Guyana will be the new Haiti.  Reality is stepping in.   People are fearful, including those in the PNC camp.

Are you for real is that Democracy??

By the way Guyana is just above Haiti,your hero didn't pull it farther away with all the smarts,imagine imports are in the country which can be produced locally.

Why did you not highlight the part where I said the PPP should have a fresh new candidate??

Because he is a PNC Mud Head!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
.  A year ago you all were screaming that the PNC is god's gift to mankind. 

You still scream that Jagdeo is a Saint even after WikiLeaks emails revealed that he had very strong ties to criminals and in fact blocked attempts by the USA to apprehend them.

If Jagdeo can block the US attempts at apprehension, then hats off to him.  Because not even Putin and Maduro can do that!!!  This must be the reason why they call him Saint Jagdeo. 

Bibi, sometimes when you read the SHIT these FOOLS write you have to wonder how shit got into their heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pavi, Bibi is making light of the very factual and serious repudiation by President Jagdeo of the NYPD and the London Metropolitan Police to assist with the unprecedented (in quantum and execution-style) violence that afflicted the country under his watch for years following the Mash jail break in 2002. It was "thanks, but no thanks....we'll take care of business".

So Pavi, you're basically responding to something that was above your head. Now allow mw to emulate you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yuji22 posted:

Moses and Prak are the ones holding the balance of Power in Guyana. Will they exert their influence in ending corruption ? 

At this stage, Moses seems quite comfortable to back the PNC corruption. Prak has recently been making excuses with his latest statement on the storage fraud.

Guyana is screwed.

Bring back Jagdeo and let the economy take off again because these AFC/PNC clowns are taking Guyana to hell economically. In just over a year, the economy collapsed and there is no attempt to transform the economy because the clown in charge of doing so appears clueless.

Granger is not a transformational President, he is stuck with the old school Military Style over bloated government. His administration is top heavy with a bunch of dunces and idiots.

It is like the blind leading the blind and the rush is on to fill their pockets before the treasury runs dry.

PNC part TWO is worse than PNC part One.

Those who defend them (AFC/PNC) have a no brain left.  They need greenheart sunglasses and a brain scan.


Yuji, We don not know the Agreement between the two major parties of the Coalition, and what Prak and Moses can and cannot do. For instance, can they threaten to withhold their 10 seats and call a vote of no confidence? Maybe not. what leverage do they have? CARIBNY had some very prescient observations on the power equilibrium of the Coalition Agreement. You'd be wise to engage him on that.

Bringing back Jagdeo is similar to pre-May 2015 as he has not demonstrated a democratization in the PPP or a vision to encourage foreign private investment and educate the workers to the level of manufacturing that would ensue from technology transfers, instead of relying on money-laundered real estate construction and primary products subjects to the vicissitudes of the international markets. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The only thing that is holding up the Guyana economy right now is the price of gold.  If that dips the way oil did, it's game over for the whole country.  I really think the PPP should have a fresh, new candidate for 2020,but unfortunately the only person in that country, right now, who can put Humpty Dumpty back together is Jagdeo and I don't know if he wants to go there again.  If he walks away, Guyana will be the new Haiti.  Reality is stepping in.   People are fearful, including those in the PNC camp.

Are you for real is that Democracy??

By the way Guyana is just above Haiti,your hero didn't pull it farther away with all the smarts,imagine imports are in the country which can be produced locally.

Why did you not highlight the part where I said the PPP should have a fresh new candidate??

I really think the PPP should have a fresh, new candidate for 2020.

,but unfortunately the only person in that country, right now, who can put Humpty Dumpty back together is Jagdeo and I don't know if he wants to go there again.  If he walks away, Guyana will be the new Haiti. 


Highlighted,question who is the current Candidate??

Why Jagdeo is the only person can run the country,he had his stint which is tainted,Minister killed under his watch,drugs running allowed to flow freely and the list goes on...

Last edited by Django

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