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Prashad posted:

The PPP will be played for photo ops. President Jagdeo will become just a powerless character for the photo op. The party must not fall for the trick. You cannot make deals with hardcore ideology drive people and expect to benefit. No to coalition and no to merger.


No one is advocating a coalition. Over my dead body.

The AFC/PNC must fall on their own swords.

Ramkarran ran out his race. He is just like a piece of worn out tire.



Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

True I did say that.  The final decision will be made in December by the party.  That said, I am also keeping an eye on a strong group who wants Jagdeo to run again.  In politics it is not always the best candidate who runs but the one who can bring in the votes.  We shall see.  The country needs new blood, new direction, new ideas, new strategy.

RE: I am also keeping an eye on a strong group who wants Jagdeo to run again.

These people obvious care more for Jagdeo than the country, don't they know how to read the signs the man is bad for business?

I agree with the hilited, leave Jagdeo out, with him they will never win. Almost a sure shot as the US election is.

The rude boys are getting the limelight but that's what will place them in history as "also ran"

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:

I see you believe if you keep repeating the same set of lies, somehow it will become reality.  No evidence supports your above diarrhea. This is the propaganda you and your PNC/AFC cronies have been spewing for years.

Go argue and scream with the World Bank and the IMF.  They all thought that the PPP was corrupt and dirty and were glad to see them gone.

yuji22 posted:
. The new swing voters will become the mixed and natives. The PPP needs to think wisely and allocate resources and attention accordingly.




Sorry to break it to you.

1.  In 2015 the PPP had the power of incumbency, meaning that they had the ability to buy votes.

2.  The PPP no longer has this power, which has now gone to APNU AFC.  Immediate impact of this is the loss of dominance of the PPP in Regions 9 and 1 where APNU AFC made major inroads into the largest population centers in those regions.  Tied with the PPP in Mabaruma and beating them in Lethem. 

3.  So the PPP is in dire straights.  Rejected by at least 80% of the mixed population and at least 95% of the black population, with the Amerindian vote becoming wobbly.

4.  You need to know who these mixed people are.  Most of them are part black, accepted by their black relatives and are integrated into the Afro Guyanese population.  The result being their overwhelming support for the PNC. 

5. In 2001 the African vote was around 32%, with the mixed voting age around 12%.  With virtually no Indian or Amerindian support the PNC won 41%.  Clearly the vast majority of the mixed votes went to the PNC.


The mixed vote is NOT a swing vote accessible to the PPP once the Grand Wizard of the Indo KKK, Bharat Jagdeo remains as its head.

The PPP is fast becoming a 45% party.

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

True I did say that.  The final decision will be made in December by the party.  That said, I am also keeping an eye on a strong group who wants Jagdeo to run again.  In politics it is not always the best candidate who runs but the one who can bring in the votes.  We shall see.  The country needs new blood, new direction, new ideas, new strategy.

RE: I am also keeping an eye on a strong group who wants Jagdeo to run again.


Yes APNU AFC want Jagdeo to run again so he can scream about "consolidating the PPPs East Indian support base", and scream "we are going to take back Guyana from those people".  He already stated that the PPP base is Indian so he is saying that "We (Indians) are going to take back Guyana from those people (obviously black and mixed Guyanese)".

Way to go as the Indian vote falls below 45%.  And the Amerindians selling their votes to the government, as they always do, except that the government is now APNU AFC!

Poor Jagdeo doesn't understand that in another 20 years mixed people are going to be the largest bloc, meaning that ethnic boundaries and identities in Guyana will be far less defined than they presently are.

Drugb posted:

 No evidence supports your above diarrhea.

The fact that you are too illiterate to get basic data doesn't change the facts.  The Hoyte reforms boosted the economy, this lasting through the Cheddi era.  The Jagdeo era was characterized by mediocre economic performance until gold prices began to increase.

Now Jagdeo, a man who was a starving civil servant in 1992, is now a wealthy man.  And has been since 2011.  So how by 2011 did he accumulate his wealth?  His salary?   I hardly think so.

WikiLeaks emails indicates reports of Jagdeo and his criminal enterprise.  It described Guyana as a totally lawless country that made even T&T and Suriname, both quite corrupt, look law abiding in comparison.

skeldon_man posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I hope the PPPites here see how fair you are. It would be hard to change their unreasonable perception of you, but they should at least have the decency to acknowledge your statement above in good faith.

Funny how the PNC gang are speaking out of two sides of their mouth now.  A year ago you all were screaming that the PNC is god's gift to mankind. 

No one is speaking "out of two sides of their mouth." Ralph Ramkarran said the Jagdeo-Ramotar PPP ran the most corrupt government in Guyana's history. APNU+AFC promised change. We accepted their promise in good faith. After 15 months in government, APNU+AFC is doing some things just like the PPP did. We are honest enough to point out the coalition's errors and misdeeds. Since last year I personally stepped down from full support to critical support of APNU+AFC. I never screamed that the coalition is "god's gift to mankind." I don't have the authority to speak for mankind.

Anyone who thought he PNC will go and be pristine, alyuh prapa naive.  The PNC boys were waiting to get their hands on that cookie jar, and it was filled with cookies for those PNC crookies.  Do you think they intend to work and retire in a hammock or easing chair outside Buxton?  The PNC want to get rich and when they lose, head to Brooklyn and invest in rental properties  

But they said the cookie jar was empty and then we hear Joe Wong Ping cannot for $5 mil(USD). Wey deh get all dis munny fram? Takers bai, Takers..coolie sweat.

Black Magic, no pun intended!!

Nehru posted:

Only Crabdaag, Neemakaram will come to such insane conclusion.  These people are daily showing how shameless and ruthless they are. Bloody Parasites!!!!!!!!!!

The term is 'namak haraam'  ( नमक हराम  ; it means disloyal.


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