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Jagdeo warns about crooks of the past posing as heroes of todayPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith   
Monday, 07 October 2013 23:19

NO political party in the world can achieve anything without its supporters and the fact that persons turned up to be part of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Rally on Sunday shows that there are those who want to

ensure that the PPP/C continues to lead the nation.


Former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo addresses the rally

This is according to Former President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo during his address to those gathered at the PPP/C 21st anniversary rally on the Lusignan tarmac, East Coast Demerara, Sunday evening.
Jagdeo told the supporters that the party was celebrating the work of the supporters who have been making all the sacrifices necessary to keep the party functioning and in government.


The former head of state said that what the party needs to do now to ensure that it holds its ground is to engage the supporters in conversations. While they lament about the small things which affect them such as pot holes and drains in front of their yards which are genuine concerns, they should also be reminded that the party during its 21 years in government has been ensuring bigger problems are solved.


He highlighted the transformation of cane fields into housing schemes and the creation of jobs with the construction of several new facilities in the various sectors and the ongoing projects. Where the country was, where it is, and where it is poised to go, are things that need to be part of the conversations which party activists and organizers need to include in their discussions.
Jagdeo maintained that judging the PPP in its 21 years in office should be done based on how the party has transformed the country. He said that one of the problems of being in government as long as the PPP has is that sometimes persons forget the achievements.


Where the country was, where it is, and where it is poised to go, are things that need to be part of the conversations which party activists and organizers need to include in their discussions.

When the achievements are forgotten it is then that the crooks of the past try to portray themselves as the heroes of today and many of them are using certain newspapers as their platforms in their agenda. They are now speaking of freedom and what is sad is that the PPP supporters who have forgotten the struggles of the party are caught up in this.

While people lament about the small things which affect them such as pot holes and drains in front of their yards which are genuine concerns, they should also be reminded that the PPP/C during its 21 years in government has been ensuring bigger problems are solved.

He described the younger generation who have grown up under the PPP as the ones who will continue to be more affected by the crooks of the past, hence the need for conversations, dialogue, enlightenment and education by the older folks of the party.
He recalled that back in the early days of the party in government, the cries of the Guyanese people was about health care and today that call has been changed to better quality health care. He explained that when there was no healthcare people called for it and now that it has been provided they are seeking its improvement and the PPP has been doing just that, improving the healthcare system. Jagdeo made reference to the many doctors currently in the system as compared to 150 in the past.
However, the former president admitted that while the claims that the cost of living might be too high, the PPP is still trying to fill a deep hole left by the government prior to 1992 and which after the PPP came into power began supporting criminals to bring the administration down.
Jagdeo also took a swipe at fierce government critic and a critic of national projects Raymond Gaskin who claims to be an economist. Jagdeo said that the only success of Raymond Gaskin was to run a bicycle shop.

Last Updated on Monday, 07 October 2013 23:20

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Meh Neighba used to say " Facts and Figga nah LIE"   Preach the Gospel Truth Mr Jagdeo but then take the back seat.

Nehru Bhai


Dont be fooled by the AFC boys about Jagdeo. We see past presidents including Bill Clinton taking a role in ensuring that their part's achievements are highlighted. Jagdeo is a thorn in the side of the opposition PNC/AFC party. He went toe to toe with the opposition PNC/AFC and threw them to the curb and mashed them up.


Jagdeo still has his role to play and is doing the right thing. He is feared by the opposition till today and rightfully so. This is the president who put Guyana back on it's feet after 28 years of brutal PNC dictatorship rule.


The PNC and AFC finally merged and it is Jagdeo who will once again mash them up.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Meh Neighba used to say " Facts and Figga nah LIE"   Preach the Gospel Truth Mr Jagdeo but then take the back seat.

Nehru Bhai


Dont be fooled by the AFC boys about Jagdeo. We see past presidents including Bill Clinton taking a role in ensuring that their part's achievements are highlighted. Jagdeo is a thorn in the side of the opposition PNC/AFC party. He went toe to toe with the opposition PNC/AFC and threw them to the curb and mashed them up.


Jagdeo still has his role to play and is doing the right thing. He is feared by the opposition till today and rightfully so. This is the president who put Guyana back on it's feet after 28 years of brutal PNC dictatorship rule.


The PNC and AFC finally merged and it is Jagdeo who will once again mash them up.

Yugi, I agree that Mr Jagdeo is relevant and his experiences is need to benefit the Guyanese People. However, he should not be seen as the force behind the Govt, that is Uncle donald's Job.

May 31, 2013 | By KNews | 
 Here is the most graphic fact that no international expert on drug trafficking can ignore about Guyana. Not one, I repeat, not one of the super-rich traffickers has been charged much less pass through a court trial. Not one, I repeat not even one of the most conspicuous money-launderers has even been charged, much less face a court hearing.

Contrast this lack of action on the drug front with the following facts. Dozens of persons are either on remand or in jail for incest; dozens of persons are either on remand or in jail for domestic abuse. Citizens in this country get hauled before the courts for all kinds of criminal violations, but the washers of money and the cocaine owners remain untouched. Is there an explanation? Yes, and it is a simple one.

People in Guyana get prosecuted for a silly, unimportant thing like cross-dressing but somehow the law misses out on the drug lords and the washing machine owners who launder money. Even the importation of squibs gets more police attention. Last year Christmas, KN sports journalist Rawle Welch and I were in Charlestown heading toward KN offices when we saw a huge commotion in the street. A semi-homeless guy had sold squibs to an undercover policeman.

So why are the washers of money and the cocaine traders untouchable? Because politics is the intersection. The drug lords have powerful political connections, and the police are fully conscious that the untouchables must not be touched. It looks like the Americans are finally awakened from sleeping in that large edifice on Young Street opposite the seawall.

The American reticence on drug trafficking in Guyana has caused widespread consternation among political observers. How could the Americans be so blind to the political angles? It had to be the sea breeze that has induced sleep over the past ten years.
The American Ambassador told the media that even if Guyana is given an extension to comply with money-laundering operations by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force at their meeting in Nicaragua, there still may be sanctions against Guyana, because there has been no successful prosecution of money launderers. The Ambassador must be saying to himself; β€œGod, not even one.”

One of the most barefaced aspects of governmental inaction against the cocaine business in this country is the acceptance by the political authorities and the police of targeting the couriers rather than the bosses. The couriers plead guilty and out of fear for their lives, they endure their four-year incarceration. Research would show many of these messengers are ordinary folks without any kind of wealth.

This columnist and another media colleague did an investigation into the assets of some of these messengers. One of the persons we looked at was the employee of Mr. Gerry Gouveia. After he was charged, Mr. Gouveia set up a committee to investigate how his employee managed to avoid detection by his company’s mechanism. A lawyer told me that Mr. Gouveia was being flippant and funny when he chose a very young lawyer with no experience to head the inquiry.

The attorney told me the young man was chosen because of his name only – James Bond.
I was laughing my head off. I did a column on the issue after Mr. Gouveia’s employee was arrested and the committee of Bond and a funny gentleman named Roshan Khan was set up. And though I wrote that the composition of the committee was unusual, it never occurred to me that Gouveia may have indeed been cynical in that he chose Bond because he is named after the world’s most admired and successful secret agents.

My research showed that almost ninety-nine percent of the couriers are poor guys trying to make a buck or two. One of them said that he had financial problems in the home. There has been no effort to provide β€œsafe houses” for these small fishes, so the sharks can be netted. So you take your jail, while your super-rich boss stays in the trade, and continues to do his laundry business all over Guyana.
And of course, certain politicians visit the laundries often, but if you examine the parcels they are leaving with they contain paper not clothes.

A few months ago, I published a KN column captioned. β€œThe American Embassy in Guyana is not doing its work.” Has it finally come to the reality that the Government of Guyana is not going to move against the drug traffickers and money launderers because these two venalities intersect with power and politics in a confluence of staggering illegal wealth, where the mansions and swimming pools make you think Guyana is a post-modern industrialized global giant?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Jagdeo is the biggest crook in the history of Guyana. The man even forged his marriage. He robbed his divorced wife. As a woman I can never respect this wife abuser Jagdeo. He is evil and wicked. 

Suh yuh a woman now. Make up yuh damn mind, dont stay on the fence.


Did you help to okan Jagdeo robbery of his ex wife?

Originally Posted by JB:

Jagdeo is the biggest crook in the history of Guyana. The man even forged his marriage. He robbed his divorced wife. As a woman I can never respect this wife abuser Jagdeo. He is evil and wicked. 

Crapoo goan jump out of his mouth one day. I hope is soon. Then all these thieves on here goan c him can't speak lies anymore. EXPOSED like the ppl from NICIL.


Cheddie Jagan's legacy of fools in high places.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by JB:

Jagdeo is the biggest crook in the history of Guyana. The man even forged his marriage. He robbed his divorced wife. As a woman I can never respect this wife abuser Jagdeo. He is evil and wicked. 

Crapoo goan jump out of his mouth one day. I hope is soon. Then all these thieves on here goan c him can't speak lies anymore. EXPOSED like the ppl from NICIL.

12 years now a CRAPO like you been hoping fior that. Keep DREAMING.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Meh Neighba used to say " Facts and Figga nah LIE"   Preach the Gospel Truth Mr Jagdeo but then take the back seat.

Nehru Bhai


Dont be fooled by the AFC boys about Jagdeo. We see past presidents including Bill Clinton taking a role in ensuring that their part's achievements are highlighted. Jagdeo is a thorn in the side of the opposition PNC/AFC party. He went toe to toe with the opposition PNC/AFC and threw them to the curb and mashed them up.


Jagdeo still has his role to play and is doing the right thing. He is feared by the opposition till today and rightfully so. This is the president who put Guyana back on it's feet after 28 years of brutal PNC dictatorship rule.


The PNC and AFC finally merged and it is Jagdeo who will once again mash them up.

Yugi, I agree that Mr Jagdeo is relevant and his experiences is need to benefit the Guyanese People. However, he should not be seen as the force behind the Govt, that is Uncle donald's Job.

Nehru, former President Jagdeo has every right to share his concern among the people without overshadowing President Ramotar. After all, it was a public PPP rally, and Jagdeo is still a member of the PPP. Jagdeo is not a retired former president; he is a working ex-president. The bell criers on this board want to preach the gospel about Saint AFC/APNU, and bare false witness that the PPP is the devil. You should analyze that before you speak. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Meh Neighba used to say " Facts and Figga nah LIE"   Preach the Gospel Truth Mr Jagdeo but then take the back seat.

Nehru Bhai


Dont be fooled by the AFC boys about Jagdeo. We see past presidents including Bill Clinton taking a role in ensuring that their part's achievements are highlighted. Jagdeo is a thorn in the side of the opposition PNC/AFC party. He went toe to toe with the opposition PNC/AFC and threw them to the curb and mashed them up.


Jagdeo still has his role to play and is doing the right thing. He is feared by the opposition till today and rightfully so. This is the president who put Guyana back on it's feet after 28 years of brutal PNC dictatorship rule.


The PNC and AFC finally merged and it is Jagdeo who will once again mash them up.

Yugi, I agree that Mr Jagdeo is relevant and his experiences is need to benefit the Guyanese People. However, he should not be seen as the force behind the Govt, that is Uncle donald's Job.

Nehru, former President Jagdeo has every right to share his concern among the people without overshadowing President Ramotar. After all, it was a public PPP rally, and Jagdeo is still a member of the PPP. Jagdeo is not a retired former president; he is a working ex-president. The bell criers on this board want to preach the gospel about Saint AFC/APNU, and bare false witness that the PPP is the devil. You should analyze that before you speak. 

It is the rights of APNU to form the government. It is a tough job to wrestle the hearts and minds of the indoes captured by lies and distortions. The American government can jail everyone in the PPP-they have enough sh,t on them.



After 2 years in hibernation, Barath Jagdeo is back on the scene and telling it like it is---no pu$$yfooting---no beating around the bush----he is reminding Guyanese how disastrous and destructive the PNC and their politicians were.


Of course the dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians, would have you believe David Granger and his cohorts are angels---well, they can lick Granger's balls all they want. But it is refreshing to see Barath tell the truth.



Originally Posted by Rev:


After 2 years in hibernation, Barath Jagdeo is back on the scene and telling it like it is---no pu$$yfooting---no beating around the bush----he is reminding Guyanese how disastrous and destructive the PNC and their politicians were.


Of course the dirty ones, the dirty PNC Indians, would have you believe David Granger and his cohorts are angels---well, they can lick Granger's balls all they want. But it is refreshing to see Barath tell the truth.




It must be noted that you are still using racist views on GNI. The site managers allow you to spew racist views on Afro-Guyanese. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yugi, I agree that Mr Jagdeo is relevant and his experiences is need to benefit the Guyanese People. However, he should not be seen as the force behind the Govt, that is Uncle donald's Job.



Uncle Ramo has to stay above the fray and be presidential. It is OK for Barath to fire away. And he is right to castigate the PNC/AFC. Jagdeo cannot allow himself and accomplishments to be smeared by those rotten scoundrels in the PNC/AFC and the dirty PNC Indians who lick their balls.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yugi, I agree that Mr Jagdeo is relevant and his experiences is need to benefit the Guyanese People. However, he should not be seen as the force behind the Govt, that is Uncle donald's Job.



Uncle Ramo has to stay above the fray and be presidential. It is OK for Barath to fire away. And he is right to castigate the PNC/AFC. Jagdeo cannot allow himself and accomplishments to be smeared by those rotten scoundrels in the PNC/AFC and the dirty PNC Indians who lick their balls.



I agree. Mr Jagdeo did MANY GREAT things for Guyana despite the Opposition trying their BEST to DESTROY the Country. He cleaned the FILTH that were hired to DESTROY Guyana.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yugi, I agree that Mr Jagdeo is relevant and his experiences is need to benefit the Guyanese People. However, he should not be seen as the force behind the Govt, that is Uncle donald's Job.



Uncle Ramo has to stay above the fray and be presidential. It is OK for Barath to fire away. And he is right to castigate the PNC/AFC. Jagdeo cannot allow himself and accomplishments to be smeared by those rotten scoundrels in the PNC/AFC and the dirty PNC Indians who lick their balls.




What a big joke. He is the man behind puppet Donald Ramotar. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I agree. Mr Jagdeo did MANY GREAT things for Guyana despite the Opposition trying their BEST to DESTROY the Country. He cleaned the FILTH that were hired to DESTROY Guyana.



Barath had his faults---nobody is perfect--- and he rubbed many people the wrong way---but give jack his jacket---give the man his rightful dues----he was a successful leader and president of Guyana.


The PNC/AFC and the dirty PNC Indians can BLAME all they want---they can complain, condemn and criticize all they want---but the truth is the truth----and the truth is Guyana has made resounding progress over the past 21 years under the PPP.


And the PPP are now doing the right thing---going acorss Guyana and reminding the Guyanese people about their wonderful accomplishments.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I agree. Mr Jagdeo did MANY GREAT things for Guyana despite the Opposition trying their BEST to DESTROY the Country. He cleaned the FILTH that were hired to DESTROY Guyana.



Barath had his faults---nobody is perfect--- and he rubbed many people the wrong way---but give jack his jacket---give the man his rightful dues----he was a successful leader and president of Guyana.


The PNC/AFC and the dirty PNC Indians can BLAME all they want---they can complain, condemn and criticize all they want---but the truth is the truth----and the truth is Guyana has made resounding progress over the past 21 years under the PPP.


And the PPP are now doing the right thing---going acorss Guyana and reminding the Guyanese people about their wonderful accomplishments.




 Everyone knows the PPP full of thieves. 15% East Indians will vote APNU and they will win the election. Your racist messages will not help. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Can Jagdeo run for reelections again now that 2 years have passed? He knew how to deal with the mo fiah slow fiah crew more resolutely than Ramoutar.

The constitution says a president is limited to 2 consecutive terms.


But Jags can pull a Putin---he can come back again if he wants.


But let Ramo enjoy his 2 terms.


After Ramo's 2 terms---Jags can return and help exterminate the PNC thugs and dirty PNC Indians who are trying to create havoc in Guyana.


During his first 2 terms Jags and Gajraj did a great job exterminating the filth.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Can Jagdeo run for reelections again now that 2 years have passed? He knew how to deal with the mo fiah slow fiah crew more resolutely than Ramoutar.

The constitution says a president is limited to 2 consecutive terms.


But Jags can pull a Putin---he can come back again if he wants.


But let Ramo enjoy his 2 terms.


After Ramo's 2 terms---Jags can return and help exterminate the PNC thugs and dirty PNC Indians who are trying to create havoc in Guyana.


During his first 2 terms Jags and Gajraj did a great job exterminating the filth.







Mr Jagdeo was the head of the filth underworld. That's why we call him the corrupt leader in Guyana's history. Take a hike fool!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Can Jagdeo run for reelections again now that 2 years have passed? He knew how to deal with the mo fiah slow fiah crew more resolutely than Ramoutar.

The day, he do dat, indoes goan get some good blows and Jagdeo has three places to choose from, India, Russia and America. He nah goan stay and tek blows. Yuh really think blackman stupid.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Can Jagdeo run for reelections again now that 2 years have passed? He knew how to deal with the mo fiah slow fiah crew more resolutely than Ramoutar.

The day, he do dat, indoes goan get some good blows and Jagdeo has three places to choose from, India, Russia and America. He nah goan stay and tek blows. Yuh really think blackman stupid.

dIS TIME NAH LAANG TIME DIS NAH DEH BEFORE TIME. the filth will be exterminated again!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Can Jagdeo run for reelections again now that 2 years have passed? He knew how to deal with the mo fiah slow fiah crew more resolutely than Ramoutar.

The day, he do dat, indoes goan get some good blows and Jagdeo has three places to choose from, India, Russia and America. He nah goan stay and tek blows. Yuh really think blackman stupid.

dIS TIME NAH LAANG TIME DIS NAH DEH BEFORE TIME. the filth will be exterminated again!!!


What an ignorant man you are. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Can Jagdeo run for reelections again now that 2 years have passed? He knew how to deal with the mo fiah slow fiah crew more resolutely than Ramoutar.

The day, he do dat, indoes goan get some good blows and Jagdeo has three places to choose from, India, Russia and America. He nah goan stay and tek blows. Yuh really think blackman stupid.

dIS TIME NAH LAANG TIME DIS NAH DEH BEFORE TIME. the filth will be exterminated again!!!


What an ignorant man you are. 

And you so eloquent Gal. 


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