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Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Seems like no one is concerned about Jagdeo's grangerite-green shirt. What was he thinking? Of all persons, he must know the political power and implications of wearing green in Freedom House. Can we picture Granger wearing red in Congress Place?

Saw that !!

Ya think some nuts getting loose in Jagdeo head? I wonder whether he congressing confidentially wid a PNC gyal?

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Seems like no one is concerned about Jagdeo's grangerite-green shirt. What was he thinking? Of all persons, he must know the political power and implications of wearing green in Freedom House. Can we picture Granger wearing red in Congress Place?

Saw that !!

Ya think some nuts getting loose in Jagdeo head? I wonder whether he congressing confidentially wid a PNC gyal?

Me thinks he getting a little "loony"

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo should copulate with a nice PNC dugla gyal and end all the shyte.  He guh be President for life, forget what the constitution says.  

He loves black women and they love him too. They're always hugging up. 

The one child he has is with a red woman.  Jaggy has a taste for cookup!

Mr.T posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo should copulate with a nice PNC dugla gyal and end all the shyte.  He guh be President for life, forget what the constitution says.  

He loves black women and they love him too. They're always hugging up. 

Kwame could have kids though.

Why don’t you shut yuh poke???

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Seems like no one is concerned about Jagdeo's grangerite-green shirt. What was he thinking? Of all persons, he must know the political power and implications of wearing green in Freedom House. Can we picture Granger wearing red in Congress Place?

Saw that !!

Ya think some nuts getting loose in Jagdeo head? I wonder whether he congressing confidentially wid a PNC gyal?

Me thinks he getting a little "loony"

Perhaps he should have dressed like this gentleman. Raja and Rani in coordinating outfits. 

Baseman posted:
Mr.T posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo should copulate with a nice PNC dugla gyal and end all the shyte.  He guh be President for life, forget what the constitution says.  

He loves black women and they love him too. They're always hugging up. 

Kwame could have kids though.

Why don’t you shut yuh poke???

Were you jilted and prefer not to be reminded of events past?

Mr.T posted:
Baseman posted:
Mr.T posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo should copulate with a nice PNC dugla gyal and end all the shyte.  He guh be President for life, forget what the constitution says.  

He loves black women and they love him too. They're always hugging up. 

Kwame could have kids though.

Why don’t you shut yuh poke???

Were you jilted and prefer not to be reminded of events past?

Nah bwoi. But why you so into the man’s sexuality?  Seems a deeper issue!

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

In this video you will hear Jagdeo reiterating that the PPP needs more women and more Afro-Guyanese members. Great!

And why will they join.  I think that you think that black people love abuse.  Address their sentiments about PPP rule and why their massive turnout against the PPP a mere 4 years ago.

This " the PPP wants more Afro Guyanese members" is an insult. Do they acknowledge why they do NOT have more?  

Labba posted:

Hey hey man Jagdoe seh how he love de Burnham constitution in de end of de video. All ayoo coolie muss lissen to de end of de video to hear de kleptocrat say how de Burnham law is de greatest law of de land. De man Jagdoe full of praise foh he Burnham law...hey hey hey. 

yes I am glad that you noticed that.

Gilbakka posted:

Seems like no one is concerned about Jagdeo's grangerite-green shirt. What was he thinking? Of all persons, he must know the political power and implications of wearing green in Freedom House. Can we picture Granger wearing red in Congress Place?

He is praising Granger for accepting the blame for the delay.  The PPP isnt ready either, but is glad to pretend that they are.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

In this video you will hear Jagdeo reiterating that the PPP needs more women and more Afro-Guyanese members. Great!

And why will they join.  I think that you think that black people love abuse.  Address their sentiments about PPP rule and why their massive turnout against the PPP a mere 4 years ago.

This " the PPP wants more Afro Guyanese members" is an insult. Do they acknowledge why they do NOT have more?  

Jagdeo is much loved by Afro and Dugla women.  So is mr Ramsaroop!   Eat yuh heart out!

I hope Mr Ramsaroop becomes Minister of Home affairs!

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo is much loved by Afro and Dugla women.  So is mr Ramsaroop!   Eat yuh heart out!

I hope Mr Ramsaroop becomes Minister of Home affairs!

And yet they dont vote for him. Why if they so love the PPP?

Dont embarrass yourself that they allow him to hug them because Granger I bet has Indo women hugging him too.  People respond that way to a famous person.

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Seems like no one is concerned about Jagdeo's grangerite-green shirt. What was he thinking? Of all persons, he must know the political power and implications of wearing green in Freedom House. Can we picture Granger wearing red in Congress Place?

He is praising Granger for accepting the blame for the delay.  The PPP isnt ready either, but is glad to pretend that they are.

They are all set to go, even the PNC, but they just milking the process!  PNC scrambling with those fake Id for Haitians and Angolans!

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo is much loved by Afro and Dugla women.  So is mr Ramsaroop!   Eat yuh heart out!

I hope Mr Ramsaroop becomes Minister of Home affairs!

And yet they dont vote for him. Why if they so love the PPP?

Dont embarrass yourself that they allow him to hug them because Granger I bet has Indo women hugging him too.  People respond that way to a famous person.

He has to douglarize with one, then PNC goose cook. 

Baseman posted:

He has to douglarize with one, then PNC goose cook. 

Mixed identified people vote APNU or the AFC, so Jagdeo is welcome to do this.  You see a dougla is accepted by blacks as a black person if they so wish to be. Indos view douglas as "contaminated" outsiders. 

Look at how you all treat D2 even though he is part white. Imagine if he was half black!

The African population is around 30% yet the PNC always gets ON ITS OWN, 41% so obviously many mixed people support them.  The core of the urban AFC are also mixed people.

Last edited by Former Member

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