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@Ramakant-P posted:

In 2018, Jagdeo blast the World Bank for telling the Granger Government that they must charge 30 of their own citizens in order to get access to US$ 35 loan.  Jagdeo had accused some members of the WB of misappropriation of funds.

With our own oil revenue, Do you think that the Government still need the WB?  

Guyana is still a third world country and they will need the world bank. Oil price is low and Guyana can't be the Sudie Arabia you imagined. With alternative energy is catching on, it will take decades to rise to the occasion. 

@Former Member posted:

Guyana is still a third world country and they will need the world bank. Oil price is low and Guyana can't be the Sudie Arabia you imagined. With alternative energy is catching on, it will take decades to rise to the occasion. 

Saudi Arabia no; Sudie Arabia possible as there is a place in Guyana called Suddie.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

In 2018, Jagdeo blast the World Bank for telling the Granger Government that they must charge 30 of their own citizens in order to get access to US$ 35 loan.  Jagdeo had accused some members of the WB of misappropriation of funds.

With our own oil revenue, Do you think that the Government still need the WB?  

US$35 loan:  if I knew I would have given it to them.  Although it is about C$50 I am sure I could have managed it. 


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