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Recall when Jagdeo stood by hiring Kerik when the US feds were sending him to jail?

Jagdeo was under the impression that big wigs in other countries couldn't be tried for their crimes just like he was immune in Guyana.

I can never believe how he stood by Kerik in light of the fact that the man was going away to do time. That's canecuttah mentality for you. Jagdeo saw absolutely nothing immoral about hiring someone under federal investigatioon for crimes. That just blows my mind. The fact that he never disassociated himself from Kerik but stood staunchly by his side.

Has the man no shame?
Originally posted by Nuff:
Recall when Jagdeo stood by hiring Kerik when the US feds were sending him to jail?

Jagdeo was under the impression that big wigs in other countries couldn't be tried for their crimes just like he was immune in Guyana.

I can never believe how he stood by Kerik in light of the fact that the man was going away to do time. That's canecuttah mentality for you. Jagdeo saw absolutely nothing immoral about hiring someone under federal investigatioon for crimes. That just blows my mind. The fact that he never disassociated himself from Kerik but stood staunchly by his side.

Has the man no shame?


Whe Jag did that? It's simple. BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. The only difference is they are in different countries, but one is a convicted criminal and the other is still on the loose
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

APNU's PM and former police commissioner, Winston Felix, said at the time that Sawh's murder was just a regular crime. Why?

Well at least he admitted it was a crime. Jagdeo said he knew who did it, but refsued to punish the people concerned.

What makes you think that the people were not punished??

If Sash didn't refuse to have Government's protection, then he might have been alive today.

There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

What investigation?.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

Now imagine if they were tried in a court of law with evidence provided so that I could believe you.

Now all I am left with is the saying "dead men tell no tales". Were folks afraid they would finger who paid them? We will never know.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
A PPP/c Government Minister, Sash Sawh was assassinated and his death was never investigated.

The freedom fighters that you supported killed the minister.

The Jagdeo Presidency brought us the “phantom squads” and the troubles that plagued our nation for several years; over 400 citizens lost their lives under strange and inexplicable circumstances.

Extra-judicial killings;

Trafficking in arms and in persons became the new phenomena.

The state has become criminalized.

The growth of gangs has increased among the rural poor and urban underclass.

The murder rate in Guyana is three times that of the USA.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

APNU's PM and former police commissioner, Winston Felix, said at the time that Sawh's murder was just a regular crime. Why?

Well at least he admitted it was a crime. Jagdeo said he knew who did it, but refsued to punish the people concerned.

What makes you think that the people were not punished??

If Sash didn't refuse to have Government's protection, then he might have been alive today.

There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

What investigation?.
rama you sure the police get them all.soon you will know
Ramaji, PPP/C Government Ministers and other senior PPP/C functionaries have parasiticaly amassed wealth which bears no relation to their known sources of income. As the Pradoville elites display their new found wealth, the rest of the nation is left with limited access to resources. At the same time under Jagdeo's watch, poverty in Guyana skyrocketed, the rate of homelessness increased and unemployment passed the 20% mark. Our university graduates, with no prospects of local employment, continue to migrate in alarming numbers.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Our university graduates, with no prospects of local employment, continue to migrate in alarming numbers.

Why worry. As the rest of CARICOM loses their professionals to the USA and Canada they merely replace them with Guyanese.

Its Guyana who has no one to get aside from shady Nigerians and Indians, waiting to get their US visas, or engaging in some scam in a backward desperate nation.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Our university graduates, with no prospects of local employment, continue to migrate in alarming numbers.

Why worry. As the rest of CARICOM loses their professionals to the USA and Canada they merely replace them with Guyanese.

Its Guyana who has no one to get aside from shady Nigerians and Indians, waiting to get their US visas, or engaging in some scam in a backward desperate nation.
when APNU start supporting ppp,some of the APNU visa will get taken away,they will start doing drugs like the ppp crime family Smile
Originally posted by warrior:
[when APNU start supporting ppp,some of the APNU visa will get taken away,they will start doing drugs like the ppp crime family Smile

You dont get it. Important decisions will be made by committees on which APNU will be represented. If the PPP incorporates good ideas from APNU (something that they should ahve been doing a long time ago) then how can that be support for the PPP? And what has that to do with the PPP crime family?

I feel comfortable that Ramotar will sacrifice a few of the crime family to convince the voters that he lost to the AFC that he means business...they are Jagdeo's friends after all. He has already started with the black ones.

The AFC will have to be quite nimble. I dont see any evidence that you all have the smarts to be as a public fight between Trotman (GT elite faction) and Nagamootoo (PPP refugee faction) is not a way to gain the confidence of the public.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
[when APNU start supporting ppp,some of the APNU visa will get taken away,they will start doing drugs like the ppp crime family Smile

You dont get it. Important decisions will be made by committees on which APNU will be represented. If the PPP incorporates good ideas from APNU (something that they should ahve been doing a long time ago) then how can that be support for the PPP? And what has that to do with the PPP crime family?

I feel comfortable that Ramotar will sacrifice a few of the crime family to convince the voters that he lost to the AFC that he means business...they are Jagdeo's friends after all. He has already started with the black ones.

The AFC will have to be quite nimble. I dont see any evidence that you all have the smarts to be as a public fight between Trotman (GT elite faction) and Nagamootoo (PPP refugee faction) is not a way to gain the confidence of the public.
you my friend is not a general,when you want to defeat the enemy you must think like the enemy.the ppp will include you for this 5 yrs, and when they try to distroy the AFC with the APNU help,the next election they win with 51%.they will laught at you APNU suckers.what you donot know about collie people i will enlighten you.they will eat your food and share your bed and think and plan how to kill and rob you.why do you think they was oppistion for so long and now ruling for so long.they are ruthless
Originally posted by warrior:
the ppp will include you for this 5 yrs, and when they try to distroy the AFC with the APNU help,the next election they win with 51%.

I am sure that Granger is aware of this as he is of a simple mathematical fact. The Indian population is declining. PPP victories depend on their ability to attract non Indians. Granger, if he was smart, would be working on getting support from Amerindians. Indeed he did remarkably when in region 9 considering that the PNC was considered as desirable in the Rupununi as the KKK up until now.

The PPP increasingly cannot be an Indian party and expect 51% of the votes. Indeed the next five years wills ee the PPP looking to take back its supporters from the AFC while looking to get more Amerindians out to vote, and attempting inraods into the mixed vote which is less hardened against them than the black vote is.

You dont seem to understand a new dynamic is occurring.
Originally posted by warrior:
what you donot know about collie people i will enlighten you.they will eat your food and share your bed and think and plan how to kill and rob you.

I get called racist every time I bring up this behavior, which is evidence of Indian clannishness. I am fully aware of this.

But if Indians drop to 40% of the voters they cant run Guyana on their own. They were 50% of the voters in 1992.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
what you donot know about collie people i will enlighten you.they will eat your food and share your bed and think and plan how to kill and rob you.

I get called racist every time I bring up this behavior, which is evidence of Indian clannishness. I am fully aware of this.

But if Indians drop to 40% of the voters they cant run Guyana on their own. They were 50% of the voters in 1992.
you sure you reading right nobody calling you a racist,i welcome your opinion, we all entitle to a opinion
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

Now imagine if they were tried in a court of law with evidence provided so that I could believe you.

Now all I am left with is the saying "dead men tell no tales". Were folks afraid they would finger who paid them? We will never know.

But you do, so spill it. Don't be like jagdeo..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

Now imagine if they were tried in a court of law with evidence provided so that I could believe you.

Now all I am left with is the saying "dead men tell no tales". Were folks afraid they would finger who paid them? We will never know.

But you do, so spill it. Don't be like jagdeo..

With no investigation, and no evidence in a court of law, how do you know that "15 men killed were involved in his assasination"? You can only know this by being implicated in the plot to murder Sawh and other members of his family.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
What makes you think that the people were not punished??

If Sash didn't refuse to have Government's protection, then he might have been alive today.

There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

What investigation?.

There you have it . . . the ignar 'reasoning' of CRIMINAL MINDED racialists!

They celebrate the RULE OF MAN, and scorn the RULE OF LAW . . .

until THEY no longer rule
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

Now imagine if they were tried in a court of law with evidence provided so that I could believe you.

Now all I am left with is the saying "dead men tell no tales". Were folks afraid they would finger who paid them? We will never know.

But you do, so spill it. Don't be like jagdeo..

With no investigation, and no evidence in a court of law, how do you know that "15 men killed were involved in his assasination"? You can only know this by being implicated in the plot to murder Sawh and other members of his family.

hello ass.hole.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

Now imagine if they were tried in a court of law with evidence provided so that I could believe you.

Now all I am left with is the saying "dead men tell no tales". Were folks afraid they would finger who paid them? We will never know.

But you do, so spill it. Don't be like jagdeo..

With no investigation, and no evidence in a court of law, how do you know that "15 men killed were involved in his assasination"? You can only know this by being implicated in the plot to murder Sawh and other members of his family.

hello ass.hole.

lol Speaking to your dalit self in the mirror eh! You are still a chronic racist pig and an empty vessel. What's the color of your lipstick?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
what you donot know about collie people i will enlighten you.they will eat your food and share your bed and think and plan how to kill and rob you.

I get called racist every time I bring up this behavior, which is evidence of Indian clannishness. I am fully aware of this.

But if Indians drop to 40% of the voters they cant run Guyana on their own. They were 50% of the voters in 1992.

Coolie hater racist, abie clannish but abie gatt da PPP scurrying while Alyuh Afros scurry roun' da Afro racists PNC. dozz datt wuk nah.
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
There were 15 people who were involved in his assasination. The Police and phaqntoms got them. All dead.

Now imagine if they were tried in a court of law with evidence provided so that I could believe you.

Now all I am left with is the saying "dead men tell no tales". Were folks afraid they would finger who paid them? We will never know.

The police went to buxton and killed three of them and the rest tokk a back road to agricola when the POLice was waiting. Seven of the was kill at agricole in a shootout. The others were caught and dealt in a another shootout.
The freedom fighters prefered to die rather than be tried in a court of law.

Nuff and Caribj now believe that the FF were saints. They also believe that Burnham was a god... He didn't steal US $350 million from the trinidad oil money..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Nuff and Caribj now believe that the FF were saints. They also believe that Burnham was a god... He didn't steal US $350 million from the trinidad oil money..

Ramaji, this thread is about Jagdeo's Legacy according to you. It's not about Nuff and Caribj and what they believe or whether Burnham stole money... but then again you are stupid drunk.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

Nuff and Caribj now believe that the FF were saints. They also believe that Burnham was a god... He didn't steal US $350 million from the trinidad oil money..

Antiman, go home..

Ramaji, this thread is about Jagdeo's Legacy according to you. It's not about Nuff and Caribj and what they believe or whether Burnham stole money... but then again you are stupid drunk.
You are a moron to think that there was stagnation. Every week there were projects being started or finished. The newspapers carried all of them... Concerning the rest of your contention, I don't care. That is not my problem.
My goal and objective is to foster Pan_indianism even if we achieve it from the barrel of the gun. We have the money to do it.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
You are a moron to think that there was stagnation. Every week there were projects being started or finished. The newspapers carried all of them... Concerning the rest of your contention, I don't care. That is not my problem.
My goal and objective is to foster Pan_indianism even if we achieve it from the barrel of the gun. We have the money to do it.

Then tell us about the Supenaam stelling project and why it failed. There are more failures than projects. I don't care about your pan handle objectives and I can bet you kant define "Pan-indiansm". You are a drunk racist to be making all these posts in stupor. You can't substantiate your statements. Get a life drunky.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
You are a moron to think that there was stagnation. Every week there were projects being started or finished. The newspapers carried all of them... Concerning the rest of your contention, I don't care. That is not my problem.
My goal and objective is to foster Pan_indianism even if we

achieve it from the barrel of the gun. We have the money to do it.

Then tell us about the Supenaam stelling project and why it failed. There are more failures than projects. I don't care about your pan handle objectives and I can bet you kant define "Pan-indiansm". You are a drunk racist to be making all these posts in stupor. You can't substantiate your statements. Get a life drunky.

When you stop being an ass or a jackass I will debate you, but until then pay attention of what is happening in your own backyard.
You are the one who is a drunk not me. So watch your mannersims and go home... You leave your home and go drinking with your friends and leave you wife home crying. let me advise you. Take care of your family or your friends will take care of them for you.

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