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My point is this.  If Jagdeo were to run for the Presidency today.  Even with big pension, big house and maid he would get the majority of indian votes together with 10% of the black vote including PNC votes from those PNC supporters who think he is the second coming of Burnham.  If you can't even handle Jagan man like me here on this forum how are you going to handle Jagdeo's people in an election.  So you fellows better stick to attacking the gang of seven and forget about Jagdeo. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

Jagdeo saved Indians from the mindset of helpless victim, a culture propagated under CBJ.  Jagdeo reversed that mindset, so I'm not sure what the "hero" is about.  Jagdeo and Gajraj were the tough nuts and have earned the respect of the people.


Many Afros like Jagan for just that, he took the kick in the teeth and rolled up in a corner.

Baseman Dr Jagan was a man of peace. But in some ways you are right.   When I read about the assassination of Fineman's sister I realized that this is a different ball game being played out.  Gone are the days when killers can kill and expect not to experience the wrath of vengence.

If i am reading this endorsement right . . . then you, Baseman and the other PPP cowards are no different from the war criminal fineman

Why is killing fineman and his gang member make one the same as him.  Obama killed Osama, does that make him the same as Osama?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

My point is this.  If Jagdeo were to run for the Presidency today.  Even with big pension, big house and maid he would get the majority of indian votes together with 10% of the black vote including PNC votes from those PNC supporters who think he is the second coming of Burnham.  If you can't even handle Jagan man like me here on this forum how are you going to handle Jagdeo's people in an election.  So you fellows better stick to attacking the gang of seven and forget about Jagdeo. 

your running away like this is unseemly and the act of a coward.


Be brave . . . tell us more about how I (Redux) have "learned my lesson" about murdering innocents, and how you (a grown man) need a "big stick" and "big brother" to protect you from "racial attacks"


where do you live dude . . . and, are U an antiman?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

Jagdeo saved Indians from the mindset of helpless victim, a culture propagated under CBJ.  Jagdeo reversed that mindset, so I'm not sure what the "hero" is about.  Jagdeo and Gajraj were the tough nuts and have earned the respect of the people.


Many Afros like Jagan for just that, he took the kick in the teeth and rolled up in a corner.

Baseman Dr Jagan was a man of peace. But in some ways you are right.   When I read about the assassination of Fineman's sister I realized that this is a different ball game being played out.  Gone are the days when killers can kill and expect not to experience the wrath of vengence.

If i am reading this endorsement right . . . then you, Baseman and the other PPP cowards are no different from the war criminal fineman

Why is killing fineman and his gang member make one the same as him.  Obama killed Osama, does that make him the same as Osama?

the "endorsement" references the killing of Fineman's sister . . . as usual, U reaching unsuccessfully for cleverness way beyond your intellectual reach

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I can and always have protected myself.  I care about the powerless dark people people who are living in poverty and are subjected to racial attacks.

Bai, i take U @ your word.


Redux: "tell me more you sad little man"


Prashad: "Not so sad and little anymore when you have a large stick and a big brother to protect you from racial attacks."

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

Jagdeo saved Indians from the mindset of helpless victim, a culture propagated under CBJ.  Jagdeo reversed that mindset, so I'm not sure what the "hero" is about.  Jagdeo and Gajraj were the tough nuts and have earned the respect of the people.


Many Afros like Jagan for just that, he took the kick in the teeth and rolled up in a corner.

Baseman Dr Jagan was a man of peace. But in some ways you are right.   When I read about the assassination of Fineman's sister I realized that this is a different ball game being played out.  Gone are the days when killers can kill and expect not to experience the wrath of vengence.

If i am reading this endorsement right . . . then you, Baseman and the other PPP cowards are no different from the war criminal fineman

Why is killing fineman and his gang member make one the same as him.  Obama killed Osama, does that make him the same as Osama?

the "endorsement" references the killing of Fineman's sister . . . as usual, U reaching unsuccessfully for cleverness way beyond your intellectual reach

Actually, I don't endorse that as she was an innocent person.  The acts of her wayward brother was not of her.  I pity her for what happened and never supported it though I understand someone seeking revenge on the innocent for the sins of the guilty.  The biggest regret is Gajraj was not allowed to finish the job.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Alot of Indians support Gajraj they may not say it openly like Baseman but in their minds they know that he saved them from hateful racial genocide and extermination.

I agree . . . the PPP has invested mightily in carefully crafting and selling this myth to Indo-Guyanese.


At first RK was the great hero . . . then, after Uncle Sam disgraced and jailed him, the Baseman and Prashads of the world conveniently forgot his name . . . Raja becomes "complicated" and Gajee becomes the (only) starbai, with Jagdeo playing a supporting role.


Alyuh running scared of Uncle Sam . . . COWARDS!!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Alot of Indians support Gajraj they may not say it openly like Baseman but in their minds they know that he saved them from hateful racial genocide and extermination.

I agree . . . the PPP has invested mightily in carefully crafting and selling this myth for Indo-Guyanese.


At first RK was the great hero . . . then, after Uncle Sam disgraced and jailed him, the Baseman and Prashads of the world conveniently forgot his name . . . Raja becomes "complicated" and Gajee becomes the (only) starbai, with Jagdeo playing a supporting role.


Alyuh running scared of Uncle Sam . . . COWARDS!!!

Keep digging

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Alot of Indians support Gajraj they may not say it openly like Baseman but in their minds they know that he saved them from hateful racial genocide and extermination.

I agree . . . the PPP has invested mightily in carefully crafting and selling this myth to Indo-Guyanese.


At first RK was the great hero . . . then, after Uncle Sam disgraced and jailed him, the Baseman and Prashads of the world conveniently forgot his name . . . Raja becomes "complicated" and Gajee becomes the (only) starbai, with Jagdeo playing a supporting role.


Alyuh running scared of Uncle Sam . . . COWARDS!!!

Keep digging

yessss . . . YOU, in particular does get palpitations when i skate too close to the TRUTH


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