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Jagdeo’s pension plan ‘rattled my soul’ – Moses Nagamootoo

November 4, 2011 | By | Filed Under News 



“To my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP.”

The tension between the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and its former Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo seems to be escalating, with barbs being flung back and forth.
Nagamootoo fired back at his critics during a recent Alliance For Change press briefing, but in sticking to his decorum said that he would not seek to link any specific leader in the party to a particular allegation he has made against them but rather, “all are involved, all are consumed.”
He had only minutes before told media operatives that the decision he made to leave the PPP/C was one that did not happen overnight, and commenting on one of the issues that has been making its rounds in the campaign, Nagamootoo said that President Jagdeo’s pension plan had rattled his soul when he first addressed his mind to it.
Nagamootoo sought to express his position further when he said “but to my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP.”
He said that when he forged an allegiance with the AFC he was exercising, as an independent citizen, his constitutional and democratic right to choose with whom to associate.

AFC member Moses Nagamootoo

“I had wanted to leave the PPP since 1998, when the process to destroy the party’s internal democracy had started. I didn’t do so then…I again wanted to resign between 2004 and 2006 when the leadership refused to investigate many of my complaints, including allegations of corruption, fraud at the Wildlife Department, illegal export of bottle-nose dolphins, phantom squad,” charged Nagamootoo.
“I became totally disgusted at the shameful greed of some of the leaders, who turned the state into a real estate agency and were helping themselves and their friends to prime properties, and were interested in globe-trotting and extravagance, whilst sugar workers, public servants and old people were living on starvation wages and pensions.”
To this end Nagamootoo said “One example suffices here…When I first saw the proposal, I had said that the “president’s pension plan” – in excess of thirty-six million dollars ( $36,000,000) annually – rattled my soul, but to my utter shame and regret I voted for it, because I was required to do so as a PPP MP.”
Office of the President had refuted claims by the AFC that the president’s pension plan amounts to roughly $3M monthly, but they have argued that if OP denies this position then it should present its calculations.
Nagamootoo also told media operatives that he had indicated that they (PPP members) were moving away from Cheddi Jagan and Ho Chi Ming’s principles of “revolutionary morality”, and that “we were becoming greedy and corrupt…No one in the leadership supported me.”
Nagamootoo says too that he had taken a stand on the issues before the scandal broke, and leaders’ names appeared in diplomatic cables to the United States Government on allegations of corruption and criminality.
“So, resigning from the PPP, was a burden that I have eventually shed, and I have felt relieved and at peace with myself since.”
The former PPP/C Executive member says that he has embraced the AFC with sincerety and passion.
“In it I have seen Guyana’s future…Here, in this AFC Family, are young leaders who have honest vision and serious ideas for Guyana’s development and progress.”




Replies sorted oldest to newest

“I had wanted to leave the PPP since 1998, when the process to destroy the party’s internal democracy had started. I didn’t do so then…I again wanted to resign between 2004 and 2006 when the leadership refused to investigate many of my complaints, including allegations of corruption, fraud at the Wildlife Department, illegal export of bottle-nose dolphins, phantom squad,” charged Nagamootoo.


From what I read, MOSES SAID HE DID VOTE for the bill in 2009, but he said it rattled his soul.


This is more of OH NANDALALA subterfuge trying to twist the truth.


MOSES said he voted for the bill under duress.


Everything is a peddled lie by the PPP and OH nandalala.


and you should shut your racist face,and help the ppp protect the indian people that is being gun down every day.or you is a coward like the rest of the ppp lowlife.MOSE AND PEOPLE LIKE RALPH have more guts than anyone of you thief in the ppp supporters start fixing your own party before you comment on the AFC,and you fools did steal the dolphins

Originally Posted by Manishman:

 you AFC soup drinkers here should demand this ungrateful Indian to step down immediately,  he is a disgrace to Indians,a stoge for the blacks and the AFC/PNC


What passes for a political opinion amongst the dunce coolie rabble


warrior stop speaking through you ass for once, when the Police gun these bastards down you come here and cry like a woman and scream about Police brutality, i am prepared to defend my self so let them come test me. Moses and Prak are ungrateful Indians and they will be held accountable one day.


antiman you can protect yourself,when you on this site preaching race hate who will protect the rest of the indians.the police have no right murdering nobody black or indians.the last indian that get gun down say he was the badest man on ******* collie have to stop preaching race hate on this site and then asking the black police to protect you fools

Originally Posted by Manishman:

 you AFC soup drinkers here should demand this ungrateful Indian to step down immediately,  he is a disgrace to Indians,a stoge for the blacks and the AFC/PNC

Nandalallaaaa is a disgrace.....close connections to Thiefing Passports, Drug Smuggleing, Laundering, Backtrack Deportee.


Nandalallaaa is a disgrace..... Drunk at Everest and talking about @untyman when Jagdeo was President......eee collect couple Slap and Kicks from Ramson......and was floored and Knock-out in shame.....followed up with a good pissing in eee face.......later brought charges against Ramson .....but had to drop charges, beg parbon and promise to stop being a drunkard.


Nandalallaaa is a disgrace..... Jagdeo seh eee is a Vulture and Parasite to the Party.....he has not done anything to help Ramotar....eee wasting the Taxpayers Money, eee wasting the Courts Time....and eee wasting golden opportunities in Parliament.

Last edited by Former Member
stop it, i was never with your aunti, who is preaching race you monkey? Originally Posted by warrior:

antiman you can protect yourself,when you on this site preaching race hate who will protect the rest of the indians.the police have no right murdering nobody black or indians.the last indian that get gun down say he was the badest man on ******* collie have to stop preaching race hate on this site and then asking the black police to protect you fools


the man buy land in gt to but hotel,sue people for the government and have his private office fighting the case.he give case to couple of guys like GOMES and he get a kick back.these people is robbing the taxpayers money like there is no tomorrow 


stop babbling warrior and bring the proof you mule, this is all you worms do, i taught the honorable Dr Jagdeo would be in prison with all the shit talk you and your bunch of AFC baboons were spewing here.What ever happen to the case against him? you and your pack of baboons had no evidence?

like you speaking from experience, spoke like a true backballer, you were saying the same shit the last elections dumb ass
Originally Posted by warrior:

before the next election you will wish you was in the US.keep thiefing but better start to learn the backball.


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