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Jagdeo’s personal acquisitions are clear cut and above board –legality of former President’s wealth clarifiedPDFPrintE-mail
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Wednesday, 05 September 2012 22:59
THE contention by the Parliamentary Opposition that Bharrat Jagdeo, while serving as Head of State, acquired more wealth than any other president of Guyana can be viewed as a justifiable non-issue and a clear case of fixation with the former leader.

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs of Guyana, Anil Nandlall clearly indicated that the issue is nothing more than obsession, as the former president received what other Guyanese got under the Ministry of Housing’s programme.
“The difference between Mr. Jagdeo and every other President in this country is that he took power in his thirties. He didn’t own anything, he came back from studies, he worked and he acquired as he was working. He was the only President that is distinguished in that respect,” Mr. Nandlall said. The former president’s record reflects this.
He obtained a Master’s Degree in Economics in 1990, and worked as an economist in the State Planning Secretariat until the October 1992 election. After this he became Special Advisor to the Minister of Finance. Jagdeo was appointed as Junior Minister of Finance in October 1993. In the Cabinet, he was promoted to Senior Minister of Finance in May 1995. On August 8, 1999, Janet Jagan announced that she was resigning as President for health reasons, and that Jagdeo would be her successor.
Because the Prime Minister is the President’s legal successor, Jagdeo took office as Prime Minister on August 9, so that he would be positioned to succeed Jagan. He was then sworn in as President on August 11 – at age 35, making him one of the youngest Heads of State in the world. Jagdeo was re-elected for another five-year term on August 28, 2006, and in late 2011 he completed his tenure.
This record indicates very high-paying positions that come with numerous allowances and benefits. Why then should Jagdeo not have acquired wealth and property?
AG Nandlall stated that Jagdeo, as President, netted a tax free salary of close to $1M per month, along with other benefits. He therefore, had the wherewithal then, and had, even before from his savings garnered from his previous jobs, to construct a house, and sell it for G$120M.
The selling price is a non-issue since any real estate agent could explain the “buy low sell high” mode of the property dealership environment.
By this time, Jagdeo’s two- term tenure as Head of State was approaching its end; he did then what any sensible man would do; he prepared to retire from the Presidency without losing his social standing locally, regionally and internationally.
When another piece of land was made available for distribution to a certain quality of Guyanese office holders, a category in which the former president fell, he naturally took advantage of it. So did other ministers of the government, former Commissioners of Police and CARICOM Secretariat officials, who were also publicly offered land for sale.
Jagdeo had no property at the time he ascended to the Presidency of Guyana, unlike every other president. Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, and the Jagans (Cheddi and Janet) all owned property at the time they took office.

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Jagdeo’s palatial home… Former President accountable to Guyanese for his actions – AFC


September 6, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

 “It is a fact that no other former president other than Jagdeo demitted office with an increase in his asset base of in excess of 1000%. None. Presidents Desmond Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan left office with the same assets with which they assumed the office.”


The circumstances under which former President Bharrat Jagdeo acquired his two-acre plot of land at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara, is an issue of accountability and not security, the Alliance For Change (AFC) insisted yesterday.
According to the Parliamentary opposition party, the fact that Jagdeo has demitted office does not prevent him for being accountable for his “acts” and “omissions” when he was President of Guyana.



Over the weekend, the party got into a bruising public battle with the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic during a segment of the corruption debates on NCN’s Channel 11.

During the live debate, AFC’s Chairman, Nigel Hughes argued that it is evident that Jagdeo garnered more wealth than any other president in Guyana.

Government on Tuesday came out heavily in defence of the right of Jagdeo to his sprawling home, and blasted an aerial shot of the seaside compound, equipped with pool and all, which was published by Kaieteur News. According to the government, quoting an unknown, unnamed senior police officer, the publication was a breach of security.

The government statement even contemplated “legal proceedings” over the publication.

Yesterday, the AFC hit back, citing the case of former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair who was made the subject of and compelled to testify at the inquiry into his involvement in taking Britain into the Iraq war after he left office.

“There must be no immunity of persons after they demit office,” said AFC. The party has seven seats in the National Assembly.

Lawyers and police officials yesterday noted that there is no law that they are aware of that prevents members of the public from taking photos of the homes of anyone, be it public officials or otherwise.

“The era of ‘Google Earth’ has long removed the concept of privileged locations immune from public scrutiny. Even the royal family (England) has suffered more invasive intrusions into their personal life.”

In addition to this, there are thousands of photos on the net of the homes of public officials, including present and former Presidents.

Jagdeo’s sale of a house in Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara, while he was in office, for a whopping US$600,000 ($120M) had raised eyebrows.

There were criticisms when an entire area off north Sparendaam was cleared and plots of lands were sold to several government officials in somewhat secret circumstances. An antenna belonging to the NCN had to be moved at enormous expense across the river to La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, to facilitate a posh new housing area catering to a chosen few.

Together with a controversial pension package for former Presidents that was passed under the tenure of Jagdeo, the opposition had been highly critical.

AFC said yesterday that there should be clear explanations about matters that concern the taxpayers of Guyana.

“The Alliance For Change maintains that there must be no ambiguities in the law and the benefits that are given to Jagdeo or any former president must be clearly identified both in description and in quantity so as to avoid the abuse of power which was not unknown to the Jagdeo regime.”

AFC said that Jagdeo is accountable for his actions.

“The fact that President Jagdeo has demitted office does not prevent him from being accountable for his acts and omissions while he acted as President. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was made the subject of and compelled to testify at the inquiry into his involvement in taking Britain into  the Iraq war after he left office. There must be no immunity of persons after they demit office.”

According to the party, for government to “defend Jagdeo and attempt to spin the newspaper’s coverage into some kind of security breach is totally ludicrous”.

AFC also said yesterday that it has taken note, with amusement, of the attempts by “the usual suspects” to shift focus off the evidence of corruption highlighted by its Chairman, attorney-at-law, Nigel Hughes, during the “NCN so-called debate”.

“What Hughes did was to highlight the fact that former President Bharrat Jagdeo left office a considerably more wealthy person than when he first took office… a feat not achieved by any of his predecessors. It is a fact that no other former president other than Jagdeo demitted office with an increase in his asset base of in excess of 1000%. None. Presidents Desmond Hoyte, Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan left office with the same assets with which they assumed the office.”

The party also slammed statements by Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, which “suggested that somehow once one is afforded the privilege of being elected to the High Office of President of this Republic, the person must “fix” himself up”.

“This is repugnant and must be rejected by all right thinking citizens,” the AFC said.

“The privilege of being president is about service to the country and not about enriching oneself.

It is a matter of considerable significance that despite being afforded several opportunities to indicate where citizens of Guyana can purchase an acre of ocean front property for $5M, the goodly doctor and the Attorney General were unable to provide the citizenry with any answer.”


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 A president serves two terms maximum. That is eight years. Then he gets a pension for life. Why should a man who has destroyed a country earn an outlandish pension package after eight years of service?


In eight years, the president earns $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years. However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


How could a man who likely earned this stupendous kind of income, tax-free, still want to suck this country dry? Even if this was not Jagdeo’s doing but that of his party, he never said no to this insanity. He never once uttered a single word deeming this pension package as an abomination in a country of extreme poverty that is just above calamitous Haiti in the Western Hemisphere.


Whatever Jagdeo is receiving as benefits in his post presidency cannot compensate for his service to the nation, even if we have to pay him for his lifetime. He was a classic president of his time. The oppositions, during the past eight months wasted millions of taxpayers dollars in false inquiries that sums up to NOTHING.



You want to talk shit then stand up and tell the neemakaram oppositions why Jagdeo is not in jail. Tell them to try and jail Jagdeo if they have to balls to do it. Tell them they could only talk shit like you and feed the propaganda news for the sake of talking.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yes, with my signature on it.

Ah! Lucifer bhai, yuh must side with wrong things. It's yuh nature yuh know.


Be reasonable. Perhaps against yuh nature. Do you think the ex-president is getting too much free money?


The AFC has no intention of ever offering leadership to Guyana. They plan to whine, pampazet, and hope to acquire a lil $$$ from foreign sources that are hostile to the welfare of Guyana. They are the local equivalent of the Iraqi National Congress organization.



Obsession with former President Jagdeo continuesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by MOHABIR ANIL NANDLALL MP, Hon. Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs   
Thursday, 06 September 2012 22:09
PERMIT me to respond to a letter published by the Stabroek News on September 4, 2012 and written by Cindy Sookdeo, in respect of statements I made in the recently aired NCN debate series in respect of former President Bharat Jagdeo pensions.
In the letter, Ms. Sookdeo, whom I
understand to be an executive member of the Alliance for Change (AFC), contends that Mr. Jagdeo received “preferential treatment” in so far as he was allowed to sell a plot of land purchased from the government, which was the subject of a prohibition against such sale.
I have clarified this matter, publicly, two years ago. I will do so again. In 1997, Mr. Jagdeo purchased from the Government of Guyana, a plot of land situated at Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara. He did so like thousands of other Guyanese who benefitted from the government’s housing policy. At the time, he was not President. He was the Finance Minister. Like thousands of Guyanese in like circumstances, his transport was subject to a condition that he could not have sold the land which is the subject of the transport until after the expiration of ten years of the issue of the said transport. President Jagdeo faithfully observed that condition of the transport to its letter. He sold the said plot of land in the year 2010. The condition had expired.
Ms. Sookdeo next argues that the allocation to a former Chairman of Region 10, of a house lot in the area where Mr. Jagdeo current property is located, constitutes “empirical data” in support of her contention, that the offer to sell two acres of land was only made to Mr. Jagdeo. By any standard, this is befuddling logic. The simple and plain fact is that the Regional Chairman could only have been allocated that for which he made an offer to buy. Is there any evidence whatsoever that he made an offer to buy a larger portion than that which he was allocated? No such evidence has been made available. The contention of Ms Sookdeo, therefore dies a natural death.
The remainder of the letter consists of inferences drawn and conclusions made, all predicated upon the two aforementioned false premises. They are not, therefore, deserving of a response.
And the obsession with former President Jagdeo continues. It has now shifted from his pensions to his property. I wonder what is next.

In eight years, the president earns $96 million tax free. That is US $480,000 tax-free over eight years. However, Jagdeo was in power from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011, a period of 12 years 3 months. At $1 million per month, Jagdeo would have earned $147 million or US$735,000 tax-free during his tenure.


How could a man who likely earned this stupendous kind of income, tax-free, still want to suck this country dry? Even if this was not Jagdeo’s doing but that of his party, he never said no to this insanity. He never once uttered a single word deeming this pension package as an abomination in a country of extreme poverty that is just above calamitous Haiti in the Western Hemisphere.


In 1997, Mr. Jagdeo purchased from the Government of Guyana, a plot of land situated at Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara. He did so like thousands of other Guyanese who benefitted from the government’s housing policy. At the time, he was not President. He was the Finance Minister. Like thousands of Guyanese in like circumstances, his transport was subject to a condition that he could not have sold the land which is the subject of the transport until after the expiration of ten years of the issue of the said transport. President Jagdeo faithfully observed that condition of the transport to its letter. He sold the said plot of land in the year 2010. The condition had expired.


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