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Location: ashburn
Registered:: September 09, 2011

Posted October 10, 2011 06:49 PM

Which is what DG and his cohorts are okay with after all they have embraced the house of israel and its murderous past.

Topic: .. So, any financials reports from PPP on where they get money from


Immediately cease with your LIES and other uncalled-for statements about me.

Be advised, conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy .. GNI username

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by The Judge:
I view all of Jags' statements on Hamilton and House of Israel to be racist........i said that already and i am glad that someone else sees it for what it is

Let us find out the truth.

Who is Joseph Hamilton?

Is he or was he an House of Isreal member? YES

Did the House of Isreal harrass PPP supporters ?


So Joseph Hamiton was part of the team that harrassed and beat PPP supporters?


So what the hell he doing on a PPP platform.

The PPP = PNC = House of Isreal.

FACT. Case closed.
Originally posted by jags:
The funny thing is he comes on here and he lies and states that the AFC is full of roar people, .

Whether or not they have ROAR people is moot. They behave like ROAR, 100% focus on teh Indo vote and now they have lost the others. Now few show up in region 4 and they then make silly excuses.
Jags, yuh does mek some wild comments sometimes. Behave yuhself.
BTW, Jags, does the House of Israel still exist? I thought it was disbanded, but I await your factual reply.
Another thing, Jags, I'm counting the number of times you are using that bloody-hands photo. I'm authorized to collect royalty and user fees on it, so expect a knock on your door soon.
Originally posted by jags:
Only you and albert sees my comments as racist, What do you see that I have written that is racist, Please be specific Judge.

Joe Hamilton has blood on his hands.


I believe we can all agree that politics does make for strange bed fellows, but aren't you a little bit too repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical with this "Joseph Hamilton has blood on his hand" thing? Do you believe in repentance, redemption and forgiveness?

Over the past six decades hundreds of politicians have switched allegiance back and fort between political parties and movement in Guyana and such would always be the case. The nature of politics is that no political party can close the doors on individuals even straight out of hell. Isn't it the goal of every political movement / leaders to neutralize their detractors and win over converts to their cause? If tomorrow Hammy Greene or Albert, SJ or any of your rabid detractors should wake up with an epiphany that Ramjattan or the AFC is their saviour would you slam the door in their face? Ideally one would hope to have genuine converts to their cause, but occasionally grass hoppers and opportunists does slip by and may in fact be actively enticed.

Let's say that if Paul/ Saul of Tarsus can have an epiphany on the Road to Damascus, Joseph Hamilton of The House Of Israel can also have the same epiphany that PPP's milk & cheese is more delicious and nutritious than APNU's black tea and dry cassava bread and to him your key still sounds like hokey p0key. Wink
Originally posted by Mara:

I believe we can all agree that politics does make for strange bed fellows, but aren't you a little bit too repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical with this "Joseph Hamilton has blood on his hand" thing? Do you believe in repentance, redemption and forgiveness?

Correct me if I am mistaken, but hasn't the PPP spekesmen and women been blaming Burnham and the PNC for decades? That's repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Jags, yuh does mek some wild comments sometimes. Behave yuhself.
BTW, Jags, does the House of Israel still exist? I thought it was disbanded, but I await your factual reply.
Another thing, Jags, I'm counting the number of times you are using that bloody-hands photo. I'm authorized to collect royalty and user fees on it, so expect a knock on your door soon.

Joe Hamilton is a founder and he is still around, a snake can change e skin uncle book but at the end of the day e rass a de same nasty, murderous snake.

We must remember the past our president told us that.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Mara:

I believe we can all agree that politics does make for strange bed fellows, but aren't you a little bit too repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical with this "Joseph Hamilton has blood on his hand" thing? Do you believe in repentance, redemption and forgiveness?

Correct me if I am mistaken, but hasn't the PPP spekesmen and women been blaming Burnham and the PNC for decades? That's repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical.

Mr T Mara only believe in redemption once it is PPP redemption.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Mara:

I believe we can all agree that politics does make for strange bed fellows, but aren't you a little bit too repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical with this "Joseph Hamilton has blood on his hand" thing? Do you believe in repentance, redemption and forgiveness?

Correct me if I am mistaken, but hasn't the PPP spekesmen and women been blaming Burnham and the PNC for [b]decades? That's repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical.[/b]

Why am I not surprised that another cockeyed , hypocritical rass cannot differentiate between the trees and the forest! Forbes Burnham as the Maximum Leader of a party and system discriminated against half of the population and remained a potent and unrepentant adversary to that group and the PPP, the party that represented their political and economic interest. On the other hand, individuals and groups that were misled by him, does have the choice of repentance and redemption at any point in time after seeing the light. Now it would be rather silly and unrealistic to expect even carpet baggers and grass hoppers to remain in the dark and not gravitate towards light. As I have said earlier, politics does make for strange bedfellows and the doors are always left wide open for converts and critters alike.

Now, if I was a mouth piece of the PPP it would be silly and self defeating on my part to use such demeaning terms as grass hoppers and carpet baggers. Perhaps out of a guilty complex liars and hypocrites may have some difficulty accepting the obvious. dunno
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by Mara:

I believe we can all agree that politics does make for strange bed fellows, but aren't you a little bit too repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical with this "Joseph Hamilton has blood on his hand" thing? Do you believe in repentance, redemption and forgiveness?

Correct me if I am mistaken, but hasn't the PPP spekesmen and women been blaming Burnham and the PNC for decades? That's repetitious, selective, cockeyed and hypocritical.

Mr T Mara only believe in redemption once it is PPP redemption.

Convince me that you are no grass hopper and answer a simple straight forward question:

"If tomorrow Hammy Greene or Albert, SJ or any of your rabid detractors should wake up with an epiphany that Ramjattan or the AFC is their saviour would you slam the door in their face? " Wink
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Let's face it, those guys and girl you mentioned are too radicalised by the PPP, and would rather commit jihad on AFC supporters.

If you are truly convinced of their radicalized jihadist culture then why waste your time with logics and cogent arguments? The heart and soul of jihadist are not won with logical reasoning. Bring out the guns and cannons! Wink
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Mara:
it would be a cold day in hell before you would find me in the camp of PNC / APNU! Pssssst! The Phantoms would remain a phantom until their services are needed again. Wink
when will their service be needed,if they is a chance that the ppp will lose the election

Perhaps if and when someone is tempted to unleash their 'Dogs Of War' on the innocent again. dunno
Mara so I can understand people starting a new and learning etc.

However, there has to be some kind of acceptance across the board of the PNC if the PPP is to make such a bold step to take a member from a terrorist organization and make him their front man.

I am also concerned about whether this chap has really redeemed himself or rehabilitated himself or whether he is another odinga lumbadinga.

Did this guy apologize for his past actions? not that I am aware of.

Is this a windfall for him and his children I believe so they all have been paid by the PPP and his children work for the govt.

So here is my question can the PPP tell us how much Joe Hamilton and his bloody hands are making from this deal?

When you can tell answer those questions then let me know.......Until then Bloody hands has a lot to answer for and we are waiting on his apology.
Originally posted by jags:
Mara so I can understand people starting a new and learning etc.

However, there has to be some kind of acceptance across the board of the PNC if the PPP is to make such a bold step to take a member from a terrorist organization and make him their front man.

I am also concerned about whether this chap has really redeemed himself or rehabilitated himself or whether he is another odinga lumbadinga.

Did this guy apologize for his past actions? not that I am aware of.

Is this a windfall for him and his children I believe so they all have been paid by the PPP and his children work for the govt.

So here is my question can the PPP tell us how much Joe Hamilton and his bloody hands are making from this deal?

When you can tell answer those questions then let me know.......Until then Bloody hands has a lot to answer for and we are waiting on his apology.

Will albert post questions daily for a few weeks for this Hamilton banna as he did with Granger?
Originally posted by jags:
Mara so I can understand people starting a new and learning etc.

However, there has to be some kind of acceptance across the board of the PNC if the PPP is to make such a bold step to take a member from a terrorist organization and make him their front man.

I am also concerned about whether this chap has really redeemed himself or rehabilitated himself or whether he is another odinga lumbadinga.

Did this guy apologize for his past actions? not that I am aware of.

Is this a windfall for him and his children I believe so they all have been paid by the PPP and his children work for the govt.

So here is my question can the PPP tell us how much Joe Hamilton and his bloody hands are making from this deal?

When you can tell answer those questions then let me know.......Until then Bloody hands has a lot to answer for and we are waiting on his apology.


It is grist for the campaign, but when there are so many other important issues to focus on, ( crime , corruption cronyism, annihilation 7 marginalization of prominent long standing PPP members etc ) your merciless flogging of " Joe Hamilton & his HOI bloody hands " could have the adverse effect of an opposition devoid of substantive issues. As I said politics make for strange bed fellows and switching allegiance happens all the time. Perhaps with the exception of Uncle Freddie & Mark Benschop, I can't recall any political party rejecting the worst rejects. As you can see now, 'Baby Jesus' Van West Charles is considered a big catch (and rightly so) by the AFC. Who look a gift horse in the mouth?
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:

DG gun start a thread on you - Attn Mr. T - be advised....Administrator to note Big Grin

I don't take no crap from him since he accused me of being involved in the murder of relatives of his when I was 7. Is bad enough Burnham accused my family of trying to assassinate him. Which is why I suspect DG of being a PNC sympathiser.


It is grist for the campaign, but when there are so many other important issues to focus on, ( crime , corruption cronyism, annihilation 7 marginalization of prominent long standing PPP members etc ) your merciless flogging of " Joe Hamilton & his HOI bloody hands " could have the adverse effect of an opposition devoid of substantive issues. As I said politics make for strange bed fellows and switching allegiance happens all the time. Perhaps with the exception of Uncle Freddie & Mark Benschop, I can't recall any political party rejecting the worst rejects. As you can see now, 'Baby Jesus' Van West Charles is considered a big catch (and rightly so) by the AFC. Who look a gift horse in the mouth?

No I disagree Mara, this goes to the heart of all issues the PPP flip flops on issues.

The PPP specifically jagdeo and all the attack dogs in freedumb house condemn granger and say he has blood on his hands, okay fair enough. Doesn't Joe hamilton have blood on his hands?

The PPP asked for the PNC to apologize, are we asking Joe Hamilton to apologize to the people of Guyana?

The PPP is lying to the people of this country they took Bloody Joe to albion washed his hands and did not mention to Guyanese in albion that he was a founder of the House of Israel, to quote Nehru this is selling snake oil.

Dr. Jagdeo told us at Babu Jaan that we should never forget the past and we should teach our youngsters about the past and specifically about the wrongs the PNC has done. He did not say we should selectively choose which murderers we associate with.

What this shows us Mara is that many of us are willing to accept anything the PPP does regardless of how nasty and treacherous the PPP carrys on with. I disagree fundamentally with this philosophy and that is why I am going to vote for Khemraj Ramjattan and support the AFC even though I am a PPP man.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Judge:
House of Israel to be racist

So the PPP endorsed the House of Israel? I mean before 2011?

The house of israel stands alone. The PPP has not endorsed them.

The AFC ras endorsed drug runners......You called them drug runners when they were with the PPP. What do you call them now..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Judge:
House of Israel to be racist

So the PPP endorsed the House of Israel? I mean before 2011?

The house of israel stands alone. The PPP has not endorsed them.

The AFC ras endorsed drun runners......

The PPP has merged with the house of Israel, Joe Hamilton is a founder of the House of israel, he brings all the talent of the HOI to the PPP.
Originally posted by jags:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Judge:
House of Israel to be racist

So the PPP endorsed the House of Israel? I mean before 2011?

The house of israel stands alone. The PPP has not endorsed them.

The AFC ras endorsed drun runners......

The PPP has merged with the house of Israel, Joe Hamilton is a founder of the House of israel, he brings all the talent of the HOI to the PPP.

bite Him!!! Big Grin

he brought a lot of votes.. More than TK and Sase carried to the AFC.

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